Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (28 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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She turned around pressing her body against his and lowered her hand to his crotch. She gave it a little squeeze. He took that as a yes and bolted out the door with the love of his life.


























Chapter 20


Jane woke up the next morning when her phone beeped
in her ear. She opened her phone and saw a message from Albert. 


Albert: Oooo darling I almost got a hard on looking at the pictures of you and Brady from last night. They are all over the internet.


Jane groaned in annoyance. She didn’t even remember seeing anyone take pictures. She needed to talk to Deuces and see if they had a policy on letting paparazzi into the bar. Although, nowadays everyone had a camera on their phone, nobody was safe with modern technology. Brady was still sleeping so she snuck out of bed and pulled out her laptop. 

She went to a
well-known celebrity gossip blog and saw what Albert was talking about. God, she did look hot. Jane was not a self-absorbed girl and didn’t by any means think she was sexy, but by golly did she look good last night. She looked amazing with Brady. She stared at the pictures and realized not only was she staring at her and Brady but she saw was two people completely head over heels in love with each other. She swore it could have been Luke and Molly in the pictures.  

Was she really at
that point in her life where she found the perfect person for her? Every time she thought of Brady her heart skipped a beat and she could not stop smiling. She was so in love with him, he was perfect for her. He took care of her, supported her, loved her and treated her like she was the only woman he would ever have eyes for.

She felt Brady walk up from behind her and she cringed.

“Fuck, who took those pictures?” Brady huffed angrily. 

“I don’t know and I don’t care.
” Jane turned around and wrapped her arms around Brady’s bare chest. “What I see in those pictures Brady, are two people who are infatuated with each other. That is all I care about. People can say what they want to say but the pictures speak for themselves. Whoever took that picture captured a moment in our lives, a moment that I will never forget. Last night was remarkable Brady and I am so amazingly in love with you.”

Jane felt Brady melt into her. He leaned down
and kissed her on the head. “I’m so in love with you too, pip-squeak.” 

Jane playfully swatted him, grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. She lifted her t-shirt over her head exposing everything she had to offer and turned the shower on. Brady raised an eyebrow at her when she got closer to him and pulled his boxer briefs down. She watched as his already hard penis sprung from his shorts and bobbed upward. Jane tried to have
self-control but she lost it very quickly. 




Brady instantly got excited when Jane took her shirt off, how could he not with a body that perfect? He could never get tired of staring at her. They walked into the shower together and he watched as water slowly started to drip down Jane’s body as she relished in the spray. She threw her head back with her eyes closed and let the water stream down her body. Brady licked his lips and gulped, that was enough of that. 

He grabbed Jane and pulled her closer. “I have dreamed of taking showers with you and so far it is better than anything I could have imagined.”

“You must not have high expectations.” She replied.

“Oh I had expectations but you by far exceed them. Now do I get to lather you up in all your crevices?” 

Jane purred, “I expect you to.”

Brady tilted Jane’s chin up so he had better access to he
r lips and slowly started to nibble at her mouth working his way down her neck across her collar bones and back up again. Jane made a faint moaning sound and started to run her hands up through his hair and down his back, she gripped on a little tighter than usual but he liked the way her fingers dug into him. His erection pressed hard against her core telling her he was turned on immensely. 

Jane threw her head back and Brady took that opportunity to close in on her delicious breasts. He c
aptured one in his mouth and sucked every last inch of it until her nipple was raw and vulnerable. He did the same thing to the other while Jane moaned some more.

“Oh Brady, oh
I need you inside me. Please feel how wet I am for you.”

Brady spread her legs with his and lowered his hand to her warm wetness. He could tell it was wet not just from t
he shower so he started to stroke her in short motions that made her catch her breath. He took two fingers and worked his way to her hole and dove in reaching for her g-spot, he knew he got it when she clenched around his fingers and threw her head back groaning. Brady started to slightly scoop inside her and used his thumb to stroke her clit at the same time.

Jane lost all abandonment quickly. She screamed his name out moaning yes at the same time. Brady could not believ
e he made her come so fast and so hard. He pleased his woman and that meant more to him than anything. She flung herself against him wallowing in the aftershocks of her orgasm. He just held her while she breathed heavily.  

Jane look
ed at him, her eyes were big, bright and full of mischief. She grabbed his dick with her hand.

Mmm, still hard, just the way I like it.” She took him by surprise when she pressed him up against the wall of the shower, hopped up on him and wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her hot center down on his hard shaft. 

Brady could not help himself
, he moaned and thrusted up into her.

“Fuck, b
aby why are you so tight? It lowers my ability to last longer.”

Jane laughed and said, “Wel
l if your dick wasn’t so huge maybe it would not be a problem but I am going to come again any minute now so I’m right there with you.”

And she was. After a
couple more thrusts into her, they shook together as their joined orgasms took over their bodies and propelled them somewhere else. Brady had to set Jane down because his whole body went numb with pleasure and he could not hold her up any longer. They leaned into each other and stood under the water until they were ready to float back down from their cloud of ecstasy.




Michael found himself lying on his couch, fully clothed, shoes still on. God his teammates were jerks, they couldn’t even take his shoes off? Lord knows his wife would not be home to take care of him. 

He strolled into the kitchen
and grabbed a PowerAde to re-hydrate. He didn’t need to wreck his body so he was trash on Monday when he got back to spring training. His manager would not be happy. He went upstairs to take a shower, when he entered his room he noticed a huge line-backer was in his bed with his wife Kelly, who bounced up and down on top of him.  Michael hated that he thought Kelly looked hot at that moment. Her fake boobs were bouncing up and down, her flat stomach was more amazing than ever and her hair floated on her shoulders. Fuck. 

They both turned and looked at him in surprise. Michael pulled o
ut his phone and took a picture.

hocked, Kelly grabbed the sheets and pulled them over herself and screamed “What the fuck do you think you’re doing you sick bastard?”

“Just sending proof over to my lawyer that you are in fact cheating on me and don’t bother covering
your body up, I’m your husband remember? I’ve seen everything you have to offer and paid for that massive rack of yours.”  

Kelly scrambled to her feet while the linebacker awkwardly got out of bed. He grabbed his clothes,
got dressed and started to walk down stairs.

Kelly yelled to him, “Call me

, she had no class at all, did she not even care about Michael one bit? What kind of evil bitch yells out to her boyfriend to call her when her husband was standing right in front of her?

Kelly punched Michael in the arm and said, “What the fuck are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at your stupid training playing with your balls?”   

“Very clever Kelly, good to see you too. Glad to see you’re making friends.”

Dayshon is not my friend. We are in love and we are going to run away together. What do you have to say about that?”

Michael pondered that
for a second. Kelly and Dayshon? Well good luck Dayshon! The poor man had no clue what he was now wrapped up into. When Michael first met Kelly in New York she was incredibly sweet, shy and supportive of his sport. They formed a foundation together to help kids who were diagnosed with Leukemia, visited hospitals and were known as the power couple. The cameras started to flash at them and that was when she started to get her hair and nails done more often. A little something new to wear on occasion, turned into full on shopping sprees every week. She drew away from Michael, physically and emotionally. All she wanted was camera attention. 

Never in his wildest dreams did he think Kelly
would develop an obsession of becoming famous. She craved the camera and attention any chance she could get it. She even wanted to start singing but Michael made sure to put the kibosh on that, she could not carry a tune and he didn’t need her to embarrass him anymore then she already had.

When he was traded to Atlanta he thought maybe they could have a fresh start. He though
t he might just have a chance to save their marriage. People would ask him where she was and he would just say that she was upset, she missed her family, or she was at a book club meeting. He lied to everyone because he was so ashamed he could not make his marriage work.  He felt like less of a man because of it.

He turned to Kelly and said, “I want you out of this house by the time I co
me back from spring training. You can count on hearing from my lawyers. We are over. You are a dirty, self-absorbed, tramp and I don’t need you in my life.”  

Kelly started
to punch him and screamed how he was a bastard and ruined her life and regretted the day she ever said yes to marry him. Those were cheap shots to a man’s ego. He tried to not let her words affect him but deep down inside he knew he failed as a man. He was not good enough for Kelly, he tried and he failed. Good thing he never tried to really pursue Jane, because he would have failed her as well and he didn’t know if he could stand to fail Jane.




Molly stretched her arms above her head and let out a little yelp. Luke pounced on her and started to tickle her all over. Molly thrashed trying to get him off but he would not let up. Finally she grabbed his naked cock that bobbed on her stomach which backed him off real fast. He instantly went hard. 

“Whoa cowboy, don’t get any ideas. I don’t think I can handle another pounding from you right away. That last one was a doozy. Where did you even learn how to twist me like that? I felt like a human pretzel with all my sensitive spots exposed.” 

Luke had her tied up last night with her butt hanging out in the open and breasts on display. She had never felt more vulnerable in her life but she was extremely trusting when it came to Luke. He would never hurt her and he wouldn’t but he did deliver her multiple orgasms more intense than she had experienced in a while. She needed a bit of a break from his body to regain her strength.

“I have never heard you scream like that babe, I was nervous
I was hurting you at one point,” Luke said. 

Molly stroked his cock lightly and said, “You would never hurt me. It was just so intense.” Molly continued to stroke Luke slowly and watched how his arousal got harder and harder with each movement. She loved it when a simple touch could
turn him on, he was so responsive to her and it made her feel like a million bucks.  

She needed to talk to him about the wedding plans and what she and Jane had developed.  Molly didn’t like
to talk about it that much, with anyone really. She felt stupid that she wouldn’t have anyone on her side to support her. Her parents were gone and she was the only child. She never really got to meet any aunts or uncles and clearly her grandparents had passed a while ago. She was practically an orphan, which embarrassed her.

She felt Luke jerk
his hips up and she noticed there were some juices glistening from the head of Luke’s arousal. His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily. She continued to run her hand up and down the veiny part of his length, she relished in the soft velvet of his penis. Luke occasionally thrusted at her hand and Molly just giggled from his absent minded response. She was torturing him, she knew it, he knew it and they both enjoyed the sensation.

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