Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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“Yea and bad knees.
Good luck fucking when you are 45 and crippled.” Brady joked.

Marc chuckled. “That’
s why you don’t see me tied down now, just getting all I can get now.”

“And why am I the one the tabloids are after?” Brady asked

Marc tapped him on the cheek and said, “It’s those boyish looks you have. Your gene pool fucked you over. You are too damn good looking to not draw attention.”

Brady just shook his head. Marc
pulled a seat next to Brady’s ice bath and dunked his legs in so the water was just past his knees while he put the bag of ice on his shoulder. Brady felt bad for Marc. He was getting older and more beat up each season. He was still one hell of a catcher but he could tell Marc’s catching days would soon be coming to an end in the next couple of years. Brady was just about to comment on Marc’s age when his phone beeped.


Laney: I thought about you all last night big boy. I miss your dick. I will be near your training field later today if you want to go out to dinner and then eat me for dessert.


Brady groaned and slammed his phone shut. What the fuck? He told Laney to stop texting him and to leave him alone. He got another text message.


Laney: You can’t tell me that little brunette is keeping you satisfied. There is barely anything on her. What you need is a real woman with curves and the ability to make you scream. Don’t deny that is not me. I will let you do anything you want, just like we used to.


“Hey, is Jane sending you dirty texts?” Marc asked interrupting Brady’s thoughts of anger.

Brady was so mad he didn’t even know what to do. “No, fucking Laney keeps texting me. She apparently has had a revelation and thinks that we belong together. She won’t leave me the hell alone. This is the last thing I need.”

“Oh God, not her again. She is such a whore bag. It’s unbelievable the rest of the nation doesn’t realize it. Have you told Jane?”

“Fuck no! Are you crazy? She would not handle it very well. You should have seen Jane’s reaction when all the magazines compared her to Laney, it was not good. I want to tell her, but she is already so sensitive and with me not being there, I don’t know what she would do.”

Marc thought for a second before he replied to Brady. “Dude, I really think you should tell her. With your luck something will go down and Jane will find out about Laney texting you and then you will be in more trouble than telling her now. At least if you tell her now, you are being honest. I’m sure honesty is a big thing with her given her previous relationship.”

Brady knew Marc was right. He needed to tell Jane. He just hoped she did not distance herself from him.




Molly didn’t have to get her anything but she was not one to turn down a present.

Jane screeched and pulled out a t-shirt jersey with Brady’s last nam
e on the back as well as his number, seventeen, of course.  

“Oh Molly, this made my day, thank you!”

“You are welcome pretty. I saw it and knew you just had to have it. Even though almost every woman in Atlanta owns the same one since you are dating the hunk of the Braves but yours actually counts. You are the one that holds his heart.”

“Thank you, you have to take a picture of me in it so I can send it to Brady.”

Jane changed into the shirt that was extremely small but she knew Molly got it small for a reason; she wanted to show off her curves. Fine by Jane, all the other girls could eat their hearts out. 

She looked in the mirror in the bathroom and was startled when she saw how big her boobs looked in the shirt,
good Lord it was a tight shirt. She should cut a slit down the front and turn it into a sexy shirt to wear for Brady at night. No, she will just wear it to the games. 

She posed for the picture so her back was toward the camera but turned her head over her shoulder and gave the camera a kissing face. Albert and Molly laughed
, took the picture and handed back her phone. She sent Brady a message. 


Jane: Look at what Molly got me today. I think I can pull it off. What do you think?


Jane hugged Molly for her present then got down to business. Luke and Molly planned on having their wedding on the beach in Savannah and renting a house to have the reception at. They didn’t want anything big at all just a small celebration with their closest family and friends. Jane’s phone beeped back. She didn’t want to be rude so she distracted Molly with some books so she could respond to Brady.

“Molly, here is a book of floral arrangements, look through it and mark anything that you like.”

Molly was too smart for her. “More like, Molly distract yourself so I can text my hunk of a boyfriend back.” Molly said in a mocking tone.

Jane stuck her tongue out while tapping her phone to read her text.


You more than pull that off pip-squeak. You look fucking hot with my name on your back.


Jane’s toes curled. Ugh she hated how much of a love sick teenager she looked like right now but she could not help herself. She tried to play it cool in front of her friends but they read right through her. There was no use trying to fake her excitement. 


Jane: Thanks, it is my new favorite shirt. I miss you terribly.


Brady: I know, I miss you too. I wish I could see you this weekend.


Jane: Me too, when are you going to start getting days off?


Jane had not seen Brady in a while and she was getting antsy. When Brady first told Jane about spring training she didn’t think they were going to be apart this much. Either he didn’t have the time to see her or she had an event on the weekend. They talked everyday but it was nothing compared to the real thing. Jane received a message back from Brady.


Brady: Soon I hope. Our manager is riding us hard this year. I’m so sore I can barely move.


Jane: My poor baby, I wish I was there to massage you all over.


Brady, You and me both, babe.


Jane started thinking about her and Brady together in his giant whirlpool tub with only bubbles covering them. She would massage every inch of his body, running her hands up and down his muscular thighs all the way up to his very impressive arousal. She nearly jumped out of her seat when Molly interrupted her day dream.

“Uh earth to Jane.”

Jane startled at Molly’s voice. She felt herself begin to flush from the naughty thoughts she was having. Jane was being rude to Molly and Albert but she could not help it, she missed Brady.

“Sorry Molly. I don’t know how you do it; handle being away from Luke f
or so long. It’s been a week and I can barely function without thinking about Brady.”

“After a while it gets easier, but I know how you feel. You are fresh off the love boat and all you want to do is
be naked with each other screwing your lives away. I still feel like that whenever I see Luke and when we are together we make the most of it. We try not to pick stupid fights and just work on enjoying each other’s company.”

“Well I have a lot to learn from you because if I ever have a relationship that is half as good as yours and Luke’s, I will be a happy lady.” 

“Oh my God, I’m going to puke all over my new white leather loafers.” Albert chimed in. “Blah, blah, blah, who cares about love? Let’s talk about what I’ll be wearing to the wedding.”

The girls laughed. Molly asked Albert to perform their wedding ceremony. He was ordained on the internet a couple of years back so he could marry his gay friends but he never knew he was going to be
so popular. Word spread and he was now a hot commodity in the reverend business.

It surprised Jane that he performed
ceremonies and was involved in weddings because ever since his partner and love of his life, Ricky, passed away, he had pretty much shut off all feelings in the love department. Albert never talked about Ricky much, it worried Jane. She was afraid Albert bottled up all his emotions and something would happen one day. Molly and Jane tried having an “intervention” with him one day because they were concerned. He lost a lot of weight and dropped off the face of the earth when Ricky passed.  Jane needed to remember to take Albert out for lunch one day and see how he was doing.

’t give me your crap about love,” said Molly. “I see you with boys all the time in the bars, making out and passing around phone numbers.”

“Molly you should know better than anyone else that is all for show
. A girl has to keep up their reputation in these parts,” Albert replied shyly. 

Jane really felt for him, here Molly and her were flaunting their relationships in front of him and he most likely was still hurting inside.

Jane gently asked, “Alby are you doing alright? I know things might be hard for you now that Luke is home and I’m in a new relationship…”

Albert cut her off waving
his hand at her, picked up some magazines and said, “Oh I’m fine, stop worrying about me. I’m just an old used up queen, you are the girls we need to focus on. Now what the hell am I going to be wearing?”

Molly exchanged glances with Jane a
nd Jane just shrugged to indicate they should continue with the planning. Jane grabbed some dress books she snagged from a couple of local bridal shops. She tossed them over to Molly and Albert and asked “Are you thinking dress or pant suit Alby?”

He looked over at Molly
, they smiled at each other and both said dress at the same time. Jane laughed, dress it was then, time to go shopping!  

“If that is the
case, let’s head over to Dolly’s Dresses. I know they just love you there, Alby.”

Dolly’s D
resses was a dress shop specializing in drag. It was one of their favorite places to go because Albert always insisted on giving them a fashion show and they never found more flamboyant clothes then they did at Dolly’s.

Albert wa
s what they called a “bear” in the gay community. He was a bigger set guy with no fear of showing his chest hair but he loved to dress up and bring out his inner queen. He was the most fabulous hairy man in a dress you would ever lay your eyes on. 

The girls took off to go look at some dresses for Albert
. They arrived at the store and were instantly greeted by the sales woman who handed them some champagne in rainbow tinted flutes. If you wanted some good gossip, Dolly’s was the place to go. The sales ladies knew everything before the media did. The owner had “connections” in every major city that was swarmed by celebrities, another reason why Jane loved going there.  

When you walked into Dolly’s you were instantly smacked in the face
with glitter, tulle and sequins. The guts of the building were supposed to mimic the streets of Paris, clean lines, rod iron and facades in every corner. The walls were white because Dolly said the real art were the dresses and boy was she right.

The dresses were fit for the taste of ice skaters,
RuPaul and drag queens in general. Jane looked over at Albert as he twirled around holding up an extremely short tutu with a full zebra print leotard encrusted in sequins. Jane cringed a little, she loved it when Albert dressed up but she needed to pull back on the reins a little for Molly’s wedding.

“Isn’t this ju
st divine ladies? Oh I think I’m in love.” Albert said as he twirled.

Molly pointed at Albert while saying to Jane, “This coming from the guy who just shit on love half an hour ago.” 

Jane laughed and told Albert to try to look for something a little more wedding-y and less the gay version of Black Swan. While Molly and Albert continued to look around, Jane leaned on the counter with her champagne and talked to Dolly.

“So Dolly, tell me what’s been happening lately, any good gossip?”

“Sweetie you know there always is. I see you made the headlines with that Brady boy.
Oooeee is he a fine piece of man meat.”  

Jane blushed. “Yea we ar
e seeing each other, it’s been great.”

Molly yelled from across the shop
, “Don’t let her fool you Dolly. They are fucking up a storm every chance they get.” 

Jane t
urned white. “Molly! Jesus, do you need to shout that?”

Dolly patted her on the hand and laughed. “Girl
, if I were you I would be shouting that across the roof tops. Good for you, but I hope there is nothing too serious between you two because haven’t you heard?” 

Jane looke
d confused. What hasn’t she heard? Was Dolly about to tell her that Brady was gay? She was standing in a drag queen’s dream and if anyone knew information on what celebrities are in the closet it would be Dolly. Jane was going to set her straight if she tried to tell her Brady was gay. She knew for a fact that was not true, she had proof on many different occasions.

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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