Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did he say that? Instantly regretting his wor
ds he turned around and walked out of the bedroom and into the master bathroom.

“Don’t forget your thong that’s hanging off the lamp when you walk out.” And with that he slammed the bathroom door and turned on the shower. 




Jane fell to the ground feeling completely helpless as she bawled her eyes out. Brady just said he was falling in love with her and she felt the same exact way. Brady was everything she ever dreamed of, he was perfect for her. She needed to get over herself and deal with her problems head on instead of running away from them. If she wanted to date Brady, which she did, she would have to grow tougher skin. She peeled her body off the ground, stripped down to nothing and walked into the bathroom to join Brady in the shower.  

Brady stood
under the showerhead, leaning his head against the wall looking completely deflated. She walked in the oversized shower, wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back.

He stiffened at first then slowly melted into her embra
ce. He turned in her arms to face her, not saying a word he grabbed the shampoo and started to wash her hair for her. She rinsed it out and tried to do the same for Brady but she was too short, she couldn’t even reach the top of his head. She stepped back and rested against the shower wall shaking her head.

, I’m sorry. I don’t know why you put up with me. Please don’t feel like you need to do me any favors and stick around because you feel sorry for me. I have too much baggage but if you are willing to deal with all my bullshit, I would like to work together to get through the tough times.”

Brady wrapped Jane in his arms
as he caressed her hair. “Pip-squeak, what am I going to do with you? You drive me crazy. One minute I want to shake sense into you and the next minute I want to kiss you senseless. I know this is new for you but we have to work together. You just have to remember, we know what is going on between us and that is all that matters. People can have their opinions but all that matters is what is actually happening between us. You can’t just keep running off, it breaks a piece of my heart every time you do.”  

Jane felt awful, she was still
learning how to deal with her emotions and Brady was incredible for being so patient with her. She saw the hurt in Brady’s eyes when she came back from the store and then announced how she wasn’t sure she could handle being with him. She never wanted to cause him that kind of pain again.

Jane nodded in understanding. “Thank you Brady for putting up with me. I really do want to see where this goes, where the future takes us.”

Brady answered simply, “Me too, babe, Me too.”




Brady was grateful they were able to put the morning behind them and enjoy the rest of the day together lounging in his pool naked, making love on the kitchen counter while making lunch and talking about their childhoods while lying in bed. It was perfect up until now. He dreaded this moment. He had to get to the airport to catch his flight to Orlando. 

He pulled up to Jane’s apartment to drop her off and walked h
er to her door. Thankfully no paparazzi lurked in the bushes or around any corners which was surprising given the amount of publicity they stirred up this morning. She let them in the apartment, set her stuff down and leaned against the wall.  

“This isn’t fair, why could
n’t we have met a little earlier?” Jane asked.

“I have been
thinking the same thing pip-squeak. I wish I had some more time to make this relationship a little stronger. I’m nervous you are going to get scared and run away from me.”

Jane took Brady’s hand
s in hers and kissed them gently. “We talked about this earlier, I promise you if I start to get scared I will call you and talk to you about it instead of running away. I want this to work between us.”  

Brady believed her but he still felt uncomfortable leaving her so early. He was just going to have to have faith. He was excited to get started with the
season, he was starting to get a little restless. He just wished he could take Jane with him.

Wouldn’t that be perfect
? Baseball during the day then coming home to Jane at night, he would be in heaven. He would ask her to go with him if she wasn’t working so hard at making her business a success. He knew she needed to make her company work it was a big part of who she was now as well as proving to herself that she could make it on her own.

“So you are going to come visit me
, right? I have some plane tickets with your name written all over them.”  

Jane ran her hands up his chest, kissed him gently on his mouth and whispered, “You can bet your ass I will be there. I expect there to be some more lingerie waiting for me.”

Lingerie? Hell yea!

“So you like my taste in underwear

“Well you are a bit of a slut when it comes to thongs but your
choice of bras shows off your classy side. I thought you were a tit man until I saw what kind of underwear you chose for me. You’re an ass man through and through.” 

“You got that right pip-squeak and you have the most perfect ass I have ever seen.”

Brady reached down and gave her butt a good squeeze. Jane turned around so he faced her back, dropped her phone on the ground, bent down to pick it up and as she proceeded back up she rubbed her butt on Brady’s crotch all the way up.

Jesus, great he now had to go to the airport with a hard on.

“Thanks babe can’t wait to walk through airport security with this hard on, having to explain to them that in fact it is my penis and not a gun.”   

Jane laughed and pulled him closer. He caught her mouth with his and devoured her whole. God he was going to miss the taste of her. She felt so good in his arms. She filled a massive void that was missing from his life and he didn’t want to let go yet. He planned on spending some fan
tastic weekends with her though. All he had to do was get through the week which was going to be hopefully easy since he would be busy training.  

He slid his hands up
and cupped her face. He had to just go for it, what did he have to lose? He had never felt like this about a woman before. She made him happy every second they were together even when they were apart he was happy because he knew she was waiting for him. He wanted to tell her how he felt and he could not hold it back anymore.

“Jane, these past couple of weeks have been such a roller coaster but one that I have enjoyed tremendously. I just wanted to tell you before I leave for training…I uh, just wanted to say, shit what I am trying to say here is…fuck, I love you Jane.”

Brady held his breath and watched Jane’s eyes roam looking deeply into his soul, possibly for sincerity. Her eyes started to fill with water while she gave him the biggest, sexiest grin he had ever seen. She threw her arms around his neck and leaped up so her legs were wrapped around his waist. She planted a huge kiss on his lips and leaned her forehead against his.

“I love you too, Brady.”

He sighed in relief. She loved him. She actually told him she loved him. She was his woman and no one else’s. He knew it had not been long at all and some people might call them crazy but he knew his life had changed the minute he saw Jane in Deuces wearing that red dress. From that moment, he knew he was in trouble and he needed to convince the girl in the lace dress that they were meant to be together. He could not believe he did. She loved him. He wanted to click his heels together in joy.

He felt confident taking off to Florida
. They confessed their love for each other. They still had a lot to accomplish in building their relationship but they had a solid foundation now. Things were going to be just fine. He knew it. 






























Chapter 17


Molly had a meeting with Jane to go over wedding details. Jane moped around most of the week now that Brady was gone. Jane told Molly that she had not heard from him very much because he had been busy with the start of spring training, getting settled in and talking to the press about the upcoming season. Molly felt for Jane because she knew exactly how it felt to have the man you love gone for periods at a time. Luke was gone for a week for training, once again, but a week was nothing compared to months or even a year. So a week was doable.

She began to feel
really excited about their wedding. Luke said he would love to get married on the beach in Savannah, that was Molly’s number one choice too but she thought she would ask Luke what he preferred. It was his wedding too even though his attitude was whatever made his Molly happy. He was such a doll.

Molly had a present to give to Jane
. When Molly was shopping the other day in the mall for some new lingerie, she saw something in the store window Jane just had to have and Molly could not wait to give it to her. 

When she arrived at Jane’s office, she was pleasantly surprised to see Albert there too.

“Hey there bitches, God I’ve missed you both.” She planted huge kisses on both of their cheeks.

wore some ridiculous gold leather jacket with tassel fringe. Molly wanted to know where the hell he even got clothes like that. 

are you here to go over wedding details with us?”

“I actually came by to make our friend Jan
e here eat something. She hasn’t been eating properly because she misses that hunk of a first baseman. I threatened her that I would tell him she has not been eating if she didn’t eat the hot dog I shoved in her face.”

“I have been eating, Albert
, but thank you for your concern.” Jane interrupted. “Why don’t you stay and help us plan a wedding.”

“I would love to. I have nothing else planned for today.”

“Great!” Molly cheered. Before we get started I have a little something for our Janey bear.” Molly handed the present over to Jane and waited in anticipation as she opened it. 




Brady sat in the ice bath cooling off from his the morning conditioning. He had to work himself hard this year. He had expectations to live up to from the media, fans and his teammates. He was sexually frustrated since he had not seen Jane in a little while. It hadn’t been that long but it was like giving a child a little taste of candy and then not letting them have anymore. He needed more of Jane, it wasn’t fair to have had a little taste of her and then be ripped away.

Marc came in and fist b
umped Brady as he walked by to grab ice from the ice machine. Brady and Marc had been friends for a while. Brady would say Marc was probably his best friend on the team along with Michael now. He trusted Marc and could tell Marc anything because Brady knew it would not get spread to anyone else.

Marc was twisting off a bag of ice when he asked, “How is the little lady back home?”

“She’s great. I never thought I would get back into a serious relationship again but I can’t help myself, she’s amazing.”

“When are you going to have her visit?”

Brady slumped in the ice water. “I don’t know. Either I’m too busy with pre-season or she has an event. I won’t see her for a while. It’s killing me. I didn’t get enough of her before I had to take off and now I’m about ready to fuck a bagel I’m so horny.”

Marc Laughed. “
I will make sure to keep my breakfast far away from you. But, you see, that is where you screwed up man. You should have stayed single through pre-season and landed some chicks down here in Florida.”

Brady shook
his head. “You know that is not how I work anymore. I tried really hard getting myself out of that kind of spotlight and it is still following me around. I don’t need that reputation when I’m 60 and being inducted into the Baseball hall of Fame.”

Marc punched Brady in the shoulder. “Oh you think awfully high of your capabilities. Don’t you?”

“Hey I’m just telling the truth and you won’t be next to me at that podium until you get that swing of yours under control.” Brady smirked. He knew Marc had one of the best swings on the team.

“Oh fuck off.
All you do is stand on a padded white object in the ground while everyone else does the work shuttling balls over to you. Now if you were actually good at baseball you would have been a catcher that is where all the talent lies.”

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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