Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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Luke started to groan in the back of his throat
. Molly knew that as Luke’s I-am-going-to-come-any-second-sound so she stopped stroking. 

Uhhhhh, fuck Molly!” Luke groaned in a husky voice.

Molly giggled and
blew a little on his bobbing arousal, which caused him to jerk up. He scooped her under him ready to press his length in her center and said, “We can do this one of two ways, I can plow into you leaving you raw or you can take that sweet little hand of yours and finish what you started.”

Molly knew she should talk
to Luke right now about the wedding but hell she was not going to turn down a good distraction to get out of an awkward conversation that she wanted to avoid having. She smiled and spread her legs for Luke. His head slouched down and he laughed.

“You are incredible, you know that?” 

“I know, now show me how incredible you are big boy!”

After Luke finished off and once again delivered another orgasm to Molly she checked her phone, she received a text message in the midst of pleasing her man. It was from Jane.


I don’t know about you but I fucked myself up an appetite. Meet us at Massimo’s at 1?”


Luke laid on the bed with his hands crossed behind his head, naked as hell as she relished in his ability to have such a healthy libido. Molly turned to him and said, “Lunch with the Matthews at one?”

Luke laughed, “
They are not married yet, Jesus. Don’t let Jane hear you say that, she would freak the fuck out.”

“I don’t know.”
Replied Molly. “Jane is really beyond smitten with Brady. I truly think she would consider marrying him.” 

Luke shrugged and go
t up to go to the bathroom. “I’m up for some Greek if you are babe, plus I enjoy Brady’s company. I could see a bro-mance forming in our near future.”

Molly rolled her eyes and sent Jane a message back. 


You are on girl. P.S. Luke just said he could see having a bro-mance with Brady. I almost puked.


Jane: Haha, OMG Brady was saying how much he liked Luke earlier. Maybe we should step aside for them.


Molly: No they need us because they would not know how to live without tits.


Jane: Brady surely wouldn’t, he thinks mine are like magical orbs that appear on my chest.


Molly: Well I have seen them and I can honestly say he is one lucky man. I would be touching them all the time if you were my girlfriend.


Jane: You do touch them you hoe-bag, every chance you get.


Molly: I’m jealous so what? I have to live through you and your ample cleavage.


Jane: I will make sure to wear something low cut to lunch then.




Brady waited in Jane’s living room sweating bullets. He made a key for his house to give to Jane. He wanted to be with her as much as possible and wanted Jane to feel at home in his place. In the near future he wanted Jane to live with him but he knew he needed to take baby steps. He didn’t plan on receiving Jane’s key in exchange for his. He just wanted her to have his so she could freely go over to his house as much as she wanted.

Jane walked into the room looking fantastic. She
wore little denim shorts, a yellow t-shirt that showed off her amazing breasts and her hair was up out of her face. He preferred when her hair was down so he could run his fingers through it but she looked gorgeous with her hair up as well. He pulled her down on his lap and circled her waist with his arms. 

“Hey b
eautiful, when are you going to stop taking my breath away?”

Jane’s eyes
turned wide with shock and then transferred into lust. “You are one sweet man Brady Matthews. Are you ready to go?” She tried to pull him up but he did not let up on his hold around her. “What’s going on? Is everything ok?” she said in worried tones.

“Everything is perfect
, baby.” She relaxed a little. “I just want to give you something.”

Brady pulled ou
t the spare key to his house, placed it in the palm of Jane’s hand and closed her fingers around it. Jane looked at him in surprise and her eyes started to glisten. Was she going to cry? That was a good thing right? 

Brady cleared his throat and said, “Listen
, don’t feel pressured or anything, I just wanted to give you the spare key to my house. I want you to come and go as you please, the more you are there the better. I want my home to feel like your home.”

Jane stared at the key and then back at him. She
didn’t say anything, oh shit. Big mistake buddy. How could he take this back without making it incredibly awkward between them? He started to say something when she placed her finger on his lips.

“I can’
t believe you’re giving me your key.” She said. “I don’t know what to say.”

Brady stiffened. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Brady realized he
was holding his breath.

“Oh Brady.”
She grasped his head between her hands. “It’s the most amazing thing ever.”

Brady let his breath out in relief

“Jesus, I thought you were upset.” Brady said relieved.

“Why in the world would I be upset? You opened your home to me. I don’t know what to say. I love you so much, thank you.” 

Brady’s heart melted into a pool on the floor. Hell yea! He was one step closer to his ultimate goal; to make a life with Jane. She kissed him until he could not breathe anymore. He was about to move his hands up her shirt when she stopped him and shook her finger at him.

“We have lunch plans.
I promise to give you full access when we get back.”

Brady groaned, “Uh, why are we going out in public again, I thought we were just going to stay in bed together the whole time I was here.”

“We have to eat silly, and hey you get to see your new boyfriend, Luke.”

“Well in that case…”
Brady jumped up and nearly knocked Jane into the wall. “Let’s get going, I don’t want to be late for our date.” Jane laughed at him. If only he could bottle up that sound and save it forever he would. He was so in love it hurt, damn, it sure did creep up on him but he would not change it for anything in the world.




Molly and Luke arrived before Jane and Brady. How wonderful was this? Her best friend had an amazing man, she was about to marry the love of her life, and things were going great. She just wished she could get over the empty feeling of not having any family. Weddings should be fun but she started to feel worse every moment it came closer.

Jane and Albert
planned her bachelorette party to be in a couple of weeks and then the wedding would be here before she knew it. Luke had to go off to training in North Carolina but he would make it home in time for the wedding.

She didn’t want Luke to be gone the
last few weeks leading up to their wedding. She already felt vulnerable with no family, Luke was all she had, she needed him to be there and help her. Though, he could not help her unless he actually knew what bothered her.  

Jane and Brady strolled up to the table Molly and Luke
sat at, Jane radiated love and Brady’s chest could not get any bigger with pride. It was funny to see the two of them so much in love, it poured out of them.  

Luke stood up and gave Brady a hug, they embraced for a second and Luke leaned in and said, “You can lead one hell of a waltz, my man.”

Brady laughed and patted him on the back. “I know how to two step my way around a dance floor. How are you guys fairing this afternoon? I know this little pip-squeak I have with me had a serious headache this morning.”  

Molly sc
offed, “Oh that is because she’s a pussy. Us veterans don’t get headaches.”

Luke laughed and replied, “I beg to differ. I clearly remember a couple of weeks ago finding you on the kitchen floor with only your mini skirt covering your nipples from exposure.”

Molly swatted him. “Whatever you still got fucked that morning.” 

Molly looked over at Jane and noticed
that she could not stop smiling. Either she got some real good action before they came over or something was going on. Would they be engaged? No it was way too early for that. Jane was not emotionally ready for that kind of commitment. Funny, Jane was not emotionally ready but she would have all the support she would need from a family. Molly was way more than emotionally ready then Jane but had no family at all to support her. Why did it matter to her so much?

It must be all those romance novels she re
ad and romantic comedies she had watched that have instilled in her mind she needed her mom at her side while she picked a dress and her dad holding her arm as she walked her down the aisle. She would have neither.

Molly shook the thoughts out of her head and turned her attention to her friend. “What is with the smiles over there Jane?”

Jane held Brady’s hand and looked over at him. Oh my God, they were engaged. She could not believe it. 

“Brady gave me a key to his house today.”  

Oh. A key, well Molly jumped the gun on the old engagement thought. Note to Molly, do not tell Jane what she thought she was going to say. Molly didn’t need to make things more difficult for Brady.

She put her congratulations face
on. “That is great you guys. I’m so happy for you. Does that mean you are going to move in?”

Jane’s face went a little white, oh shit, wrong question. 

Brady chimed in. “Jane knows I would love for her to move in but we are taking baby steps so she can come over whenever she wants. If she wants to move in after a while Lord knows I will be the first one packing her boxes but we are taking it one step at a time.”

Molly watch
ed Jane as Brady explained the new development in their relationship. Jane instantly melted and became warm again. Brady was so great for her. He knew her problems, worked with her and was patient. 

“Well that is great man.” Luke said. “Congratulations. How much longer will you be at spring training?”

“We have three and a half more weeks left then we start our season at home against the Mets. We will have pre-season games during the next three weeks so there will be more traveling. It will be a little difficult for Jane and me but then we will get back into a regular schedule.”

t’s great, so do you think you’re going to make it to the wedding?” Molly asked.

“I plan on it
. That is if Jane will take me as her date.” Brady said jokingly.

Molly watched Jane pretend to consider so
meone else. “I don’t know Brady. I think I really had a connection with Austin the other night.” 

“Don’t even
think about it pip-squeak, you’re all mine.”

They ordered their food and talked about the wedding, why Albert
wore his shoes on his hands last night and the upcoming bachelorette party while they ate lunch. Molly was having such a good time, she loved these people. Even though they were not blood related, they were connected through their souls and that might just have to be good enough for her.




They were all about to get up from their seats they had outside of the restaurant when Jane backed her chair into someone. She turned around and to her surprise ran into Patty. Patty was with an incredibly gorgeous strawberry-blonde with blue eyes. She was defiantly taller than Jane and had a fantastic muscular body. She must work out every day for hours to have a body like that. Jane apologized for hitting Patty with her chair.

ok, I guess I should watch where I’m going better.” Patty replied. She pointed to her friend and said, “This is April, she is the friend I was telling you about.” Jane shook hands with her and made introductions all the way around. Jane watched Brady closely when he shook hands with the girls. He showed no sexual interest in them whatsoever which made Jane feel incredibly good about herself. Brady truly only had eyes for her.   

Patty commented, “Gee, Jane I didn’t know you were dating the Braves
’ starting first baseman. That is a little intimidating. So that means you know all the players, even Marc Sullivan?”

Jane laughed and replied, “Well to me Brady is just some
hunk of meat that I’m currently stuck with. I don’t know all the players but I have met some including Marc.” Brady playfully gave her a little pinch. “And speak of the devil.” Jane said pointing behind them.  

What were the odds that Jane would not only run into her new co-worker but her co-worker would express interest in a base
ball player she knew and who just showed up at the same restaurant. Jane couldn’t help but get excited about a possible love connection.

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