Bound Together (49 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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He pushed me against the
door and my back hit the wood, pressing onto it firmly as his hips
pinned me against it. Tilting my head to the side with one hand, he
trailed kisses from my nape to my jaw. I moaned as his lips touched
my sensitive and wanting skin. He knew all of my erogenous zones
and was an expert in torturing me into an orgasmic frenzy. His
tongue glided and stroked across my collar bone and down to my
cleavage. Smiling, he licked his lips. “You taste like heaven
Layla. I’ve never dined on anything quite as delicious or exquisite
as your body.” I whimpered as his tongue continued south to my
nipples, nipping and nibbling on one then the other. The rolling
and sucking made me groan as it sent a direct message to my sex. My
clit throbbed and I was soaking wet as my body reacted to his every
breath, word, touch and flick of his tongue. I whispered his name,
my voice raspy and breathless. “Oh baby when you say my name like
that it makes me want to do things to you, things that will drive
you wild making you scream it even louder. It’s like needles and
pins all over my body hearing that one little word.” His hand
gripped behind my knee as he lifted my thigh against his own. I
could feel the tip of his cock teasing at the opening of my sex.
“Now be a good girl and turn around. I wasn’t quite finished with
your ass. It is my very own hot property after all.”
I smiled as I thought
about my own ownership of
ass. I still couldn’t believe he’d had my name
permanently carved into his flesh but it was by far the sexiest
aphrodisiac. I owned his ass. Literally.
Dropping my leg, he
stared at me and made a twirling gesture with his finger.
Begrudgingly I turned around, aware that his arousing spanking
session was not yet finished. Teasing his fingertips over my bare
flesh he dragged them down the length of my spine, making me bow
beneath the gentle touch against my skin. A loud crack echoed
through the room as his palm made contact with my behind. I jumped
a little as my mind recalled the familiar pain and yet, my body was
begging for more. Thrashing his hand against my now smarting flesh,
I could feel his erection growing firmer and as solid as stone
against the opening of my sex. I was panting and gasping as he
unleashed his unremitting attacks on my ass.
Lifting his hand away, he
tugged my panties aside as his cock drove into me deeply and
quickly, making me cry out in shock. The entire length of him
filled me as his hand came crashing down once more on my raw and
stinging cheek, causing my insides to clench and pulsate. Bending
over me, his chest resting against my back I felt him smile against
my ear.

Good girl.”
His words were all the
encouragement I needed. My behind felt enflamed but my arousal was
far hotter and it was certainly worth the sharp beating I’d
His fingers grazed back
and forth over my lips as he held my face turned to his.
Withdrawing slowly, he surged inside me again as he kissed me
deeply, pushing his tongue forcefully into my obliging mouth. He
withdrew again and I watched him as he disappeared back into the
closet. What the hell was he doing? Here I was cuffed, restrained,
horny, hot and desperate for him and he had just deserted me. When
he exited the closet a moment later he was wearing that mischievous
grin on his face. Grasped in his palm was the piece of black silk
that I remembered from my time I’d spent tied to his bed. He
approached me and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. “Trust me?” I

Say it.”
Swallowing the lump in my
throat I breathed heavily. “I trust you.”
His grin spread, reaching
his eyes. “You won’t be able to use the safe word with what I have
in mind so I need you to use a hand signal. If you want to stop
just snap your fingers and I will instantly release you.
I won’t be able to
speak!? Oh sweet god of all that is hot and erotic. With no
hesitation I smiled. “Yes. I understand.”
His teeth sunk into my
bottom lip gently nipping, careful of my cut as his tongue slid
soothingly over it. “Good girl.”
Taking the silk, he
lifted it to my mouth. “Open wide for me baby.” I smiled playfully
and moved my legs further apart. Shaking his head he chuckled.
“Mouth, Layla.” I did as he asked and he gently put the material in
my mouth.

Now bite down on it.” My
teeth clamped down into the silk and made a squeaking sound as they
ground into the soft, smooth fabric. Caressing my cheek with his
fingertips, he smiled. “Breathe Layla. This is going to be good for
both of us. Trust me.”
My eyes widened. Good for
both of us? I could see how much he was enjoying it already as his
erection pressed against my thigh. Seeing my expression, he
explained and tried to reassure me.

be good for both of us. You really pissed me off with this
Felix thing Layla. You’re clearly not listening to what I tell you
so I have to find other ways to get it into you. When I tell you to
stay away from someone, I have a reason. You ignored me and now I
have to live with the damage. It won’t hurt, but it will be
intense. Take a deep breath and trust me. Relax.”
Holy fuck
Holding the ends of the
silk in his hand, he resumed his position behind me. I gulped hard
and waited in anticipation for his next move. Slowly and gradually
he slipped inside me again gripping onto the silk that was now
keeping me silenced and pulled on it. My body instantly moved back,
slamming my behind into his thrusting hips. The silk acting as a
harness in my mouth, he pulled hard and sharply with every shove,
plunge and surging thrust. Bound and gagged I had given myself over
to his control and the payoff was immense. My insides tightened and
clenched with every vigorous and relentless push his cock made
against my G-spot. One hand on the silk, the other groped and
caressed my thigh. I moaned and groaned through my muzzle, biting
so hard into it I thought my teeth would tear the delicate strands
that held it together. His breathing accelerated and became ragged
as he grew more and more aroused. I could feel his cock pulsating
and throbbing inside me, building my orgasm rapidly. He hissed in
my ear, causing my breath to hitch. “Oh fuck Layla, you’re so
fucking hot. I could break you in half. I want you so
With the position I was
in and the ferocious and merciless way he was pounding into me, my
body breaking into two was a distinct possibility. His hand slid
swiftly from my thigh over the curve of my hip and between my legs.
His fingers roamed over my cleft and to my throbbing, swollen clit.
Stroking, rubbing and massaging it expertly, he groaned loudly in
pleasure. “You’re so wet it’s delicious. Come for me
My behind crashed against
his hips, my clit pulsated and throbbed at his fingertips and my
insides clenched, convulsed and contracted as my orgasm exploded
like a bomb. My body shook and trembled as the complex cocktail of
sensation and emotion overwhelmed me. The urge to cry, laugh and
scream all at the same time were a confusing and mind boggling
experience and my body reacted by crying out, muffled through the
silk as tears of pure joy and satisfaction ran freely down my face.
Panting and groaning, a primal and fierce growl echoed from his
lips as Jared emptied inside me, thrashing and banging his hips
against mine.
My arms sagged and my
body grew limp, exhausted from our session of intense and
exhilarating bondage play. Jared’s forehead rested against my back
and I could feel the sweat and heat from him on my skin. His
breathing was staggered and it made me acutely aware of my own
rapid breathing. Taking two calming and deep breaths, I tried to
regain my equilibrium and find the strength to stand. Releasing his
grip on the silk it hung loosely between my teeth. With my hands
bound, I used my tongue to force it from my mouth. My muscles ached
and my behind was sore. I had no doubt that it was the color of a
ripe strawberry at that point. I pulled on my restraints which were
still tightly wrapped around my delicate wrists. He was completely
lost in the moment as he kissed and caressed my scorching skin.
“Coffee.” My use of our safe word pulled him from his post-coital
coma. Snapping his head up, he looked at me confused. I nodded at
my hands and he gasped realizing he’d left me hanging, literally.
Freeing me, he apologized profusely. “God, I’m so sorry baby. Are
you alright?” I nodded but the moment I was free I instantly lost
control of my limbs and was falling to the floor. Catching me mid
tumble, Jared scooped me in his arms and held me close to his
chest. My arms wrapped around his neck I nuzzled into him as the
sweet smell of sweat, sex, soap and Jared filled my nostrils;
bringing me comfort and I felt truly content.
Laying me on the bed, he
climbed in beside me and stroked my hair gently and attentively.
“You constantly amaze and beguile me Layla. I’m in awe of you. That
were incredible.”
Lifting my wrist I rubbed
the light pink rings that had formed from rubbing against the thick
leather cuffs. Taking my hand he pressed his lips to each wrist and
kissed my palms. His piercing blue eyes were bright and glittered
like the sea on a bright summer’s day. I smiled as I lay there
gazing into them. I could have lost myself in his eyes for days,
months or years. Brushing a strand of hair from his handsome face I
sighed happily. Emotions were coursing through me and I felt an
overwhelming need to be closer to him. Wrapping my hands behind his
neck, I pulled him to me and kissed him deeply and lovingly. I
couldn’t possibly describe in words how I felt at that moment but
euphoric and unbelievably happy would be close. I felt truly loved
and I was also truly in love. I pictured my entire life with this
man beside me. Making a home together, marriage, beautiful golden
brown haired, blue eyed children and vacations spent in
I had a ridiculously
goofy smile on my face but I didn’t care. I’d never been so
entirely at peace. I was on cloud nine and I wasn’t willing to come

What are you thinking
about? Whatever’s put that delighted smile on your face, I want
I snickered and pressed
my lips to his.

I was just thinking
about us. That’s all.”
He raised a quizzical
eyebrow and smiled. “Oh? All good things I hope. Well pray tell
Miss Jennings.”
I continued to grin at
him. “I was just thinking about how happy I am, how happy you make
me and that I’ve never felt this way before. I feel like I’m
flying. I can’t wait to start my future with you Jared.
ever after too.”
Gazing deep into my eyes,
he beamed at me. My black star sapphire ring was still sparkling
and dazzlingly on my right hand. Sliding it off my finger, he held
it in his palm. “With this ring, I promise you a strong shoulder to
cry on. I promise to hold and care for you whenever you need me. I
promise to bring you comfort when you’re sad and to defend you to
the last. I give you faith, trust and commitment unfailing. I
promise to love you with every breath in my lungs and beat of my
heart until the end of time. I promise that the only heart I own
will always belong to you and it will never beat for another as
long I live. I promise picnics in the summer and cozy nights by the
fire in winter. I promise to always cherish and appreciate you and
everything you do and to show you every day just how much you mean
to me. I will always be yours and you will always be mine. This I
promise you.”
Tears in my eyes I
watched as he slid the ring onto my finger once more and pressed a
firm kiss onto it. “Oh Jared.” I couldn’t find the words, my heart
was soaring and my eyes were filling with the tears of happiness I
felt inside and yet I couldn’t compose a single sentence to tell
him how much everything he’d just said meant to me. Smiling down at
me he placed a soft kiss on my lips. “I know baby. You don’t have
to say a word. I know.”
Enveloping him in my arms
I kissed him deeply as he rolled on top of me. I wrapped my legs
around his waist as my hands roamed over his broad, strong back.
His lips lovingly and gently caressed my skin and as the sun began
to go down, the dreamy glow of sunset filled the room, making it
warm and romantically lit. Gazing deep into each other’s eyes and
without a single word we made love. It was intense and emotionally
draining as I fell deeper into oblivion with him. The connection
between us was profound and my heart raced with every touch, kiss
and embrace. Tears trickled down my cheeks as joy filled my body. I
was in heaven and I had no desire to leave.



Party Like A Rock


Checking myself in the
mirror one last time I cringed. My hair was completely straightened
and my makeup was severely over the top. The industrial strength
concealer had gone a long way to cover up my scratches and the
bruise on my chin and the bright red, non-smear non-transfer
lipstick, would hide my split lip perfectly all night. I pressed my
hands against my dress and brushed it downwards, removing any stray
bits of lint or dust. It was black and strapless, with a sweetheart
neckline that showed off my ample breasts and cleavage. Short in
length, the hem sat about four inches above my knee. The shimmering
sequins on the bodice meant that every time I moved, they glittered
and sparkled in the light. Looking down at my shoes, I smiled to
myself. The tantalizingly fuckable Gucci heels were blissfully
comfortable; meaning, I was free to dance the night away without
the crippling after effects that an excruciating pair of low
quality shoes would have brought. My pendant hung heavily around my
neck but I didn’t mind. It was a sign, symbol and public statement
of my commitment and love to Jared. Swearing to never remove that
or my ring, I held my hand to the light, watching the diamonds and
sapphire glisten. It was more than just a birthday present, now it
was a promise and a vow and I would never take it off. They would
be prying it from my cold dead hands before I’d ever part with

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