Bound Together (44 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Our eyes met in the
mirror as his hand glided and rubbed against the pale skin on my
behind. It was sensual and my body instantly relaxed as he palmed
my cheek in his warm strong hand. A loud crack stunned me as a
tingling and stinging bit into my soft flesh. I struggled for air
as I attempted to comprehend what I was feeling. The warm sting on
my skin was both painful and pleasant simultaneously. “Again?” He
was giving me the chance to stop this and a sane person might have
begged for him to release them but I was a huge bundle of sizzling
lust and the need for more overruled my need for sanity. Barely
able to form a coherent sentence, I whispered. “Yes. Again,
please.” His hand rubbed the sore and hurt area of my skin before
striking it once more. The palm of his hand held firmly on my
buttock, I panted, my sex dripping, salivating as my arousal grew
stronger and fiercer. “Again, Jared. Do it again.” Watching him in
the mirror I saw the fire in his eyes as a delicious grin appeared
on his plump, pink lips.
I could feel the tip of
his cock brushing against the opening of my sex and I couldn’t help
myself as I pushed my ass back forcing him to slide inside me. I
heard him hitch a breath as my hips rocked against him, pressing
him further and further, deeper into me. He moaned loudly and his
breathing was now as erratic as my own. Slowly pushing himself in
and out of me his hand left my buttock and I held my breath,
waiting for the next blow. Never one to disappoint, he slammed his
palm onto my behind as he surged inside me hard and forceful. I
cried out as my insides clenched and convulsed around his long hard
cock. “Ah! Fuck.” The sensations I was experiencing all at once
were entirely new and completely orgasmic. My body tingled and
shivered as sweat poured from my skin. Frantically pounding into me
before gently pulling out, Jared moaned, groaned and gasped in my
ear as he leaned forward and slid his hand between my thighs. His
skilled fingers caressed and massaged my tender clit. My hands
gripped tightly to the rim of the sink as my legs began to give way
beneath me. Holding me tightly, Jared kept me up against him as his
hips grinded against mine. My head lowered, I gasped for air as my
orgasm built rapidly and temptingly closer.
His fingertips moved
faster at varying pressures and I moaned and writhed in his hand. I
was gripping the sink so hard I could have snapped a piece clean as
he rammed into me harder, hissing through his teeth and groaning
loudly against my ear. I could smell his cologne and the heavenly
scent of jasmine and lavender oil that had seeped into his skin
during our bath. His hand slid from my waist to my breast, kneading
and fondling it gently while rolling my pert and sensitive nipple
between his fingers and sending shock waves through my body to my
sex. “Oh baby, you are so tight. You drive me crazy. Your scent,
your delicate skin and the wonderful way your body responds to my
every touch. I’d go insane without it.” I could feel the muscles
inside spasm and pulse.

I need to see you. I
need to be looking into your gorgeous eyes when you come for me.
You’re so fucking hot!”
I barely heard him
through the hammering of my heart beating in my ears. Swiftly and
effortlessly he released me and spun me around to face him.
Hoisting me up, he sat me on the edge of the counter, lifting my
bound hands over his head and hooking them around his

Beg me Layla.” I could
hardly breathe let alone form words.
His hand pressed hard
against my sex as he palmed my clit.

Do you want to
I nodded.

Then beg me for it. You
drove me fucking crazy tonight with that prick and now you’re going
to make it up to me. Beg me to give this to you.” I whimpered as he
continued to rub and stroke me. “Please Jared. I’m sorry.

You’re sorry? What are
you sorry for?”
I jolted as he pressed
harder with his hand.

For tonight. For Ollie.
For making you jealous. Please Jared.”
Please what? What do you
want Layla? What do you need?”

Fuck me. I need you to
fuck me. Now!”
Grinning he pressed his
lips to mine. “Good girl.”
Wrapping my legs around
his waist, he pushed into me again and resumed his endless and
harried thrusts into my wanting sex. “Don’t come Layla. That’s an
order.” I stared at him in disbelief as my body shook with tension.
My orgasm was building rapidly and I was powerless to stop it. “I
can’t. I’m so close.” He instantly withdrew and I groaned with
frustration. “Don’t come until I say you can. Understand?” I
nodded. I was desperate. I’d have agreed to anything just to get
him back inside me.

Answer me. If you come
before I say so there will be consequences. Do you
My voice was hoarse and

Yes. I
Slipping back inside me
he thrashed and slammed against me.
My body jolted and my
head fell back as pleasure vibrated through me. The tightness of
the belt was pinching and jabbing into my wrist but I didn’t care.
I was hot for him and he was driving me over the edge into a sea of
deep sexual gratification. Panting, his hand held the back of my
head and he lifted it so that our eyes met. “Look at me baby. I
want to see you and feel you let go.” I was so close it was
painful. “Please Jared I can’t hold on.” Grinning, he nipped gently
on my earlobe. “Come with me. Now.” Those few uttered words were
enough to push me off the edge and into a blissful oblivion. I
cried out, clinging to his body as tightly as I could with my arms
still hooked around his neck. My orgasm surged and pulsed through
me, making me moan as he slammed into me hissing, gasping and
growling through his own intense orgasm.
My body weakened and I
sat there limp as I tried to calm my ragged and uncontrollable
breathing. Resting his forehead against mine, he panted and trailed
soft kisses all over my face. “Good girl.”
I smiled with
satisfaction, closing my eyes and surrendering to the loving and
sensual touch of his soft lips.

God, you’re beautiful.
How did I ever get so lucky? I feel like my heart’s going to
explode from pure happiness. I’ve never loved anyone so much in my
entire life. I can never lose you Layla. I wouldn’t survive it, my
heart would never recover.” Brushing his nose with mine I smiled.
“You’ll never lose me Jared. I’m yours for as long as you want me.
I love you too.” His mouth closed over mine, kissing me sweetly as
though it were our last.
An awful heaving sound
diverted me from our post-coital cocoon and I realized Amy was
vomiting. Cringing at the thought of cleaning it up, I looked
regretfully at Jared. “I’d better go clean her up. Would you mind?”
Unhooking my arms from his neck I held my leather bound wrists in
front of him. Grinning he untied me and rubbed my red and sore
wrists gently with his thumbs. He stared at the red marks on my
pale wrists and frowned deeply. “Does it hurt?”
Shaking my head I smiled.
“No. But my ass is a little sore.”

Sorry. I got carried
Pressing my finger to his
lip I silenced him. “Shhh. Don’t ever apologize for giving me what
I asked for. I never asked you to stop Jared. I enjoyed it, in fact
I freaking loved it. You can certainly do that to me again
Lifting me from the sink
he wrapped his arms around me, holding me in a warm hug. Happiness
radiated from my body as he kissed the top of my head and sighed. I
heard Amy heave again and Jared immediately released me and began
to gather up my clothes. Grabbing my robe from the closet, I pulled
it on and left the bathroom for Amy’s bedside.
Laying on her front, her
head hanging over the side of the bed, Amy projectile vomited
again, barely missing me. “Eeeew! Amy, you need to sit up
Appearing at my side in
just his jeans, Jared scooped her into his arms and carried her to
the bathroom. Turning his head back at me he smiled. “It’s ok, I
got this. You clean that up and I’ll make sure she gets it in the
toilet next time.”
Nodding, I began the
disgusting task of cleaning up my roommate’s tequila scented puke.
This wasn’t how I wanted my night to end but as I glanced at the
clock I realized it was after midnight which meant it was my
birthday. Scooping the vile pile into a bag with a pair of gloves I
found in my first aid kit, I had to try as hard as I could not to
be sick myself. I could hear Jared giving Amy words of comfort as
she continued to empty her stomach into the toilet. Every now and
then I would hear him groan and each time it made me giggle. It
wasn’t how I had imagined my birthday starting but at least he was
here with me. All night.


Handcuffs And

The feel of a soft hand
stroking up and down my spine woke me in the most wonderful way.
Opening my eyes, I grinned as Jared’s warm, piercing pools of blue
stared back at me. “Happy Birthday baby.” Enveloping me in his
arms, he pulled me to him tightly. He’d stayed beside me all night,
spooning and if he’d had his way, forking too. Amy groaned and I
rolled over to see her bolt from her bed and dash for the bathroom.
Laughing to myself, I turned my attention back to my lover. Sealing
my lips over his I kissed him, noting how bitter his morning breath
was after a night of drinking. I murmured into his mouth. “Mmmm,
last night’s alcohol. Delicious. And morning stubble too, smooth.”
Chuckling he rolled me onto my back and laid on top of
Reaching up to the
bedside table, he grabbed a small gift bag and dangled it over my
face. “Open it.” Sitting up, he took my hand and pulled me to sit
next to him. He’d slept in his shorts and after cleaning up after
Amy, I’d finally slipped into some comfortable pajamas. Biting my
bottom lip, I smiled as I inspected the vibrant red bag. “Don’t sit
there staring at it. Open it.”
Draping his arm around my
waist, he leaned into me as I pulled the tab and opened the gift
bag. Inside was a small box containing two black pendants.
Rectangular and about an inch and a half in length, each had a slit
at the edge where an engraved piece of white gold sat. Noticing the
small diamond at the tip, I ran my finger over the engraving as
Jared read it aloud. “Only Love.” Pulling one from the box, he
placed it around my neck. “You are my only love Layla always and
forever. And I will always be yours.” He took the other necklace
and handed it to me to put around him. Hooking the clasp, I thumbed
the pendant between my fingers as it sat against his caramel
colored skin. The tiny diamond glistened in the early morning light
and a warm glow filled my heart.

I love them. They’re
Cupping my face in his
hands, he gave me a chaste kiss. “No, you’re perfect.” He kissed me
again and sighed deeply. “I have to work today baby. But I have
arranged a little birthday surprise for you and before you start
protesting or asking questions, don’t. All will be
Rolling my eyes, I gave
him a suspicious look.

Don’t give me that look
Layla Jennings. It’s your birthday. You don’t want me to spoil you
any other time but at least let me lavish you today. I’m going to,
whether you like it or not anyway.”
I smiled and shifted onto
his lap. Straddling him, I slipped my hands around his neck and
kissed him deeply, nibbling his bottom lip playfully. His palms
moved down and around my behind and I jumped as he stroked the sore
and tender area where he had unleashed his spanking upon

Oh baby, I’m so sorry. I
don’t think I can do that again. I know you liked it but I can’t
stand watching your face screw up like that when I touch

It’s fine Jared,
honestly. It was just surprising that’s all. Please stop worrying
over this. I liked it. A lot. I don’t want you to stop. If I did I
would say so. Ok?” Nodding weakly, he gave me a rueful smile. “To
throw your own words back at you Mr. Garrett, don’t torture
yourself. Just torture me the way you did last night.” I winked at
him and the light in his eyes ignited as he lowered me back onto
the bed. “Oh Layla you really are amazing and I would love to spend
all day teasing that hot little body of yours, but like I told you,
I have plans for you.” He gave me a quick kiss before getting out
of bed and pulling on his clothes.
I could hear Amy groaning
and moaning in the bathroom and giggled to myself as I thought
about the similar noises Jared and I had been making in there only
a few hours before. Fastening the buckle on his belt, he grinned at
me. I knew exactly what he was thinking because the same sexy
replay was rolling through my mind too. A loud rattle on the door
pulled me from my sinful reminiscing. “Open up birthday girl, I got
breakfast and coffee.” Ollie’s voice boomed through the door and
Jared’s expression automatically turned from happy excitement to
furious irritation in seconds. He glanced at me before making a
move for the door. Sprinting across the room and almost tripping on
my bed covers I beat him to it and opened the door. Ollie looked as
bright as a button and fresh as a daisy. You would never have
imagined he’d been drinking all night. Pleased that I hadn’t drunk
more than a glass of beer all night, I smiled at him cautiously as
Jared stood directly behind me.

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