Bound Together (45 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Holding a tray containing
two to go coffees from Lorraine’s and a brown paper bag from the
deli two shops over, Ollie grinned at me and shot Jared a
questioning look. I could feel Jared’s hands tighten into fists as
he wrapped a possessive arm around my waist. “Oliver Green you’re a
life saver. I’m starving.” Taking the bag from him, I moved aside
to let him in as Jared shifted unwillingly beside me. Sitting cross
legged on the floor Ollie began sorting our coffees, completely
ignoring Jared’s icy glare. Turning his head towards me and away
from Ollie I pressed my hand against his cheek.

Thank you for last
night, all of it. The bar, Amy,” glancing at Ollie I lowered my
voice, “the bathroom, but you need to go shower, shave and go to
work and I have to prepare for this surprise you have planned.
Thank you in advance for whatever it is.” Standing on my tiptoes I
kissed the tip of his nose before closing my mouth over his and
kissed him passionately. I heard Ollie snort but decided to ignore
him, giving my full attention to the man in my arms. Enveloping me
in his embrace, Jared took the brown deli bag from me and tossed it
in Ollie’s direction. His arms pulled me tightly to him and our
chests compressed, making it hard to breathe. But I didn’t care. I
was totally caught up in the romance of our morning together.
Releasing me, he smiled down at me and chuckled. “I could get used
to that kiss every morning. I’ll call you later, before the party.”
He pecked my cheek and shot Ollie a warning look before heading out
the door.
Leaning my back against
the hard wooden door I folded my arms and glared at

What? I just thought you
might want breakfast.”
Joining him on the floor,
I shook my head. “You knew he was here Ollie. You have to stop
this. I love him and nothing is going to change that. Now stop
being such a dick and hand me a bagel.” Chuckling to himself he
passed me a delicious salmon and cream cheese whole-wheat bagel. It
was lightly toasted, just how I liked it, with a scattering of
poppy seeds on top. A loud groan echoed in the bathroom and Ollie
almost spilled his coffee as he jumped. “What in god’s name was
Pointing to the door I
laughed. “That would be Amy. Too much Tequila and spicy burritos.
She’s been in there for almost an hour.”
Sputtering his coffee in
a spray all over the floor, he laughed hysterically. Raising his
voice, he yelled to her. “Ring of fire huh Amy?”

Fuck you emo dick!” Her
reply made me almost choke on my breakfast as both Ollie and I fell
into fits of laughter. “It’s not funny guys. I think I’m dying.”
Fueling our laughter further she groaned in pain. Giving Ollie a
shove I clambered to my feet and over to the door and talked
through the wood to her. “There’s some Imodium in the bathroom
cabinet. Try that.”

Thanks Layla. Uh hey
Layla, why are your panties under the sink?”
I blushed ferociously and
my eyes darted to Ollie who was staring at the bathroom

Um, Jared,

Never mind. I think I
get it. I’ll be out of here soon. I hope.” Flushed and embarrassed
I went and sat back next to Ollie who was frowning as he stared
blankly at his bagel.

Raising his hand he shook
his head. “None of my business. Layla I wanted to talk to you about
that photo.” Looking away I winced.

What about

I took it that night at
the bar because I knew you were going to be someone special in my
life and I wanted a memento from your big night, your debut. That’s
all it is. I swear. I just wanted a photo of my friend having a
great time, but if it makes you uncomfortable I’ll tear it up.”
Pressing my lips to his cheek I shook my head. “Nope, keep it.
Nothing wrong with having pictures of your friend’s
Grabbing my cell, I
switched it to camera and held it in front of us, leaning my head
on his shoulder snapping our moment on the screen forever. He
smiled at me sweetly and began devouring his bagel. I wasn’t sure I
believed Ollie’s reasons for having my picture by his bed but with
the way things had gone between us, I didn’t want to pursue

* * *

After an hour and a half
in the bathroom, Amy was finally feeling better and was now
dressed, groomed and insistent that we go out for the day. She
still had no idea that I knew about the party and I didn’t want to
spoil all her hard work so I decided to keep my mouth shut and go
along with whatever she wanted to do. Dropping my cell in my purse,
I followed her out of the door. Ollie had left after breakfast as
Amy had put him in charge of the entertainment at the party, so he
was meeting with Nick and Eric to practice. As we approached the
exit to the building, Amy pressed her hands over my eyes. “Ok, no
peaking. Put out your hands and push the door open. Watch the
Stumbling about in my
sneakers a little, I pushed the glass doors open and stepped out
into the cool air.

Ok, ready. Open.”
Removing her hands I squealed as Mel came hurtling towards me.
Jumping up and down with excitement, I ran over to meet her. Her
arms wrapped tightly around me as we collided half way across the
lawn. “Oh my god I can’t believe you’re here! How did you get her?
Holding me in a warm hug
she grinned. “Jared. He got my number from your cell and called me
from New York. I got here yesterday. Amy met me for lunch and we
went over the plans for today. She’s a real firecracker huh? I can
see why you like her. Anyway we’re under strict instructions to
make you shop till you drop. He said anything your heart desires
have it,
no matter the cost. I think I love him.” I spoke into her ear.
“Sorry he’s taken.” Giving me another quick squeeze she released me
and waved her hand at Amy to join us. A horn beeped and as I looked
into the parking lot I spotted Daniel and the Mercedes. Amy

Well, let’s go
The ride over to the mall
had been full of girl talk and laughing. I had to feel sorry for
Daniel as Mel bombarded him with questions. Asking everything from
his age to his marital status, I got the feeling she was kind of
into him and by the goofy grin on his face, he felt the same. Her
smile almost touched her eyes when she found out he was only
twenty-three and single.
The golden arch
of the entrance glistened in the sunlight and I remembered the
first time I’d seen it. The night Jared and I first had sex he’d
brought me there and given me a diamond bracelet. I smiled as I
glanced at my empty wrist. I really should wear it more often but
as the heavy pendant around my neck swished and bounced against my
skin I smiled, knowing that the most important jewelry he’d ever
given me was also looped around his own neck at that moment. The
girls were grinning widely as we entered the mall. Amy’s eyes lit
up like a child at Christmas as we wandered from store to store. We
shopped for everything from shoes to makeup. Pulling me into the
jewelry store Jared owned, Mel gave me a nervous smile. “Ok, so he
told us to bring you here and he’s already picked something out for
you. He said you’re not allowed to groan, bitch or moan and you’re
also not allowed to ask the price.”
An older woman stepped
out from the behind the counter and smiled at me. “You must be
Layla. I’m Carmel. If you’d just wait here, I’ll be right back with
your item.” My eyes darted between Amy and Mel as I waited
anxiously for her to return. They were both grinning like maniacs
and as Carmel laid a tiny velvet box on the counter my heart
skipped. Sliding her fingers over the clasp she opened the box to
reveal a stunning white gold ring. Amy and Mel both gasped as I
held my hand firmly over my mouth in shock. It was truly
magnificent. The perfectly smooth band was topped with a sapphire
surrounded by a cluster of diamonds. Inspecting it more closely, I
saw the shimmer of light inside the sapphire and looked at the
assistant confused.

It’s a black star
sapphire. It’s very rare and very beautiful. You’re a very lucky
lady. It’s also engraved.” Taking it from the box she showed me the
message inside the rim and I smiled. “Forever and Always”. Taking
my right hand, she slid the ring onto my finger. “A perfect
Grabbing my palm, Amy
held it to the light and sighed with satisfaction. “Oh he really
does have the best taste in jewelry. I wish someone would spoil me
like that.”
Biting my bottom lip I

If he continues to buy
me jewelry I’ll be able to open my own store soon.” Amy

Yes but they make the
best gifts. After all, diamonds are forever.” The assistant grinned
at me and politely tapped my shoulder.

There was also a note
Miss Jennings.” Handing me a folded yellow paper she smiled and
left us alone, returning to the back room. Moving to the side and
away from prying eyes, I read his little message.
This is a black star
sapphire. Wear it always and remember that to me you are my world
and with this ring you hold my universe in your hand. Happy
Birthday my darling Layla.
With all of my love from
here to eternity.
Jared xxxx
A single tear slid down
my face and catching my sudden emotional state, Mel and Amy both
wrapped me in a tight hug while oohing and aweing at the note in my
hand. His sweet and sentimental generosity was overwhelming. I
couldn’t believe how much he’d given me already and now that ring
was just more than anything I could have ever expected. I wanted to
do something for him; something special. A gift he could really
enjoy. I gave the girls a mischievous grin. “I think I need some
Hunting through the
endless rows of shops I finally found what I was looking for. An
elegant boutique called ‘Princess Alicia’s Lingerie’ was exactly
what I needed. Stepping inside, I noticed the sweet smells of
vanilla and strawberry in the air. The luxury décor was beautiful
with perfectly white walls and a hot pink carpet. There were two
vintage white chairs in the corner with velvet cushioning and rows
and rows of the most gorgeous lingerie were hanging on rails on the
walls. Approaching us with a wide and extremely white smile, was a
young and strikingly attractive brunette. Her lips were cherry red
and her eye shadow gave her a smoky effect, highlighting her green
eyes and beautiful long lashes. “Hello ladies, welcome to Princess
Alicia’s. I’m Alicia. What can I help you with today?”
Her huge smile felt a
little fake but humoring her, Mel stepped forward and answered.
Pressing her hands on my shoulders she stood behind me and
plastered on a grin. “This young lady needs something scorchingly
sexy that will make her man’s blood simmer and sizzle in his veins
by just looking at her.” Flashing me her pearly whites and
fluttering her eyelashes, Alicia showed me over to a changing
Handing me several
garments through the curtain she smiled as I eyed them curiously
and handed several back out to her. There was no way I was wearing
anything made of leather or PVC. The final item she had handed me
was a silk corset. Putting it on, I gasped as I saw myself in the
mirror. The pink silk accented my pale skin tone perfectly while
the black lace trim made my breasts seem bigger and more voluptuous
as the bones held me in and pushed everything up. Twirling around I
yelled out to the girls,

This is perfect. I’ll
take this.”
Quickly taking it off and
handing it to the assistant, I dressed and headed out to pay.
Standing at the counter Mel smiled at me as her eyebrows bounced up
and down on her forehead. “He is going to love it! I think it’s a
perfect gift to give the man who has everything. Especially after
he gave you that ring.” Glancing at the mass of jewels on my hand
the assistant smiled. “That’ll be three hundred dollars exactly
please.” Leaning across the counter Amy held out a small black card
that looked like a credit card. “Put it on this account please. Her
boyfriend’s paying.”
Dropping the card like it
was on fire the assistant growled at me. “Jared Garrett. You are
the girlfriend of Jared Garret!?” I froze in shock, not
understanding why she was so irritated based on the man I was
involved with.

He doesn’t date! He
never has relationships. You’re lying! There’s no way he’d fall for
a fat little harlot like you!”
Pushing me aside, Mel
squared up to her. “Hey who the hell do you think you are!?”
Snapping her head to face me she snarled, “Alicia Paige and until
about five months ago
was Jared’s little bedtime buddy. That’s right,
every single night. On the bed, tables, chairs, kitchen counters,
back seat of his car. Anywhere he wanted. If it’s Jared you’re
looking to please, I would have gone with the leather. We both know
how he likes his straps and buckles. But you look like someone he
would hire to clean his laundry rather than clench his sheets.
Maybe that’s why he keeps you around. A good maid is so hard to
find. Thanks for keeping the bed warm for me. Once he gets bored of
you he’ll come running back.”

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