Bound Together (51 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Jared’s hand gripped my
arm and he pulled me over to the other side of the bar. Staring me
down, his mouth pressed into a hard line. “What was that about? I
saw you looking at them Layla.” I swallowed hard and tried to think
on my feet. “I was just curious. I didn’t think they were each
other’s type that’s all. I was surprised.”
He closed his eyes
tightly and pinched the bridge of his nose. “And you expect me to
swallow that?”
I pulled his hand from
his face and gazed up at him. I had to rectify this and quickly.
“It’s the truth. I was just shocked to see them together. I swear.
You have to believe me.”
And there it was again.
My mouth was spewing lies once more. Lifting my hand he pressed his
thumb against my ring making it shift and glimmer in the lights.
“See this? I wasn’t lying when I said those things Layla. My word
is my bond and this ring binds us together. You tell me that’s your
reason for watching them, I believe you. I trust you remember. But
I’m not an idiot. There’s something you’re not telling me and when
I find out what it is, I hope to god it’s something I can handle.
So here’s your chance Layla, either you tell me or I’ll find out on
my own.”
Breathing hard, I gave
him the only plausible excuse I could. “Ollie has a scar. When he
was a kid his father abused him. His tattoo is hiding a painful
memory and Kate was about to discover that if she touched it. I was
worried about Ollie’s secret being out.”
He stared at me,
questioning my words with his icy glare. “Is that
In fact it was. It was
the only truth I could think of that could possibly explain my

Yes. I swear. Ollie told
me about it himself the other day. That’s why I was

So you don’t want her to
know but you’re ok telling me about it?”

Of course. I trust you.”
His expression softened as he pulled me into a warm hug, wrapping
his arms around me tightly. “I’m sorry I doubted you. It won’t
happen again.” I nodded weakly as he held me to his chest. That had
to be the reason didn’t it? There was no other way to explain why
it had affected me that way. Was there? Pushing the disturbing
thoughts from my head I took Jared’s hand and re-joined my
The loud screech of a
microphone being turned on caught my attention and the entire bar
fell silent as Ollie stepped up to the mic. Dressed in his torn
black t-shirt and jeans, he looked every bit like a rock star. His
lip ring sparkled as the spotlight fell on him. “Hey everyone.
We’re D.O.A and we’re gonna be playing a set list just for Layla.
I’m lucky enough to know her and call her one of my best friends so
without getting all mushy and shit, raise your glass to the
birthday girl, Layla Jennings!” A chorus of people shouting my name
erupted and I blushed, pressing my face into Jared’s chest to hide
my awkwardness.
Ollie’s guitar fired up
and ‘Sweet Child Of Mine’ by Guns N Roses echoed through the
speakers. Grabbing my hand, Mel dragged me away from the bar to the
dance floor. People had already begun swaying and moving to the
music and as her feet stepped onto the wooden area, Mel was the
care free rock chick I knew and loved. Kate appeared by our side
and grinned as she busted some moves of her own. Three die hard
classic rock fans, we stayed on the floor as Ollie played more and
more of my favorite songs. His husky tones and expressive eyes made
every song into a masterpiece. I was having the time of my life.
Twirling around, I saw my parents laughing together at our booth.
It was the first time in years they’d been in the same place for so
long and a small part of me wondered and hoped that spark between
them was still simmering somewhere. Turning back to the stage, I
gazed up at Ollie in awe. He was an amazing performer and his
passion for the music meant that every song he played, he played
Amy and Jared were
watching from the bar and with a raise of my hand I waved at them
to join us. Jared shook his head, grinning at me but Amy was
already bounding over. I knew for a fact Jared could dance, in fact
he danced very well so I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t going to
dance with me on my big night. Leaving the girls to continue owning
the dance floor, I walked over to him.

Hey, don’t you want to
dance with me?”
He smiled and spoke into
my ear so that I could hear him over the crowd and ear splitting
music. “It’s not that. I have to make a quick call to my office.
Besides, if you start grinding and swaying that perfect little ass
around at me I can’t be held responsible for my actions. And your
parents are here.”
I bit my bottom lip and
smiled. “Ok stud. But I’ll save you the last dance ok? Promise me
you’ll take it?”
Holding his hand to his
chest he winked. “You have my word as a gentleman.” Giving him a
lingering kiss I made my way back to my friends.
Ollie’s set had been
going strong for hours and people were clearly enjoying themselves.
Drink was well and truly playing its part as the majority of the
crowd was now swaying with and without music. Laughing, I watched
as Amy and Mel began playing air guitar to the music. Head banging
and acting like maniacs, they were kindred spirits. My father
caught my eye at the edge of the floor and ushered me over. “Baby
girl we’re leaving. I have to get your mother back to the airport
tomorrow morning.”
I pouted. “You really
have to go?”
Kissing me on the cheek
my mother nodded. “It’s been wonderful seeing you sweetheart and
your friends are amazing. You’re very lucky.” She leaned in and
whispered in my ear. “And Jared is gorgeous in every sense of the
word. Hold on to that one.”
I smiled as she kissed me
again and rubbed her hand up and down my arm. Appearing from
nowhere, Jared thanked them for coming and insisted that my mother
use the chauffer to get to the airport the next day. Thanking him
they said their goodbyes and I walked with them to the door. They
gave me a last quick kiss and hug goodbye before they left. I felt
a little bereft as I watched the car pull out of the parking lot.
Seeing them together brought back memories I’d thought I’d long
Holding me to his chest,
Jared placed a kiss on the top of my head. “I think the band’s
finishing up. Last dance?” Turning to face him I smiled and nodded.
Taking my hand, he led me to the dance floor. Ollie’s eyes fell on
me the moment my feet touched the floor in front of him. Smiling,
he winked at me. “This is the last dance because I’m tired as fuck
so everyone head to the floor.”
Jared’s arms snakes
around me I rested my head on his chest. Amy and Mel had managed to
secure themselves a partner each and had joined us. The band
started up and the beautiful melody of ‘Wonderful Tonight’ by Eric
Clapton played through the loud speakers.
Clutching Jared tightly,
I moved and swayed to the music and as we turned about the floor I
looked up at Ollie. His eyes were fixated on me and he looked
pained as each word left his lips. I couldn’t take my eyes from
him. My heart ached as I stared into his soulful brown eyes. I
could feel my body heating as I watched him strum his guitar and
slide his hand up and down the strings. As he sang the next line he
gazed deeply into my eyes as he aimed every word directly at me.
Tears threatened as I felt them hit my heart like an arrow,
piercing and stabbing through to the very core.
As the song ended, Jared
lifted my chin and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “I love you
Layla. Happy birthday baby.” Smiling back at him I looked deeply
into his eyes. “I love you too.” Breezing past me, Ollie stormed
across the dance floor to the bar. My heart sank and ached as I
watched Greg hand him a bottle of rum and a glass full of the
bitter liquid which Ollie quickly swallowed. Excusing himself,
Jared headed for the bathroom and I took the opportunity and headed
for Ollie.

Ollie, I…”
He shook his head and
stared at his glass. “Don’t Layla. Please, for the sake of my
fragile fucking heart don’t. I don’t think I can take
I stood next to him with
my elbows on the bar and exhaled loudly. “Do you have any idea how
much you mean to me Layla? Any at all? Because I sometimes think,
if you did, you wouldn’t keep torturing me like this. I can’t keep
watching you with him. The way you gaze into his eyes, the way he
kisses you and when you tell him you love him, I hate you. I hate
you for loving him. I hate you for choosing him. I hate you for
wanting him so badly. But mostly, I hate myself for not being him!
I can’t hide it anymore. I’ve tried so fucking hard that I swear
I’m going crazy sometimes. It’s eating at me. I can’t sleep, can’t
think; I can’t even function because I’m thinking about you so
much. But I get it, I do, it’s him you want and from now on I’m
hands off. But I have to let you know how I feel before I go
Striding across the bar
he took to the stage alone. Pulling out an acoustic guitar from the
side of the stage he began to play. I’d never heard the song before
and the lyrics were original. Ollie had written this song himself
and I had a feeling I was his muse. Walking slowly to the stage my
eyes were fixed on him. His words were deep and full of emotion and
I stood in front of him, my feet glued to the floor as every word
cut me like a knife.
I never thought that I
could feel this way
Never thought I'd be
falling in love
Like an arrow right
through my heart
You bewitched me from the
How did you cast your
spell on me
Why would you be so
When you knew I couldn’t
have you
You played me like a
I can still see your
lipstick on my skin
Still feel your tender
kiss against my mouth
I can taste your sweet
lips on mine
And I don't think I will
ever get it out
Oh baby won't you please
see me here
I'm on my knees with my
heart on my sleeve
Wishing you'd be
I loved you the moment I
met you
I loved you then and I
love you still
Baby you're breaking my
heart with every step you take
Please put me out of my
I’m the choice that you
should make
Dropping his guitar he
walked off the stage and right by me. Amy and Mel stood either side
of me as I stood, frozen in shock, tears streaming down my face.
Everything around me was a blur and suddenly I felt sick. Turning
on my heel I bolted for the bathroom but was halted in my tracks by
a very tall, muscular brick wall. Gazing up, I saw the thunderous
look on Jared’s face. The need to throw up grew stronger and
pushing past him I slammed the door open and leaned over the
toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach. Amy and Mel came in
behind me and hammered on the stall door. “Layla are you alright?
What the hell was that?”

I don’t want to talk
about it Mel. Please, just leave me alone.” It was the first time
in our entire friendship I’d asked her to abandon me. Predictably,
she was having none of it.

Not gonna happen, get
your butt out here.” Stepping out I looked at them both and broke
into sobs.

Oh honey what is it?”
Amy’s hand rubbed up and down my back as I racked and heaved,
crying my heart out.

It’s Ollie. He’s in love
with me and I hurt him. He kissed me Amy. While Jared was in New
York he kissed me and for a split second I didn’t pull away. I
don’t know why but I just didn’t. I’ve known how he feels for weeks
but I just kept pretending nothing was happening like he was. I
don’t know what to do. I love Jared but this attraction I have with
Ollie is insane!” They wrapped me in a comforting hug and although
I knew they meant well there were really not enough hugs in the
world to stop how I was feeling.
The sound of shouting and
a loud crash pulled me from my depression and my pulse spiked as I
hurried to the door. Swinging it open, I watched in horror as Jared
squared up to Ollie. Sitting at the booth with a glass in his hand
Ollie sniggered at him fueling Jared’s rage. In a split second he
launched himself across the table at Ollie knocking it and its
contents spilling onto the floor. It landed with a crash as Jared
clasped a fistful of Ollie’s ripped t-shirt and hauled him to his
feet. Slamming a right hook into Ollie’s jaw and then his stomach
Jared growled furiously at him. “Keep your fucking hands off my
girl asshole!”
Ollie landed with a thud
into the booth and with determination on his face, kicked at Jared
sending him hurtling backwards into some onlookers. Springing to
his feet, Ollie ran at him tackling him around the waist and
driving him back into the bar before unleashing harried and
frenetic blows with his fist into Jared’s abdomen. “You don’t
fucking deserve her. I’ve loved her since the moment I met her and
all you’ve done is make her cry and lie to her. The only asshole
around here is you asswipe!” Amy screamed beside me. “Layla do
something!” But I was frozen, my feet and my body completely
fastened into place. Shaking me, Mel spoke quickly and frantically.
“Layla if you don’t do something they’re going to end up killing
each other. Snap out of it!”

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