Blood Release

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Authors: Eric Roberts

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Blood release

By Eric Roberts

A love story

Part 1: the meeting


The road ahead of me is not paved with the best of logic. But I don’t care. Day in and day out I notice the ghost that is forever trapped in the house.

And I’m sure there is some logical explanation for it. I just don’t know it yet. But I am sure something is going to come up. I wish I could get to him. To calm him down or something.

Soothe the savage beast that lives within him.

I am sure something is going to work out. And when it does, I hope it is for the best.


Ashland wanders throughout the house. It is not his fault he is here. It is his stupid brother’s fault. If he hadn’t been a twin. If they didn’t look exactly the same. He wouldn’t be in this situation. Not to mention his brother being a con artists and a thief. Now he has to suffer for what his brother did a good four hundred years ago.


He is seventeen and if he cannot find a way to redeem what has been done then he will be stuck at seventeen forever.

A seventeen year old virgin. Oh hell.


Heading into the house that night, I wait for shit to hit the fan.

But it doesn’t happen. I head into the living room and sit back on the furniture.

Waiting for him to show up. When he feels the couch shake, he laughs. “You don’t scare me, ghost. You intrigue me.”

“Dammit. I don’t know what I do wrong.”

“You don’t do anything wrong. You just got the raw end of the stick. Not to mention I’m not human,” I reply.

He appears and looks at me sitting dangerously close next to me.

“What do you know of me?”

“I know that you are stuck in this house. And have been for too long. That you crave to be free. And that you are misunderstood. Not to mention beautiful,” I say and move a loose hair out of the way. It is obstructing my view from his beautiful eyes.

“How can you touch me?” he asks. “How can you stand to see me like a normal person?”

“Since when is either of us normal?” I ask with a smile.

We both reduce to laughter before continue our lovely conversation. He’s beautiful.


Ashland has never been called beautiful before. But it warms his heart and his cheeks to hear it. Not to mention having been touched and talked to normally.

Is there nothing this amazing vampire cannot say that won’t make him smile?

“What happened to get you here?” the vampire asks.

“What is your name first?” he asks the cutie.

“Cosmo. And yours?”


“Nice one,” Cosmo says.

The thing about Ashland: he has been emo long before emo was cool. And the fact this vampire looks like a jock pretty much defies the stereotypes that neither would associate with the other.

Take that world.

“A long time ago, my twin brother and I were out playing in front of this house. This house has been around for like ever. So anyway, my twin threw a rock that shattered a pristine window that looked like a church window these days. It had been a memorial to the owner’s wife who’d died giving birth to a child.”

He stops for a moment before he continues after catching his breath. “well…long story short because my twin and I looked the same I was blamed for breaking it and cursed to live here until love found me and set me free.”


He has no idea the idea he has just put into my head.

“You brother sounds like a douche.”

“Yeah. He was a douche. Kinda like those douche bags that walk around on the television like a cock on a walk. And I’m not talking about wankers. I’m talking about cocky people. The bastards make me sick.”

“I like you. Like that you speak your mind. I see you for who you are. An innocent. And I think you need to be held for a while.”

“What?” he asks me. I don’t know how to explain it. But I feel like he is holding back a lot of strained emotion. A lot of resilience. And I think it is time for him to just let it out.

“I now you are holding back a lot of emotions. A lot of sadness. Hurt. Despair. And I want to hold you. To comfort you until you let it out.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Ashland says.

“Let it go,” I tell him.

He looks at me as I put my arms around him.

“Let it out.”

He suddenly breaks.


For the next hour or so, he lets out his tears. Flooding the floor a little but I don’t care. The more he cries the more he lets it out. I know what that is like.

It is a powerful thing. A moment when you can just melt and let it all out. Plus holding things in is the way serial killers live. And he is not a serial killer. Just a man caught on the wrong end of a curse. That is all.

“So what about you? How did you turn?” he asks.

“I didn’t turn. I was formed by the anger and the jealousy Satan had for Christ and his power and fame and popularity. I am the one person that keeps the devil’s head out of his ass.”

“Sweet. So what are you doing here?” he asks.

“Other than talking to the sexiest man on the planet?” I ask.

He blushes something fierce and I glance into his eyes to see his true self. A hardworking boy that has a tan and used to work outside with no shirt on all day but suspenders and a pair of dress pants.

“I like you a lot, Ashland.”


Something about the way he stares at me makes me feel like I have screwed up somehow but instead it is like I am reminding him of what his life used to be like.

“How can you like me? You don’t see me for who I am.”

“I see someone that has been hurt. Someone that has been beaten to hell with a wooden stick or spoon for something he didn’t do. Someone that has taken the blame for the world’s problems. And I don’t want that to be you anymore. I want you to be who you are. I want you to be free. Am I asking too much? Or is it that you don’t understand how you shine to the world?”

“Shine? Ghosts don’t shine? We stand out like sore thumbs and most people other than mediums don’t give a rat’s ass about us. Sobs stories aren’t worth caring about when it comes to someone like me.”

“You are worth caring about to me,” I announce and he goes quiet. I feel like I have offended him and yet I have given him what he needs to hear.

The knowledge that someone in this world gives a damn about him.


He is silent for a moment. For so damn long he has been on his own. Has been down and out. Doesn’t want to think about what could happen for the future is in his hands.

But when he finds the one person that could make him whole he isn’t sure if he can accept that.

Is he really ready to move on and be someone’s boyfriend? Ready to be free?

He hasn’t a clue at this point. There are so many things he’s wanted to do. And this is his chance to do them.

But he won’t admit that he is scared. Life has changed much since his last time of being human.

He has no clue what the hell he is going to do.


He is so damn cute. I just don’t know what I am going to do. But first thing is first: I have to find the descendant of the old man that cursed him because of his twin brother’s shit.

It just burns my ass.

I have to find the man.

“Do you mind if I’m gone to find out what I can do?” I ask.

He nods to me. “Yeah. Do what you have to do.”



I give him a shockingly quick, deep chemistry filled kiss before I head out the door to find out what I can do for him.

When I get out the door, I flit several times until I get to a location finder. I look up the last owner of the house that stayed there for more than two years.

Not that hard to do. That was back in the 1800s. That sucks. More than 200 years of being alone. No wonder he is getting and staying depressed.

Andre Thibodaux is the last person. I find an article while researching that name and find out what Ashland’s twin brother’s name.


And the more I find out about the ghastly mate’s brother the more pissed off I become. This could be a long road ahead of us but I think it will be worth it.

When I hit a snag in the research—his brother later dying a disease at the age of 23—I get frustrated.

But just as I step out of the hall of records, I hear someone cough. And turning my head I find it to be none other than Ashland’s brother.

“Who are you?” he asks.


“What does it matter to you?” I remark.

“You are ruining my life. And I don’t put up with it.”

“I don’t give a damn about you. I am saving the life of a man I love. That is what matters. No shoo fly. Don’t bother me.”

He rushes up to me. “You don’t know what dark magic you are messing with vampire. You don’t know what it takes.’

“I know what you did. And I know you are just a heartless bastard. I know all about you being the prankster prince. About messing with people in the town pissing them off. And I know enough about you to know that I don’t care if you get drawn and quartered or cut up like a steak. Now leave me be. Leave your brother alone. And get away or I will make sure the council will hear about this.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“I’ve lived longer than you have in this world and know all about what it could do for me and what I have the power to do. I am full of dare and anger for what you did to your brother. Try me you little bitch. Try me.”


I have no patience for idiots. Can you tell?

When I get to the descendant’s house, I knock on the door.

“Come in,” says a soft voice and I’m sure I’m going to be walking into the house of a girl. It has to be a girl. One as delicate as a flower.

When I see the door open, I spot a man that looks to be as young as I am.

“Come on inside. I don’t bite,” he says.

H is a delicate person. How is it he can have that kind of voice? I don’t know.

Not sure I’m believing the whole not biting part but it is whatever at this point. He is so damn cute. Just not as cute as Ashland is.

I step inside and he closes the door. “What can I do for you?”

“Are you the one that is part of the Andre Thibodaux bloodline?” I ask.

“Yeah. What’s going on?”

“Are you a curse bringer too?”

He shakes his head. “I cure the curses and the issues my ancestors brought about. What can I do for ya?” he asks.

“It’s not me that you can help.”


“My ghostly mate.”


We head back to the house and it is then that things become more and more complicated.

There are others in the house. I sense them. I stop Charlie—the descendant—in his tracks and point back to the car he has driven to the house.

“Get back into the car. Don’t leave. Just lock it up and for gods’ sake. Don’t move.”

Charlie nods to me and I head up to the door. Getting inside, I find his brother there with three other people. Two witches and a wolf. I won’t put up with it.

“What the hell is this?” I snap. I rush up to his brother.

I know the difference between Ashland and his brother. His brother is a dark asshole. All the masculinity going on. And as for Ashland: he has the brains. The smarts. And he knows the best way to diffuse the situation.

I know it too.

“You five have two seconds to get out or it is going to get rough around here.”

I could use a little help here. While you aren’t the curse user or the curse bringer, I need a means to make a threat no longer idol.

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