A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (31 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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you're returning to work for Tyler?” he asked as he let me go.

know him?” Now I was stunned.

I do.” He acknowledge.

He seemed rather angry
although he tried not to show it.

wrong David?”

I'm fine.”

you're not.”

just promise me to be careful. Tyler..Tyler..”

wants me I know that but he won't have me. I'm yours David.”

He looked at me worried. My
words didn't seem to reassure him.


what time will you finish?

don't know.. I'm not sure.”

call me as soon as you finish even if it's midnight, I'll come for
you. I need to be with you. We have to talk.”

And Kylie?”

sleeping at her friend's house tonight, call me.”


have to go now. I love you.” He kissed me again and then he
walked away. Why had he become so sad all of a sudden? I began to
walk home, and I had almost arrived when my mobile rang. I pulled my
mobile out and answered it. I shivered when I heard his suave voice.

Cassy. How are you?” He asked. I felt angry with myself. My
heart had accelerated just by hearing his voice. I hated the effect
he had on me.

do you want?” I asked him without even bothering to respond to
his question.

a bad day?”

day was going fine until..” I snapped

I called. Oh Cassy Cassy, your day will go even better in an hour.”


sweetheart.. I'll be there for you at 4.30 so we can go to work.”

don't need you to come for me, I can get my own transport thank you.”
I snapped.

As if I hadn't said anything
he continued to talk and told me that at 4.30 sharp he'll be in front
of my house waiting for me. Then he hung up. When I arrived at home
my mum wasn't there. I took a shower, made myself a salad and then I
got ready. I wrote a note to mum and left it on the table. I was in
front of the mirror applying some makeup when I heard a knock on the
door. It was him. My heart lost a beat. I walked slowly to the door.
My stomach was aching. Why did I feel like this every time I had to
meet him? I opened the door and there he was leaning against the door
jamb in his dark suit. His dark hair fell down a little on his face,
his piercing blue eyes looking at me intently and his hand resting on
his hip. He looked impeccable.

Are you ready to leave?” 

I nodded as I was finding it
difficult to speak. My hands trembled while I closed the door. I
followed him out and stopped stunned looking at the Ferrari parked in
front of my house.

this yours?” I asked him.

do you like it?” He smirked.

course.. it's a Ferrari right?”

brand new I just bought it last week,” he said proudly. He
opened my door and invited me in. I went in and sank in the leather
seats. This car was amazing, the interior seemed that of an airplane.
He got in and sat beside me, his cologne wafted up my nostrils
 making me dizzy. He started the engine and we “flew”
to work. During the drive I remained quiet, I felt so tensed, I could
see him from the corner of my eye glancing at me without saying
anything. Finally, we arrived, he parked the car, and I got out. I
followed him in the building in silence, I was very anxious and his
presence intimidated me. He pressed the button of the lift, and when
the lift opened we stepped in. I prayed that we arrive soon, I
couldn't stand being so close to him. We were in a small cubicle just
me and him, in a confined space and I needed air. He kept looking at
me deeply in the eyes. A tingling sensation ran through my arm when
he brushed against me to press the button again. He was doing nothing
extraordinary but he had the ability to make me feel lost. His eyes
fastened on my suit and a sensual smile formed on his mouth.

new suit?” He asked.

I replied. “Probably you've seen it on me many times.”

I don't think so. I would remember taking it off you.”

I gazed up at him shocked.
The way he looked at me brought deep colour racing under my skin, I
felt my face hot and burning. A smile quirked at his lips pleased by
the way he had shocked me. His eyes lingered on my face and my body;
I had worn a white blouse and a black pencil skirt. The more he
looked at me with his lustful eyes, the more I felt warm.

I attempted but the words died in my throat.

hope my words didn't upset you.”

Those few seconds in the
lift were never ending. I needed to get away from there. I knew it
wasn't gong to be easy to work for this man but we hadn't even
started to work and I already felt as if I was going to pass out.
Just then something happened, the lights went off. The lift stopped.
We were in the dark. I began to panic.

the hell is going on?” I shouted. 

down Cassidy.”

Calm down? How could I calm
down? I few inches away from him. In the dark. I couldn't see
anything. I was hot, I felt breathless and claustrophobic.

press the emergency button, this will immediately contact us to the
reception.” He said trying to reassure me.

I could feel him moving in
the dark to find the button. He brushed my shoulder with his hand,
probably it wasn't unintentional but I shivered.

but I can't see anything,” he said in an apologizing tone. He
bent down until he found the buttons. He pressed them all and managed
to find the bell. He pressed it, but nothing happened.

can't understand... it's not working. Cassidy do you have a mobile? I
think I left mine in my office.”

I opened my handbag and
fumbled with my fingers inside looking for it. I grabbed my mobile,
thanks God I had brought it. I pulled it out and tried to make a call
but there wasn't any reception.

useless no reception.” I cried.

We are stuck here,” he said in surrender.

not feeling well, I'm a little claustrophobic. I need space; I need
air.” I felt tears coming up in my eyes.

relax.. it's going to be all right. Probably there's a fault
somewhere. I'm sure someone is taking care of it.”

hope so... it's very hot in here... I can't stand it..”

it is.” He agreed.

Just then a blue light in
the ceiling went on. At least now we could see a little.

an emergency light,” He explained. “It goes on after few
minutes.”He seemed worried.“I wonder what happened.
Everything seems stuck.”

don't have a generator or something? I asked hoping he said yes.

we do, but it won't make a lift work, it is used in the restaurant
mainly and in the lobby. Take a look at your mobile, check the
reception again.”

I did as he said.

no reception.”

well there's nothing we can do right. We have to wait.”

I have to go out of here. There's no air. I need air.” I said
in panicky tones.

need the kiss of life Cassidy? That's all I can do for you right
now.” He said smirking.

I looked at him angrily, how
dare he made fun of me. He took nothing serious, I hated this side of

wish! No thank you. I prefer to die suffocated instead.” I

He smiled evilly.

you would have begged for my kiss. What changed?I was your hero.”
His tone had changed, he sounded said.


passed through a lot together. We were in love; we always won against
everything and now look at us. This is not us. Cassidy try and
remember. Please.. you have to. I want you back. I want the life we
had together back. You can't have forgotten everything.”

stop it. I don't want to hear. The past is past now.”

it's not. I know that somewhere deep down in your heart you still
love me.”

in love with someone else OK.”

His eyes saddened.

can't love David, you just can't!”He shouted then. His voice
trembled with anger. He seemed desperate.

do you know David?”

know him OK. We were colleagues once a very long time ago and funnily
enough we were even friends.”

But David is a teacher.” I stopped and looked stunned at him.
“Oh my God..Tyler.. were you a teacher as well?”

Cassidy I was, although for brief since I can't teach anymore.”
His hands clenched into a fist.

can't why?”

I fell for a student and lost my job.”

My pulses fluttered
alarmingly as I stared at him in disbelief. This couldn't be true...

a student?” I repeated.

I fell madly in love with my student, and I got caught. David did the
same but he was lucky he didn't get caught. He's still a teacher
while I had to leave my dream behind.” The line of his
perfectly smooth jaw hardened. “Although maybe after all I did
better than him. I wouldn't be so well off. Your man will never
afford to give you what you want, no nice cars, no dresses, no dream
vacations nothing. He's just a useless poor idiot. He's never been
good in anything and he will never be good for you. He-”

I felt anger course through
my veins and my eyes flashed in rage and my hand raised on its own. I
heard the slapping sound before I even realized what I had done. I
had slapped hard his face. He looked stunned at me. I glared him, my
heart beating fast, I couldn't believe I had slapped him. His face
was red where I had hit, I must have hurt him. My reaction was
vehement. He looked deeply in my eyes and for a moment he remained
silent but then grabbed angrily my wrist twisting it...

you ever dare to talk about David like......”

My words died in my throat
as soon as he covered my mouth with his. He grabbed my other hand and
pushed me against the cold metal of the lift. I wanted to push him
back, but I couldn't, I felt weak and vulnerable under the pressure
of his body. I tried to struggle to break free from his wild kissing,
but I couldn't move. My eyes widened while I felt his tongue forcing
to get in. I moaned but not with pleasure. A wave of heat spread in
my body making me shudder when I felt his thigh pressing against mine
forcing my thighs to part. His hands kept pressing mine hurting me..
It wasn't a loving kiss; it was full of anger and desperation. I
wanted him to stop.. but I couldn't deny what my body was feeling. I
hated myself for that. My body had fully awakened; I was nearly
convulsing with excitement. But my heart refused to be happy. I felt
desperate. A tear ran down my cheek. David! I imagined his beautiful
face. No!!! I cried, and he pulled back looking at me horrified.

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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