A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (33 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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sorry Tyler. But you're wrong. I don't remember this love you're
talking about. The past doesn't count anymore.”

counts for me. I know what we had, and I'll do anything to have it

I remained silent, I didn't
want to continue this conversation. I sat down again and rested my
face on my knees. I closed my eyes and hoped that the electricity
would be back soon. I was very thirsty; I was hungry and the heat was
unbearable. The clothes were stuck to my body. I felt so dizzy. I
looked at the time on my mobile again...four hours had passed, it was
nearly 9'o’clock. I wasn't feeling well, I felt as if I was
going to pass out. Just then I felt him grabbing me and pulling me
into him. He reached for the buttons of my blouse and began to undo
them quickly.

do you think you're doing?” I cried weakly.

getting rid of your clothes. I won't touch you promise, but you'll
pass out if I don't do it.”

I let him takeoff my blouse,
get rid of my shoes and takeoff my pencil skirt leaving me with just
my bra and briefs on.  He put my head on his lap and asked me to
relax. The cold metal floor underneath my body felt like a bliss. I
felt much better. I closed my eyes and let myself go. He kept
caressing my hair and telling me that it was going to be all right. I
felt so tired and sleepy. It had been a long day. He kept talking
while I must have fallen asleep.

I wasn't sure how long I had
slept but I was woken up by the noise of the lift opening. I was
still laying on Tyler's lap; he must have fallen asleep as well. The
light that came in blinded me. I couldn't see anything. I saw just a
silhouette looking at us. Then when my eyes got used to the light
again I felt my heart stopping as I recognised the person. It was
David. He looked at us hurt and disappointed. His expression was
indescribable. I looked down at my body horrified when I remembered
that I only had my underwear on.


the hell is going on Cassidy?” He fumed. He was trying hard to
contain his anger.

David, good morning.” Tyler had woken up and was looking with a
smirk at David.

It's not what you're thinking. We got stuck in the lift; the lights
were off and...” I hastened to explain but he interrupted me.

I know that the lights went off. Everywhere was a total black out.
Your mother was worried; she called me and told me that you didn't
return after work. I tried to call you on your mobile, I tried to
call Tyler. No one answered, so I just came here. Everything was
blocked. I talked to Mary the receptionist, and she said that
probably you were stuck in the lift as the alarm of the lift had been
pressed. So I waited. I waited all night to make sure you were all
right. But from what I see you are more than fine. Sorry to have

Saying this turned on his
heels to leave.

David, please don't go away. Nothing happened between us, please. We
were just hot.. and...”

don't want to hear Cassidy. I'm just tired, and I need to get home
and prepare myself to go to college. It's six o'clock in the morning.
I passed the whole night here. Hope to see you in class.”

please...David!Tyler tell him. Tell him that nothing happened.”
I cried desperately.

Tyler smiled and then slowly
got up from the floor. He looked at David and...

should I? He can think whatever he wants. He has all the evidence he
needs to come up with his own conclusions.”

I gave him a baleful look.
How could he do this to me?He was having fun seeing David so sad. The
two guys looked at each other. Tyler smiled triumphantly while David
was trying to keep calm. I could see how angry he was. He clenched
his fists. For a moment, I thought that he was going to punch him.
But he didn't, he looked at me and Tyler one last time and before
leaving he said.

never be yours not his time. See you in class Cassidy.”


As I saw him leaving, I felt
my heart breaking. This was the first time I had seen him so angry.
This was our first fight. I felt on the verge of crying. I picked up
my clothes and put my shirt on. I looked at Tyler, he seemed
satisfied, and this irritated the hell out of me.

didn't you tell him that nothing happened between us?” I raged.

He shrugged.

don't owe any explanation to him. Cassidy you're still my woman even
though you don't remember. Making love is just something normal
between a couple.”

are not a couple and we didn't make love!” I snapped trying to
put on my shoe.

just a detail which I'll change soon.” He grabbed his clothes
and began to dress.

I have a relationship with David now OK. He's my man.” I said
exasperatedly. When was he going to understand and accept this?

is still to be decided my dear. Do you want a ride home? You have to
hurry if you want to arrive in time for your lesson. Better not make
the teacher wait this morning, he seemed rather pissed off when he
left. “ He said amused.

I was going to tell him to
go to hell; he could be really irritating sometimes, but I needed
that ride so I shut up and as soon as he was all dressed up, we both
left the hotel to go to the car park. I got in his Ferrari, and he
drove me home. He stopped the Ferrari in front of my house, and I
immediately reached out to grab the handle and open the door but he
was quicker than me and grabbed my wrist. I turned to face him..

I asked fearing he was going to kiss me. He looked in my eyes but did
not do any attempt to get closer. “So?”

ready at five.”

What are you talking about? We had said three times a week, not every
day?” I protested.

yesterday, we didn't even get to the office so it can't  be
counted can it? See you later Cassy, have a nice day. Oh, give my
regards to David.” He said in an amused tone. I got out of the
car and slammed the door shut and left without even bothering to say
thank you and goodbye. He could really get on my nerves sometimes. I
went in and found my mum sitting on the sofa.

are you OK? David just told me that you were stuck in the lift at the
Grand hotel.” She said as soon as she saw me. Had David told
her I was half naked lying on the floor with Tyler as well? Probably

fine mum really, I just need a shower and to eat something before I
leave for college.”

I went hurriedly up the
stairs. I just wanted to step in the shower and forget about the past
day. I wanted to forget Tyler and all the tension that had
accumulated  in my body when I was with him. I closed my eyes,
and I all I wanted was to concentrate on how to amend things with
David, how to convince him that there was nothing going on between
us. But for some reason all I could see when I closed my eyes was
Tyler's blue eyes and his magnetic gaze on me. I felt a shiver
running down my spine, and I tried to convince myself that it was
because of the cold water flowing down my body. But it wasn't, as
much as I hated to admit it I was extremely and hopelessly attracted
to him and I didn't want this to happen. Damned! I washed my hair and
then I grabbed a towel and stepped out. I dried myself and hurried to
my bedroom.

I jumped; I wasn't expecting my mum to be seated on my bed.


going on? I heard you talking to yourself.”


Had I spoken out my
thoughts? I hadn't noticed.

happening with Tyler? Are you still in love with him?” She
asked glancing over her shoulder while I opened the wardrobe trying
to find something suitable to wear.

mum, I'm not in love with him. How can you think that?”

don't know maybe because when you returned, you were all red and
distracted. Cassidy you're my daughter.”

I'm not in love with him mum but I have to admit that I'm attracted
to him. But it's not love. I don't know what happened with him in the
past, what type of relationship we had, but I could never fall in
love with him. It's something physical I feel.”

are you sure?”

think so mum. Do you think it's possible? I mean can you fall in love
with one person and being extremely attracted to another?”

I think that can happen and probably it's not the first time that
happens.” She concluded.

do you mean?” Now she got all my attention. I closed the
wardrobe and sat down near her.

what I mean is that I think that this was one of the reasons why you
fell for him and decided to stay with him and not with David. You
have always liked him so much physically, and I don't blame you. He's
a very attractive man and I understand what you feel.”I looked
at her and smiled.

really, what are talking about mum? Is there something you haven't
told me about? A new man which makes your heart beat fast?”

She blushed.

yes, I've been seeing Edward lately.”


father. I know that probably you should think that it must be weird
that I date his father, but I can't help it.”

my God mum.”

must have inherited from him. Edward is still a very attractive man
even though he's in his late fifties.

come I never saw him, is he the owner of the grand hotel?” I

only, he has a chain of hotels Cassidy, he's a millionaire.”

My jaw dropped.

wonder Tyler goes around with a Ferrari.” I considered.

yes and I must confess that being so wealthy make him look sexier in
my eyes, but it's not just that.”

what it is it?”

way of understanding me, he always knows what I feel, what I need
before I even say so. His kindness and gentleness. I think I'm in
love with him.” She confessed.

For a moment, I was stunned
and not because of what she had just told me but because without
realising she had just described David. All the things she was in
love with belonged to David and not Tyler.

listen to me. Just think about this. As a man ages, good looks can
alter. The hot body he has now will surely change but the character,
well that never changes.”

true, you're right.” I stood up and continued to get dressed. I
wanted to arrive at school as soon as possible. I wanted to clear
things up with David. I felt so bad; he must have suffered seeing me
with Tyler even though nothing of what he thought had happened. I
arrived at school just in time. The bell was going to ring. I ran to
my class. The students were already seated down. David wasn't there
yet. I rushed in and I saw Claire Morrison looking at me. I sat down
near Lexie.

Cassidy, Good morning, overslept?”


She looked at me
questionably. I sat down and pulled out my things. At that moment,
David came in. He said good morning to the class and then walked
towards his desk. Usually he always looked at me at least once but
not today. He did the attendance quickly and then he started the
lesson. Was he still angry with me?

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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