101 EROTICA STORIES (124 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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At that instant, the man knew that the second figure was a villain having malicious intent over the girl. This fueled his anger and willed to go after the man if ever he comes out. But he can’t enter the house because of obvious reasons so it caused him to feel helpless.


The brief moment of rage changed to confusion because the people inside seemed to know each other. They were now speaking. After that, the sound that emanated from the ceiling were now kisses, very different from the struggling.


The man followed every motion inside the house. It grew louder when the pair already arrived upstairs. There was a window on the room where the sound comes from so the man flew and hid at the tree overlooking it. There, he became witness to the dehumanizing activity that occurred inside.


The glow of the moon provided him proper illumination to view the entire activity. While doing so, the man had an erection and felt the need to be in the same position. But he can’t. He just looked through the glass that did not give him his own look. Yes, he does not have any reflection.


After hours of fucking, the partners were speaking with one another. It was sort of a post-coital conversation he felt when he was a human years and years ago. The man hardly noticed that dawn was fast approaching. He panicked and looked for a place to transfer. There was a dirty gap under a small bridge leading to an old shack at the place he passed by a while ago. The place offered no trace of excessive inhabitation and scent, so he resolved that the place must be feared. Without any time to waste, he flew towards it.


At the exact moment that the first beams of the sun blessed the ground with its warmth, the man was already under the bridge, filthy because of numerous wastes covering his body but comfortable enough to know that he survived to live yet another day. Yes, he is not a man.


He is a vampire that seeks to bring darkness in the town of Bridgettesville and his first target was already marked.




Doreen woke up that morning with Bruce still beside her. She felt quite uncomfortable because her pussy was dried and all sticky. Deciding to wash herself before going down to prepare breakfast, she rose up the bed and saw Bruce’s entire body. Her boyfriend’s penis was also dried up with cum. The look gave enough impression that it was beat up and tired.


She entered the restroom and stared at herself at the mirror. Her reflection was staring back at her and it was scary. The figure before her that came from another dimension was naked and beautiful. But yet, there was emptiness behind the eyes of that wonderful façade.


Is this what I want for my life? Hurt others and gain gratification from it? I can’t understand myself. Where did I go wrong? If I’m in school, I tend to bully others. But now in my sex life, another level of interaction, the same temperament subsists. What the fuck is wrong with me? I never wanted to hurt people around me but it’s like hunger that needs to be satisfied.


Am I crazy?


Doreen had to accept it because it was her nature. It was hard but she had no choice.


She walked down to prepare breakfast.


When Bruce woke up from a deep slumber, he just wrapped himself with a robe, went down, and saw Doreen already dressed up and prepared breakfast.


“Hey,” he said.


“Hello Brucey.”


“So you decided to call me Brucey after all,” Bruce grinned.


“That was fun.”


Bruce felt weird upon hearing that word. In all honesty, he only felt fun during the fucking times and not the painful ones. He was lucky to have fucked with someone who lingers in the minds of several of his friends. He’s dying to tell them that he managed to pull a big one off.


Morning went by so fast as they finished eating their breakfast. They had a quickie after eating and as usual, it was Doreen who dominated. She pushed Bruce on the couch and threatened him not to move. Then she just continued to impress with her magical fuck skill.


The fuckathon lasted for about an hour. Their respective cums were just recovering from a pretty long trip that night, so the grinding motion was not as fast. But it provided a pretty good run because no one had to worry about premature ejaculation.


After they fucked, they took a bath together, only to find themselves defiling the water on the tub.




Doreen was once again driving. She was now headed home this time. The place where she lives in was only fifteen minutes away from Bruce’s so it was just a quick drive. She turned on her therapeutic noise to relax her aggressive mind.


At last, I’m coming home. Spring break officially starts this moment! I’m looking forward to play football and basketball! My homies are waiting for me right now.


That anticipation was truly a favorable one as Doreen saw her friends outside waiting for her. They were about eight – four boys and four girls. She had no more time to park properly because the happiness was at its peak. She stopped the car in front of their garage and jumped outside, where her childhood friends were waiting. They all hugged Doreen the moment she stepped out. After a moment of catching up with each other’s lives, the friends questioned the new comer.


“Hey, where were you last night?” said a muscular man.


Doreen replied, “I just got caught up with a last minute packing and decided to go home late instead of driving tired.”


“Okay,” said another man. “So where are we at now? We pretty much missed you so you better make up for it!”


“Of course I will guys. Just let me rest this day. Tonight, we’re gonna paint the town red.”


Doreen was yet to inform them that she was already dating Bruce. Bruce has always been the bad guy so she was scared to let them meet him. She’s just acting as if he and Bruce are just acquaintances in a university.


Her friends finally left her to have a rest.




That night, she was originally slated to visit Bruce’s place. But her friends were so much irresistible. She was not able to see them for several moths now so the longing is there. Lucky her, Bruce gave his genuine yes and said that fucking could always wait.


They were in a bar enjoying themselves. Drinks, dancing, laughing, screaming, and craziness were the stuff that night. There were several guys who pursued Doreen one way or another during that time. There was a guy who stuck his penis on Doreen’s ass while free dancing, some outrightly asked for her number, and the more discreet ones started things out with a simple conversation. But to all their dissatisfactions, Doreen just gave a big no. They were just lucky enough that she was feeling light that night because if it were otherwise, a big explosion would have happened because Doreen did not like those kinds of shits.


Doreen was dancing on her hanging white tank tops and tight jeans when an attractive guy drew her eyes.


The guy was about six foot three. His face was square shaped and his body was lean, yet muscular. He really had an air of a super model-cum-porn star, unlike Bruce’s physique which was pretty much like a professional wrestler. But there was something that predominated those positive traits and that was the guy’s submissive-like appearance. Doreen just stared at the guy and to her delight, the stare was returned back to her.


Suddenly, the guy stood up and seemed to approach Doreen. The latter felt pretty uncomfortable because the first man she found attractive quickly responded. After a while, the guy was already in front of her.


“Hmmm… Hello,” said the guy.


Doreen just smiled shyly.


“You from around here miss?”


Doreen replied, “Yes, I’m from here. You look like a new guy. Vacation?”


“No. I just wanted to visit a cousin.”


They were both shouting at each other’s ears while conversing because the bar was extremely noisy. Doreen’s friends were scattered around – two were fucking at the comfort room while two were outside, at the alley, doing the same thing, and the other one was seated guarding their things - so she was pretty much free that moment.


“Oh I see, are you enjoying the night?”


“Pretty much. Look, I have a problem.”


Doreen wondered and asked, “Why?”


“My cousin was also on a vacation. I just arrived this night and I can’t find anywhere to rest. My cousin called and he said that they would be away for a week so I’m finding a place to stay.”


“Sorry. Our house if full. But our ex-neighbor who migrated to France had their house available for rent.”


“Good. May I have the number of this ex-neighbor?”


Doreen brought out her cell phone and gave the man the number.


“You can call that number this time. If they give you the yes, you can proceed to the real estate company just behind the mall. The key is there.”


“Good. Thank you miss. By the way, my name is Drake.”




“Nice to meet you Doreen,” Drake said as he shook the latter’s hand. “I’ll be seeing you around. It’s already dawn so I must go home.”


“Where are staying by the way?” asked Doreen.


“For now, I’m gonna check in at the motel. I’ll just grab the keys tomorrow by 6pm.”


“I’ll see you tomorrow then. I just live right beside the house.”


“That’s good. Okay, see you around then.”


Drake went away and left Doreen on the dance floor. Five minutes after he left, the bar was disturbed because of a loud scream that came from outside.




All people hanging out at the bar were shocked because of what they saw – a female soaked in her own blood. The people covered around the girl, who was struggling for her dear life. There were no obvious cuts around the victim so it made the panic even worse.


Doreen squeezed herself at the crowd using her brute strength by shoving people around. After easily maneuvering herself in the sea of people, she was shocked at what she saw.


There, in the ground, was Alaina, her girl friend who she thought was fucking with Jeff, another friend of hers, at the time. Alaina was on the ground and looked dead. There were blood splattered all around and the surroundings pretty much suggested that she have struggled. Doreen jumped from the crowd and grabbed Alaina. To her surprise, Alaina was still breathing.


“Hey, what happened?!”


Alaina was struggling to breathe and just weak to summon even a single word. But her fingers, though weak, was seemingly pointing at something. It was pretty inaccurate because it was all shaky. Doreen just followed the finger’s path and saw her friend’s neck squirting with blood. She was shocked to know it because of all parts that could have sustained cuts, it was the neck that had gotten the worst injury.

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