101 EROTICA STORIES (60 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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Her back hit the wall, his big arms boxing her in. His lips covered her own, claiming her mouth in a fierce and possessive kiss. Whatever thoughts she had running in her mind about why she shouldn’t be doing this with him had gone right out the window the second she felt the shivers that ran up her spine just at his touch. There had been a ton of warning signs about why she should have stayed away from him but she just couldn’t ignore the attraction, the lust that was bubbling beneath the surface. At the moment, she just didn’t care about anything else. All she wanted was to revel in the sensations his actions were making her go through.


The two stumbled through the house, hunger for each other taking over the most basic of brain functions. Her fingers scrambled to find the hem of his wife-beater, tugging it upwards. They pulled away from the kiss for a quick moment as he shucked it off and threw it over his shoulder, frantically pulling her back into his arms the second it was out of the way. His lips found hers once more, his fingers ripping her top over her head as they both toppled backwards onto the bed, her golden hair fanning out around her head like a halo.


Her lips parted, gasping for air through her mouth as he trailed a path of kisses down her chin and the delicate column of her throat, his lips finding her pulse point. She scraped her nails down his back, parting her legs, allowing him to drop down between them before wrapping them around his waist loosely.


He pulled back from her, his hot breath coming out it puffs against her face as he breathed harshly. He trailed a finger over the apple of her cheek and down to trace her jaw line before his thumb pressed against the soft pad of her bottom lip. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, a soft blush tinting her cheeks at his tenderness.


Dipping his head back down to hers, he planted his lips against her own, his teeth biting down on her bottom lip gently. Lowering his mouth further down, his made a path of kisses down her throat and over her chest. He mouthed the flesh of her breasts through the fabric of her sports bra, feeling her shudder and writhe beneath him. Her breathing had gone quicker with his every action, making him more aware of her growing need for him. He was fast becoming desperate to just tear her clothes off and bury himself between her toned thighs, to feel her warmth engulf him completely. Having her supple form beneath him was filling his head with all sorts of filthy thoughts but he wanted it to be good for her too. Rushing through the motions was definitely out of the question. However, it seemed that she had other ideas.


Her hands slid to his hair, her fingers grasping at the strands between her fingers. She rocked her hips up against him, letting him know just what it was that she wanted from him. Feeling his tightly held control slip, one of his hands gripped at the waistband of her jogging pants and tugged them down. Her hands roamed the expanse of his back, fingers walking a path along his spine. His hands found their way to his own track pants, pushing them over his hips, getting help from her feet when it came to sliding them down his muscled thighs.


She moaned softly at the feel of his thick shaft resting against her upper leg. His hands trailed over her body, tracing his fingertips across her thighs and towards the apex between her legs. He dragged one long finger along her slit, coating the digit with her essence. She was not one for foreplay however, at least, not now, as she reached a hand down between their bodies, curling it around his hard length and guiding him towards her entrance.


His first thrust had her arching her back almost violently, pushing her chest flush against his. His hand went up to her chin, drawing her mouth back to his, his tongue darting out to lick at the seam of her lips before delving into the warm crevice of her mouth. Their breaths had become ragged, his thrusts getting rougher as she rode the waves of her first orgasm. She moaned from deep within her chest, the sound dying at the back of his throat.


His hand found its way to her hip, holding it in a vice grip that was sure to leave a bruise, pulling her thigh up against his side tighter. He pinned her down with his hips as he held his weight on his forearm, not wanting to crush her as he angled his thrusts downward. She broke the kiss, a gasp leaving her mouth at the violent thrusts he was delivering, barely giving her any time to recover, her eyes squeezing shut in ecstasy.


Their chests heaved together in a synchronized tempo, both struggling to take in enough air. His thrusts grew deeper, more purposeful, and she felt herself hurtling towards her second release. Her hips bucked beneath him, her breathing hitched, and she bit down on her lip in a futile attempt to stop the loud whimper that escaped her as she was sent over the edge. She tilted her head back, allowing him to bury his face into her neck, sinking his teeth into her flesh as he groaned under the pressure of his own release.


“Fuck, that was good,” he said as he rolled off her, smirking to himself when he heard her whimper at the loss of contact.


“That was definitely intense,” she said after a few moments, still trying to catch her breath.


“Exhausted?” All she could muster in response was a silent nod. “I think that means we both need more exercise, build our stamina and all that,” he said, grinning wickedly as he turned to face her.


“Give me a minute.”




 “Alright honey, I’m off to work,” he said, tipping his mug back to gulp down the rest of his coffee. He moved towards the living room and gently took hold of his wife’s elbow, momentarily pulling her attention away from the exercise video that she was following.


“Oh, okay babe. I’ll see you later,” she replied, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek before turning her gaze back to the TV.


He walked out the front door and made sure that the it was shut properly before making his way down the drive and over to his car. He opened the back driver’s side door to place his briefcase and laptop bag in. Before he could slide into the driver’s seat, he was greeted by one of the neighbors.


“Hey Jim! Off to work?”


Jim looked up to find Aaron jogging in place just off to the side of his driveway, smiling politely in greeting. “Yeah, got a busy day ahead of me.”


“Well then, I won’t keep you. Have a safe drive into the city, buddy.”


“You have a great day.”


Aaron took off to continue his run as Jim got inside the car and peeled out of his driveway, honking his horn once as he passed by the jogger, receiving a cordial wave of the hand in response. But once the car had disappeared into the corner, Aaron turned on his heel and headed back towards his house.


He pushed his way through the front door, running to the back of the house, and out to his backyard. Turning to the left, he made his way towards the fence that separated his home from another house, his hands taking a solid grip of the top before hoisting himself up and over it.


She was already waiting by the open back door before his feet even landed on the ground. His forced his mouth upon hers once they were within reach, tongues battling against each other eagerly as they locked in a passionate kiss. He picked her up off the floor, her legs wrapping around his waist as he made their way into her home.


“We really shouldn’t be doing this,” she said, pulling away from the kiss as he put her back down.


“Jim doesn’t know a thing,” he argued, his mouth finding her neck. “It’s too late for a guilty conscience now. We’ve been at this for months.”


“Aaron,” she whimpered, the complete opposite of the stern tone she had wanted to keep.


She gasped as his hand dipped into the waistband of her yoga pants, fingers teasing her wet folds before thrusting two digits roughly into her. “Tell me you don’t like how that feels and I’ll stop.”


The glower she had turned on him quickly turned into a lust-filled gaze, her body succumbing to his ministrations. “Screw it,” she ground out.

“Oh don’t worry sweetheart,” he said with a smug grin. “I plan on screwing you.”
Thunder and Lightning

It was one stormy weekend and I had to go to work. The truth is that, no matter how much I love my job, I was not looking forward to it. I’d rather spend the night at my flat and catch up on my reading. However, there was an important delivery scheduled on Monday and a quality assurance staff must be there. Since I was the newest in the team, by design, I was supposed to be the one to show up.


I sighed all the way to the office building. The cab driver must be pretty annoyed with me by the time I stepped out of the car. The sky was gray and the clouds are low. My hair was a mess because of the wind and it practically covered my face before I even reached the entrance.


I feigned a smile as I walked in the office. I was not in a very, very good mood. I was able to reach the lab without much incident and realized that I was just the only one there. There were supposed to be three of us----me, my senior, and an encoder. I glanced at my watch. I was already 15 minutes late. Yet no one is here. I started taking logs and switched on my computer. I made myself a quick cup of coffee and settled on my seat. I gazed at the windows to make me feel better. It would be a lot better if I was at home snuggling on the bed, with my pillows all around me.


The lab is an exciting place for those who love mundane and repetitive tasks. However if you hate equipment, have no eye for details, and have to dress up fancy everyday, you’d curse this place. Life here is much simpler and the pace is much slower. Sometimes I wonder what I am doing here. Granted, the pay is good. However, it’s a torture having to wear a lab gown to work everyday. It’s not exactly the place to flaunt my knock out outfits and killer boots. Damn.


I opened my purse and took out a compact mirror. I reached for my Mac Morange and applied some on my lips. There’s no better way to uplift my mood than a vivid coloured lipstick. I added a bit of mascara and some bronzer and I felt even better. I was able to enjoy my coffee. As the minutes ticked by, I was able to finish evaluating three ink specimens. They were still not here.


I smiled and continued working. Well, working by my self should be a lot better than having to deal with two men I hardly ever talk to except when necessary. Just as I was getting cosy, Jeff---the encoder arrived. He was practically drenched from top to toe and I find it hard not to laugh. “Good morning Princess. I see you were not damaged by the rain.” He winked at me.


“Nice going, Jeff. God, go change. You look like a mess.”


“Thanks, I’d take that as a compliment.” He was carrying a food basket and it caught my eye. “What’s in there? Don’t you think the weather’s too sullen for a picnic?” I asked.


“Too sullen huh? Why are you all made up then?” He countered.


“Are you gay?” I asked to annoy him.


“Do you want me to answer that with words or you need a more convincing proof?” He was joking of course, but all of a sudden I felt my face heating up.


I felt the need to distract us both so I asked, “Coffee?”


“Sure. Here, open this. There’s a couple of Turkey sandwich there and a salad. Go eat.”


“Well, let’s eat! I’m starved. Is Henry coming?”


“I am not sure. But I heard he’s sick.”


“Oh, that’s too bad.”


I took a big bite of the sandwich. “Oh my God! Who made this? It’s WOW!”


“I did.” He said as he poured some milk on his coffee.


“Wow, Jeff! You should get out of this place and have your own sandwich joint. This is the best turkey sandwich I’ve had in 20 years! It’s so moist and loaded. This is sooo good!”


“Gee. Thanks. I thought you won’t like it because it has plenty of calories.”


“Well, that’s true. But I just can’t stop eating it. My dad will worship your feet if he took a bite of this thing.”


He laughed at that bit of comment and took a bite of his sandwich. “How come you’re not married yet, Jeff? It is a classic case of commitment phobia?” I teased.


He smiled. “No one would want me. Besides, I don’t go on dates that much. I’m rather shy.”


I laughed at that one. “You shy? You have got to be kidding me. I see the way you flirt with the people from the Sales Department. You’re not exactly shy. Not at all.”


“I never knew that you were observing me from a far. What else do you know about me?”


I grabbed another mouthful of the sandwich. “Hmmmm, that you smoke when you’re tensed and that you put more milk in your coffee than most people. That’s pretty much it.”


“You’re not much of an observer then. You haven’t noticed me checking you out even once?”


I looked at him, “You do?”


“Well yeah. I’ve noticed you since the day you came here for an interview. I also know that you’ve got small hands and you wear Caleche unfailingly.”


I put down my coffee. “How do you know that?” I asked. Nobody ever commented about my fragrance before.


“I have a nose and a pair of eyes.”


“Fair enough.”


“Just out of curiosity, how come you know Caleche?”


“I have a nanny who used to wear the same thing. It smelled amazing to my nose. Since then, I’ve had had a thing for women who wear it.”


“A thing?”


“Yeah. I associate them with my childhood. Happy memories.”


“I see.”


“Sometimes, when I passed by the hall and have a whiff of it, I smile. I knew you’ve passed by.”


I smiled at him and felt the blush that must have shown on my cheeks.


“You wore it even better than my Nana.”


“Thanks, Jeff. I so hope that you’re not buttering me up.”


“I’m not.”


“That’s great to hear.”


After a few hours of working in silence, I found myself getting a bit bored. The weather is still very gloomy. The trees are swaying in the wind and the clouds are darker now. The rain is pouring a bit hard and the air has a distinct fresh and earthy smell to it. I long to be outside. It should feel really good to be there while the rain is pouring and the wind is blowing my hair in all directions. My senior didn’t manage to show up. I have finished the tasks that I was supposed to do but I need to stay all night because the production team are working non-stop to meet the scheduled deliveries.


I felt someone behind me. “Bored?”


I turned slightly. “A bit. It’s the weather.”


“Are you sniffing me again, Jeff?” I teased.


He laughed. “You bet I am. Like I said, I do have a thing with Caleche women.”


“Silly obsession.”


I turned around completely and for the first time I noted how handsome he looks. I never noticed him before simply because he flirts like crazy with women. Or is it the other way around? Now, I cannot help but notice how gray his eyes are and how strong his jaw looks. I might be losing my mind. I tried to get a good grip of my emotions but I just can’t seem to stop myself from what I am about to do next...


I looked at him intently before I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his lips. I felt him stiffen for an instant then melted right into my arms as I started pressing my lips to his. He opened the windows a bit and allowed the breeze to go inside. That made me even more relaxed and more turned on. I caressed his nape gently as I explored his mouth. Everything about him felt so right----the way my body fused with his, the way his warmth spreads on my body, and the way his tongue felt inside my mouth. I have never felt so small and protected, until I was in the arms of this seemingly dangerous man I am about to play fire with. He scooped me and lifted me to him, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he kissed me. I surrendered to the heat of his kisses and enjoyed the taste and smell of him. There was a blast of thunder outside, echoing the hammering beat of my heart. His tongue felt like silky chocolate inside my mouth and tasted just as sweet. I touched his face tenderly and traced his face with my knuckles. “Liar. You’re not at all shy, Jeff.”


He put me down and pressed me against him, making me feel his hardness. “I am. He’s not.” I suddenly became very aware of his hardness and I gasped as I felt it against my belly. I chuckled. “You’re right. He’s not shy at all.” I touched his face and smiled at him. “Can I look at him?”


“Go ahead, Princess.” He said breathlessly.


I fingered his collarbone and parted my lips for another kiss. “Jeff. Oh Jeff.” I stared at him for a very long time and suddenly, I felt oh too womanly. His lips are so sexy and he’s so tall that I had to look up at him to stare deeply into his eyes. “Do you want me, Jeff?”


“That, I do. I really do.”


I slowly grind my hips to his and felt his hardness even more. I was nervous and excited at the same time, making me quiver with the thoughts of what’s to come. I traced the enticing bulge and teased it with the tips of my fingers. I felt my lips part as I looked at it and it made me swallow deliciously. He felt so big against me. I kissed him again as I provocatively moved my hips against his. He groaned with the contact and sucked my tongue again and again. I moaned as he kissed me deeply.


My hands found their way on his belt and I worked my way to free his manly bulge. I was able to undo his pants with one hand. He stood there, his pants on the floor. I cupped him and imagined him already inside me. He was so tempting.


“Oh Jeff, I want you. I want you so badly.” I kneeled in front of him and pressed my cheeks against the bulge inside his underwear. He pressed my face against his tumescence and he groaned with delight. I used my nose and my chin to touch him. I couldn’t wait any longer, so with extreme boldness, I pulled down his underwear and revealed his tool, now glistening and standing proud.


“Wow. You’re big.” I said, my voice filled with awe. “And he’s definitely not shy.”


I looked at his stunning erection and held it for the first time, loving how warm and silky it feels on my hands. I pulled it lightly and played with it, remembering the very first time I held a cock in my hands. He feels really good and without hesitation, I kissed it lightly on the tip.


Jeff whispered my name over and over as I gave him the head. I sighed deeply as my nostrils got a whiff of his manly scent. It’s a very basic musky scent and it lured me and made me feel like a woman in heat. I took all of him inside my mouth and licked him again and again. He moaned and groaned and pushed my head against his balls, my nose getting tickled by the hair near his cock.


I felt my mouth getting filled with his length. His cockhead tickled my throat and I sucked him, my mouth getting adjusted to his thickness bit by bit. I gripped his butt as I moved his penis in and out of my mouth. “That’s feels so good... I like it. I like it so much.”


I moved my hands at the back of his thighs, massaging his legs muscles and I suck him. His breath quickened and he pulled in and out of my mouth, in a sexy fucking motion. I continued to give him the head, more expertly this time and I used both my tongue and my lips to bring about an even better sensation. I sat on one of the chairs nearby to be able to reach him better. He moaned as my tongue moved along his entire length. My hands massaged his thighs and pulled him even closer to me. Looking at me as I licked him, he shook his head and pulled out of me reluctantly.

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