101 EROTICA STORIES (126 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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Panic began to set in for Doreen. She grabbed the sheets and stayed at the corner of the bed after finding out that Bruce was not breathing. She feared for the worst. Several thoughts flooded her mind. She imagined how she would live with it.


Then suddenly, Bruce laughed. It was a sinister one.


“Hey Bruce, playing tricks on me again? Fuck you! That’s not funny! I’m going out now. You suck.”


Bruce did not speak and just laughed. This time, his laugh turned really loud. Chills went on the back of Doreen’s aggressive spine. This time, she knew that what was happening that moment is not normal. She remained scared.


“I’m not playing Bruce, don’t fucking play around with---“


Before she completed her speech. Bruce literally, in a superhuman strength, flew towards her. He flew so high that Doreen was not able to think how it happened.


When Bruce landed in front of Doreen, he just smiled and pushed the latter. Doreen was not able to react due to extreme fear. Staying frozen at the bed, she just watched Bruce mount at her. He was not his normal self that time.


Bruce inserted his dick inside. It was cold. Doreen did not like the feeling but thanks to her previous orgasm, her pussy was still wet enough to welcome a willing dick to grind upon it.


After a few minutes, Bruce was already rocking his huge dick inside Doreen. Doreen was also feeling pleasure but was still disturbed due to fact that Bruce’s dick was dead cold. Just as she was about to feel the onset of orgasm, Bruce came without even saying a thing. His cum was thick and somewhat expectedly, cold. This irked her even more.


“Hey! You could’ve controlled your cum! Asshole! We always cum together in case you don’t remember. What the fuck are you up to? And what’s up with the cold cum? Are you fucking sick?”


Bruce ignored Doreen and manhandled her to a kneeling position. This time, he again inserted his dick and rocked Doreen’s pussy. Doreen was not yet prepared for another round because of her delayed release and extreme irritation. Her pussy was relatively dried but Bruce was still forcing the issue.


“Hey Bruce, you’re hurting me. Get it wet first. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you crazy? Please, stop it. You’re beginning to hurt me. It is not funny anymore.”


She tried to move Bruce away but the latter was still grinding. It was getting more and more painful because her pussy was already dried. She expected Bruce to at least feel some pain but it is otherwise, it was as if Bruce, after all, was not Bruce.


“Hey! That hurts! Fuck you! I’m outta here!” Doreen exclaimed and jumped out of Bruce. There, she saw Bruce still smiling and for the first time in a few minutes, spoke.


“You don’t want to enjoy this night?”


There was something wrong with him. Doreen noticed that Bruce’s lips were somewhat thicker than the usual.


“I want to. But you don’t have to dictate the pace. I do that, right?” Doreen replied as she felt her aggression decreased.


Bruce laughed. He laughed so hard that his face was up the ceiling. He was laughing like crazy and it gave Doreen great discomfort. She began to expect the worse and knew that Bruce must be the reason behind all mysteries that covered Bridgettesville.


After Bruce laughed, he maintained his smile that sent shock to Doreen’s heart.


He had fangs.


Before Doreen could react, Bruce jumped towards her again. But this time, he was going for the neck.


Doreen prepared herself in a defensive stance to prevent Bruce from hurting her. Her hands were crossed against her face and forced towards Bruce’s mouth, which already flaunted the fangs. Bruce was drooling and obviously wanted her blood.


“Fuck this Bruce, what happened to you? Please, go away.”




Bruce’s superhuman strength was getting the best of Doreen. Doreen began to feel her hands grow weak because of too much defending. It involuntarily gave up and Bruce pierced right through her neck.


 “BRUUUUUUUUUCEEEEEEEE!!! NO!!! BRUCCCCCCEEEE!!! PLEASE!!!” Doreen screamed at the top of her lungs.


Doreen was suddenly in the bed of her own room, drenched in cold sweat and breathing heavily.


It was a dream.


She checked her room for any signs of suspicious activity but lucky her, there was none. She looked at the time and it was eight in the evening – the next day.


Fuck, I’ve been asleep for almost twenty four hours and now my head’s even hurting. Good thing I didn’t wake up at the hospital. Wait, speaking of hospital… I wonder what happened to Alaina. Hope she’s alright.


There was a note on the side of her bed reminding her to drink her medications (should she wake up) and that the food has been prepared, ready for reheating. Her tummy was now growling due to fasting for an entire day, so she stepped out of her room to get that food.


When Doreen was already in the kitchen, she grabbed the food from the fridge. It was her favorite instant meal. This made her feel even hungrier as she prepared the food and placed it inside the oven. She grabbed a magazine from the rack and started reading while waiting for her meal to be cooked at medium rare.


The article she randomly stumbled upon was entitled: Ways to Know If One is a Vampire. In her normal days, she would have not read the article. But considering what had transpired during the last twenty four hours had been out of the ordinary, she found that moment to be the best to read such. It was quite a lengthy article, so she just decided to choose about one or two ways.


Yes. This is perhaps the best protection men have over vampires. Contrary to the popular belief that a vampire stalks its prey and thereafter going for the kill when the household of the victim is already asleep, these vile creatures are hurt when they invade a house uninvited. It can be the reason for their deaths. The reason behind this is unknown but proved to be useful through the ages. In fact, you can even invade other people’s houses when one is chasing you on the streets. The house offers you a safe fortress even if you leave the doors open, allowing you to stare the vampire in the eye to know its true identity.


But be warned: vampires are good persuaders. They can sometimes go inside a house easily using their pseudo-hypnotic abilities. The most indirect invitation can allow them to invade a house and cause their dark intents inside it. So the secret is to keep quiet and never respond to what the vampire says.


Some exceptions to the rule of houses are: being uninhabited, abandoned, for-rent estates that has no renters, burned houses, broken ceiling (or other states that affects the house’s characteristic of being contiguous), and the like.


Vampires lose their focus completely when smoked. In fact, people who suspects someone as being a vampire smokes the latter in his or her sleep and if the alleged vampire does not wake up, he is surely one. Take note that ---


Before Doreen continued on what she was reading, the backdoor doorbell rang. She opened it and to her surprise, it was Drake. Drake was still wearing the same set of clothes he wore the last Doreen saw him.


“Oh hi,” Doreen said.


“Hello and good evening. I finally transferred right there – the very house you recommended. Just came to say hello! Sorry I was not able to prepare some jell-o’s.”


“It’s fine. Don’t bother.”




The microwave oven beeped and signaled that the food was ready to eat. Doreen went for it and prepped it on the hot plate. It was just near the door.


“So Drake, how’s the house?”


“It’s fine. I’ve got some cleaning to do though, wanna help out?”


Drake was standing just outside the open door. Doreen got used of her friends just running in without invitation so she found her visitor quite weird and thought it has something to do with his culture (because he looks so Eurpoean). She was now getting her utensils.


“Hey Doreen, I also came to borrow some plates. I just moved in so all of my stuffs are still in the truck. The driver got caught up in traffic so it will arrive by tomorrow.”


“Plate? Sure.”


Doreen expected Drake to just come in but again, he did not. This aroused Doreen’s suspicion.


“Thank you. Hey, you’ve got a nice kitchen,” Drake said.


“Oh, that’s nice of you.”


What the heck is his foot doing just behind the line going inside the house? Something’s not right here. He should’ve entered the house by now. What the fuck… Yes… It’s because I haven’t invited him.


She noticed Drake grow serious this time and knew that he was about to think that his identity is not anymore secret to her.


“Nice table, I always wanted to look at those modern arts a little closer,” Drake silently asserted.


“That’s nice. We bought that at California.”


Doreen was now sure. Drake is not someone to be trusted. Her aggression resurfaced and wanted to attack the guy in front of her.


“What were you doing back there in the hospital?” Doreen asked.


“Me? Well… I was checking out my friend.”


Doreen did not believe it.


“Oh I see… I was there because my friend, Alaina, was attacked by something. The police have yet to uncover the real score about it but based on the scars found on her neck, it was as if a vampire assaulted her. I know it sounds crazy because no one believes in vampires nowadays.”


Drake, who was still stepped outside, replied, “Hahaha! Yes, who would believe that such thing could exist? Maybe the aggressor is sort of a serial killer who has fixed patterns. You know, those detective shows kind of stuff.”


Doreen felt a little relief. The very statement of Drake seemed reassuring because if he was a vampire; he would have reacted and escaped right away. With that in mind, she decided to let Drake in after she takes in her first spoon. Drake was on her right side so after she swallowed her first spoonful of food, she turned to look at Drake. Her eye was traveling rightwards when she saw the mirror just facing the door and it took her breath away.


What the fuck? Drake’s reflection is not there.


Doreen panicked and came to her senses. Drake was trying to fool her just to come inside.


“Doreen, hello? It’s kinda cold outside.”


“Yeah, it’s cold out there.”


Drake was showing signs of being impatient.


“May I get the plates?”


Doreen did not answer and just went for their plate tray. There, she grabbed two plates and walked going to Drake. Her movements were careful that time because she must not risk getting attacked. She was not yet sure about Drake so her speculation would be tested in her next move.


She was now standing at the front of the back door, standing before Drake, face to face. She reached out her hand holding the plate and made sure that the plate would not cross the line that separates her house to the outdoors.




Drake smiled. He seems to know what Doreen was after.


“Okay. Thank you,” he said while reaching out his hand that did not cross the line.


Doreen was already shaking. She can’t say anything that would mean an implied invitation so slowly, she moved her hands forward. It was shaking as it moved going near the line. The plate now crossed the line and Doreen was pretty much ready for anything to happen.


“Come, yeah. That’s good,” Drake smiled.


Drake grabbed the plate calmly. Doreen almost fainted due to extreme tension. She expected that crossing the line meant as an invitation or a transition that would allow Drake to attack.


“Doreen, why don’t you let me in?”


“Me? Why? I… I don’t know.”


“What do you know about vampires?”


“I’m not really sure.”


“Okay. Just watch your back,” Drake said with a very meaningful look. “I heard that they’re pretty persistent and can get anything they want. Just be careful.”


Doreen knew that it had a double meaning and just said yes. Drake now lost his smile but still maintained eye contact with her. Suddenly, their staring contest was cut short by a loud horn.


It was the car of Doreen’s parents.


Doreen, without saying anything to Drake, ran as fast as she could going to the garage.






The parents of Doreen were impatiently blowing the horns as if they had already expected her to be awake.


Doreen was running in order to warn them. She did not want her parents to be victimized by a vampire nor does she intend the creature to fool them into letting him enter the house because should that happen; it would spell disaster to all of them. While she was about to enter the door leading to the garage, she heard her father’s voice talking to someone.


Fuck, he’s talking to Drake.


Doreen literally knocked the door out and saw the garage door now open.




Her dad was bewildered and so was Drake. The former stepped inside the garage, about to scold at Doreen when Drake looked shocked at what just happened (either because of the lost meal or the revelation).


“Hey girl, that guy is our new---“


Before he could even continue with her speech, Doreen covered his mouth and whispered, “Dad. Please leave this to me. He’s my ex and he wants to disturb me. Please get mom and go inside. I’ll patch things up with that guy.” And her dad replied, “Then why don’t you let him in?” Doreen assured her dad that everything would be alright and she succeeded in doing so.


Her parents are now safe inside the house, leaving her and Drake once again.


“Nice job Doreen. You know, I hate nosey people. They just get on to my nerves.”


“So I’m right. You’re a fucking vampire.”


Drake revealed his fangs and said, “Duh… You’re smart girl. Where did you get the fact that we cannot go inside a house when uninvited?”


“It’s none of your business. What do you want from Bridgettesville anyway?”


Drake laughed for a while. “Me? I came here to find a mate. You see, we vampires do not multiply by biting of other people. No, that is only seen on the movies. We multiply by fucking a woman. And that woman, once she gets pregnant, will bear about an average of three vampire babies in her womb. Vampire babies are quite small but strong, so they always survive.”


Doreen grew irritated and just wanted to attack the vampire.


“From the moment I saw you, Miss Doreen, I smelled a strong personality and resolved that you should become my mate. I knew it was not luck that led me to you on that dark country road.”


Doreen was still ignoring Drake when suddenly; Bruce appeared from the garage door.


“Hey babe, surprise! I didn’t bring my car just to surprise you. Oh, we’re not alone here. Is he your friend? Hello there, please join us. Come in!”


Doreen knew that she was gonna be screwed that night.


“Oh.” Bruce said. “An invitation. For me? Sure is. Thank you mister Doreen’s apparent boy friend.”


“That’s pretty awkward dude,” Bruce replied.


“Of course it is,” Drake laughed as his feet finally crossed the line that led to the Parker’s residence.


Oh fuck, it’s over,
Doreen thought.


Drake walked and approached Bruce. Bruce was confused and when Drake reached the uncomfortable zone, he switched to a fighting stance. But despite that, Drake did not care and went nearer.




Bruce punched Drake’s face using his brute footballer strength. Drake fell down and seemed to have broken his neck because it was left in an awkward position. For a while, he was just on the floor, lying down motionless.


“What the fuck now cool guy?!” Bruce said, pumped up.


Drake was still on the floor, seemingly knocked out.


Bruce was about to attack again when Doreen stopped him.


“Babe, that guy is not safe. Please… Let’s get my parents and get out of here. It’s a long story but I will explain everything later.”


“What? How is he unsafe? Look what I did to him. Who the fuck is that guy by the way?”


After Bruce spoke, he and Doreen saw Drake rise up and thereafter, spoke:


“What the fuck now? Did I hear you right? Well, here’s the fuck.”


Drake completely rose up. His neck was indeed broken because his head was oriented on the right side. But that broken bone was easily remedied when he grabbed his own neck and twisted it. A strong crack sounded off.

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