101 EROTICA STORIES (121 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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At last, without him even noticing, Grizz crossed the line that signified his finish from the second stage.


With the final stretch of his second test finished, Grizz felt so gratified that he even cried for a while. However, this moment of glory was instantly cut by none other than the game master herself.


“Hey, why are you celebrating? You haven’t finished the third round,” Ash whispered. She was clearly pissed off with what happened.


Yes, I haven’t finished the last round. Why did I not remember such fact? NO. I can’t go on another trial to risk my life. Fuck this, where can I escape? All my energy had been expended. I’m too weak to go on.


“Grizz, you have been impressive so far. No man reached what you have accomplished so that alone can make you a proud man. Your next set of task is the most difficult. Are you ready?”

“Of course I am, let me get of this place once and for all,” Grizz said but deep inside, he was breaking down and ready to surrender.


While Grizz was speaking, his eyes were roaming around for possible exits. To his dismay, there was none. He had to delay the time for thinking.


 I have to make a good excuse so I can stop in order to think. What should I do? We fucked for literally a hundred times. We tried several positions, what more can we do? Fuck. I haven’t eaten her pussy yet. Yes, that is the plan. I’ll suck her pussy clean while I wait for that golden moment. Because if I eat her up, I would not feel the pain inside my dick and it will enable me to think clearly. Wait… Where do I start then?


Grizz assessed the situation and wondered if Ash is capable of giving in to a simple cunning. But after a moment, he realized that he has to because in it depends his only possible chance of survival.


“Hey Ash, I’m still feeling horny.”


“What? You? Horny? You even begged me stop at one point then now you’re asking me to fuck again?”


“Yes, I changed my mind. I want to fuck you again. Please.”


“What are you up to?” asked a suspicious Ash.


“None. Of course. Why? Are you scared of me? I thought I am the one who was supposed to be scared?”


“Me? Scared? No way. Come, do everything you want.”


“That is a contract. Don’t worry, it’s directed to you, not to me.”


Grizz approached Ash and let her lay down on the floor. After that, he slowly removed the lady’s pants and underwear. The pussy instantly revealed itself and invited Grizz to a good party.

Here goes nothing.


Grizz licked the pussy up and down with his tongue. He had no idea how to execute the perfect cunnilingus because it was something he has yet to accomplish in his life. But he had no choice but to let the situation present itself and pretend he was knowledgeable.


To his delight, Ash was correctly responding to his pretension.


Good, she’s giving in. Where do I go then?


I can go backwards. The path is pretty clear because I’ve been through it technically. Not only that, the good Ash can get me once I reach the ending. Wait, what if she does not go to me? That would be disastrous because I might risk restarting the whole thing.


Grizz outrightly deleted the first option.


I can go straight the third stage and hopefully, there will be a door connecting it to freedom! Yes, that’s it! I can escape with pure speed. What about the con? I have to go through another stage and I’m not yet sure if that stage has an instant door that can lead me to where I want. What if there’s a locked door that does not open until I finish the task?


Again, the second one was too risky to try. Grizz had gone too far and risking everything is not wise.


What parts of this house can facilitate my exit? Is there any? Wait, what the fuck…


The window.


Yes, I can jump to the window and wish the best of my luck. I can do this.


Grizz was still sucking on Ash’s pussy when he came up with the perfect plan. On the other hand, Ash was too busy enjoying her moment – she was near being in a state of pure orgasm.

“Oh yeah, that’s how you do it Grizz. It’s just perfect. It’s really good but go faster. Please. I’m about to explode so do it.”


Grizz followed the command and all the way. He knew that Ash is the type of staying in a convulsion after being subjected to extreme pleasure. With that in mind, Grizz only wanted the perfect timing that can send him into freedom while Ash is at her weakest.




Ash’s pussy squirted a great deal of vaginal fluid straight to Grizz’s mouth and face. The latter found the taste to be relatively okay. Besides, he had no choice. After the orgasm, Ash was her usual self, lying down with eyes closed after a heated climax.


She’s already done. Now’s my chance.


Grizz did not waste any moment and he ran straight to the window. He did not care if he was in the top-most or the lowest floor. All that mattered was to be freed by the extreme pain of being in that place.


The trip going down was a trip like no other. Grizz felt himself freefalling with eyes closed.




Grizz woke up already at the hospital.


He saw his skin all battered up, some stitched, while some were just bandaged. His feeling that moment was generally awful. He longed for nothing but the sound of his girlfriend’s voice.

Traumatized on what happened to him, Grizz looked around for suspicious activities.


There was none.


Why are these stitched? I came from that wretched house right? Wait. Where am I? Why am I so clean?


It took several minutes for Grizz to realize that he was already in the hospital, completely safe of what danger he has been through earlier.


What the fuck? I managed to escape. Wow. I am the man!


All he can see was the hospital meal placed on the desk beside him and all he can hear were nurses conversing with one another and the usual noise of a hospital. Suddenly, familiar voice flew in the air.


“Who’s inside? Oh, Mister Grizzly Grant. I’ll attend to him, don’t worry, we know each other.”

Grizz instantly felt safe because it was Joan’s voice. He whispered a silent thank you and anticipated Joan to come in. With what happened prior to that moment, Grizz promised himself to stay loyal and be thankful for everything that is there. He said sorry to Joan silently in his heart.


Where are you baby? Please come in. I love you, Grizz told himself.


But in a sudden turn of events, the familiar voice did not turn out as his fiancé after all. He then realized that the familiar voice was someone he never expects to hear. In fact, he does not wish to hear it ever again. His past experience was just too intense to be confronted with someone he has no power over.


The nurse’s hands appeared at his curtain. After a while, that same hand opened the curtain and revealed the real person behind it.


Grizz’s high spirits dropped down to negative levels in just a matter of one second. There before him, was Ash, dressed as a nurse, but still sported her sinister face.


“Hello sir. Do you need something?”


Grizz heard that but in the back of his head, there was a voice speaking, speaking so loud that it overlapped the physical sound he was supposed to hear better. It said:


“You cheated. Who told you to cheat? Do you think that just because you left the building successfully, you’re gonna be fine? NO. I used to work here so sorry; we can travel to places where we used to visit. That’s very unfortunate of you. NOTE THAT THIS IS A REAL MESSAGE COMING FROM ME.”


Ash gently kissed Grizz’s lips with her sweet and juicy lips. The kiss was quite torrid and carried Grizz’s emotions away. It was the first time they kissed after fucking for countless rounds. He closed his eyes and responded to the best kiss he ever had so far. Ash’s tongue tasted like strawberries that are freshly picked and the softness behind it was just unreal.


The kiss lasted for about a minute. It was Ash who broke the kiss. When Grizz opened his eyes, his sanity just surrendered.


“Hello Grizzy boy. Welcome to the third stage of my game. You technically passed the first and obviously, the second. NO CHEATING because the next time I catch you cheat, you’ll be sorry. Please take that as a warning. You would not want to go walking around earth as a crazy man, do you?”


Grizz found himself back to LeMort, the place where he wishes not to return to forever.

Grizz shouted at the top of his lungs.


This, of course, was heard by the people living in LeMort. But as always, they just feigned indifference and went on with their respective lives. They accepted the fact that Ash does not want to be seen so in turn, they decided not to search for a person who does not wish to be found.






A small town in the heart of Idaho, where the sky is blue, water is clean, air fresh, and simple people reside. But like all towns, it is also home to several urban legends and paranormal stuffs.


These figments of the mind peaked on the seventies, where technology is yet to occupy the attention of the populace and the great enthusiasm to the mystic is entertained. During that time, residents would actually believe in various folklores and various supernatural things that pretty much controlled every aspect of their lives. Some residents reports of UFO sightings, vampire abductions, ghosts roaming around, occult kidnappers, and the like. Mysterious things such as those mentioned would always incite scary thoughts on the human mind and this perhaps helped maintain the customary discipline common to a Bridgettesville individual.


But when the time came that believing in unproven things just proved too much to handle, most people voluntarily dropped the belief and continued on with their respective lives. It was that easy.


Now, almost forty years after the “era of belief”, only the so-called freaks and misfits of Bridgettesville believe in the mystery lingering in the town.


The mystery of Bridgettesville, overall, boils down to a single question.


Are mysteries true?


The question remains.




Doreen Parker is the type of girl a man would always fear but at the same time go crazy for. This can probably be attributed to her personality type that is quite brusque (many actually mistake her female hormones as testosterone upon interaction) and a very feminine body that just came along with it. It’s quite mysterious if you ask some, but that’s just the way it is.


As a child, Doreen always got in trouble for punching smaller boys to get their lunch money or in some cases where she would bravely defend her bullied classmates. In high school, she joined the women’s basketball team and had a special training session with the male team to fit her skill level. Then currently in college, though she dropped some of her bullying skills and athletic hobbies, her overall temperament displayed a very domineering nature – her hormones are just fired up to stay in one place. She would fight with professors, stay highly vigilant for basic student rights, scream at security guards if she was unreasonably approached, and give horndoggy guys a wild return stare.


With the internal description provided, perhaps a masculine external appearance would fit Doreen. But sorry to say so, she will once again ruin human expectation. First, with her heart shaped face: she has a pair of brown circle eyes that goes along well with her long eyelashes and thick (but trimmed) eyebrows, her juicy red lips are full and well-proportioned to the face; cheekbones are higher than the usual, and a bright aura surrounding it. You could even say she has that exotic Latina look.


For Doreen’s body, describing it would seem exaggerated if one has yet to see it firsthand. Her body frame is somewhat sporty because of her wide shoulders and long neck. But if you go further below, the breasts can give males a pretty hard and good erection because it’s just a little bit oversized. However, it does not in any way affect her body. It just stands firm and upright, making it an ideal kneading material.


People think that her waists are relatively thin but in truth, it is just a simple optical illusion caused by her breasts and hips. Her ass is round, humpy and firm.


With an external appearance that every woman would die just to obtain, Doreen keeps a dark secret.


When she was about fifteen years old, her concerned parents sent her to a psychologist for an assessment and the experts came up with a result revealing her secret – Doreen suffers from aggressive personality disorder and further studies showed her tendency of becoming a sadomasochist. This became a running issue for Doreen’s family. For the years that followed, Doreen was given medications and extreme counseling.




Doreen just finished her last day in school and drove straight to her fling’s house. For the first time in twenty years, a male had the courage to approach and date with her. His name is Bruce, the quarterback of Idaho University. He was brusque (because of being a jock) and tough like Doreen, so they were a perfect match.


Doreen was driving at a speed of sixty miles per hour in the wide streets leading to Bridgettesville. It was the start of spring break so everything was positive and light spirits were flowing around student’s hearts. She was travelling alone because Bruce went home ahead in order to attend to some personal matters.


A metal rock song was playing on her old car radio. She was enjoying the music as much as she loved the wind embrace her pretty face. There was something in her that loved solitude and rock music, so every time she drives home alone, it always gave her the time to meditate and just let her thoughts down. She found it effective because her propensities for aggression seem to fade away when she takes a moment of extreme silence.


This is life, all alone while enjoying driving and listening to music,
she thought.


While Doreen was enjoying a moment of pure therapeutic relaxation, there was a thing that crossed the road at a ridiculously fast speed. Doreen was startled and abruptly stepped on the brakes. She hit her head on the steering wheel upon reaching a full stop.




Her hands were pressed hard on the horns out of pure instinct.


What the fuck was that? Did I hit it?


Doreen exited her old 1978 Cadillac to see what was going on. She saw nothing around her car. This gave her a great sigh of relief because she would not bear thinking of having killed someone. She was aggressive but never goes to the point when extreme injury leading to something like death satisfies her.


I hit nothing but what was that? I’m sure I saw something. I would’ve not stopped.


She looked at her surroundings. There was nothing but vast plains of deserted lands in the countryside. All lights were turned off in that road plus the fact that it is inhabited, so looking around was virtually impossible.


Suddenly, a chill curled up her spine. It defeated all her aggressive propensities.


She jumped in her car and drove as fast as she can.


An hour after the mysterious incident, Doreen arrived at Bruce’s house. She opened the door without ringing the doorbell and proceeded inside. To her bewilderment, it was empty.


Confused, Doreen called out for Bruce.


“Bruce? Are you there? Hello? Anyone?”


There was no reply. Doreen, thinking that Bruce might be taking a bath or something, sat down at the sofa and watched the open television. She was tired and at the same time scared because of what happened so she reckoned that resting would have its advantages in lieu to her impending carnal night. She can wait.


The television was tuned in to the local channel. That time, it plays the paranormal show. The topic was regarding mysterious sightings that occurred around the place and an interviewee was describing something similar with Doreen’s experience, so it drew her attention.


After ten full minutes, there were still no signs of life in the place. Doreen decided to roam around  the house. She was still at the living room that time and the open television made things worse. Leading to the living room is the dining area, which has no person as well.


What the fuck’s going on here?


Doreen was very alert while she was investigating the house. Everything seemed so fixed but there was something her gut feeling that says otherwise. It was just so eerie and seemed unwelcome. The kitchen is not far away but the hall leading to it is so dark. But Doreen had no choice. The fear of dark should not get the best of her at that seemingly suspicious moment.


Mustering all the courage she had, Doreen went into the dark hall.


The dark hall was approximately thirty feet leading to the kitchen. It is quite lengthy because it consists of several rooms along the way.


While walking, Doreen can feel the goosies and chills were running down her spine.


Fuck it. This is not what I expected it to be.


When Doreen reached the kitchen, it was generally fine except for the counter, which had some unsliced meat in it. The meat’s scent was still fresh so someone must have been there just minutes ago. She approached the counter to search for several clues. While she was about to do so, there was something that moved behind her back. Doreen turned to look for it.




Thinking it might be her imagination, Doreen continued to approach the counter.


But in a moment faster than any person would expect, there was someone that grabbed Doreen from the back.




Doreen screamed as the cold hands that grabbed her from behind began to grip tightly. She was panicking and ready to grab the knife at the counter. The unknown being behind her was struggling and she has yet to see what it is. But whatever that thing was, Doreen was overcome with anger more than fear. The unknown being was seemingly saying something that was unintelligible but still, Doreen did not care and just shouted out of pure anger.


Fuck this shit, I’m gonna reach for that knife and stab this twat. NO ONE FUCKING MESSES AROUND WITH ME.


After a brief moment of struggle, Doreen managed to grab the knife. She immediately swung her arms around to get free. Her adrenaline was now flowing in her veins, giving her the strength of a wrestler ready to commence battle with just about anyone.




But Doreen’s ears were deafened because it was covered by aggression. She was thrusting the knife to the unknown man, who turned out to be wearing a black robe and a Halloween pumpkin mask. It was all berserk modes for her and she did not give a damn if she was to kill that thing.


“HEY! YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME! IT’S ME! BRUCE!” The man said as he managed to embrace Doreen.


Doreen got startled because of a familiar voice. She turned down her guard and calmed down. After dropping the knife and returning to her senses, she felt instantly weak and gassed out because of adrenaline dump. The unknown man, who was masked, removed the thing that concealed his identity.


It was indeed Bruce.


“FUCK YOU BRUCE! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME WITH FEAR! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, I SWEAR!” Doreen screamed as she was hitting Bruce all around, using the adrenaline that was left in her system.


“Hey! It’s just for fun babe! Ouch! That hurt! Ouch! Ouch! I’m sorry!” replied Bruce while in a defensive stance.




Doreen was not only hitting Bruce due to fear but also out of pure relief. Now, all that feared her were dispelled because that night was just filled with uncertain horrors. From the car incident down to the psycho killer game, it just made her horny knowing that it was all done by Bruce.

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