King's Blood

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Authors: Judith Tarr

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Praise for the Historical Fantasies of Judith Tarr
King's Blood
“The rich historical detail, mixed with liberal doses of magic and court intrigue, adds up to a fast and entertaining read. Tarr's all-too-human characters are not easily forgotten.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Judith Tarr combines history, fantasy, and fascinating characters in a gripping story. . . . [Her] England is richly and vividly imagined, from the small rites of daily life to the great magics that sustain the land. She seamlessly blends fiction and history to tell a compelling story. I highly recommend this one.”
Purple Pens
“The story's heroine is delightful. . . . The author presents particularly engaging leads.”
“This romantic fantasy is full of action, otherworldly creatures, and the need for the champions to prove brave and victorious.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Enthralling. . . . Tarr, proving once again that she is one of the best writers of historical fantasy working today, has built a plausible alternate world, populated with characters both fascinating and compelling.”
—Romantic Times
Rite of Conquest
“Page-turning good action . . . this is irresistible.”
(starred review)
“A love story told against a dazzling backdrop of warfare, diplomacy, and magic in the tradition of high fantasy. A ripping read. . . . Tarr animates the stylized outlines of historical figures with colorful characterizations and fast-paced plotting.”
“Absorbing . . . breakneck pacing and compelling historical detail.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Tarr continues her series of historic fantasies in which magic and the old religion play a key role. With her usual faithfulness to the period and keen understanding of human nature, she brings to vivid life her vision of the past.”
—Library Journal
“Fabulously rich and intriguing . . . a wonderful magical look at how William of Normandy became the Conqueror King of England. . . . There's a little of everything here to delight you: battles, romance, and magic.”
“Well written and rich with historical detail . . . strikingly portrayed battle scenes.”
“A spellbinding historical fantasy. . . . [Tarr's] unique slant on the events leading to 1066 makes for a fun and fascinating read.”
—Midwest Book Review
House of War
“Tarr blends her magic with actual historical events as well or better than any other writer in the field, and her historical settings all have an air of authenticity and believability.”
“Tarr's compelling mixture of magic, myth, and history becomes a regular page-turner.”
“Fans of alternate history and fantasy will love this enthralling novel.”—The Best Reviews
Devil's Bargain
“Meticulous historical research.”
“Impressive. . . . Tarr . . . brings (her story) to life . . . with believable characters, romance, and intrigue.”
“Delightfully mixes tales of Arabian magic with real, although alternate, history and a solid understanding of the period to create a fascinating tale.”
—University City Review
Pride of Kings
“[There's] an eerily beautiful, sometimes frightening undercurrent to this engrossing, thoroughly satisfying novel. . . . Tarr smoothly blends a dazzling array of characters from both history and myth . . . a totally credible delight.”
—Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
“A new tapestry of myth and magic . . . gracefully and convincingly told.”
—Library Journal

Pride of Kings
offers decisive proof that heroic fantasy can still be more than an exercise in fancy dress and moonbeams.”
Kingdom of the Grail
“Tarr spins an entertaining and often enlightening tale.”
—The Washington Post
“Eloquently penned mythical history. . . . Drawn with depth and precision, Tarr's array of characters are as engaging as her narrative is enchanting.”
—Publishers Weekly
“A lyrical and exciting story . . . richly woven narrative.”
“A tapestry rich with love and loyalty, sorcery, and sacrifice.”
—Library Journal
Kingdom of the Grail
Pride of Kings
Devil's Bargain
House of War
Rite of Conquest
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First Roc Mass Market Printing, February 2007
Copyright © Judith Tarr, 2005
eISBN : 978-0-451-46136-0
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Spring came late that year, lashed with wind and rain and sharp-edged with hunger. In corners where the queen could not hear, people muttered of signs and portents, and said prayers that had nothing to do with the Lord Christ or the good God, although many of them called on Our blessed Lady.

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