101 EROTICA STORIES (127 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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Drake looked mad now. He growled and slowly revealed his alter ego. The wrinkles of his growling face developed and stayed on their respective position. After growling, his vampire look remained – a horrendous face filled with exaggerated wrinkles, the nose seemed to have flattened and all that was left were two holes representing the nostrils, his lips were lost and replaced by an oral orifice that only consisted of gums and razor sharp fangs and his eyes were completely red.


Bruce and Doreen screamed with that they saw. They attempted to run but before they even moved a foot, Drake attacked Bruce. He threw Bruce all around like a rag doll and abused him all over. Upon seeing that Bruce was already weak, the vampire decided to ease the poor man’s pain by biting him on the neck. Doreen was just there and too shaken up to move. She was trembling as she witnessed a monster sucking his beloved’s blood. A strong slurping sound was present when Drake was drinking Bruce’s blood. The latter was just weak too react and looked Doreen in the eye, as if he was already saying his goodbye.


The feasting lasted for about two minutes. Drake was back to his former self and Bruce was lying on the floor, lifeless, and covered with his own blood.


“That’s what people get when they hurt me,” Drake said.


“Fuck you. I’m not scared of you.”


“You’re not? Okay.”


Doreen knew that the most popular way to kill a vampire is by piercing a stake straight down their hearts. People say that vampires are not capable of feeling love because all of it is locked inside their hearts. So the moment a person pierces right through it, love will be freed from confinement which also sends the vampire to perpetual liberation – death.


While the vampire was fixing his clothes, Doreen was already gripping a piece of wood. She was waiting for a moment that would make the vampire defenseless.


“Doreen. Doreen right?  Just wondering why you’re holding a stake.”


Drake managed to smell the wood and left Doreen with no choice. The latter attacked Drake and went straight for the heart.


But nothing is easy. Drake hit Doreen’s neck that sent her in a deep state of unconsciousness.




Doreen woke up with ropes binding her from an arm chair. She could not remember a thing and the last vision she had was Drake’s karate-chopping her neck. It was still painful up to that moment. Seeing that sunlight was present at the outdoors escaping the black paint on the window, she remembered that vampires are weak during that time. She stood up, still tied to the chair, to check for something that can undo her ropes.


The room Doreen was in is like a prison cell. There were no ornaments around and all that adorned it were cobwebs and piles of newspapers.


What the fuck just happened. My parents? Oh my, what did Drake do to them?


Doreen panicked because she knew that the invitation included the entire house. She became uneasy because her parents were both old and helpless should Drake attack them. Because of this, she tried to let go of the rope using her brute strength.


It seemed impossible at first because the ropes are tightly bound. But with Doreen’s adrenaline, the tightrope, even though unbreakable, began to gradually stretch. Doreen battled the tightness with all her strength. She felt all her nerves bulge and sweat began pouring all over.


Fuck this. I will be freed from this. GOTTA… SEE… MY… PARENTS…


It took several minutes before Doreen knew that being a human is not enough to break something that was unbreakable. She stood no chance so she just knelt down the floor and surrendered.


What am I gonna do? That freak is gonna fuck me as soon as he wakes up tonight. I can’t stand waiting for that to happen. There must be something that I can do.


Doreen decided to once again force the rope. As she was about to move her hands in opposite directions, she noticed that the ropes had loosened too far. She compressed her hands and easily moved it through the rope.


She was freed in the most unexpected circumstance.


Doreen silently peeped through the keyhole to see what was outside. To her shock, it was Drake, sleeping soundly and completely undressed. She can’t believe that Drake could just relax like that. But there also something that Doreen felt: She became horny because of Drake’s beautiful body.


He is fucking relaxed and underestimated me. Let’s see what happens next.


The only thing that was in Doreen’s possession was a lighter in her back pocket. She grabbed a whole bundle of newspaper stacked at the room she was in and moved out to get her revenge.


Drake was sleeping soundly as Doreen made smoke using the newspaper as a torch. This deepened the vampire’s sleep and became an opportunity for Doreen to take action. The latter bound the vampire on the four posts of the bed. Smoke was still present in the air but Doreen did not care – she needs to act smartly.


Hovering around the room, Doreen managed to find an iron bar. It was about five feet tall. She planned to use it by piercing the roof just above Drake’s room to end him once and for all. However, this idea was cut by horniness.


Drake woke up bound lying on his own bed. It was exactly nine in the morning. He became shocked because around him, were beams of sunlight coming from holes perfectly made above the ceiling. The only thing that separated him from certain death was the four corners of his bed. He heard his captive speak:


“Hello Drake, you think you caught someone easy eh? You should have known what I was capable of since you were the one who told me that I am an aggressive girl.”


Drake smiled. “You think you can kill me? You can’t. I can pull these strings easily.”


“I know you can, so I made this.”


Doreen turned on her lighter and threw it down. The moment it hit the floor, a bright sparkle of burning flame rolled around them and emitted smoke.


“Old newspapers and new leaves do make good smoke, quite paradoxical right? Good thing you have good water source so I just soaked this cloth in,” Doreen said while she was tying the cloth around her face. “This cloth will prevent me from getting suffocated.”


Drake knew that he was screwed as he felt his senses and strength go dim. He can’t muster the power to break the ropes anymore.


“Why? You can kill me in an instant. Why do you have to do this intricate design?”


“Fool. You think I would just let you go without getting something from it? Today, we’ll fuck. I will control the entire process because the slightest mistake you make would mean your ending. I am not kidding. I think the ceiling already speaks for itself.”


After she said this, Doreen undressed in front of the vampire. She was willing to have sex even if she was uncertain if the creature hurt her loved ones or not. What was important that time was to be freed from the lust that bound her for several days now.


Doreen masturbated in front of Drake. That moment, she thought being a literal dominatrix would be of no use because she might risk making Drake extra aggressive. So she just planned to control the intercourse without any pain (if she manages to control it).


After her pussy is already wet enough for an intercourse, she mounted at the top of Drake. For the first time she saw the vampire’s dick. It was still in its flaccid state but based in its entire appearance, an inference that it could reach about eleven inches was safe.


“Hey, why is your dick not erect?”


“Fuck you. I’ll put you in a deadly spot and let’s see if you can feel horny.”


“Is that so? Let’s see.”


Doreen stood up and transferred below Drake. There, she grasped the penis and stroked it gently. Not only that, she licked the balls and the penis’ body. It then stood up.


When the penis was already ready, Doreen went back to her previous position. She grabbed the huge dick and helped it inside her. The full length of the dick does not fit considering it was abnormally huge than she had expected. It gave her quite an excitement.


After that, she began to dance up and down. The dick was very great and provided her vagina a good sensation. It was large enough to trickle her g-spot every time she moves a bit forward. She was aware of the g-spot but was yet to activate it until that point. And all she could say is that, it provided her bombs every time she does it.


Doreen was abusing the magic of her g-spot while it still lasted. She did not care if Drake was on his orgasm because he was to die after all.


Doreen was grinding up and down, careful enough not to insert the entire thing inside her. It was just pure pleasure for her because at last, the first orgasm is about to arrive. She picked up her pace and tripled it up to get the best. At one point, she even grinded the g-spot continuously. She was inches away from insanity brought about by sexual pleasure.


“Urgghh… Urgghh… Urgghh… Urgghh… Urgghh…” she was moaning like a wild animal. In her mind, she was fucking with the late Bruce. But it was morbid. So she switched the man to Jeff, after that, Nick, and John, and some of his boy friends. Suddenly, she was already fucking with anyone in her mind. She was fucking with an old man, an elementary kid, a security guard, a beggar, a girl, an hermaphrodite, everyone. Doreen just gave up her moral inhibitions that moment and welcomed everything carnal that entered her mind.


Then the time came when Doreen was not able to control it anymore. She grinded a bit more but when the time marked for the explosion, she braced herself and supported her entire body by pressing against Drake’s chest.


Doreen suddenly flew up high in the clouds and even reached the space. She was in a juicy trance that blurred things around her.  It was the best day of her life, though it happened prior to the death of her boyfriend. Her breath was cut short, her blood pressure rose up the ceiling, and her power was reset to zero, and sent her traveling into a new dimension. She never felt that good and just wanted to remain where she was.


But back in the real world, Doreen was just screaming at the top of her lungs. The scream offered no intervals because it was just a steady stream of loud voice. In fact, all passersby even heard it on the streets. She did not care about other’s opinion because during that time she was the master and the slave and everything that she wants to be.


After Doreen came back to her senses, she once again proceeded for another round. The first orgasm almost took all of her strength but the feeling was addicting. She just wanted much more.


Wait, Drake is not speaking.


She turned to look at Drake and saw him focusing in closed eyes. He was not doing anything suspicious that time so Doreen thought that he is also enjoying the moment.


This fucker does not cum easily… He’s good but keeping him would be risky.


Doreen commenced to the second round by exciting her g-spot. Again, it provided the same result because that is what a g-spot does – give lucky women an unimaginable pleasure. Doreen just grinded her bean-like organ and it sent her straight for the second orgasm, which was ten times better than the first. Her pussy was now excessively wet and contaminated the sheets, making it appear as if a child peed in it.

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