Stardust (38 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Talena said quietly, heaving a sigh of relief.

Look, she is merely asleep. Perhaps we should allow her to rest. You do not look so refreshed yourself.

earth movements had slowed
and Darton hoped
Nalen had indeed been able to stop or at least slow the
planet’s dying. It would do no harm to rest. He
called Siara from the bottom of the rock and removed the pack Slamock

s men had given him. From its deep pocket he removed a soft square of silk. Easing himself upon its length, he pulled Aurora into his arms, cushioning her small head upon his shoulder. Within minutes, all four were sound asleep.

* * *

The first faint blush of the morning was slowly edging away the darkness of the night as Selina and Darvek readied themselves for the beginning of the Festival of Craton. The celebration was an ancient custom and widely recognized by every citizen of Palermos, whether or not native by birth.

During the week-long event, there would be parades, traveling carnivals, contests of many and varied interests, plentiful food and games for all ages. Needless to say, the city of Atmos would be overflowing with merrymakers from far and wide. Especially now that Bartok had lifted travel restrictions.
The citizens had not yet realized the fate that awaited them. The four who prepared to venture forth did.

Darvek looked up as a slight sound caught his attention. Selina stood in the doorway, her slim figure attired in a clinging red body garment, a thin train of the same bright color billowing out behind her as she walked. She had braided her lustrous hair, wrapping it around her small head so that the matching veil shielded its light color from view. In her hand she held the face mask that would hide her identity from the crowds in the streets.

You are truly beautiful,


s voice was a reverent whisper.

Selina bowed her head, thanking him with a curtsey. She c
ould not control the blush which
stained her cheeks. She did not think she would ever get used to the compliments Darvek spoke so easily. And she prayed he would never stop.

Selina let her own gaze travel over her beloved

s tall figure. His black leggings hugged his powerful thighs and the red tunic, falling just to the top of his slim hips, emphasized the breadth of his strong shoulders. Selina could feel her heart pick up its tempo just at the mere sight of him.

Truly my lord, you take my breath away. When I am with you, I feel as a girl of about sixteen moons.

She twisted the red mask between her nervous fingers.

Darvek chuckled lightly, loving the way she reacted to his presence. Lifting her bowed head, he looked solemnly into her dark eyes.

Never have I
loved anyone
. I am truly a lucky male.

Lowering his head, he kissed her full lips, savoring her sweetness.

They broke apart quickly as footsteps sounded in the hallway.

My, don

t you two look lovely,

Queen Lalona remarked as she and Jalon stepped into the room. They were dressed in matching lavender silk, much like the outfits worn by Selina and Darvek. Under usual circumstances, they would have been clothed in the royal regiment of Palermos, announcing to the citizens the beginning of the festival. Tonight, Bartok would have that honor.

Winoka followed the royal couple in.

You must be extremely careful as you venture forth today. There are many citizens loyal to Bartok and his uncle who would willingly turn you over to the palace guards.

Do not worry so,

King Jalon said, placing his arm around Lalona.

We will be fine. To all the people, the king and queen are dead. We are but a group of travelers stopping to enjoy the celebration.

Very well,

Winoka bowed before her king.

We will set forth. If you should need assistance, look for the mark of the amulet. Each of my kinsmen will wear such a badge.

We will meet at the east entrance of the palace at the setting of the sun,

Jalon told Darvek as they followed Winoka from the small cottage.

Do you know the way, my friend?

Darvek nodded his head in response.

I will be there, my lord.

Good. Now go and enjoy the day with your loved one for I intend to do the same.

The couples parted at the forks of the road leading to Winoka

s house, each taking a separate direction for the sake of safety.

What do you wish to visit first?

Darvek asked as soon as the king and queen were out of sight. He tried to control his qualms over leaving his ruler alone and unguarded, but the old lady was right. Too many citizens were loyal to the new ruler and their chances of detection would be much higher if the four journeyed together.

I have never attended the festival,

Selina said, her eyes bright with wonder as they neared the center of the city. All around them large booths had been erected and were covered in the shiniest of metals and the brightest of silks. Crafters hawked their wares and wonderful smells of food permeated the air.

Perhaps we could sample the dishes of Palermos. I see a vendor over there.

In her excitement, she dislodged her mask, revealing a large portion of her beautiful face.

Please my love, do be careful,

Darvek urged as he straightened the sequined cover.

I do not wish to loose you so soon after you have come into my life.

He soothed the veil across her features, seeing her love clearly even behind the concealing mask.

Do not gaze upon me so or I will be forced to abandon my good intentions and find a member of the old order to join us together before all of Atmos.


s breath caught in the back of her throat at the fierce look upon her warrior

s face. She touched the graying locks that had fallen across his forehead.

It would give me the greatest pleasure to be bound to you, my love. But I must first make right the many wrongs I have committed. After tonight, with the map to guide us to right the wrongs, then I would be most honored to become your mate in life.

Darvek kissed the palm of her hand, cupping her softness against his chin.

It can

t come soon enough for me. But I, too, know we must return Jalon to his rightful place as ruler of Palermos.

He sighed deeply in regret and led her into the crowd.

Soon they were lost in the crush of bodies, just another loving couple enjoying the day of festivities.

* * *

Aerial stepped into the dark blue velvet, pulling the palace robe over her nakedness. The female servant helping her dress had brushed her hair until it lay flat and sleek about her bare shoulders. Upon her head she placed the jeweled headdress Saatan had sent her, the sign of her status in the palace clearly stated by the bright red stones.

She gathered the full skirts and walked to the door. This was the night she had been waiting for. Saatan grew weaker and weaker by the hour. Bartok had not returned with the wizard and Aerial herself knew he never would. She had watched the sand beast eat the great stallion and had seen Bartok crawl like a whimpering coward across the sand, then lay still upon the vastness, his body lifeless. Perhaps when she was ruler of Palermos, she would send a party to retrieve his bleached bones.

Knocking on Saatan

s door, she waited patiently. Soon she would have all the time in the world.


a low voice said from the other side of the door. Even Aerial was shocked at Saatan

s shrunken appearance. His hair was now snow white, the thin locks wispy about his pale, wrinkled face. His fingers were but skin covering bones, the yellowed nails grotesque talons.

Aerial quickly hid her distaste and moved forward. Twirling gracefully, her full skirt billowing about her slender legs, she asked,

Do you approve, my lord Saatan?

Saatan gazed at the lovely young creature before him. Her white skin gleamed against the sensuous blue fabric and her creamy bos
om heaved with each breath
she drew. It angered Saatan that he was too incapacitated to enjoy her charms.

Would his fool nephew never return with Hadem? The wait was becoming unbearable and the pain more intense.


Aerial snapped impatiently.

You look lovely, my dear,

his thin voice rasped.

You are sure to be the most glorious creature in all of Atmos. And when I am restored to my former power, I will once more enjoy your many charms.

Saatan smiled lecherously, his beady gaze moving restlessly over her slim figure.

Aerial shuddered in distaste, yet managed a provocative smile.

I cannot wait my lord.

She rubbed her hand across her throat, past the full swell of her breasts.

Even now my body hungers for you.

Saatan could feel his heart pounding, beating mercilessly against his breast.

Leave this chamber, wench,

he ordered, his breath coming in painful gasps as he tried to control his body

s response to her blatant charms. As soon as he was fit, he would make the young lass pay for her behavior and her teasing words. Yes, he vowed, when he was through with her delectable body, she would beg him for mercy. The thought gave him immense pleasure.

Aerial curtsied and scurried quickly from the chamber. Laughing gleefully, she snatched up her feathered mask and made her way quickly outside. A plan had begun to take shape in her mind. Knowing how easily she could arouse Saatan and knowing his weakened condition, it di
d not take a wizard to see
Saatan could not withstand too much



Once she returned to the castle for the night, Aerial vowed to give him enough joy to send him to the unknown world. She smiled at the people around her, delighted with her plan and not really seeing them at all.

But Selina h
ad recognized Aerial instantly.
Even the blue mask, which hid everything except her ruby lips, could not hide her true identity. For Selina could tell, by her walk and the proud and seductive way she carried herself that it was, indeed, Aerial.

Darvek gave Selina a puzzled stare as she stopped suddenly, causing several revelers to sidestep quickly in order to avoid crashing into her.

What is it? Are you unwell?

Darvek gripped her arms tightly, worry creasing his brow as he noted her sudden pallor.

Pulling her into a side street, he sat her upon a small stone bench, seating himself at her side.

Selina, by all that is holy, what is the matter?

Selina pulled herself together and took Darvek

s hand between her own.

Forgive me, dear heart,

she implored beseechingly.

I did not mean to frighten you.

Are you now ready to tell me what caused you to act so strangely?

Selina laughed, the low husky sound washing over Darvek like a warm caress. With a gently hand he cupped her face, rubbing his palm lightly along the sweet tender curve of her veiled jaw.

My lord,

she teased lightly,

you cannot carry on so every time I have a worry or fear. If you do, you will soon be an old man.

She leaned closer, allowing her body to brush against him.

And I do not wish to forgo the pleasure you can give me as you are in order to care for your old bones.

Darvek was at first too concerned by her strange behavior to hear her teasing words. Then, as they finally penetrated his numbed senses, he threw back his head and laughed with deep pleasure.

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