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Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (42 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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Many men had died seeking the mythical stone. If the life stone did exist, the holder of such a stone would have unlimited power.

What do you propose to do about your nephew? Surely you cannot mean
to let him keep the stone once –
and mind you I don

t believe it exists--it is found?

Saatan laughed, truly amused by the wizard

s question.

Let him keep it? Oh, I think not.

He walked across the room, indicating the plush surroundings with an outstretched arm.

You see, my magical friend, I have grown quite accustomed to the lavishness of life offered on Pale
rmos. I intend to have all
my ne
phew has –
and more.

Bartok had upset Saatan

s own plans to overthrow Jalon. His nephew had attacked Palermos while Saatan had been away at Krossos. If Shivera and his son, Slamock, had only agreed to his offer, his time would not have been wasted and
would have secured the maps to the Mountain of Life.

It was Hadem

s turn to chuckle, the evil cackle sending chills up Bartok

s spine. From his hiding place h
e could see the evil masks
both men wore as faces.

You are truly a devious man, Saatan.

Saatan bowed his head, accepting the dark compliment graciously.

Thank you. Now,

he dusted an imaginary speck from his black body garment,

all I have to do is wait until Bartok locates the stone, then all will be mine.

Where does Bartok now mine for the stone?

Again a glaze of greed covered Hadem

s pale eyes.

The question surprised Saatan but he answered quickly.

Why in the center of the Mountain of Life, of course.

Then you may rid yourself of one problem now.


s comment drew Saatan

s brows together in curiosity.

What do you mean?

Hadem drew a deep breath.

What gives you life, my friend?


s curiosity grew as he answered.

My heart, of course, the same as with all creatures.

Hadem nodded briefly.

And where in your body does your heart lie?

I do not see where this is lead
ing. We must find the maps
Bartok has used. Only then can we secure the life stone of Palermos.

Saatan walked toward the old wrinkled wizard stopping just short of the man.

Just humor me,

Hadem said, looking into Saatan

s eyes and seeing the same lack of soul his reflection revealed.

My heart – as all others –
lies slightly in the center of my chest, but more to the left.

Suddenly, realization of their true conversation dawned upon Saatan and he grinned evilly.

So now you do not need your nephew any longer. That is one less problem to deal with.


s quiet voice reached Saatan, freezing him with its lack of emotion.

You are most correct,

Saatan said.

Now you must deal with the problem that brought you here.

Of course,

Hadem agreed, reaching into his voluminous robe. He pulled from its depths a pale purple stone strung with a thin silver chain.

This will restore your strength. But be careful,

he cautioned as he hung it around Saatan

s neck,

its powers are only temporary.

Saatan gripped the amulet, seeing its glow diminish even as he spoke. Within minutes, his body was returned to its former youthfulness. Feeling his body hum with energy, he released the stone quickly.

Bartok withdrew into the shadows. He could not allow his uncle to secure the stone. He hurried to the stables, once again claiming his mount. Urging the stallion into a fast run, he headed to the Mountain of Life, praying he was not too late to s
top the destruction of Palermos.

Bartok had not been the only observer of Saatan and Hadem. Hidden along the balcony of the portal, Darvek and the others had also witnessed the transformation of Saatan.

So that explains the cause of his strength. And here I had thought he merely led a clean and peaceful existence,

Jalon mused jokingly, even though his eyes were grim with worry. It had always concerned him that Saatan had never seemed to grow older as the years passed.

How could he endanger his people with such foolish vanity?

Do not distress yourself, my dear,

Queen Lalona urged.

We must now concentrate on protecting the stone of Palermos. Do you think Darton is well?


Darvek questioned.

ow can you know of Darton? He arrived on the planet after your supposed death
If he has any courage, he has seen Aurora safely from this evil infested place.

It was now Selina

s turn to look puzzled.

Why do you speak of Aurora? She is the female Bartok sent the Sybortron to capture.

Darvek cursed.

If he is not with her, s
he will not stand a chance against that monster by herself. I have taught her well, but not that well.

I am sure Darton is with her,

Jalon soothed his old friend.

How can you be certain? It was but a death bed promise to an unknown warrior,

Darvek stated.

Jalon moved backward toward the edge of the balcony.

We must journey to the Mountain of Life. Only there can your questions be answered to their fullest.

* * *

Aerial knocked at the chamber door with great reluctance. She had been summoned from the festival by a royal guard and ushered into this dimly lit portion of the palace.

This had better be good,

she muttered to herself. A masked warrior had shown more than a passing interest in her at the festival dance. His virile young body had caused a swell of desire to rise wi
thin her. She had no doubt
she could have convinced the muscle bound male to pleasure her before the night was through. But now she must carry out her plan for Saatan. After tonight, she could invite as many willing warriors as she wanted into her chambers. She knocked again, impatient to end this game.


a voice sounded from inside the room.

Aerial pushed against the wooden door, a vague shiver of unease chasing up her spine.

Master Saatan,

she called into the darkness,

what is it that you wish?

Where are the maps?

the voice asked.

Aerial squinted, trying to see through the darkness.


she said, losing all patience,

I do not like this darkness. Show yourself at once.

Only silence met her demand and she sighed. It seemed as if she would indeed have to make good her unspoken promise of before. But no harm would be done. She would show him the maps then entice him to the mat. In his present condition, he would expire in no time. Reaching for the small buttons of her dress, she exposed the creamy softness of her breasts.

They are here, my master. Come closer and see the richness,

she purred, cupping her fullness with her hands.

I have seen quite enough, thank you,

a cold masculine voice sounded in her ear as a large hand plucked the leather scroll from the folds of her dress.

Instinctively she pulled up the bodice of her dress, covering her nakedness as the room suddenly burst into light.

She shielded her eyes with her hands, still unable to see anything. The brightness was as brilliantly blinding as the darkness had been restricting.

Who are you?

Aerial demanded.

Do you not remember me?

a soft feminine voice asked, as a shadowy figure stepped forward.


Aerial gasped.

This cannot be. You are dead.

Selina moved to stand beside Darvek who had opened the scroll, frowning over its contents.

I would have been dead, if left to the hands of my so called



Selina could not prevent the anger that swelled within her at the thought of Aerial

s betrayal.

Aerial fell to her knees, clutching the hem of Selina

s red dress.

It was not I that plunged the dagger within your back. It was Master Saatan.

Selina leveled her gaze at the younger girl she had hoped to save from such a life as she herself had known. Thanks to the kindness of Darvek and the others, she now knew the true choice lay within each heart.

Then why did you hide among the shadows as Saatan took my life, then disappear with a smile at the thought of my termination?

Aerial covered her ears with her hands.

This cannot be happening. I saw you fall lifeless to the floor. You were dead!

she screamed hysterically.

Darvek rolled the scroll into a perfect cylinder.

We do not have time for such goings on. With the map, we can reach the stone before Saatan.

He took Selina

s arm and walked into the shadows.

We cannot leave her here.

Even through her anger,
’s heart twisted at the sight of the
crumpled figure sobbing against the cold stone.

Darvek spared the young girl but a single glance.

How can you even consider forgiving such an act?

he growled savagely.

She could have prevented your death.

And my anguish,
he thought silently, remembering the feeling of total devastation as he held her lifeless body within his arms.

If she had stopped Saatan, I would not have been given the opportunity to know your love,

Selina reminded him gently.

Never would I have been allowed to live once Saatan discovered I had aided in your release.

Darvek drew a long, slow breath, trying to resist the pleading of her blue eyes.

Bring her,

he ordered sharply.

We will take her to Winoka

s cottage. But do not expect me to be cordial to the wretched girl.

Selina smiled slowly then raised herself on tiptoes to kiss the firm line of his mouth.

You will not regret this, my love. After all,

she said saucily,

is it not better she is away from the palace than reveal our presence to Saatan?

* * *

Bartok rode swiftly through the city, keeping to the back travelways as much as possible. Already he feared the guard at the stable had reported his return and subsequently abrupt departure to his uncle. He slowed Kaika as he neared the base of the Mountain of Life. Dismounting, he withdrew the small canvas bag from his saddle and hurried inside the narrow opening at the mountain

s base.

BOOK: Stardust
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