Stardust (36 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Why do you doubt me?

Darton asked, his voice more amused than angry.

Aurora informed me
you visited us within our chambers not three nights past. And I for one know you were safely captured by those wonderful steel bonds.

Aurora dreamed of me?

Darton demanded.

That is what I just said,

Talena growled.


Nalene called softly, interrupting the conversation.

The ceremony takes place.

Darton hurried forward, moving Nalene aside. The remaining citizens of Krossos barely filled the magnificent hall. The large empty space was lit only by the flickering flames of a few candles. The male guards were dressed
in lavish head gear, the snake-like masks marked with
bright colors. The women wore silken robes of pure white. He could barely make out the figure of Slamock as he stood at a large stone alter, an older female by his side.

Stay here,

Darton whispered.

I must determine Aurora

s location before we announce your presence.

That will not be necessary, my friend,

Nalene said.

She is already here.


s heart seemed to drop from his chest as Aurora entered the room through a door at the back of the massive chamber. Her body shimmered and glowed as she moved. The gown she wore was indescribable. It was made of the sheerest silk, yet the eyes could not see the female form beneath. It contained all the colors of a covenant bow he had once seen on Earth, but yet there was no color to the material. It was as if it lived and breathed, a being all its own.

She was the most beautiful female he had ever seen.

My God.

His voice was loud in the quiet room, but did not carry to the occupants in front. All eyes and attention were captured by Aurora.

She is a very beautiful woman,

Nalene said.

Slamock has chosen well.

Her eyes filled with tears as she watched the tall figure in front. He was just as enthralled as the others.

It took a monumental effort, but Darton managed to tear his eyes away.


t give up hope just yet,

he grinned.

We still have one or two tricks up our sleeves.

He bent to whisper something in Siara

s ear, removing Talena as he did so. The great cat growled in response, then moved
into the shadows.

You wait here,

he ordered Nalene. He started forward with Talena in his arms, then turned back.

And do something with this smelly turin.

I do not smell,

Talena hissed as Darton walk
ed down the aisle. She
ed as Nalene
stroked her fur. The female opened the side of her robe and Talena felt herself being placed on the softest of beds. She snuggled deep within the fabric and closed her eyes against the blue light that appeared around her.


s legs were shaking as they carried him down the stone walkway. Nothing in his short life span had ever meant more than this. He must set Aurora free. From the corner of his eye he saw the guards jump to their feet. He must succeed at all costs, even if it meant sacrificing his own life

s breath. Clenching his fists, he cursed himself for leaving the blue sword behind. With the strong metal he could have made mince meat of the approaching slithering creatures and Siara would have taken care of the rest. Even as the guards grabbed him, he continued to move forward, dragging them with him as he went. As they neared the alter, Slamock

s head turned. Darton was pleased to note his surprise when he realized who caused such a disturbance.

You fool,

Slamock hissed from behind his royal mask.

You cannot change the hands of fate.

Darton threw the guards from his arms.

This is not your destiny, Slamock. Saatan has turned you into a whimpering boy, afraid of his own shadow,

he cruelly taunted the ruler of Krossos.

No man would steal from another.

You have no claim on this female,

Slamock said.

Darton could see the snake ruler was controlling his anger with great difficulty and decided to press his advantage.

Then you have no claim on this one.

At his words, Nalene appeared beside him in a flash of radiant blue light.

Another great rumble shook the hall as the guards once again seized Darton. The women fell to their feet, bowing before Nalene.

Aurora tried to move her head at the sound of Darton

s voice as he cursed the creatures

scaly clutches but she could not. Her whole body felt heavy, as if laden by a great weight. Even the small bouquet of flowers she carried was a terrible burden.

Darton stood at the end of the long stone alter, his powerful body held prisoner by four of Slamock

s guards. By his side stood a beautiful woman with long white hair. A glowing blue light surrounded the woman and Aurora feared she was experiencing some sort of hallucination.

First Darton, then this other strange being, had appeared as if from nowhere. She realized she had started to feel very peculiar since taking the first sip of the sweet, black liquid Somora had brought her to drink.


she cried. Finally able to force her body to respond, she walked down the three high steps. Slinging the flowers aside, she launched herself at Darton

s body. With incredible ease he thrust the guards aside once again and caught her swaying body, pulling her close.


he whispered against her bound hair.

I was so afraid I had lost you, my love.

His arms tightened painfully about her.

You have lost her,

Slamock sneered.

Guards, seize him.

Before the snake creatures could move, Siara jumped from the shadows behind the alter, knocking Slamock to the ground and dislodging his headdress. Jumping upon the prone leader

s back, Siara stood guard, baring her teeth threateningly.

Get this great ball of whiskers off me,

Slamock ordered, his eyes shooting yellow sparks of fire at having been bested.

I think not,

Darton said, pulling Aurora even closer.

At least not until you acknowledge the return of Nalene.

Slamock closed his eyes, refusing to look in the direction of the other woman.

Nalene is dead,

he stated, his voice flat.

That is but a trick you have conjured to fool me into giving up Aurora.



s voice was full of anguish as she knelt beside him. Without spoken command, Siara retreated to her master

s side.

It is I. Do you not believe in my touch?

Her small cold hand came out to touch his head.

Oh, my beloved.

Do not pity me,

Slamock said as he rose to his feet, the concealing mask forgotten.

Nalene buried her face in her hands.

I did not know,

she cried.


s eyes filled with tears
as he looked upon the woman
he loved. She seemed to have aged ten years since the beginning of the war with Saatan. Her once golden hair was now as white as the ash that blew from the middle of the great lava mountains.

And I did not know they would harm you. I would gladly stay this way for the rest of my life to have prevented such a fate to befall you.

Reaching out his hand, he touched her bowed head.

Immediately Nalene wrapped her arms around his legs. After several tense moments, Slamock dropped to his knees and gathered her in his arms, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.

So this is why you would not answer my call,

she smiled slowly.

And I thought it was the fear of the unknown that kept you away. You have never really believed in my powers.

She touched his cheek softly.

I should have known my brave warrior would not allow his fear to stop him.

At the call of your voice, I feared for my very sanity,

Slamock confessed.

I was afraid the images were mere desire on my part.


Talena said, struggling to release herself from Nalene

s blue robe. She had been having a most pleasant dream before these two had awoken her with their sentimental prattle.

Do not cause my stomach to revolt at such disgusting banter.

She poked her head between the still embracing couple. Taking one look at their lovelorn expressions, she jumped down, stretching her cramped muscles.


Aurora cried, reaching down to scoop her friend into her embrace. As she straightened, another tremor shook the cavern, throwing her back into Darton

s strong arms.

See, this is where you belong,

he whispered in a low voice, his warm breath blowing softly against her ear.

Aurora shivered, feeling the familiar coil of desire when in his presence.

I am not arguing,

she murmured, content to rest against his hard frame.



s lilting voice caught the attention of everyone and conversations suddenly stopped.

There is a wedding to be performed I believe.

Darton thrust Aurora behind him, his rigid stance threatening anyone who dared try to take her from him.


Slamock said quietly and with a hint of humor.

Today I take Nalene, my beloved, as my bride.

Turning to the still quietly sobbing woman, he lifted her face, looking deep into her eyes.

This is, of course, if she will have me.

Oh yes, she will.

Nalene threw herself into Slamock

s embrace, her arms twining around his neck.

But first, there is something I must do.

Moving away from Slamock

s side, Nalene closed her eyes and lifted her arms toward the heavens as she began to chant. Her singsong voice stirred the quiet crowd, making each and every
one draw close to the altar.

Suddenly a white mist appeared, totally obscuring the already limited vision in the dim cavern. And, just as suddenly, the mist disappeared. Aurora
gasped in amazement, sure
her eyes were deceiving her.

By the gods, what kind of witchery is this?

Darton growled, not relaxing his rigid posture. Perhaps he had been hasty in releasing this female. If she possessed such powers as this, she could easily return him to the dank dungeon. His senses were tingling, his instincts on alert.


s delighted laughter echoed throughout the great hall, joined quickly by the sounds of the others rejoicing.

Tis not witchery, my lord, but white magic. You have just witnessed a simple act performed by our tribe

s Phalon –
what your people term a sorcerer, I believe.

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