Stardust (47 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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s a good thing we did not have di
nner. You two could give an ancient one

Chantar shook his head as he gathered his traveling robe closely about him.

But in this case, you are right.

His gaze fluttered over Aurora

s beautiful features before resting on Darton

s p
uzzled expression.

You have been to the planet Krossos?

At Darton

s brief nod, he continued.

You know
the planet is dying?

Yes, we know this but what does that have to do with us?


s deep voice reflected his genuine curiosity.

Your pl
anet – Palermos –
is about to meet the same fate. You two have been chosen to stop its destruction.

How can you know these things?

Aurora reached toward Darton and he took her cold hand in his larger, warm one. As badly as they both wanted to, they could not discount Chantar

s wild story. Aurora knew the legend of the life stones and now, having seen Nalene, she beli
eved. But it had been told

had been taken by the gods, their planet spared only at the
power and
benevolence of the gods. And s
he said as much to the stranger.

How can a planet live without a lifestone, my dear?

Chanter chastised her.

You must take my words as truth for I cannot reveal any more at this time. Just trust all will be explained.

Chantar sat forward, his solemn expression expelling the blustering, flut
tery image previously presented.

Darton gripped Aurora

s hand, squeezing it tightly, as with a straightforward glance he tried to give her courage.

What is it
we can do? We are but two lone warriors.

I can tell you only what I have been sent to impart.

Chantar eyed his charges warily. Truly they faced a serious challenge.

The battle you will fight will not be an
easy one. However, I feel
victory can be ours.

Then what must we do to obtain victory?

Darton was now all warrior, ready for battle.

These are the things I know. You must travel with me back to Palermos and we must enter the Sacred Mountain. More than this I cannot say for such knowledge has not been given to me.

We have set course already for Palermos.

Aurora stood, knowing her words were spoken for Darton as well.

That is so, but we must travel in my ship. Not only is it faster but we will have the protection of the cloaking beam. With it, we can make it to the Mountain of Life undetected.


Darton said, feeling a strange sensation tingle over him. He

d had the same feeling moments before the swarm of Argonian warriors had overtaken him and Darvek.

I am not so sure this is a good idea.

How can you say that? We must stop B
artok and his uncle.
I know this is the right thing to do. I have longed for a way to set things right on Palermos. Before I was faced with too many obstacles but with you by my side, I know we can succeed.

nodded, knowing the hand of fa
was with them once again.

Then let us move quickly. There is much to be done.

Aurora moved hastily, busying her hands with needed chores. But her thoughts would not be stilled. Darton seemed impatient, eager for battle. She herself was not afraid, yet she feared for his safety, and hated that their brief time together had so abruptly ended. For surely once their duty was done, Darton would depart, having fulfilled all promises on her behalf.


s ship carried them safely through the defense shields of Palermos, causing Darton

s eyebrows to rise in disbelief. Upon his return from Earth, he had been forced to glide in on the after beam of a cargo ship.

That is a most effective device you have,

he commented. The huge apparatus was encased in a shielding crystal in the middle of the bridge.

But then this is a most unusual ship.

Thank you,

Chantar said, his face beaming with pride.

I have worked many moons perfecting it. It can carry me and my wife wherever our work takes us. But, alas, the cloaking mechanism is not my own invention. I acquired it from a Zallanion trader in exchange for a small replicator device. I fear the man will be most unhappy when the power supply is depleted.


Aurora spoke.

I have never heard of such a planet.

In time, my dear, you will know all such things.

Chantar winked before returning his attention to the controls.

Darton frowned at the elderly man

s familiarity with Aurora and the presumptuous way the traveler had of speaking.

Oh my,

Chantar exclaimed, twisting the knobs of his console frantically.

This is much worse than I imagined.


s eyes were drawn to the screen. Before them loomed the Mountain of Life. He had vague memories of playing on the walls of granite, but never had he seen it such as this. Above the
mount, storm clouds spun
, a rolling, tumbling mass of darkness

Chantar landed the ship on an unseemingly small ledge and opened the hatch.

The happening has begun,

he said, the wind tearing the words from his mouth as he climbed down.

Darton and Aurora quickly followed with Siara bringing up the rear.

This is the worst, absolutely worst thing you have ever done to me.

Aurora allowed herself to grin at Talena

s muffled words. During the trip home, Darton had fashioned a carrying bag for the turin. Only her head was visible from beneath the belly of the great cat.

But she did not dwell on her friend

s discomfort. Her thoughts were centered on the man walking before her. He had spoken not two words during the short flight. Instead he had sat at the console, sharpening the edge of the blue sword with slow steady strokes. Even the viciousness of the storm could not blind her to the change within him. Her foot slipped and she groped for a hold.


s hand was there quickly, his face etched with worry.

Do be careful, my dear,

he scolded, pulling her back onto the path.

Aurora winced as her knee scraped a sharp rock.

At least you care,

she muttered under her breath.

Chantar waited until she regained her footing before starting forward. Darton was some distance ahead.

Do not be harsh with him. He has many things on his mind.

Aurora flipped her hair behind her ear, wishing for the leather band to secure it in place.

What does he know that I do not?

she asked. Her eyes narrowed as she gazed into his innocent looking face.

Have you told him things which you have not told me?

Chantar patted her shoulder in affection.

Of course not, my dear. But I think Darton has reached his destiny sooner than we anticipated.

Just then Darton disappeared completely from sight, swallowed by the darkness of the mountain.

Aurora scrambled up the rocks, leaving Chantar far behind.


she shouted, her heart in her throat.

Do not worry,


s voice whispered in her ear as he pulled her through a slight opening.

All is well.

The cavern they stood in housed a huge waterfall, the rise of mist warm against their skin. Droplets shone with every color, sparkling more brilliantly than any Coranthanian crystal.

t is beautiful.

Chantar huffed up behind them.

This way,

he motioned, never pausing. The next chamber they came upon was even more beautiful than the first. The walls were clear sheets of ice, but as solid as the mountain itself. In the middle stood a huge platform.

Look familiar?

Darton asked, pullin
g his sword from its sheath.


s hand found her tagua as they both prepared for battle.

The chamber they stood in was identical to that found of Krossos which had entombed Nalene.

There is no need for your weapons here, my children.

Aurora whirled around at the sound of the low-pitched voice.


she cried, running to the outstretched arms of the man who had raised her since she was but a small child.

I thought you had perished.

No, my dear,

Darvek whispered, his throat choked with emotion. He stroked her long dark hair, remembering the anxiety of the past few weeks.

I am alive and well.

He looked over Aurora

s head, seeing the tense stance of the warrior. Darton.

And you are well, thanks, I am sure, to this man.

He put her from him and walked forward. Gripping him by the shoulders, his eyes filled with tears.

I am in your debt
, my friend.

You are welcome,

Darton bowed formally before whooping loudly with joy.

By all that is sacred, I had feared you dead.

The two mighty warriors embraced, pounding their fists upon one another

s back in their excitement. As if becoming aware of their watching audience, they separated, noisily clearing their throats.

This is all well and good,

Chantar smiled, himself touched by the emotional reunion,

but where are the others, Darvek?

Who are you?

Darvek frowned as his attention was drawn to the stranger in their midst.

What are you doing here?

This is Chantar.

Aurora introduced the two men quickly.

He brought us from Krossos.


Darvek frowned.

What were you doing there?


s eyes narrowed, reminded once again of his deathbed orders to Darton.

I am the one to question that,

she said.

What possesse
d you to send such an unenlightened male
to protect me? Why, he practically kidnapped me! And just what were you protecting me from?

Now wait just a minute,


s protest was cut short by the irritating screech of a very perturbed turin.

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