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Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (37 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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Darton snorted, sounding much like Talena in his disbelief.

If Nalene is such a powerful sorceress, why was she trapped inside the stone?

Nalene stepped forward, anger rising swiftly within her.


s treachery caught us unaware –
me especially. You can be assured it will not happen again.

Slamock laid a retraining hand upon Nalene

s arm.

My love, release your anger and let this be a day of happiness. For surely we have much to be joyful about.

He rested his dark gaze upon the warrior to whom he would forever be indebted.

We owe you our very lives, Darton. I would be honored if you would stand with me this day.

Darton nodded, amazed at the sudden turn of events.

And I would be pleased to have you at my side,


s small hand drew Aurora to the altar once again.

I feel we have much in common.

Thank you, it would be an honor,

Aurora managed, suddenly filled with a strange sensation. The cavern had suddenly turned very hot. She could feel beads of sweat gathering on her forehead even as she spoke. She stood silently during the short ceremony, her mind still refusing to believe the evidence before her. At Nalene

s powerful words, Slamock and the other snake creatures had disappeared. In their place stood tall, strong warriors.

Yet Slamock surprised her most of all. Taller than the other black-haired males of his tribe, his red hair fairly sizzled in the candlelight. And at the moment, his blue eyes shone with love for the woman at his side. Aurora sighed. It was very romantic. Still, he was no Darton. Her glance slid to the blond warrior who had captured her heart and she felt her body temperature rise even more.

Darton heard Aurora

s small sigh and looked quickly away from her beautiful face. Was she now regretting her decision not to marry the Krossonian leader? Did she now look upon his manly form with desire? The very thought made his blood boil. He was so engrossed with his thoughts he missed the last words of the joining.

As Slamock and Nalene exchanged their first kiss as lifelong mates, the floor of the hall rocked, threatening to send everyone to their knees. Talena tumbled from Aurora

s arm and she heard Siara growl. Just before she would have fallen, Darton reached out, steadying her with his hands. As he touched her, she cried out as if in great pain and he felt the heat radiating from her body.

Aurora, what is wrong?

He had to shout to be heard above the now terrific rumblings.

Aurora slumped forward, her body going limp in his arms.

I do not feel well,

she whispered into his bare chest.


s eyes flew to Slamock


What have you done to her?

he demanded.

I did nothing,

Slamock said, his voice filled with equal concern.

She has not been feeling well for the past several mornings.

Nalene stepped to Darton

s side and lay her hands upon Aurora

s cheeks. After several moments she turned a quizzical glance upon Slamock.

She has been given the liquid of the ancient ones.

Slamock immediately turned to Somora.


he growled, his eyes dark with fury.

Somora held up her hands as if pleading for understanding.

I did not think it would harm her. Your father gave me some on our first night together.

She crossed her arms over her chest.

And I rather enjoyed it,

she said haughtily.

Nalene could not contain a small laugh as she rejoined Slamock.

Do not scold your mother, my love. I am sure she meant well.

Darton had watched long enough, his concern for Aurora mounting with each passing moment.

I do not care about your family squabbles. What is wrong with Aurora?

All heads turned at Darton

s roar of anger but Nalene was the first to speak.

Nothing is wrong, my friend. Somora merely gave her a drink made of the fruit from the passion flower. It is a
relatively harmless plant which
grows in abundance on our planet. The effects will diminish within the day.

Effects? What effects? I have never heard of this passion flower.

Darton was still not satisfied at the vagueness of her answer but he felt his anger leaving at Nalene

s calm reassurances.

Slamock threw back his head and laughed while the others around him watched in amazement. It had been many moons since their leader had expressed such joy.

Then you do not know what you have been missing. In fact,

he grinned widely, pulling Nalene close for a brief, passionate kiss,

I think I may see if Mother has any left for my new mate.

Nalene blushed prettily as Slamock released her.

I do not think that will be necessary, my lord,

she replied tartly, straightening her blue robe.


Aurora demanded his attention as she straightened in his arms.

Please kiss me like that.

She wove her hands around his neck and tugged him down until his lips met hers.


she begged, her large violet eyes glazed with desire.

Darton did not know whether to curse or join the others in the laughter that roared through the chamber at Aurora

s bold action. Seeing the passion that filled her eyes, he decided to curse. Now was not the most opportune time to have the love of his life fall at his feet in a passion-induced stupor.

As if the gods agreed with his thoughts, the walls around them began to crumble and large slabs of stone fell from the ceiling.

We must reach the surface at once,

Slamock called, ordering his guards from the room. He took his mother and Nalene by the hand. The other males did the same with each of the females, including his sisters.

Darton and Aurora followed the Krossonians as the citizens fled to the surface, leaving their world of darkness behind forever.

The way was treacherous as the caverns continued to collapse. They spared precious moments to retrieve only enough food and water to see them back to their homes. Even amid such continuing destruction, the joyful group did not seem to mind. So much had happened in such a short space of time, it was almost impossible for them to believe. Their joy in the restoration of their physical beings
as well as the realization
they were finally free from their dark prison created a happiness that was almost palpable.

Once safely outside in the bright light of day, the group paused to enjoy a world they thought never to see again.

Our village lies across the river.

Slamock spoke quietly from behind Aurora and Darton, drawing their attention.

Will you travel with us? We would be honored by your presence among us.

Darton put an arm around Aurora, drawing her closer to his side.

Your offered hospitality is appreciated, Lord Slamock, but we must journey yonder.

Darton inclined his golden head toward the distant mountains.

Our destiny lies in a different direction.

I understand, my friend.

Slamock extended his hand and Darton clasped it warmly in his own.

Although it took some time, I am pleased to call you friend, Darton.

The feeling is mutual, friend Slamock,

Darton smiled ruefully, silently acknowledging the truth of his words. He would not have believed it possible had
someone told him days ago
he would be standing here exchanging pleasantries with his captor.

Will you be able to stop this destruction?

Aurora directed her question to Nalene, feeling a strong pull to the other woman.

My powers are weak,

the woman replied
her voice filled with worry.

The only true hope is to return the life stone to its proper place.

Slamock took her hand in his, caressing it.

It will be several more days before our ships are ready for travel.

Do not worry so,

Nalene said.

I feel our destiny is secure. Do you not agree, Aurora?


s bright blue eyes focused on the slender young woman with great intensity.

Yes, I suppose it is,

Aurora answered, the look in the other woman

s eyes making her feel suddenly afraid. She turned quickly to Darton.

Do you suppose the same thing is happening on Palermos?

Darton dared not meet her eyes, fearing he would reveal his own fears. Aurora had been through far too much. He must not add to her concerns.

I agree with Nalene,

he said.

Slamock ordered supplies of food and water be given to them for their journey. As the bright orb of Krossos

second sun climbed high in the bright blue sky, Aurora and Darton parted from their new friends.

Aurora walked in silence behind Darton, enjoying the way his firmly muscled body moved with such easy grace. She remembered the way his body had felt beneath her hands, the hard strength of sleekly coiled muscles moving fluidly without the slightest effort.

She chastised herself, knowing her thoughts shoul
d be on more important matters –

such as the fate of her own planet.

It was so hot, she thought silently. Even with the breeze blowing from the mountain, she could feel tiny pin-prickles on her skin. The feeling was almost painful.

What is wrong with you? You

re moving so slow we might as well stop.

Talena poked her head out of Aurora

s wedding finery, glaring at her mistress through watery eyes.

Aurora looked up, surprise etching her pale features. She had fallen behind. Darton was several yards ahead and showed no sigh of slowing down. He did not realize she was so far behind. And she was tired. So tired. Maybe she should just sit down on that cool rock at the base of the mountain and rest. She could catch up later when her body wasn

t feeling quite so strange.

Moving as if in a dream, Aurora escaped out of the bright sun and stretched out upon the cool rock. Unable to still the trembling within her, she pulled her legs up, clasping her arms around them, hugging herself tightly.

Aurora, Aurora!

Talena had jumped from her robes just in time.

Oh no, oh no,

she moaned, padding agitatedly around and around her mistress

still form.

Before she could decide what to do next, Darton appeared at the top of the rock formation.

What is keeping you, Aurora?

he said.

We must leave before this day is over.

Come quickly, Darton,

Talena said.

I can

t awaken her.

Darton scrambled back up the rock edge, dislodging the loose pebbles in his rush. He knelt beside Aurora, quickly feeling for her life pulse. It was strong and steady beneath his trembling hand.

Blasted snake. I knew I should not have trusted him. He and his mother have poisoned her.

BOOK: Stardust
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