Stardust (40 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Darton lowered his head and gently kissed the damp locks at Aurora

s temples.

Is that what you wanted, my love?

is voice
husky from the passion they had just shared.

Aurora struck at the golden flesh of his chest with her fist at the wickedness of his gaze.

Do not mock me,

she hissed, still feeling the waves of satisfaction washing throughout her body. She had never known such deep fulfillment, not even during their time within the dark vortex. As she lay within the security of his strong arms, she knew this feeling consuming her had nothing to do with the black drink Somora had forced upon her.

She had read the ancient poets and now knew what their sweet words meant.

Darton was her destiny.

Stunned by the revelation of her feelings, she did not object when he levered himself from her body. She watched with admiring eyes as he replaced the karta upon his magnificent body.

Darton caught the look in Aurora

s eyes and grinned self-consciously as he adjusted the fit of his battle dress. He had found satisfaction within her body but was still aroused. His shaft could barely fit comfortably within the karta

s snug lines. But he could not dwell on the thoughts of plunging within her honeyed warmth again, as tempting as the thought might be.

They must reach the ship within the hour. Much depended upon their speedy journey back to Palermos. More than Aurora could ever imagine.

He reached over and straightened the dress covering to a much less disturbing length around Aurora

s long, muscled legs. She looked at him with a stunned expression, as if he had given her the most incredible news and he grinned smugly.

I am glad I have satisfied your passion.

Aurora jerked away, hurt that he thought what they had shared was merely the completion of pleasure brought about by some feeble form of magic. Before she could stand and retreat, his eyes narrowed dangerously and he toppled her to the hard stone once again.

There will be no more misunderstandings between us,

he growled.

Aurora averted her head, refusing to meet his stare.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Darton pinned her hands upon her head, refusing to be sidetracked by the diamond hard points of her nipples as they thrust against his chest.

You had this same expression on your beautiful face right before you huffed off the mountain. And look where your temper tantrum landed us.

Aurora w
as indignant at the thought
he could blame her for their encounter with Slamock and his people.

I had nothing to do with what happened, you arrogant beast. I was the one kidnapped.


s eyes grew dark as he remembered the feeling of helplessness he had experienced as Slamock led Aurora through the darkness of the ground.

I know, my love. It is I who must shoulder all responsibility. If I had but opened myself to you, none of this would have happened.

He released her hands to cup the nape of her neck. With gentle hands he smoothed the wispy strands of silk from her eyes and face, touching the pale beauty of her skin with reverent fingers.

Oh my love,

Aurora cried, catching his hand within her own and kissing the callused palm with passion-swollen lips.

It is I who should be begging forgiveness. I did walk away childishly, angered at the thought of what you had shared before me.

She implored him with her dark eyes for forgiveness.

It is as if I can no longer remember my life before Palermos,

Darton confessed, surprised to find his words held the truth. He had known for many years his time away was to prepare him for the future. But now he knew his future lay with Aurora.

All I have done before was merely to bring me to this point in my life. To share my life path with you.

He bent his head, sealing his words upon her lips with a kiss of promise.

You are ten times more gushy than that snake creature ever thought to be,

Talena commented as she jumped to a boulder above Aurora

s head.

Darton groaned in weary acceptance as he ended the kiss, hating to lose even the briefest of contact with Aurora

s sweetness. He sprung to his feet and r
eached out a hand to help her

It is not too late to leave you on this barren wasteland,

he warned the turin, turning his back upon the hissing animal.

You would do no such thing, warrior,

Talena said.

You are too indebted to me for the excellent use of my skills to think of leaving without me.


Aurora said.

You two squabble as two infant babes over the same tit.

If I could sup at your breast, I would fight the entire fabled league of the hooved horsemen single handed,

Darton proclaimed as he lifted Aurora high into his arms, swinging her wildly into the air. Their play was interrupted by Siara

s low-pitched growl.

Reluctantly Darton lowered Aurora to the ground, savoring the feel of her slender body one last time.

But alas, my friend is right. We must return to the ship. And to Palermos.

Aurora was quick to gather the food bag Slamock had given them and donned the cloak she was sure Somora had thoughtfully provided. Somehow, even after all that had happened, she was sad to be leaving Krossos. As she followed her golden warrior, she could well imagine the beauty of the planet before Saatan

s deadly plundering.

It is a shame this beauty was destroyed,

she said.

Darton spared her a glance as he walked slightly ahead. She could see his eyes raking the damaged countryside and knew he felt great remorse as well. It was comforting to know they shared such an affinity for the land.

Saatan is more cruel a ruler than his nephew ever was,

Darton said. His hand swept out, indicating the sand and rock. Not one living plant grew on the charred soil.

As he spoke, another tremor shook the planet and Darton cursed as he steadied himself against Aurora using his strong, firm thighs to brace himself against the swaying land.

Saatan must pay for this.

Aurora was breathless by the time the shake was over. She pushed the hair from her eyes, frightened by the anger in Darton

s voice.

But what can we do? The citizens loyal to Jalon were defeated in battle.

Oh my beautiful and trusting Aurora,

Darton sighed, finally admitting to himself what was his true mission. He had realized as Nalene had spoken to Aurora.

Do you not know the power of yourself?

He put her away, afraid if he kept her close he would never let her go again.

Krossos is not the only planet that has tasted Saatan

s evil. I fear he has also removed the stone from Yulon as well. Did you not see the darkness of the moons as we passed?

Yes I did,

Aurora agreed.

But we all know Yulon has been dying for many years. Just as Argon died in the last millennium. And Palermos before that. Only with the help of the great wizards did Jalon and his forefathers manage to fashion the paradise of Atmos.

She shrugged her
shoulders, dismissing his words

Darton wiped the back of his hand across his sweating brow and growled in frustration. If Aurora was so hard to convince of a readily seen fact, did he have any hope of persuading her to return?

Black clouds gathered as they journeyed, scuttling swiftly across the darkening sky.

Darton turned, balancing one foot precariously above him on the rocky ledge, and waited for Aurora to catch up.

That damned turin is slowing you down. Why don

t you put her down and make her walk?


s low growl brought an immediate protest from somewhere inside the folds of Aurora

s cloak.

You can

t be serious.

Aurora stared wide-eyed at Darton

s scowling face.

Why not? Surely you can see the logic.
That hairy little creature
you pack so laboriously has four feet. It does not make sen
se that you carry something which has two more feet than you

You pompous, arrogant, uncivilized Neanderthal! If you were not the only male available to get us off this barren hole of a planet, I

d bite your –


Aurora pushed the small h
ead quickly back under her dress
, effectively muffling the rest of her threat.


Darton demanded, impatience making his voice sharp.

Well what?

Aurora drew herself to her full height, which did no good at all considering he was a good head taller than she and had the added advantage of standing on the ledge above her. She placed a protective hand over Talena

s squirming body.

Are you going to keep hampering our progress or are you going to make that infernal creature walk?


s voice was as chilly as the sudden wind that whipped about them.

Please Darton.

Aurora turned wide, glistening eyes upon him.

Talena is so small, she could never keep up with us.

Aurora bowed her head, rubbing her hand protectively over the bulge the turin made at her middle.

And if I lost her, I would be losing my oldest and dearest friend.

When nothing but silence met her mournful statement, Aurora dared a peek at his set features through the heavy sweep of her lashes. He did not look mad as she had feared. Instead, he looked resigned.

Very well, give me the little weasel and let

s get out of here before this storm hits.

He stretched out one strong arm.

Thunder rumbled in the distance as Aurora pulled Talena from her protective place.

No, you cannot do this.


s high pitched screech echoed off the rocky walls of the mountain.

Aurora, my friend. Oh, ouch. Be careful you big oaf.

Darton shoved the struggling ball of fluff into the crook of his arm, hefting the food satchel higher up on his other shoulder.

Shut up, you sniveling piece of ratty fur, before I decide to make gloves out of your good-for-nothing hide.

For the first time since Aurora had known her, Talena was effectively silenced. She exchanged a delighted grin with her beloved warrior.

Darton reached down with his free hand.

Shall we, my love?

Aurora placed her small hand in his much larger one, feeling immediately safe. She had always hated storms and the approaching one threatened to be a wild one. Such storms on Palermos were usually accompanied by an energy field failure, plunging her into complete darkness. Yet with Darton near, the old fears were nothing more than minor twinges. There were more important things to think about.

Like the feel of his calloused palm sliding against her soft one. Or the way the muscles in his firm thighs bunched and flexed with each step he took.

Aurora swallowed hard, averting her eyes from his much too appealing male backside. She could not believe the direction her thoughts were taking. Here they we
re on a dying planet, recently – unbelievably –
set free f
rom a hopeless situation
, with one of the most ferocious storms she had ever seen quickly approaching, and she was thinking about her lover

s body.

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