Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax (27 page)

BOOK: Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax
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Of course I was all smiles. I loved riding with him and couldn’t wait to see where he would take us. This time he put his helmet on and climbed on first, turning to look at me. “Climb on, angel and sit as close to me as you can.”

His eyes crinkled under his visor and I knew what he was implying. I didn’t need to be asked twice. Cocking my leg up and over, pleased that I didn’t need to be lifted any more, I moved in tight and snug against him, loving the closeness. This was where I wanted to be. My arms wound around him and I clasped my fingers together tightly, pressing my whole self against his back. I heard a groan before he fired up the bike, a loud rumble causing people to turn their heads and look.

Checking for traffic, Jax eased the bike out and we were on our way. I took in everything around me as we made our way out of the city. Jax seemed to know every road intimately as he maneuvered us down back streets, avoiding traffic lights until we were on the open highway. I couldn’t wipe the silly grin off my face at the sensation of flying down the road with the wind chasing us. I was anchored to him in every sense of the word. Safe. Protected. Unable to let go of him, mentally and physically.

The scenery was amazing once we were out of the hustle and bustle of downtown Denver. America really was a pretty country. I could see snow-capped mountains in the distance and wondered if that’s where Jax, Micah and their friends snow-boarded every year.

I didn’t want to miss a thing as I turned my head from left to right, discovering the new world around me for the first time.

After a while, I could see some houses up ahead and knew we were coming in to a town. The overhead sign as we slowed and idled into the quaint town, had me remembering our last ride here. Golden. He’d brought me back to the place we’d first visited and now he obviously wanted me to see it with my own eyes. Somehow it felt like our place.

We didn’t drive to the main hub, instead we stopped short and pulled in to a carpark beside the river. The river where we’d sat weeks ago full of hope, sharing its sounds, me trying to visualize what it looked like. The real thing was much prettier.

The water was so clear I could see the rocks underneath, near the edge. A man in a wetsuit was in his canoe, paddling upstream. A dog sniffed out a scent with its owner as they walked the path that we took.

Jax looked over to me, eyebrows raised, maybe looking for my reaction.

I didn’t say anything until we stopped and sat, our helmets on the concrete wall beside us.

I turned to him. “This is perfect.” I was beaming. “The sign was a giveaway so I know we are in Golden, but this is the very spot we sat last time.”

“I wanted you to see the real thing. See for yourself why I like to come here.” His arms did a sweep of the vista in front of us.

“You’re awesome, you know that?” My hand moved to his face. I’d longed to touch it since before we left Denver. The rough texture of his stubble was welcome beneath my trembling fingers. It meant so much more than just a touch now because with it, came Jax’s reaction. His eyes closed and he mumbled something I couldn’t make out before they opened and consumed me, unwavering. They darkened to black, showing me what was going on inside of him, whereas before I could never tell.

“You’re extraordinary!” I admitted, knowing no other word to describe his beauty. He laughed and placed a hand at the side of my head so he could push my hair behind my shoulders. One side then the other. His gentle touch then moved to just below my left eye, his thumb stroking gently.

“So you like what you see? Am I different than what you thought I’d be?”

“Mmm hmm. Better. So much better.” I wanted his mouth on me but first I needed to see something. “Open your mouth.”

He looked at me quizzically but didn’t refuse. I still couldn’t see it properly so I sent him an order, “Poke out your tongue.”

Slowly the silver stud appeared, languidly moving over his lower lip, teasingly. That little piece of metal had a certain effect on me that flourished low in my abdomen. I couldn’t hold back as I threw myself at him, grabbing the back of his head, opening my mouth, willing him to thrust his tongue inside.

His hand came to the back of my head. He pulled me in hard, moaning into my mouth at the assault, opening wide and giving me what I needed. The second I felt the small, cool rod of metal playfully connect, I let myself go. His generous, moist lips worked mine, furiously. Passionately. I don’t know how I ended up straddled across him on the concrete wall, my legs pulled up tightly on either side of him but I was. I wanted more, not caring who was around. I loved his fire. His heat. The brutal way he kissed me, bruising my lips, grunting deeply into my mouth with each turn of our mouths. It was the kiss of all kisses. Claiming each other. Apologizing for our mistakes. Begging for some sort of future. I was where I needed to be. My heart knew it. I knew it. I was home and I was never leaving.

We clung to each other, frenziedly until Jax pulled away, standing up. “I’m too selfish to share you with the whole of Golden. I need you alone.”

There was no arguing on my behalf as I stood and followed him up the path, across the road and past the hub of the town. Turning a corner we stopped at a quaint Bed and Breakfast.

He turned to me. “I want you, Holly. All of you.”

My own need was too strong to let this go. “Yes. I want you too. So badly.”

He fingered my lips for a brief second, gave me a disarming smile and then led me into the small dwelling.

An elderly woman in a floral dress and greying hair that was pinned up, smiled kindly. “May I help you?”

‘Do you have a room?’ Jax asked.

I felt like she knew what we were there to do so I looked everywhere but her eyes.

“Would you like one night?”

“Yes. Please.”

He payed and the woman led us through a long corridor of the home to our room. It was beautifully decorated with a country theme. Warm and welcoming. I didn’t get to look around too much at the surroundings though because once the woman was gone and Jax had locked the door behind her, he had me against him, worshipping me with his mouth. “I want to do this the right way. The way I should have done it the night of your birthday.”

I was miles away, lost to his tongue on my neck, teeth nibbling down to my collarbone. My fingers moved to his head, pushing his hair backwards, a spark of desire exploding into a full inferno throughout me.

“Ummm. Mmm.” There was nothing more to be said. I didn’t need words. I needed actions. Everything he had.

Tearing his mouth away, he adored me with his deep, emotive eyes, fingers lightly flitting over my face, down my neck to my shoulders where he pushed of my jacket. “Let me love you, angel.”

“I need that, Jax. Show me,” I whispered, locked onto his striking eyes.

Standing still, I relished in the way he undressed me. Sensually. Unhurried. Stopping to place velvet soft kisses on each exposed piece of skin, the piercing tickling me further.

When I was totally naked he stood and motioned with his head across the room. “Go lie on the bed for me. On your back.”

My legs moved of their own accord until I was stretched out wantonly, watching him watching me. He was still fully clothed, yet wound tight. His neck muscles were rigid as were his hands at his sides.

“Fucking breathtaking,” he snarled. He fisted a hand and shoved it at his heart a couple of times, my only reaction a slight rise of my hips and a high keen.

God, I was so embarassed to be in this position and yet there was no way I could move if it meant changing the expression on his face as he loved me openly with his eyes.

I waited with baited breath on his next move, breathing raggedly.

“Don’t take your eyes off me. Not once. I want to see your expression as I undress in front of you.”

This was a first for us both as he painstakingly removed his clothing, his eyes never flickering from mine. I had to raise myself on both elbows to ogle all of him after he peeled his jeans off and stood in all his heated, male splendor before me. A display of superb fine art that had me sitting up with a hand outstretched. A tattoo I didn’t know he had, pleaded for my touch, adding to the dangerous package of Jaxon Reynolds.

His viciously hard erection with its reddened head, drew my gaze downwards and captivated me, its size even larger than my hands had led me to believe. An appendage worthy of such a buffed body.

I needed to touch him. “Jax.” I called.

His chest was rising and falling, hard. Striding to the bed he crawled up my body and towered over me. “Do you want me, angel?”

Stupid question. I bounced my head up and down in assent, my hands reaching up to his chest, craving contact.

“I’m going to fuck you so slowly today until you’re begging me to come.”

There was no answer from me because his mouth was on mine, the gentleness stealing my breath. His hands encased my face, thumbs stroking my cheeks.

It was almost too much, this staggering tenderness. He was licking, sucking and chewing on my lips, sweeping with his tongue, murmering how phenomenal I felt. I was totally unravelled, my legs spread wide, ankles locked around his back.

He was teasing me with his hot erection, pressing it down onto my clit, driving me into a lust filled haze.

Slow wasn’t doing it for me. I needed fast.

“More. Harder.”

He snickered as his mouth moved lower to the swell of my breasts, marking me with love bites. “In agony, sweetness?”

“I. Need. You. Inside. Me.”

Latching onto my painful nipple he struck it with his teeth, eliciting a hiss from my mouth. At the same time as he soothed over the bite with his tongue his cock slid easily into me, already lined up.

We both sighed loudly as I opened and gripped Jax’s thick intrusion, my liquid coating him with its slickness.

“Jesus!” Jax cursed, his fingers digging into my waist, pulling my bottom upwards so he could delve even deeper. His pubic hair touched my small mound letting us both know he was buried to the hilt. He stopped and looked up from our joined bodies into my eyes.

“Tell me what I feel like inside you.” His irises had expanded fully, his full lashes stuck together in places from the sweat on his brow that had dripped down.

“It feels like I’ve been speared in two with a rocket. So full.”

Ever so slowly he drew himself out to the tip, my ass off the bed, legs still criss-crossed around his back.

“Where do you feel the ache?”

He held just inside me, waiting for my answer. I needed him to plough into me so I answered him as fast as I could. “Everywhere. Inside. Outside. My whole body needs you.”

With a husky grunt he didn’t plunge in like I needed but slid inch by glorious inch drawing out my desire and more so my frustration.

He licked his lips. “I ache too, angel. From my ass to the head of my cock. My balls feel so fucking huge. Put your hand on them. Feel what you do to me.”

Reaching down and underneath us both I cupped his oversized scrotum, rolling it in my hand.

“Aahh, damn! You have no idea what your hot little fingers feel like down there. I want to come so frigging bad.”

“Jax you’re torturing me.”

He kept his rhythmn leisurely though, the muscles on his abdomen, legs and thighs flexing as his bulbous tip kissed my cervix, his lips cherishing me every so often as he leaned in to me.

“Ready to beg yet?”

“Yes! I’m begging you! Do it! Give me what I need. Fuck me, Jax!” I’d never sounded more desperate.

He roared heatedly into the room before pulling out. “Over against the wall!”

I walked over to the wall and watched as he swaggered over to me, his dick slick with my juices. His hair was a sweaty mess, chest glistening with moisture. Fluid leaked from me at the sight of him, knowing what was coming.

Standing in front of me, his large hands lifted my hips and pushed me into the wall. In one foul swoop he had speared me. I let out a desperate cry.

“Is this what you want, Holly? Hard and fast?”

“God, yes!”

Sucking on my neck he began his assault. Ruthless. My spine was hitting the wall each time he pounded full-force up and into me.

I couldn’t focus, my eyes squeezed tightly closed. Jax destroyed my body but it still wasn’t enough. He was brutal in his quest to give me an earth-shattering release and I was almost there. I didn’t need his hands on my clit because the way he was angled, he stimulated me with his groin each time I slapped against him.

“That’s it Holly, take it. I’m giving you everything.”

His chest pressed in to mine, our hearts battering. “Give me your orgasm. Let me swallow your cries of pleasure.” His teeth were gritted harshly before his mouth crashed into mine as he delievered the last powerful thrusts that splintered us into fragments. I literally detonated around him, his hot fountain pouring into me again and again.

“Fucking fill you with cum, angel,” he babbled, hoarsely, hips pinning me to the wall, his hands leaving my waist to cradle my face. It was only enough to speak before he was swallowing my moans again, both our bodies still jerking recklessly.

I lost track of time in that room, filled with Jax, his heat warming my blood, my body a prisoner to his.

BOOK: Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax
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