Valhalla Hott (8 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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from her hands. His finger traced her jaw line, and he said

something in a deep melodic voice that sounded very sweet. He

took her hands into his own and lifted her to her shaky feet. She

didn‟t protest when he pulled her clothing over her head.

Admiring her body openly, he undressed slowly in front of her. He

looked as broad and as strong as Hott, and she felt her insides melt.

Ulfr took her warm hand in his cool one and led her to the pool of

steamy water.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 5

Careful of the various jutting rocks below the surface, Valerie

eased her way into the steamy water. It lapped at her thighs, then

waist, as though caressing her with many hands to prepare her. She

heard Ulfr enter the water behind her, and turned into his arms.

She could feel his hands on her breasts. She watched him take one

bud into his mouth and suckle it. He pulled her higher up out of

the water with his hands cupping her behind. She moaned as he

tugged at her and grazed his teeth against her skin.

Her hands buried into his thick mane of hair, and she kissed

his neck feeling complete wild abandonment. He tasted wonderful.

She knew part of what she was feeling was the alcohol and the

other part was just because she wanted to. She didn‟t care why, she

just wanted more.

Ulfr lowered her back to the balls of her feet and then turned

her in his arms. His hand pushed her hair aside, and he kissed and

sucked leisurely at the nape of her neck. It felt so good. His hands

wrapped themselves around her breasts kneading her flesh as he

continued to taste her, trailing his lips and tongue over her neck

and shoulders. When he had his fill, he pushed her gently forward

so her behind was displayed before him, just out of the water on

the pool‟s edge. Her feet rested on a protruding submerged rock

so she matched his height. Her belly lay on the cold stone. Her

cheek pressed to the hard ground. She shivered in anticipation

wondering what he would feel like.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Ulfr took his time with her, coaxing her with soft touches and

words as one would a skittish filly. His large hands rubbed at her

back and shoulders, kneading the kinks away. His hands lowered to

gently massage her hips and behind. She relaxed. His fingers

roamed to her front, and he rubbed and massaged first her inner

thighs then her clit before his fingers slid inside her warmth for a

few seconds before he removed them. And she thought perhaps she

was mistaken; he only needed to mount her vaginally from behind,

not take her behind.

She gasped when she was proven wrong. His cock, as large as

Hott‟s, began to push its way up into her ass. She tried to rise onto

her elbows, but Ulfr held her down. She again heard his soothing,

coaxing words when she whimpered. He bucked against her, filling

her and she cried out when he buried two fingers inside her vaginal

heat once more, pumping them deeper and harder.

The vulnerable feeling returned to her. She was unable to

look into his eyes and see his displayed emotions. She couldn‟t

understand his words. All she had were her own feelings. He was

neither rough nor brutal, but so large. Her wet hips settled against

his powerful thighs when he pulled her into him. He felt warm and

rock-hard against her tender flesh. Hands as huge as baseball mitts

trailed her delicate back. The heat of his mouth sizzled over her.

Valerie sensed from his actions he wanted to neither scare nor

hurt her. If he had wanted to he could have already. Instead she felt

savored, as though it had been awhile since he been with a woman.

She felt like fine wine being sipped from a glass.

Valerie felt herself pulled back and down into the water, she

pressed one of Ulfr‟s arms close to her chest, feeling his rock-hard

power before he bent her farther forward and she released him.

Ulfr‟s cock remained buried deep within her, and she bit her lip.

Long strong fingers slipped through her hair. Again he was saying

foreign words that rolled off his tongue. Her hands pushed on the


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

sides of the rock to keep her balance. Ulfr held her still, his hands

moved to her breasts. He fondled them like delicate petals.

To Valerie‟s surprise a man was suddenly before her. His

powerful bare legs bent, and he moved his hips between her arms.

His huge dick slid into her panting, open mouth. It was Hott, and

he was grinning down at her. She took him deeper and deeper into

her mouth and throat. She sucked on him hard. Her mind felt so

fuzzy and warm.

Ulfr pumped slowly into her behind, making small waves that

splashed up over the sides to wet Hott. Hott said something to his

brother, and she was pulled farther back, she released his cock

from her mouth and felt disappointed. Hott jumped into the water.

Ulfr‟s hands were still on her breasts bending her back into him.

She felt Hott begin to push his way inside her as well.

Front and back both men took her. She gasped for breath.

They were both so powerful, and they both wanted her. She had

never had two men at once. She thought she had felt vulnerable

before! She looked up into Hott‟s face and knew her emotions

were an open book. His smile was gentle and his hand cradled her

face against his chest. She heard him say strange words to Ulfr and

both men rocked within her with care. Moments went by and her

feeling of vulnerability changed to deep need. She felt sandwiched

safely between two walls of steel.

Valerie spread her legs wide and accepted them both. The

water began to churn wildly as their pace increased with her

acceptance. She gripped tightly to Hott‟s shoulders. They moved

together against her until she was spent and collapsed. Her head

rested on Hott‟s chest. She couldn‟t possibly keep pace with two of

them, especially her first time.

They held her up while they thrust within her. She shuddered

when both men came at the same time and howled their release. It

was a frightening sound to be sure, but strangely right coming from

them. Ulfr was the first to remove himself. Hott held her for a few


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

seconds more, stroking her back and behind. He nuzzled her neck

and whispered something in her ear. From his tone she could tell

he was well pleased. Valerie felt herself lifted gently from the

water. Hott dried her off with a leather scrap while her head

nodded forward. She was completely exhausted. He wrapped her

in a warm blanket near a fire Ulfr must have started, and she fell

asleep nestled within his arms.

* * * *

Valerie was scowling down at Hott when he awoke. He

chuckled when she waved the flask at him. He knew what she was

thinking; they had taken advantage of her. The brew was indeed

potent and an aphrodisiac. But Hott knew better. She was a very

sexual woman and had needed a bit of coaxing to give in to her

desire. Most women found it difficult to refuse his brother. Hott

rose to his feet, and grinned at Ulfr who was cooking a haunch of

deer meat Hott had caught the night before.

“Our little Valkyrie is very beautiful,” Hott said.

“Beautiful, a bit skittish and hot and very tight,” replied his

brother. “My cock is a bit sore.”

“You were only the second one to have her on her second

time,” Hott replied. “It was her first time with two men.”

“Really?” Ulfr asked looking very pleased. “We will be the

envy of all the men.”

“And we will need to guard her well,” Hott cautioned.

“We will, you guard her front; I‟ll guard her back,” Ulfr said,

and they laughed uproariously.

“Have you ever tasted skin so sweet and soft?” Hott asked his


Valerie cleared her throat at that moment and came to sit

beside Hott. She was dressed in the shirt Hott had borrowed from

the older woman, Bera. Absently she tugged at the bottom of the

garment to try and cover herself more effectively. It was revealing,

but serviceable and he had been grateful to the other woman,


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

promising her some of the meat he caught. Valerie shivered in the

cool morning air, and Hott wrapped an arm around her. She was

looking a bit shy and out of place. His heart melted for her. His

gaze turned to meet his brother.

“We need to teach her our language quickly. It must be very

frightening to her not to understand.”

His brother‟s look was sympathetic. “She learned a few words

last night. We must get her back to the village. I‟m certain your

good fortune has reached the ears of others, and they will come

looking for us. Rollo has no doubt told the men in our village.

When I came across her she had been running from him.”

Hott scowled. “You never mentioned this last night.”

“I took care of it,” Ulfr said and shrugged. “It was the oddest

thing, Rollo was soaked. He never bathes in his clothes. In fact he

hates to bathe at all!”


“Mmm, and rubbed at his arm. Perhaps he fell into a pool? It‟s

a good thing he did, since the little Valkyrie is so defenseless. She

was very frightened when we met.”

Hott looked at Valerie, sitting there looking so sweet and

innocent, the image of a delicate angel. He snickered under his

breath. His little Valkyrie had a temper. Pondering, he wondered if

he should warn his brother then decided against it. Let Ulfr find

out on his own what Valerie was capable of.

“We will eat and set out,” Hott said. “I will need the deer hide

to make her more clothing. The men will be panting after her like

dirty dogs with a glance at her shapely behind in the garment she


“She cannot make her own?” Ulfr asked in surprise.

“I would be afraid if she did!” Hott scoffed. “You should have

seen her in the tiny clothing she was wearing when I first found

her. She informed me it was a designer bikini, whatever that

means. I thought perhaps it was a cruel form of punishment, one


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

look at her mostly naked flesh, and she would be pounced upon by

any and all eager males. I had thought her to be a runaway slave,

until we spoke. I am positive I rescued her from a coinless,

quivering, ass hole, boy friend, who could not even afford to

clothe her properly.”

“An ass hole that quivers?” Ulfr asked with genuine surprise.

“It‟s a derogatory term she used.”

“Then it‟s a good thing she‟s with us. We can make certain she

eats and is covered,” Ulfr said.

Hott handed Valerie some hot cooked meat. She blew on it

once then attacked the food, eating like she hadn‟t had food in

months. Both men took sympathetic notice; they looked at each

other and nodded wisely. Hott was further convinced his little

Valkyrie needed him. Pulling her possessively to his side, he

tenderly kissed her forehead. In his mind he promised Odin he

would care for his Valkyrie gift with his life.

* * * *

Valerie walked with trepidation through the quiet village. All

eyes were on her, including those of the older man she had flung

into the water in the cave. She clung to Hott as though her life

depended on it. His look was almost as frightening. For a brief

moment he picked her up and held her high, shouting something

that sounded like a warning. She was then cradled to his chest

before she slid down his body to her feet. He glared down each

man that stared at her for too long and with too much interest. It

was easy to see he was well respected…or feared, none challenged


There were grown men young and older, most bare-chested,

all huge and powerful-looking. No children played, no dogs

barked. The entire village was a mass of burnt ruin. The huts were

charred, too. Few had escaped the assault Hott had spoken of.

Valerie shivered as the reality of her situation sank in. There

was much danger. She wondered how Hott would keep her safe. It


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

was apparent each man who looked at her was interested. She

would have been flattered under normal circumstances, but not

now. There was a hunger to these men. She could see it in their

eyes. There were few women in the village Hott had said. She felt

like a lone coveted Twinkie amidst a sea of brussels sprouts.

Movement caught her eye, a blanket pulled back from a hut

window, and she saw a young girl peek out. She was pulled back in

almost immediately by strong hands. The flap was sealed closed,

and a shutter from inside snapped into place with a bang.

Hott led her to a hut that was without most of its roof,

centered near the middle of the village. The door was smashed in.

The floor was dirt and damp in a few places. There was a medium-

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