Valhalla Hott (3 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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Valerie‟s eyes rose, she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Well you‟re certainly full of yourself,” she said dryly.

“I have not eaten since yesterday,” he replied, then scratched

at his head. “Your clothing is very odd. Do they wear this in

Valhalla? Or do you have an angry master? Or perhaps you can not

afford to clothe yourself?” he added.

“I have no master,” she said in outrage. “And you should talk.

You look like something the cat dragged in or coughed up, fur ball!

I‟ll have you know this is designer bikini wear,” she snapped.

Stepping forward and with his hand splayed over her one

breast, he touched her bikini top. Valerie slapped him across the

face. He didn‟t flinch; he just stared down into her eyes then


“Do you wish to toss me on my ass again, Valkyrie?”

“Valerie,” she ground out. Then bold as can be, she pressed

her hand onto his crotch refusing to be intimidated. She

immediately wished she hadn‟t. His penis hardened under her

fingers. It was huge.

“If you wish to name my cock I would prefer something more

manly. Not Valerie,” he replied.

“My name is Valerie,” she howled.

“And mine is Hott.”

“You‟re really called hot?” she asked. Then remembering

where her hand was she snatched it away. He looked disappointed.

“I am truly named Hott, Valerie.”

Valerie stepped back away from him. His hand remained

splayed in the air, as though touching her in thought. He was still

grinning. Valerie didn‟t know what to make of him. The guy


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

looked like he had just walked off an erotic novel cover. Standing

at least six foot four, every ounce of him was solid, bulging muscle.

And his dick was straining against the wolf hide. He was studying


“You are my gift from Odin,” he declared.

“Your what from who?” she asked eyes raised wide.
Isn’t Odin

a God?

“Alfarin was correct. Odin is angry at my loss and has replaced

my sweet Drifa with you. I have been given a great gift. It will not

be long before you are with child, and I will have my Biorn back as


“I beg your pardon?” she squeaked.

“You do not need to beg, unless you feel the need…”

“Buddy, I don‟t care if you are hot. I want to sleep with you

like I want a good case of the clap.”

“The clap?” He looked at her with puzzlement, then smiled.

“Do not worry, my little Valkyrie, you will be applauding when I


“Screw off,” she snapped.

“What is a screw? Is that the name of this odd-looking

breastplate you wear? Then of course it must come off,” he said.

His hand reached out quickly and before she knew it he had

her bathing suit top in his hand. Her generous breasts sprang free,

and he looked at them in approval.

When she reached for her top, he held it above her head.

Losing her temper, Valerie grabbed for the hand with the sword.

She flipped him onto his ass again. She then placed her bare foot

onto his solid chest.

“If it is your wish to be on top you need only ask,” he declared

with surprise.

Hott dropped his sword and lifted his arms to her. Valerie

released his wrist. “You really think I‟m just going to fall on top of

you and have sex with you?” she asked.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Of course, you are my gift from Valhalla. All night I walked

and prayed for a sign that things would be set to right. This is my

answer. You are my answer. Most certainly the Gods would not

send such a tempting woman so scantily dressed if not to appeal to

my manhood. You will not anger Odin by refusing, nor would I,”

he replied.

She detected a warning of sorts. “So, Odin is your God and

I‟m your gift from him and you think I‟m a Valkyrie?”

“Yes. Do not fear, little Valkyrie. I would never harm such an

honored gift of the Gods.”

He grabbed her ankle, and flipped her off her feet. He was on

her in seconds. Valerie groaned as his bulk settled onto her. He

shifted slightly, taking more of his weight onto his hand. She could

feel his huge cock press against her. For one terrifying moment she

thought he would rape her. She pressed both hands against his

rock- hard chest and pushed, preparing for a battle. Instead his

mouth settled over hers in the sweetest kiss she had ever


The warmth of his mouth heated her insides. His tongue

danced across hers. His breath traveled down her throat like a

caress. It was the most undemanding kiss she had ever

experienced. It was as if he were giving something to her instead of

taking. When the kiss ended and his face rose to gaze into her eyes,

she was panting. Her hands had dropped to the sides of her head.

Valerie didn‟t know whether to knee his balls or fondle them.

“What do you want?” she whispered.

“I am a Viking warrior. Since I cannot go to Valhalla, it would

seem Odin has brought Valhalla to me,” he said gruffly. “It would

have been a good day to die, but now it is a better day to live.”

When his head dipped again, Valerie raised her hand to stop

him. Unsure what was happening, she didn‟t know if the man was

deranged or if this was some kind of a joke, but he honestly seemed

to think he was a Viking. Truth be told, she was ready to believe


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

him. The way he was dressed, his mannerisms, he even smelled

like he was from another time and place. What was going on?

“This can‟t possibly be real. I‟m dreaming, aren‟t I?” she said.

“That‟s it. I‟m dreaming. I must have seen you on a cover of a book

or something and just forgot. I fell asleep on the log while I was

daydreaming in the forest about the perfect man and relationship

and I‟m still safely dreaming.” She smiled feeling very relieved.

A dream would explain the sudden fork in the pathway and all

the surreal mist flanking their little cozy area. It would explain why

she thought she was still in the forest since she had fallen asleep in

the forest. Her smile deepened. She had been privy to a few sexy

dreams. They could be fun. And the guy on top of her was hotter

than hell and sexier than any man she‟d ever seen. It must be a

dream. Her boyfriend had been such a jerk lately, and she was

always complaining about wanting a real man, so here he was,

conjured from her lonely thoughts.

“If I am dreaming, I do not wish to awaken,” he replied. His

eyes were intense as he gazed down at her. “I want you, I ache for

you. Please let me have you.”

She swallowed hard and nodded her head.

Once more his mouth claimed hers. This time Valerie joined

his tongue in the dance. Her hands explored his wide chest,

touching his rock-solid hardness, and she shivered. He was steel

covered in satin. Her fingers trailed over the few scars he sported.

She reasoned further it was a dream—of course a warrior would

be scarred. She was panting again when he trailed fiery kisses to

her bared breast. His mouth latched onto her nipple, and he

suckled most of her breast into his mouth. He tongued her nipple,

working the bud. She moaned.

“Do not clap yet—there is more,” he said when he released


Feeling this must be some crazy dream, Valerie gave in to her

hidden desires. Things she would never do with her boyfriend, she


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

wanted to do with Hott. She reached for his penis, fumbled for the

zipper or buttons to release him and frowned, wanting him before

she woke. All she felt was some sort of tie. Hott reached down and

struggled out of his clothing. He stripped her bikini bottoms off her

with his teeth, grazing her hip. As her bathing suit slipped off, Hott

lifted her ankle and sucked each toe into his mouth. Mark had

never done that.

Hott licked her instep to her calf. His tongue trailed its way

up between her thighs and all thoughts of what Mark did or didn‟t

do vanished. When his lips tasted her heat, she jumped in surprise.

She was no inexperienced virgin, but she wasn‟t prepared for such

an experienced man. He laved every inch of her, over and over—

until finally his tongue dipped within her. Valerie grasped his hair

and whimpered.

His fingers were stroking gently deeper, as though searching,

and she cried out when one large finger delved into her ass. No

one had ever done that! She wiggled under him uncomfortably,

and he removed his finger to wipe drops of spilled cum onto it to

moisten it, before he continued his exploration. It was an odd

feeling of both pleasure and pain as he slipped one then two fingers

in and out, but before she could decide if she liked it or not he

removed his fingers from her and settled over her. She groaned

under his weight, and he settled his bulk more evenly.

Valerie tugged on his arms to encourage him as he slid two

other fingers up into her heat. His fingers were so thick and long,

and she wiggled her hips against him wanting more, feeling hotter.

His mouth latched onto hers in a demanding kiss and when they

broke free he was panting.

“I can wait no longer,” he declared, his voice was a rough

throaty growl.

“Thank God!”

Valerie reached down to guide him inside her. She was wet,

hot and very willing. Her hand wrapped around his huge, swollen


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

cock, and she shuddered. He was much bigger than any man she

had ever been with and for a second she panicked. Then

remembering it was just a dream, she spread her legs for him.

His large calloused hand squeezed her bottom, lifting her hips

to meet him. The head slipped inside her, pushing deeper without

stopping until he filled her. He felt good as she closed around him,

feeling her insides stretch to accommodate him. He grinned down

at her when she accepted his entire length. Her back arched as he

pulled free of her. She felt his grip tighten and more of his weight

settled onto her.

He then mounted her with the enthusiasm of a denied man.

When he thrust back into her, she gasped, then choked on a

scream. His power was overwhelming, and she had no doubt it was

a warrior who was taking her. Further and further he rammed

himself inside her. She thrashed beneath him. His one hand held

her two wrists high over her head, pressing them into the grass.

His arm pulled her waist higher, and her legs wrapped around him,

bucking up to meet his heated thrusts. His head bent to capture her

mouth as she yelped and moaned beneath him when again his

finger slipped into her ass.

He was relentless. She had never been taken with such brute

strength. He was overpowering and commanding and she was

having the time of her life. She was so hot and sweat ran down

their bodies as she bucked against him. He grunted like a wild

animal as his hips rose and fell, and again he pushed his fingers into

her ass. She came hard and fast with his last brutal thrust. She

groaned underneath him. His entire weight was on her, and she

found it difficult to breathe.



“Will you move please? And get your fingers out of there.”


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Hott rolled over, taking her with him. “That was indeed a

good warm-up. But now the fun really begins,” he said. His deep

voice washed over her.

Valerie shuddered at the look in his eyes. He looked like he

was about to devour her. More startling was the fact she had an

ever growing worry this was not a dream. It was too vivid, more

vivid than anything she had ever felt. She had experienced a few

moments of real pain; she had never done that in sleep. She could

smell the grass beneath them; she could feel a small stone pinching

her tender skin. She had tasted the man who she lay across. Hott

was real. And as his semen ran across her thighs, she realized she

wasn‟t going anywhere until he was done with her.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 2

Hott used her towel to clean them both of his seed. He had

checked before he took her to make certain she wasn‟t a virgin and

had been delighted she wasn‟t. It had taken him days to coax his

skittish Drifa. She had been young and inexperienced. She had

been fearful of his huge sex. But this little Valkyrie was not skittish.

Her green eyes had filled with passion, and he hadn‟t been

able to control the lust he felt for her. When she had moaned

beneath him he had almost come undone. She hadn‟t whimpered

pitifully or lay prone and unmoving as Drifa had the first few times

he had taken her. Valerie had reached for him in a way his mother

had reached for his father before Hott had been shooed outside

their hut when he was a boy.

Before Hott had clasped Valerie‟s hands over her head, she

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