Valhalla Hott (9 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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sized iron pot hanging in the hearth with the contents blackened,

adding to the somewhat noxious smell of the place. Hott anxiously

watched her response.

Valerie took a good look around and tried not to cry. It was a

fair size, but decidedly a desolate one-room hovel. She wasn‟t a

wimp by any means, but she had given up her large, airy two-

bedroom apartment with running water, indoor plumbing…and a

roof, for this. Sadly she realized there also wouldn‟t be any more

eight buck bottles of wine at her disposal. Then an even worse

thought entered into her mind.
Oh God, no chocolate.
What am I to


“We will get to work on the roof right away,” Hott said when

she glanced upward for the tenth time. He was motioning upwards

as he said this.

Valerie realized he was explaining he would fix it.

“It‟s airy,” she replied with a wave of her hands, and tried to

smile but failed miserably.

“It will take a while to replace what has been lost, but we will

do our best,” Ulfr said.

Valerie didn‟t understand him, but she understood the sense

of loss on his face. He was trying to be helpful.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“We will cut wood for the roof now. Do not fear, none will

harm you,” Hott said and placed his hands on her shoulders.

His words were unrecognizable, but his demeanor and

expression spoke words she could comprehend. He motioned again

to the roof. He gave a fierce look beyond her, and she realized he

was saying she was safe here while he worked. She nodded up at


Valerie picked up a crude-looking broom when the men left,

needing to do something to aid in the disarray. This was her new

home after all. She took a quick sweep at the floor, but decided it

was useless. It was a damned dirt floor! She took the pot from the

dead hearth, and scratched her nail at the hardened burnt contents.

It was disgusting and smelled noxious.

“I wonder if anyone has any blasting powder,” she muttered


“Soak in river,” came a voice.

Valerie looked over at an older woman standing in the

doorway watching her. Her long hair was graying, but her eyes

were bright with a look of wisdom beyond her years. Valerie felt

herself warm to her immediately when the woman offered her a

welcoming smile. She was much taller than Valerie‟s five foot six.

She also appeared very powerful. The woman entered the hut and

gazed around. Valerie had learned the words soak and river already

so she understood most of what the woman suggested. She tipped

the pot upside down, and clanked it onto a charred wooden

tabletop with a scowl and a shrug.

The woman nodded in understanding. She took Valerie by the

hand and led her outside. Valerie was dismayed to see a group of

about six young men in their prime, each one colossal, all waiting

to catch a glimpse of her. The older woman grabbed the wooden

broom and swatted at them without a shred of fear. Valerie was

impressed when they scattered, only to regroup at a safer and more


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

respectful distance, grumbling in annoyance. Once more the

woman propelled Valerie forward, giving her a wry grin.

When they reached the river‟s edge, Valerie looked around

self-consciously. A few of the men had followed, but again kept

their distance. The woman looked at Valerie then pointed to


“Bera,” she said.

Valerie understood it was the woman‟s name. Valerie pointed

to her own chest. “Valerie,” she said.

Bera put the pot in the water and scooped up a handful of

sand. Valerie bent over to help then heard a huge whoop come

from the men. She realized she had just offered a good view of her

bare backside. She turned crimson. She knelt onto her knees, and

tugged at the skimpy material. She concentrated on scrubbing the

pot and, with Bera‟s help, they soon had it scoured clean with the


With the cleaned pot in her hands, Bera led her to a small

swamp near the river. They cut cattails and reeds, and Bera

gathered some leaves. She gathered many things while showing

Valerie. She patiently taught her new words that Valerie repeated

until she had them right. Bera asked her to repeat things over and

over until she was certain of them and comfortable using them.

Bera‟s patience was limitless with her, an endearing quality and

Valerie was grateful. She could tell they would be friends.

They returned to her hut with their arms full. First Bera threw

down the aromatic leaves, next came the soft reeds they had

gathered. They had stripped off the heads of the cattails and Valerie

wondered what they would do with them. She didn‟t wonder for

long. Bera was pounding them on a stone in the hut. She gathered

the thick inside and worked it into a mass with water and other

flour she produced from a leather sack at her side. She used her

hands to knead the dough with herbs she had collected, and broke

off balls she worked flat and thin. They soon had the hearth


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

flickering with life and over long thin wooden sticks they had a

type of flatbread cooking.

Next Bera moved to the deer meat Hott had caught. She cut

thick slices and skewered them to roast as well. From her pile of

treasures, she produced roots she stuck in the fire ash. Valerie was

amazed. When Hott and Ulfr walked in they were treated to

dinner. Hott‟s stunned expression made her laugh.

“Bera helped me,” Valerie said in his language.

Hott smiled and cupped her chin with his hand.

“Proud,” he said to her and gave her a good squeeze. She

knew the word. Bera had pointed at the men often enough and

declared this until she understood.

“Thank you,” she replied, again in his language.

* * * *

After dinner, with the help of a few others, Hott and Ulfr had

most of the sturdy roof in place. They had also fixed the door. A

few bowls were lit with moss wicks and animal fat for light. Hott

made a motion to her indicating he wished he had her flashlight,

she silently concurred. Rising and wishing them goodnight, Ulfr

discreetly left them alone.

Valerie looked questioningly at Hott. She was still a bit sore

and by no means disappointed Ulfr was leaving her alone, but she

wondered if she had somehow offended the man. She supposed

being such a handsome, viral man it might have been a blow to his

ego needing to get her drunk before doing the nasty.

Hott approached her smiling. He knelt before her small

wooden bench that wasn‟t much more than a round stump, and

pressed his head against her chest. She lowered her face into his

silky hair. He smelt like a man, a grown, powerful man. When

Hott stood, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to a pallet

they would use as a bed. It was covered in a mound of different

hides and soft furs. It was quaint, yet primitive. Valerie decided she


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

was going to introduce some twenty-first century comforts of

home if she could swing it.

Hott laid her down. He said again a word he had repeated

often that she took to be an endearment. She liked the way it

rolled off his tongue. His stunning eyes were bright with passion.

She could see love in his eyes as well.

She trailed the backs of her fingers down his strong face.

He was so magnificent and it had happened so fast. Love at

first sight. Her mother had been right. It could happen and it felt so

right. She knew he was going to make love to her, and she couldn‟t

wait to get her hands on him.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 6

Hott pulled Valerie‟s short tunic over her head, and threw it

onto the table. His wolf pants soon followed. He settled her under

him and took one bare breast into his large calloused hand. Hott

said a word to her and squeezed her breast. He said the same word

and trailed the back of his finger around her other breast. She

splayed her hand over his nipple and chest area and repeated the

word. Laughing, he shook his head and placed her own hand onto

her nipple and said a different word. Alright, she got it. Men don‟t

have boobs. No matter what century guys were in, they were

always so anal about tits.

Hott touched his finger to her lips and said another word. She

repeated it. He leaned forwards and kissed her very tenderly. It

was the same type of kiss he had first coaxed her with—

undemanding. Her tongue ran over his full lips in a caress, then

explored deeper. The insides of his mouth felt so soft. He tasted

sweet, like the fermented brew they had during dinner. His warm

breath floated down her throat. Her fingers entwined in his silky

hair. When the kiss broke, he whispered a new word and kissed

her again.

He touched every body part of hers and said the word, making

her repeat it. She took her hands and touched his body,

experimenting with the sounds that rolled off her tongue. She liked

this language of his. It suited him—especially when she gripped his

hard thick cock—that suited him too.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Monster,” she teased.

His brows narrowed in mock annoyance, and he shook his

head and said a new word. But she smiled cheekily, and called his

dick a monster again. He sighed in exasperation. She released him

and indicated he was huge down there, and she repeated her word

once more. Chuckling, he smiled and shrugged, indicating perhaps

he didn‟t mind her name for his cock this time.

She stroked him sensually. She leaned forward and said the

word for kiss before their lips touched. She ran her tongue down

his jaw line and nipped him. She licked him again and gave him a

questioning look. He gripped her hair and turned her face exposing

her neck. His tongue licked over her neck, and he said a word. He

bit her and she winced and he growled a new word.

She nuzzled his shoulder, and he nipped at her very gently this

time, before laving and soothing the area with his tongue. Hott

guided her head lower, and she took him eagerly into her mouth,

loving his sweet taste. He was already hard and oh so hot. She

mouthed him leisurely, licking at the few drops of cum that began

spilling from him. She blew on his wet head, and he shivered,

making her smile. Before long Hott lifted her off him and laid her

back against the furs. She could see he was eager for her.

It was her first time being with him in her new home. She

could see the darkness as the leather flapped on the one lone

window. She had seen burnt wooden shutters outside, the inside

ones were charred. There was still a small section in the ceiling

that needed fixing, and a few stars shined through.

Hott moved between her thighs. One finger parted her and

roamed up inside. Her juices flowed.

She lowered her slender hand to touch the silky smoothness of

his hair. His mouth was gentle on her, his teeth ever so carefully

grazed her nub, and she shivered. She called to him, wanting him

over her, but he took his time. Moist warm kisses were trailed up


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

her belly. The wetness of his tongue swirled in circles around her

breast before he blew on her nipple, hardening it.

Valerie placed her hand along his jaw and guided him higher,

wanting him. His sweet lovemaking was beautiful, and she was

ready for more. Hott entered her slowly as though savoring her.

Her hips rose and fell to meet his tender thrusts. His hand

massaged her breast, rolling and teasing the hardened nipple. He

took her with gentle passion this time. She had known he would

make love to her. This was the love her parents felt, she just knew

it. She had found it…or it had found her.

When Hott‟s pace increased he didn‟t slam himself into her in

a mad frenzy, but rocked against her like a gentle rolling wave on a

sandy beautiful beach. When she came it wasn‟t overwhelming,

but it felt good, it felt right. When he rolled to the side and cradled

her in his arms, she knew she was where she was supposed to be.

“My little Valkyrie,” he muttered.

She knew what he had said, and she smiled. She was his.

* * * *

Valerie‟s eyes fluttered open, and she yawned. She then

screamed and scrambled backwards against a wall with a thump.

Hott lunged, bleary-eyed, to his feet before her and reached for his

sword. Ulfr came charging into the hut with his sword drawn in a

mad frenzy followed by six other men. Valerie screamed again as

the armed men came pilling in—each one bigger than the next.

She was nude on the pallet, searching for a blanket or fur to cover

herself, when she screamed yet again and pointed to the other side

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