Valhalla Hott (4 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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had touched him, caressed him in a way that showed him she

wanted him. Drifa had never encouraged his touch. She had been

taught very young it was a man‟s place to decide where and when a

sex act was to take place. And though Hott knew he had stirred

feelings for her, an outrageous procedure had been performed on

his poor little Drifa in her country making the sex act painful. Hott

had thought it a barbaric ritual, and he was greatly relieved it

wasn‟t something his people believed in.

Valerie exhibited no signs of distress; no mutilation had been

performed on her. That he had been the first to touch her inside

her behind was another gift. Odin must certainly hold him in great


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

favor for replacing his family so quickly and with a woman with

such passion. Hott could feel the life he had been so close to,

cheated of, return. Only this one had the promise of heated


Hott lifted a handful of Valerie‟s long, silky blonde hair to his

nose and inhaled. Her scent replaced that of poor Drifa and her

smoke-filled death aroma. He swore he would have his babe again

in nine months. When he looked down into the woman‟s green

eyes he saw many emotions—panic, which made him chuckle—

and desire. The latter made his cock jump with excitement.

“Do not fear me, little Valkyrie. I have not harmed you, nor

will I.”

She gazed up at him with a mixture of dread and anticipation.

“What year is this?” she asked.

“It is the year eight ninety-two,” he replied. He looked at her


“Either you‟re a brick shy of a full load, or I‟m not in Kansas

anymore, Toto,” she whispered.

“What is this Kansas?”

“A place,” she mumbled.

His hand stroked her breast, and she stilled his movements.

“Do you not find me pleasing? I had hoped you would. Either way

you are my gift.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You say that like a threat.”

“You may not anger Odin. I will not allow another wife to be

taken from me.”

“Wife?” she squeaked.

“Of course. You are mine now. We will join. My village will

be very happy when I return with a woman. Almost all of ours

were killed in a raid by dishonorable raiders. Do not fear, I will

allow no other to harm you.”

“Um, now may not be the best time to tell you this—but I

have a boyfriend.”


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“A boy for a friend? You play with children?”

“Sometimes I think so,” she replied and her eyes flashed in


“You do not like children?” he asked with concern.

“I love children,” she said. “It‟s just sometimes my boyfriend

acts like a big jerk.”

“If this boy twitches, he had best seek a healer,” Hott said with


She looked at him for a brief moment then giggled. “No, no.

He doesn‟t jerk, he‟s a complete asshole.”

Hott blinked hard at that. “How is that humanly possible?”

She laughed. “Never mind. The fact of the matter is, I‟m


“This boy is a man,” Hott said, beginning to understand.

The word asshole had been used in a derogatory sense.

Though feeling relieved, as the image in his mind alone was

disturbing, he also felt annoyed. Why would Odin send him a

willing woman who was taken? Perhaps this asshole boy friend who

jerked should be killed.

“Yes the guy is a man,” she replied.

“That is good to hear because I do not harm children. Take me

to him at once, and I will kill him.”

She looked horrified.

“It will be fine. He will be killed by a warrior and sent to

Valhalla. A great reward. I will even be merciful and make it


“You are not going to kill him.”

“You fear for me? I assure you he will not best me.”

“Are you serious? If Mark were to get one look at you with

your massive body and that sword, he would drop dead from



Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Hm, that would be a problem. I am uncertain if they would

allow a coward into Valhalla, although technically he would have

been killed by a warrior. I do not envy Odin these decisions.”

“Good grief,” she muttered.

“His death can wait. I would rather hear your applause,” Hott


She offered a protest when he settled himself over her, but

silenced her misgiving when he kissed her. Her tongue felt like the

softness of a horse‟s muzzle. He refrained from mentioning this

though. He had once said the same thing to Drifa, and she had

almost run him through. Woman could take offense at the slightest

compliment. His hand squeezed over her high, firm breast, and he

released her lips to suckle her nipple. The bud hardened as he laved

it. He nipped her with his teeth, and she cried out and arched her


For a moment she struggled beneath him, and he was

confused when she wiggled out from under him.

“I‟m still a bit sore; give me a few moments,” she said.

He felt his disappointment rise. Although he had no intention

of hurting her if she was already sore.

“Let me take your behind,” he suggested.

“With that foot-long cucumber? I don‟t think so,” she replied

with a saucy air.

“I do not think my cock cares for the name cucumber either,”

he said.

She laughed and bid him to stand. Still wondering what she

was about, he stood. She went onto her knees before him and

gripped his cock in her hand. He groaned. His body shuddered

when her lips closed over his head. Her tongue licked the tip of

him. It had been so long since he had felt a woman‟s mouth on him

there. Drifa was so sweet and innocent. She had never wanted him

this way. She claimed he would choke her. Keeping that in mind,


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

he rocked against his little Valkyrie slowly. She took more of him

in, and he was amazed so much of him went past her lips.

Her small hands worked with her mouth and tongue. She

fondled his globes and even sucked one into her mouth. She ran

her tongue up and down the long length of him before sliding him

back into her mouth. His body shuddered, and he felt himself

wanting to give in to release. She licked at him again as small drops

of his seed slipped out in anticipation.

It was Odin‟s way of readying a woman to take a man harder.

His juices would make her insides slick and willing. But he wanted

her mouth on him. When her lips closed over his erection again,

her hands clasped his hips and he was ready.

Perhaps he should warn her. Pull out before he came. But it

felt so good to have her pleasure him like this. Would she like his

taste? The thought alone made Hott want his seed to explode

within her, wanting her to taste more of him. Hott gripped her

silky hair and head within his large hands, holding her in place,

pushing more past her lips.

His rocking increased. Her mouth felt so warm and inviting.

Her small hands tightened on his backside, her head tilted back,

and her eyes closed. His one hand cupped the side of her face, and

he could feel himself moving inside her mouth. With a howl of

release, his cock burst his cum into her mouth and down her


She gagged for a second and tried to pull away, but he held

her still, forcing her to swallow. When he finally released her, she

didn‟t turn away. Her eyes, open now, gazed up at him, and he

knew in that second she had never allowed another to have her that

way. When she released him he allowed her to pull away. She

smiled; he felt relief and thanked the Gods.

Hott was astounded when she returned her grip to his cock

and licked at him again, her tongue lapping his flavor. She

mumbled that she had never known a man could taste so sweet.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

His hands fisted as she licked and tormented his manhood all over

again. Yea Gods but she was a true gift. His heart filled with joy

when she smiled cheekily up at him. He could feel himself harden

again, and he pushed her back onto the grass.

“You have two choices,” he declared. “Your front or your

behind. But either way this time I will be buried deep inside you

when I come again.”

“My front,” she whispered, her eyes were filled with passion.

Hott rammed his cock up inside her, and she cried out. Her

back arched, and her nails dug into his flesh. He removed himself

and plunged again. She gasped for air. Her long slender legs lifted

to wrap around his waist. Green eyes looked worriedly into his,

and he immediately gentled his thrusts, wondering why she

suddenly seemed so concerned. She must know he would never

harm her. Did she need proof?

“Do not fear, little Valkyrie, I can be very gentle.”

“You can‟t do that to my behind,” she pleaded.

Ah, now he understood. Of course there would be fear if was

to be her first time. He had explored her with gentleness with his

fingers only briefly. Only a brute would take a woman roughly her

first time. But there was also curiosity behind her worry. His large

hand, calloused from his many hours of wielding his sword, ran up

and down her velvet hip to soothe her.

“I will be gentle when the time comes,” he promised.

His thrusts slowed when he remembered she had pleaded

soreness. His erection glided within her, and he felt her relax

under him. Ever so gently their hips rolled together as he made

love to her. A careful finger once more dipped into her behind,

and she groaned.

He was to be her first. Perhaps it would be best to explain

again almost all the women in his village were killed. His brother

would ask that he share her. And Ulfr would be enchanted by her

the moment they met. At least Hott hoped he would. Perhaps


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Valerie could help his brother settle from the lost longing need he

knew his brother suffered from. Not one woman in the village had

managed to keep his interest in the past.

Another of his fingers delved up into his little Valkyrie‟s

behind, and she wiggled against him. Hott should explain to

Valerie his brother would not be allowed to take her the way Hott

was right now, vaginally. Any child born would be Hott‟s.

Nor would Ulfr be allowed to do anything Valerie didn‟t want

to do. Hott would remind him of this, but Ulfr was his brother.

Hott would share her with his brother. There was passion in his

little Valkyrie, perhaps she could be persuaded, to some extent,

into easing a few of his brother‟s needs. After all, she was Hott‟s


There had been no need to share Drifa, there had been many

women to accommodate the other men. Regardless she would

have been too frightened, and he was pleased his brother had

others to occupy him. Besides, Ulfr had never seemed interested.

There was no doubt in Hott‟s mind his brother would want to taste

his little Valkyrie. There was also no doubt in his mind he would

need to protect her from others.

The way she moved beneath him was like riding an ocean

wave, temperamental. The idea made him smile as she moved

faster beneath him. Praise to Odin for sending him such a gift. She

felt so small beneath him. His arms wrapped around her,

protecting her. Hott lowered his face into her hair. This new scent

was life‟s breath, and it was the sweetest nectar.

* * * *

Valerie lay in Hott‟s arms exhausted. Her behind was sore

from his probing fingers, but she felt more sated than ever before

in her life. She had never been with such a man. This was no boy-

man. Hott was gentle yet powerful. When she rode him, his

enormous hands almost spanned her waist. She slid up and down

on him until she felt like a wet dishrag. When her head slumped to


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

his chest, he rolled her over and bucked into her until she thought

the ground would open and bury them alive.

Valerie groaned when she rose to her wobbly legs. She

cleaned herself with her towel and slipped her bikini on. Hott was

watching her. His head was propped onto his hand. She gazed at his

long length and smiled when she saw it twitch. She swore it was

motioning her to come back. It was tempting, but she was too sore

and tired and she was famished.

“I‟m starving,” she said.

“If you wait here I will catch us something,” Hott said. He

donned his wolf pants.

Valerie grimaced. “I don‟t suppose you could barbeque us up

some burgers?” she asked hopefully.

“Bar-be-que,” he said, trying the obviously foreign word on

his tongue.

“I suppose burgers are out of the question,” she said and

sighed heavily.

Hott rose and gripped her hand. “It is time I take you home,

little Valkyrie. I am anxious to get you into my furs.”

“Furs?” She chuckled and rubbed her hands against his crotch.

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