Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Parker’s eyes slid open. He gazed down at his cock disappearing between her lips over and over. The visual of Sabrina sucking his cock as he fucked her mouth would certainly become a permanent memory.

He didn’t want to come so fast. He hadn’t come here to shoot his load in the first ten minutes of his arrival.

Before he could tell her to slow down, or God forbid, stop sucking, there was a sudden and forceful knock at the door. Parker’s eyes slid shut. He pulled her head off of his dick and grabbed for his pants to cover himself.

If that stupid prick, Ben, was back to bother her again, Parker was going to punch his lights out. He felt he’d be amply justified given what had just been interrupted.

Sabrina, still breathing hard, stood up slowly. She grinned at him and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “You taste really good,” she whispered.

Parker smiled back at her as he shoved his cock back inside his boxers. He also zipped, snapped, and buckled his pants in record time before she opened the door again. He didn’t attempt to button his shirt, instead just left it dangling half-open with the single button left holding the bottom of the fabric closed across his belly.

He pushed out a long breath as she opened the door.

Drew stood there with a bouquet of flowers and a hesitant grin shaping his lips.

He glanced over at Parker’s dishabille, narrowed his eyes, and said, “You already started without me?”

Chapter Seven


Sabrina’s mouth was still moist from sucking on Parker’s cock when she opened her front door. Before grasping the handle, she’d sent a silent prayer to the heavens that it wasn’t Ben trying one last time to force a working dinner during her all-important second date with Parker and Drew.

Come Monday morning, Sabrina planned to have a
come to Jesus
meeting with Ben, held in Kurt’s office. She’d ask to have him pulled from this event if he ever did something like this again. And with Parker there, too. She shuddered to think what might have happened if Drew had already been there as well.

She smiled back at Drew and ushered him inside, putting all thoughts of her job on the back burner of her mind where they belonged. She shut the door, locked it, and started to tell him that they hadn’t really gotten very far, but from behind her, Parker said, “You’re late. Of course we started without you.”

Drew laughed. “I’m not
late.” He glanced at his watch. “It’s barely ten after the hour.”

Parker shrugged. “Late is late.”

“I stopped to get flowers and wine.” He held up the bouquet and the bottle as if his offerings should allow him the excused tardiness. Sabrina loved flowers and wine and was ready to forgive, especially since he’d come well after Ben had shown up unexpectedly.

Parker crossed his arms over his open shirt. “Whatever the excuse, we can’t be expected to deny our instinctive desires while waiting for you to put in an appearance.”

“Wow. You’re so harsh, dude. Relax.” Drew turned away from Parker, zeroed his gaze on her face, bent close, and kissed her hard on the lips. He pulled back momentarily. “But next time I’ll know better.”

She slid closer and put her arms around his neck. “I’m not at all upset. I like flowers and wine, and I’m also okay with fashionably late. Thank you.” Since his hands were full, she took the initiative and pressed her body close to return his initial fervent kiss and thank him. She almost wished they would sandwich her again.

Seconds later, as if he read her mind, Parker pressed up behind her and kissed the back of her neck. Maybe these two understood her desires better than she’d thought.

It didn’t take long for the physical aspect of both Drew and Parker’s desire to arise and poke her front and back. While that was, in fact, her ultimate goal, she also wanted to converse. She needed to talk to them about what she desired. She wanted them to understand and therefore want to join her on a more regular basis.

After several minutes, Drew was the one to break the kiss. “I’m about to drop my gifts.”

Sabrina pulled away as Parker also stepped back. She grabbed the bottle of wine and the flowers from him. “Why don’t the two of you make yourselves comfortable on the sofa, and I’ll bring us some wine. We can chat a bit before…further instinctive desires ensue.”

She turned her back on them, went to her kitchen, and put the flowers in a vase with water. Along with three wineglasses and the open bottle placed carefully on a sturdy wooden tray, she included some sliced cheese, a variety of crackers, and a cluster of red grapes.

Upon her return, she said, “I thought we might discuss a few things before getting down to business, so to speak. Would that be all right?”

They each nodded. Both were seated on her overstuffed sofa. One of them was seated at each end. She sat between them and put the tray in front of her. She poured three glasses of wine, handed them out, and toasted, “To new and exciting beginnings.”

“Here, here,” Parker added as their glasses clinked together.

Sabrina took a deep sip of the crisp, tart wine. She leaned back and swirled fluid in her glass. “I must say that I’m a little surprised you’re both here tonight.”

“Why?” Drew asked.

“I genuinely hoped you would want to partake in this wild lifestyle with me, but I sort of expected more resistance from one or really both of you regarding my ultimate desires. Perhaps I read you each better than I initially thought. Threesome relationships aren’t for everyone. I’m glad you are willing to give it a try. That said, and given that we’ve already spent some time together in bed, do either of you have any questions for me?”

Drew took a drink from his glass and then nodded. “How public will this relationship be?”

Sabrina took another deep sip. “In my mind, we wouldn’t be very public at all, at least not in town.”

“So each of us would be able to take you out or the three of us could meet, but we’d have to be careful not to put our hands all over you, right?” This from Drew.

“Well, I don’t expect you to hide like a terrorist each time we’re out in the public eye, but basically yes. Behind closed doors, either yours or mine, all bets are off and we do what we want.”

“I may have an alternative.” Parker spoke for the first time.

“Do tell,” Drew said.

“I called Clay Forrester at the Double Rider Men’s Club to see about joining and what would be involved.”

“Really? You called him?” Sabrina would have been less surprised if he’d said he sold his ranch to become a rodeo clown.

“I did.” He reached out and brushed his finger along her cheek.

The tingle of his touch sent waves of pleasure down her spine and directly into her pussy. His initiative made her hot.

“Clay told me that he’d be willing to sponsor us as tentative members for an upcoming informal ménage sex show taking place in something called the Stadium. Which in my mind is very intriguing.”

Sabrina’s mouth fell open. She turned to Parker with as much love in her eyes as she dared. “I’m so impressed.”

One corner of his luscious mouth lifted in amusement. “So my thought is that we should attend this coming ménage show. Afterward we can make a final decision as to whether this lifestyle suits us and if we want to participate as permanent members. What do you think, Drew?”

Still stunned by Parker’s initiative, Sabrina turned to look at Drew with likely undisguised hope in her gaze. Was he interested? Appalled? She hoped for the former with all her heart.

He set his empty glass on the table, turned to face the two of them, smiled, and said, “Great idea, Parker. Thanks for getting it all set up.”

“No problem.”

Sabrina took a deep breath and relaxed for the first time since she’d taken the first step of her diabolical plan several weeks ago. She’d initially contacted each of them by snail mail asking if they’d want to participate in the private party at the DRMC. Those letters had gone unanswered, or perhaps they’d never been received or read.

She’d then gone in person. That had been the key to her initial success.

“I have a question,” Parker said.

“Ask me. I’ll tell all.”

“Why didn’t you ever approach us before now?” Parker drained his wine glass and set it on the table as she contemplated an answer.

“I was one of literally hundreds of ardent fans back when you were active in the local rodeo circuit. I was smart enough to know that I wasn’t the only ravening female fan with lust in my heart.”

“That doesn’t seem like what you’d do. You’re bold. Why didn’t you cast aside the ravening female fans and put yourself in my path? I might have stopped and taken a look. Or a bite.” Parker focused on her face.

“On the very first day I ever saw you bull riding, I fell in love. Or perhaps it was just lust back then.” She shrugged. “I’d planned to do exactly what you just said. I’d find you and introduce myself and not take no for an answer. But the very next event was calf roping and I got a glimpse of Drew, as well.”

She turned to Drew. “I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, either. Suddenly, I was in lust with two men. I couldn’t decide which of you I wanted more. At that time, it seemed foolish and fickle not to be able to select just one of you to approach. I couldn’t figure out a way to have you both, and it seemed slutty at the time to even attempt it. So I backed away all together from the rodeo and the two of you. Although, I did keep track of you both in the papers. I may have clipped a few articles.”

“How long ago was this?”

She shrugged. “Three or four years.”

“Right before we retired?”

She nodded. “But I never forgot you or my uncontrolled crush on each of you.”

“What made you change your mind and come after us?”

“Stella Hunter. She’s my very good friend.”

“Wasn’t she the one who made the food for the DRMC after the rodeo competition?”

Sabrina nodded. “Yes. I was the event coordinator, and she was the chef. We met almost a year ago at a cooking seminar. I was trying to learn new tricks for faster food preparation at events, and she was just brushing up on her already awesome skills. We got to talking over the next few weeks, and she mentioned first one husband and then another. I thought I’d misunderstood, and she hadn’t meant to share that she had two men in her life. But I’m glad she did. I was very intrigued by her unbridled lifestyle. She invited me to a Stadium event. I went to several preparties and met lots of very nice men, but none of them were the two of you.”

“So you never participated before us?” Drew asked.

“Nope. I skirted the edge and told myself the two of you would never want to try this. But Stella said I wouldn’t know unless I asked.”

“But you didn’t ask,” Parker said. “Instead you tempted us into a rodeo contest and then lured us into your cabin of lust and delight.” She thought he was upset for a minute, but then he grinned and added, “However it happened, I’m truly glad it did.”

“Me too.” Drew reached out and smoothed his hand along her leg. “Now about that awesome double penetration sex we had last time. Tonight, I’d like to be the one to sink my cock all the way into your luscious tight ass. How can we make that happen as soon as possible?”


* * * *


Drew had thought of nothing else except butt sex since the day Parker had left his office after talking him into a second threesome date. He’d read up on the subject. He knew about using lots of lube and about going slow at first penetration. The information regarding the added bonus of another man’s cock already being buried in Sabrina’s pussy wasn’t mentioned much in the places he’d stumbled across on anal sex.

But he was ready. He wanted it.

“Let’s go to my room,” Sabrina said, and stood up.

The three of them entered the dimly lit bedroom. She also had a king bed, and again the sheets had been turned down to suggest she’d already planned on them having sex tonight. He hated to be so presumptuous, but was silently elated at this turn of events.

She seated herself at the foot of the bed and leaned back on straight arms. “Who’d like to undress me?”

“I would,” Parker said. He started to approach her, but turned to Drew first. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Go for it. I’ll watch.” He leaned his butt against the wall of her bedroom, crossed his arms, and looked on as Parker slowly removed her clothes. The sexy T-shirt went first, then her tight jeans followed next. She strutted around in her bra and panties only long enough to get a kiss from each of them. Parker soon had her completely naked and ready for the coming evening.

Drew then watched as Sabrina pulled almost all of Parker’s clothing off. She stripped him down to his boxers before motioning Drew over so she could do the same thing to him. As she pulled his clothes off, Parker seated himself on the end of the bed and watched them.

Once she had Drew down to his boxers, he expected to get on the bed, but Sabrina had another better idea. She went to her knees, pulled his boxer waistband down in front, and had her mouth around his cock before he realized her intent.

Lust slammed into his brain as she sucked his cock hard. He almost lost his footing. She reached around, grabbed his ass with her fingers, and pushed his cock even deeper into her mouth. Drew put his hands to her head for balance and widened his stance to keep from falling down.

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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