Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Usually after two so satisfying rounds of sexual ecstasy, Drew would be sound asleep by now. But this tonight his mind raced with possibilities of any coming threesome engagements. He certainly didn’t intend to be the first to bring it up. He didn’t want to be shot down if this was only a onetime pleasure.

Sabrina had wanted them for some time, according to what she’d said earlier. Did she want more? Did he want to be in a threesome relationship? And if he did, would Parker agree? Drew wouldn’t do this with just anyone. Likely Parker was the only man on the planet he’d trust.

With Parker as the third member of this sexy trio, Drew would definitely do this again.

He wondered if he was the only one of the three of them that felt this way. Sabrina looked pretty happy, but perhaps this had been a onetime thing for her. Another check off of her bucket list.

She’d lusted after them, but she hadn’t said she wanted to make this a permanent arrangement. She seemed to have believed that they were in a heated battle of contention while still on the rodeo circuit.

No one but the two of them knew what truly happened years ago during the rivalry. He’d been at the top of his game in calf roping. Parker had been at the top of his game in bull riding. A pair of announcers—prompted by his and Parker’s agents—started their bitter public rivalry by wondering out loud and on the air during a championship rodeo event, what would happen if the two of them were pitted against each other in a competition.

In Drew’s estimation, the articles ultimately went too far. Drew liked Parker. Out of the public eye, they were good friends. No one knew
about them before the battle of the agents, and their volatile remarks, created solely for the media hype, ultimately pulled them apart in the public eye.

And the truth was that he and Parker hadn’t had much of a say in what got published in the paper. The
rivalry had been between their respective agents. Drew and Parker had spoken privately after the first article and come to an agreement. They would neither confirm nor deny anything that was printed in the paper, and they’d remain friends no matter what.

The first part of their secret agreement had worked perfectly. Their initial lack of response fueled the rivalry even more. The less he and Parker talked about it publically, the more acid their agents poured on in the next article. Any smack talk expressed in the articles was solely the invention of their respective agents. When a contest between them never became a reality and the season came to an end, the rivalry had also died down. Afterward, they’d gone their separate ways more due to life choices than anything else.

Parker had a ranch that he immediately threw his blood, sweat, and tears into after retiring from the rodeo circuit. Drew finished college and then ended up in the agricultural business world. Their paths hadn’t crossed since the last year they’d competed before they’d retired from the rodeo circuit. Not until a beautiful, honey-haired goddess had goaded both of them into a private rodeo show with a date dangling as the carrot they both wanted.

That she’d been able to talk the both of them into something he never planned to do again was a testament to how much he liked her. And an indication of how much Parker must like her, as well. He’d sworn off any future rodeo competitions the day he retired officially.

Drew had stayed in the circuit a year after Parker gave it up and retired. He’d done it to garner a third championship. He’d won that year and given up the rodeo life to finish his education. He’d never been sorry for his choices.

He had on occasion regretted never renewing his friendship with Parker, post rodeo circuit. Now that was all changed. They’d renewed it all right. They’d jumped from not speaking to each other and gone directly into sharing an extraordinary woman between them. It had been quite a dramatic rekindling of their friendship.

Drew had some thinking to do about what he wanted going forward. He needed to decide to if he wanted to go on with this wild lifestyle sooner rather than later. He certainly didn’t want to bring it up only to be told, “Sorry this was only a onetime thing. You’ll have to move on.” That would hurt.

In her sleep, Sabrina shifted behind him, and her arm came away from his waist. Drew didn’t exactly know what compelled him, but he slid from her bed, gathered his clothing, and went into the living room to dress. He needed time away from her luscious body to consider everything that had transpired tonight.

The faint scent of wood smoke from the fireplace drifted around him as he buckled his belt and readied to leave. Drew turned around looking for a piece of paper to leave a note. He didn’t see anything. Feeling like it was time to go, Drew abandoned his quest for paper, promising himself he’d call her first thing tomorrow morning.

He hadn’t even taken a single step when Parker came sneaking out of the bedroom with only his jeans on, carrying his boots and shirt. He startled when he noticed Drew standing there in the low light of glowing red coals in the leftovers from the earlier fire. A hand went over his heart and he gave Drew a
you just scared the shit out of me

“Are you sneaking out?” Drew asked him in a barely audible tone once he came closer.

?” he responded immediately in a low whisper.

Drew shrugged. “I wasn’t exactly sure of the protocol.”

Parker’s eyebrows went up and he nodded. “Yeah. Well, I don’t know it, either.” Moving along to the sofa, Parker sat down and pulled his boots on. He stood again and hurriedly slipped his arms into the sleeves of his denim shirt.

“Should we leave a note or something?” Drew suddenly didn’t feel right having both of them just leave without saying anything to Sabrina.

Parker shrugged as he buttoned his shirt. “Hell if I know.”

Drew searched the immediate area for any paper and a pen. He spotted a desk against the far wall and headed there. He found printer paper in the top drawer, along with a ball-point pen. After scribbling a quick note to Sabrina about how much he’d enjoyed himself, Drew signed his name, folded it over, and put her name on the outside.

He looked around the room, searching for the best place to leave it so she’d see it right away.

The best place was likely on her nightstand or on the pillow next to her head. But Drew didn’t plan to go back into the bedroom. If she woke up with him standing over her poised to leave in the night, it would definitely be awkward. Drew hated uncomfortable good-byes and avoided them at all costs.

He set the note on the coffee table in front of the fireplace. Hopefully she’d see it there when she woke up all alone in that big bed and came looking for them. If she even bothered to engage them again.

“Why don’t you put it in the bedroom?” Parker whispered.

Drew raised his arms to midchest level and shrugged. “Because I don’t want to wake her up.”

Parker grinned. “Scared?”

“Screw you,” Drew said. But also admitted to himself that he
scared of hurting her feelings by leaving in the middle of the night, and getting caught would be worse.

Drew snatched the note up and marched to the bedroom. He’d be a man. If she woke up he’d deal with it.

The door opened well before he got there.

Sabrina stepped out in that barely there nightgown once more. The one he wanted to tear off of her one more time so he could fuck her again and again until daylight.

“Where are you two going?” she asked in a sultry, sleepy voice that made his cock pulse.


* * * *


“What are you doing up?” Parker’s first response came from his lips before he even realized he was about to speak.

Sabrina turned her gaze to him. “Why are you dressed again?” Internally, he sighed when she answered his question with a question. He’d done the exact same thing. He prepared himself for an awkward good-bye.

Drew shot him a questioning gaze as if seeking an answer—any answer—to give her that might keep him out of trouble.

Parker walked over to her and said, “The thing is, men just aren’t used to wandering naked around other men. I mean even in locker rooms we wear towels.”

She smiled. “I see. So you weren’t just about to sneak out.”

Drew hid his hands behind his back, one holding the note he’d just written.

“Now I didn’t exactly say that,” Parker admitted.

“You don’t have to go.”

Parker put a hand on her shoulder and stepped closer until they almost touched. “I
need to go. I have a ranch to run. I’ve got to be up for work in less than five hours. Truth is, this has been exceptional, but I hadn’t intended to be gone so long tonight for our date.”

She crossed her arms beneath her beautiful breasts, which only served to make them bigger and more desirable. Parker moved in and hugged her. She pressed herself hard against his body from breasts to knees. Her arms moved and slid tight around his waist.

The kiss she instigated got heated in seconds. Their tongues swirled together like old familiar friends knowing exactly what to do for the most pleasure possible. He loved kissing her. Loved being with her. Love the interesting evening they’d spent together with Drew.

He couldn’t promise her any further contact. He told himself it was because he was so busy with his ranch. And not because he had to find time alone to consider how he felt about the spectacular threesome sex they’d shared tonight. But he would definitely miss her.

Parker broke the kiss and stepped away from her sultry, soft body. Two more seconds of kissing her like that and he might have pushed her to the hardwood floor and instigated one or two more rounds of sexual decadence. But then he’d be worthless at the ranch tomorrow. He was already going to be grumpy from a sincere lack of sleep.

Drew stepped in to hug Sabrina, making Parker’s exit much easier. He also stuck out a hand to Parker before he moved away. “Interesting evening,” he said as they shook hands. “I’ll certainly never forget it.”

“I won’t either,” Drew said. He turned and kissed Sabrina quickly.

“Do you have to work tomorrow, too?” she asked Drew.

“No. But I have some things I need to take care of at my house.” He pulled away as if he didn’t trust himself around her for too long. Parker understood that.

“Okay. Well, thanks for an amazing evening and for making one of my fantasies come true.” Sabrina had a sleepy, satisfied expression. Parker stared at her for several seconds, attempting to memorize every inch of her face.

Drew said, “It was our pleasure. Take care.”

She didn’t stop them from heading for the front door. He and Drew exited the house together. He was speeding away from the DRMC property minutes later with a sexy unrestrained memory that would last him a lifetime.

The biggest question on his mind when he pulled onto his property was if that exceptional sexual encounter would be the only one they ever experienced together. The more he thought about it, the more he convinced himself that if Drew and Sabrina were the other two members, he might consider a threesome lifestyle the perfect way to live.


* * * *


Clay was enjoying a rare, quiet moment in his security fortress. He was contemplating a trip up north to Montana to visit his brother, Kendall. They had recently been in contact, and many old, difficult issues between them had been resolved with a very long phone conversation. Most of the apologizing had come from his end. Kendall hadn’t done anything wrong. He’d just tried to offer help at a time when Clay hadn’t really wanted any.

The phone rang, tearing him from the reverie of a possible future family reunion. Clay looked at the display and identified the caller as local. He also thought the number looked strangely familiar.

He snagged the cordless phone. “Yes.”

“Hey, this is Parker Grayson. I wonder if I might have a moment of your time for some questions regarding the Double Rider Men’s Club?”

Parker Grayson being on the phone was a big surprise. He hadn’t expected that trio to go any further. Sabrina hadn’t said anything after returning the keys to the cabin they’d used. He’d wondered, of course, but hadn’t asked how things had gone. She seemed content, but not exuberant. Clay figured that either one of the men hadn’t shown up, or that the two men hadn’t been interested in a threesome. Perhaps he’d been mistaken.

“Sure. What would you like to know?” Clay asked carefully.

Parker cleared his throat over the phone. “I’d like to inquire about the criteria for membership.”

Membership? Really? Wow.
He wondered if Sabrina knew Parker was calling.

“I see. Well, first off you need to have another male partner interested in the same thing that you are. We generally only allow pairs of men to join our club. Although there are rare exceptions.” Clay was, in fact, a rare exception.

“Let’s say that I already have that aspect in place. What would be the next step?”

“Paperwork. Background checks. A nondisclosure agreement signed. Also you would need to have one of the members already established with the DRMC to sponsor you into our midst. Likely they’d invite you to minor event to give you a better idea of what our club is all about. Keep in mind that this lifestyle isn’t for everyone.”

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