Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He and Parker each had a commanding strength in calf roping and bull riding, respectively. Parker had done calf roping, just as Drew had ridden bulls, but neither of them was as good as the other. The true competition came down to who was a better shot with a rifle. He knew it. He hoped Parker didn’t.

Two hours, four boxes of ammunition, and countless paper targets later, Drew felt confident that he’d smoke Parker at the shooting competition.

He’d loaded his rifle case into the storage space behind the seat of his truck. Before he got behind the wheel, he noticed a seemingly familiar SUV sitting two parking spots away.

Before he realized where he’d seen the vehicle before, Parker emerged from the gun club with a soft rifle case slung over one shoulder.
. His competition had been practicing, too.

“Hey, old man,” Drew called out. “Getting in some practice so you won’t look quite so bad when I beat your ass?”

Parker’s head whipped toward him with obvious surprise. He moved in his direction slowly as if he didn’t want to converse, but couldn’t avoid it. “Same as you, I’d expect,” he replied slowly. “Isn’t that why you’re here?”

Drew shrugged in response.

Parker walked the rest of the way to Drew’s truck and reached out his hand civilly. They shook and then each took a minute to assess the other. At least that’s what Drew did.

“How’d you do?” he asked to be polite.

Parker smiled. “Excellent. And you?”

“Better than average, I’d say. I’m ready for the competition.”

His rival nodded. “Me too.”

Drew wanted to pepper his adversary with about a thousand questions, starting with ones about Sabrina to get his reaction. But he remained silent waiting to see what conversation Parker would instigate.

“Know anyone else from the old rodeo days competing against us tomorrow?” Drew asked. He didn’t really care, but hoped to get Parker into a more meaningful conversation.

“Nope. You’re the only one I know about.” Parker’s expression softened for a second. He stared at Drew as if he had an important question he wanted to ask. He opened his mouth and closed it, shaking his head. He wasn’t going to do it.

Drew couldn’t stand it any longer. “Should we talk about Sabrina?” he asked quietly.

Parker’s gaze intensified. “What about her?”

“It’s obvious we both like her, and I think we need—” Drew stopped talking because suddenly Parker’s gaze left his face. He stared at something behind him.

Drew turned around and saw immediately what Parker was fascinated with. Sabrina was coming out of the party goods store.

She lugged several sacks on her arms and pushed a shopping cart full of more bags toward a large, black SUV.

Drew slammed the door shut on his truck and locked it with the push of a button on his key fob. “Looks like she needs some help.”

Parker moved forward two steps. “I can help her. You can just mosey on home.”

“You still have your gun to put away. I’ll give her your regards.” Drew turned his back on Parker and marched at a fast pace toward Sabrina without looking behind him to see if his rival followed. She’d opened the rear hatch of the SUV by the time he made it to her.

“Hey, gorgeous, can I help you?”

She looked up and he could tell he’d surprised her. “What are you doing here?” She maneuvered several plastic bags off of her arms and into the vehicle. Her gaze swept from his head to his knees and back to his face again. She looked very happy to see him.

He pointed a thumb over one shoulder. “Oh, I was over at the shooting range getting some practice in. I wanted to make sure I could at least hit the broad side of a barn.”

you hit the broad side of a barn?” She grinned.

“Absolutely. At least three out of every ten times,” he joked. In fact, he could hit anything he shot at on any part of any barn.

She laughed. “Good for you.”

“Well, I plan to demolish the competition. Because I want that date with you more than anything else in this world.”

She started to say something, but another voice intruded.

“But the problem is,” Parker said from right behind him, “is that I also want that date with you, and
plan to win. The difference is I’m more experienced, and I will make it happen.”

Sabrina turned her head and looked at Parker. She stared slowly down his body and back up at his face. Just like when she’d first seen Drew, her expression was one of almost awe.

She may want Drew, but she also looked like she wanted Parker just as much.

Shockingly, and once again, Drew found he didn’t mind her being attracted to Parker. His cock stirred at the idea of watching his rival with her.


* * * *


Sabrina had been taken off guard when Drew showed up. Having Parker follow along right behind him nearly put her on the ground in a lustful fit of yearning. She had something like five million chores to complete before tomorrow’s DRMC event, but she couldn’t think of anything except the fact that she was in the company of both men. At the same time.

This was the first time they’d all been together in person and not just her vivid fantasies.

With both of their unique, manly scents wafting around her head, it was a wonder she didn’t swoon headfirst into the parking lot’s surface.

She took a deep breath, ignoring how absolutely delicious each of them smelled, and tried to keep her emotions bottled. These men didn’t know what she had in store for them. She didn’t want to tip her hand too soon and scare either of them away.

Be cool. Calm down. Don’t spook them.

Without any more conversation, the two of them carefully emptied the bags out of her cart and into the back of the SUV she’d borrowed from Clay to haul all the party goods.

Like two helpful husbands, Parker shut the hatch and Drew pushed the cart into a corral next to them.

“Want to get some coffee and have a chat?” Parker asked.

Before she answered, Drew did. “I’d love to go. Why don’t the three of us go together?”

Sabrina wasn’t sure she was ready for a “chat” with the two of them. At least not yet. Her plan hadn’t taken into consideration a surprise meeting with the two of them the day before the competition.

“I don’t know. I’m sort of busy with all the prep for tomorrow’s party. What did you want to talk about?” As if she didn’t know
want they wanted to discuss.

Parker took a step closer. Now less than an arm’s length away, the rush of his clean masculine scent billowed around her head. She closed her eyes trying to make her brain work in light of his nearness.

“I want to talk about what happens when I win the competition. And I want to discuss the date we’ll have together.”

She opened her eyes, and he took another step closer. His seductive green-eyed gaze fairly burned a hole through to her soul. He looked like a man on a mission, and she was his goal. Her pussy gushed in the wake of his close proximity.

“What a coincidence. That’s what I want to talk about, too.” When Drew also advanced from the other direction, her clit pulsed in delight and she almost cried out. If either of them put so much as a fingertip near any of her erogenous zones, she’d likely climax right here and now in the Celebration Town party goods parking lot.

Sabrina mentally shook her head. She needed to get control of the situation. Because if Parker took another step closer, they’d be touching. Same with Drew. This was not the time to strip them naked and have her wicked way with them, but she wanted to so badly she could almost taste victory. She hadn’t been with a man, any man, in a long time. While she wanted both of these men, she wasn’t quite ready for them. She had a plan.

Tomorrow, regardless of who won or didn’t, she planned to invite them to a cabin for a threesome with her sandwiched in between them. But for now, she needed to perhaps give them a preview of her expectations so they could consider her true offer.

Drew was slightly closer. Sabrina put her palm flat against the center of his chest. She then turned to Parker, hooked her other arm around his neck, and pulled him to her for a blatantly sexy kiss. Drew sucked in a deep breath the moment the kiss started. But he didn’t move away.

Sabrina stopped the kiss with Parker and immediately turned to Drew. His expression was that of a hungry man about to devour a feast. He stepped into her and pushed his mouth against hers in an equally seductive kiss. His tongue swept between her lips for a decadent taste and dueled with hers before she again broke the contact.

She took a distancing step backward from them both and pulled her hands away. “Regardless of who wins or doesn’t tomorrow, perhaps now you understand a bit more about what
ultimately want with regard to the two of you.”

They both stared at her with an intensity she could barely turn away from. Mustering the strength she needed, Sabrina twisted away and turned her back on them. She climbed into the borrowed SUV without any interruption from the two seemingly surprised men.

Glancing in her rearview mirror as she pulled out of the parking lot, she saw that both Drew and Parker hadn’t moved from the spot she’d left them in.

The dual kiss had been something she’d planned to do tomorrow after the match. She expected that the two of them would blow any other competition away. She’d planned to kiss the winner and also give the second place finisher a juicy kiss as a consolation prize. Any date planned would have two invitations issued. She expected the date to commence directly after the competition. And in fact, she had a place on the DRMC property poised and ready for her double seduction plan.

She would invite both of them to this special cabin for a drink and then she’d answer the door in a flimsy piece of lingerie and see what happened.

Either they’d be interested or they’d walk away.

One thing was certain, regardless of which one of them won tomorrow’s competition, it was going to be a very unique and exciting day.


* * * *


Discovering the identity of the two men Sabrina Lancaster wanted to get busy with was quite possibly the easiest information Clay ever obtained. It had taken him the space of time it took to locate their names on the roster for the rodeo event she’d planned. He selected the two most likely candidates based on his general knowledge of local history in the rodeo circuit.

Parker Grayson and Drew Montgomery might as well have been circled in red ink on her list of rodeo contenders. Each had been very successful in their respective events in the local circuit. Both held repeated wins until they’d retired as all-time champions.

The fact that they also had a very vibrant and well-publicized rivalry going on during the last years in the rodeo together made the selection of the two men even easier for Clay to identify.

Built-in drama beforehand likely only added to their appeal for Sabrina. But Clay couldn’t fault her for her choices. They were both well-respected, good men.

Some unsubstantiated information he’d come across had indicated that the two hadn’t really been the ones responsible for their rivalry in the papers way back when, but no further identity of who
instigated the added drama or who had kept the fuel pouring to keep it ablaze.

Parker owned a ranch not too far away from the DRMC property. Drew was a salesman for a well-established agricultural products firm in town and lived on his own very small, forty-acre ranch further out of town. Both were very successful men. Both enjoyed a seemingly well-to-do lifestyle. However, neither man had ever been in any sort of threesome relationship that Clay could find. He didn’t dig too far into their personal lives, but if either of them had any interest in a ménage lifestyle, it must run very deep, be well-hidden, or not exist at all.

Clay hoped for Sabrina’s sake that it was one of the former choices and not the latter one. The lifestyle enjoyed by the members of the DRMC was unusual. It certainly wasn’t for everyone.

Unfortunately, the best news that Clay could offer her was that if these men ever sought entrance into the DRMC, there wasn’t anything nefarious on the surface to keep them out, so she wouldn’t have to be a sad panda in that regard.

But if they weren’t interested in sharing her, it didn’t matter. Clay ultimately hated for Sabrina to be disappointed, or a sad panda.

Chapter Three


A bead of sweat trickled down Drew’s face as he sighted his rifle, pushed out a breath, and got ready to take his final shot.

This was it. The final round. His final shot.

The competition finale to determine the winner of a date with Sabrina. Drew fired his rifle. The recoil of his weapon punched his shoulder, and smoke obscured his immediate vision momentarily.

He squinted and looked down at the target. His bullet had hit just outside the black circle of the center bull’s-eye to the left.
Damn it.
He’d wanted a true, centered bull’s-eye for his final score.

If Parker managed to hit solidly in the center of the target without breaking the edge, he’d win it. And Sabrina.

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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