Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Ben looked defensive. “I was just making conversation. Jeez, you’re so touchy.”

“Touchy or not, I still don’t have time for a conversation with you. Nor is it my responsibility to find work for you.” What was she going to have to do to get him to leave? Physically push him out of her office?

He stood. “Fine. I’ll go and leave you to your precious work.”

“Thank you.”

Sabrina watched him stalk away from her office and hoped she hadn’t just made a big mistake. Perhaps she should have handed him a list of numbers to call to confirm things for the coming event. The trouble was, she didn’t trust him to do it right.

On the last event they’d worked on, each time she delegated him something, he either messed up the dates and times, or angered contacts with his flippant, poor attitude. Or pissed off sponsors by being unprofessional and holier than thou, or changed things around and neglected to tell her about
new plans. She’d learned her lesson the first time they’d worked together. That wouldn’t happen again.

A trip to Kurt’s office later in the day hadn’t helped one single bit. Ben had beat her to the punch and gone in apologizing for all his stupid mistakes. Kurt was naturally sympathetic and wholeheartedly gave him another chance. Sabrina didn’t have the heart to kick him while he was already saying sorry for being a dud. Besides, she was busy working.

The current event was Ben’s second chance, but Sabrina knew it was likely the next chance in a long line of future chances that he’d eventually screw up. Her only hope at being saved from his foolishness was to pawn him off on another event coordinator. Trouble was, she didn’t dislike any of her peers enough to saddle them with Ben.

She just wished she could
him from her life without putting her boss in a difficult position or making him think she wasn’t a team player.

Sabrina would just do her best to ignore Ben. She’d keep him from ruining the current project plans by doing all the work herself. She then hoped and prayed that he hated this job enough to quit sooner rather than later. It was her only hope at this point.

Chapter Ten


Parker drove through the gates of the DRMC property Saturday evening with a flutter of apprehension roiling in his belly. He was excited about tonight. He’d looked forward to this all week long.

A second conversation with Clay a few days ago resulted in yet another boon. Clay offered to let the three of them stay in the same cabin they’d used previously once the Stadium event had concluded. While they were welcome to stay in his box for as long as they wanted to, Clay told him the cabin offered more space and comfort.

Parker couldn’t wait to spend the night at the cozy cabin with Sabrina and Drew. This time he’d wake up with Sabrina next to him. She’d indicated a desire to sleep with them all night. Secretly, he wanted that, too.

He parked in front of the building indicated on a map Clay had sent. His was the only vehicle there. Drew wasn’t here yet, but maybe Sabrina was. It was difficult to determine what the extent of the exterior building looked like partly because of the darkness. The structure was simple and windowless as far as he could tell. The builders had seemingly tucked the structure within a copse of tall trees. It looked a little like a large warehouse tucked away in the woods.

Exiting his vehicle and leaving it locked, Parker slid his keys into his front pocket and headed up the rustic wooden stairs leading to the small covered porch. Above the double doors beneath the roof was a sign that said simply,
DRMC Stadium

Inside there was a small foyer leading into a much larger room. Tables, chairs, and several sofas were strewn around the room. The décor was lush and spoke of money without being uncomfortable or making him feel out of place. Casual elegance, he supposed.

The outside simplicity of the building hadn’t prepared him for the wealth inside. He headed to the left where there was a beautiful carved wood bar and several empty barstools.

“What’ll you have?” the bartender asked. He was dressed like a cowboy out of an old spaghetti western, complete with six-shooters in holsters at his side.

“Whiskey,” Parker said.

“Coming right up, sir.”

A glance around the room showed only twenty or so people. Several pairs of men on either side of a woman. Sets of three people stood, sat, or lounged all around the room like threesomes were a regular practice. Here on the DRMC property, it
a regular practice. Parker needed to get used to that concept.

The bartender brought him his drink. He’d barely taken a sip when Drew sat down on the next barstool and slapped him on the back.

Drew caught the eye of the bartender, nodded, and said, “I’ll have whatever he’s having.” The guy brought over another heavy glass tumbler filled with amber liquid.

Parker took another sip of his whiskey. “Are you ready for tonight?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” Drew glanced over one shoulder at the room. He drank half of his whiskey. “I’m not really used to seeing groups of three people hanging out together, but it is sexy to see.”

“Yep. I agree.”

Parker thought Drew looked unsettled. Was he going to back out?

“What’s up? You look like a man with more than an evening of pleasure on his mind.”

Drew shrugged. “I need to ask Sabrina about something unrelated. Nothing big.”

“Looks big. Those stern creases between your eyebrows don’t lie.”

His hand went to his own forehead to rub the spot. “Shut up. It’s not a big deal.”

“What’s not a big deal?” Sabrina asked from a few steps behind them.

“Drew apparently needs to have a serious conversation with you.”

“Shut your mouth, old man,” Drew said resignedly.

“What’s wrong?” Sabrina put a hand on Drew’s shoulder. He turned to her with an exasperated expression on his face. But it soon softened as he studied her features for a few moments.

He pushed out a sigh. “I had a visitor last week. One who mentioned you. That’s all. Nothing big, like I said.”

Her face scrunched in puzzlement. Parker thought she was the most beautiful woman regardless of her expression. He placed his hand in the center of her back, so happy to touch her again after this long week of separation.

Drew lowered his voice and said, “A guy named Ben something showed up at my office last Saturday afternoon wanting me to participate in a coming Western show for a children’s charity. He said he got my name from you.”

Beneath his fingers, Sabrina went ramrod straight at the mention of her coworker’s name. Her eyes widened. Her mouth dropped open as if in shock. “He did what?” Her shrill question was likely heard across the room.

The western bartender looked in their direction, but didn’t approach. Although Sabrina looked like she could really use a drink.

Sabrina pushed out a long breath. “I can’t believe he did that to you. I’m so sorry, Drew. I don’t know where he got your name, but I promise you I didn’t tell it to him for any reason.”

Drew smiled. “I figured that out after a while. Which is why I didn’t contact you this week.”

Parker asked, “Wasn’t Ben the name of the guy who came to your apartment a week ago Friday night wanting to work or some such thing?”

She turned to Parker. “Yes. He’s the very same prick I work with. He’s about to learn not to screw with me or my boyfriends.”

Drew shook his head. “He didn’t know about us romantically. He just put on some harsh pressure about being in a rodeo for the charity.”

“We aren’t even having a rodeo at that event. He was completely out of line in contacting you in any way, shape, or form. Again, I’m just so sorry he bothered you. When I get back to work on Monday, I promise you, he’s dead meat.”

Drew laughed. Suddenly, he looked like a weight had just come off his shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to kill anyone. I told him I’d be happy to write a check, but my rodeo days are over. Unless you need me to rope a calf for you. Because I’d only do it for you.”

She put a hand on his chest. “No. It’s
all right. I promise he won’t bother you ever again.”

“My hero,” Drew said and leaned in to kiss her lips. She turned a sweet peck on the mouth into a passionate affair as Parker watched with growing interest. He leaned in closer and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. Heart pounding in his chest at the idea that the two of them were openly kissing Sabrina in front of the other club members in the room, Parker’s cock stirred in his pants. This lifestyle was beyond sexy. He loved it more and more each time he even thought about it.

“Do you want a drink before we head to the Stadium for the show?” Parker whispered in her ear.

She broke the kiss with Drew and said, “Order me a whiskey. Then we can go.”

Parker signaled the bartender as Sabrina and Drew resumed their volcanic and involved kiss.

The bartender didn’t miss a beat. He refilled both Drew and Parker’s glasses and brought a third glass for Sabrina. Obviously, he must be used to the lifestyle, or perhaps he was also a part of it.

Sabrina broke the kiss. Drew said, “Just so you know, you are completely forgiven for anything and everything you did or may ever do.”

“Good.” She laughed and grabbed her whiskey tumbler. Lifting it to her lips, she drained it in a single gulp before setting the glass down hard on the bar. She swallowed, inhaled deeply and then hissed, “Good stuff.”

Parker and Drew also drained their glasses. Clay had already informed him that any and all drinks at the Stadium bar were included in the overall package of the evening. Even so, Parker dropped a generous tip on the bar before Sabrina led them out of the room.

Whatever he expected the Stadium box to look like, Parker was completely unprepared for what greeted him.

He was glad Sabrina had led them here since he likely would have gotten lost. Down a hallway, left to another, into an elevator, out of the elevator, down another hall before arriving at their final destination.

Inside Clay’s box was very stylish. It was filled lots of lavish, dark leather furniture. One whole wall was made up of a tinted window that looked down onto a circular stage. It angled outward in such a way that the stage below could be seen easily. Almost like a sports arena box seat, only on a smaller scale. And likely why it was referred to as a stadium.

There was a sturdy-looking brass pole centered in the stage below. Parker figured there would be a naked woman clinging and writhing around it eventually, along with two men to help her stay tethered.

To one side of center stage was a large cushioned bench seat, for lack of a better description. Four people could likely fit on it crossways if needed. Once the woman finished swinging on the pole, she could rest on the bench seat and let her men service her. Parker smiled with eager anticipation.

Also out the window he noticed that there were other windows facing the stage. They were across, left, and right, running three stories high of where they were. It was dark outside, but Parker wondered if the ceiling of this place wasn’t a huge skylight looking down at the windows and stage. Perhaps starlight rained down on the stage during the show.

“What do you think?” Sabrina asked. She closed the door they’d come through and walked to the window. Parker and Drew both joined her there.

All the other windows were mirrored with the exception of one on the right. He could clearly see inside to the room, but didn’t see anyone in there.

“Can anyone see us?” Parker asked.

“No. However…” She reached over and flipped a switch. The subtle tint in the large pane of glass disappeared. “Now they can.”

Drew looked momentarily panicked. She flipped the switch again. “And now we’re hidden again. I didn’t expect you’d want to let anyone see us. Am I right?”

They both nodded. Parker was only barely used to letting Drew watch him fuck Sabrina. A whole crowd of strangers would take some time to work up to.

“I hate to be a prude on my first night,” Drew said. “But I’m not quite ready for anyone to see me making love to you.”

“I’m not as big a fan of being watched as others in this club are. And it’s not a requirement as far as I know. Just an option.” Sabrina moved to the large leather sofa placed very close in front of the window. She sat down in the center and looked out the window. Parker stepped back and sat down as well. He could still see most of the stage from this spot.

Sabrina put a hand on his leg and moved it toward his groin. His cock sprang to life immediately. Truthfully, it had been stiffening since they came into the room.

She brushed her palm over his erection. “Ooh. What do we have here?”

“Hard cock, at your service.”

Drew also seated himself on the other side her. She immediately grabbed between his legs, as well. “And another one, too. Excellent. Tonight is looking up. No pun intended.”


Parker leaned in and kissed her hard on the mouth. He was so glad to be here. So happy to have been introduced to this lifestyle.

Above them sexy music with a stylish bass drum rock beat started playing.

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