Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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They exchanged an amused glance. Parker stroked her cheek with his fingertips. “You were hard to resist. And I did give your name to Clay as the reason I wanted to pursue club membership, but I hoped you wouldn’t mind.”

“Not at all.” She was surprised Clay hadn’t contacted her to gloat over figuring out who the two men were that she’d selected to participate with. She suspected he had figured it out before the initial rodeo competition, but having Parker call likely solidified his findings.

“In fact, we haven’t resisted much since you brought the three of us together.” Drew also stroked his palm down her arm and walked his fingers to her belly button to circle around the sensitive space.

“True.” Sabrina yawned. She wished she had more stamina. The extreme pleasure from before had taken its toll on her endurance.

“Tired?” Drew asked.

“A little. It’s been a big night for me.” She settled beneath the covers. “Would the two of you consider staying the night this time?”

They both exchanged a glance. The hardest part of this, she figured, was that two men unfamiliar with the DRMC lifestyle often didn’t want to share the same bed. Even if there was a woman separating them.

Parker said, “I can stay for a few hours, but I’ve still got to get back to the ranch in the predawn morning.”

She caressed his cheek. “You work so hard.”

He kissed her fingertips. “I take pride in it, but you certainly make me want to change my life and not work so very hard.”

Drew leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Usually, I don’t sleep well in places other than my own bed. And I have some work to do tomorrow, even though it’s Saturday. But I’ll stay here tonight for a while. I’ll try not to wake you when I leave.”

Sabrina remained silent. She wanted them to stay.

Drew pushed out a long breath. “Tell you what, next time I’ll make plans to stay overnight. Perhaps we can all spend the night together after our evening at the Stadium.” He turned to Parker. “Cool with you?”


“Okay. I understand.” Sabrina hated to sound dejected, but she also hated to wake up to an empty bed. Especially after such an incredibly satisfying evening.


* * * *


Drew hated working on Saturdays. As a young child, the first day of the weekend was always what he looked most forward to. In his memory, the morning always started with cartoons and led to special pancake breakfasts. Later in life, when he’d outgrown cartoons, Drew had discovered that Saturdays were meant for playing in the park, going to the movies, and most especially not doing any homework.

He didn’t watch cartoons anymore, and syrup-laden pancakes breakfasts had shifted to more healthy choices as he’d matured, but he still didn’t want to be at work. His secretary, Agnes, came in to work, as well. She was overjoyed because of the extra overtime income.

Drew’s boss had him working on a special project. But he didn’t get any overtime. At least not unless this project ended up being a magnificent success. And then it would mean a sizeable bonus. Drew was practical enough not to ever count on a possible bonus, but was certainly willing to do his best to earn it.

Besides, a week from now he’d be on his way to a special Stadium event to watch a live sex show and further the new and exciting sexy lifestyle he’d discovered with Sabrina’s help and Parker’s added participation.

So he dove in and worked all morning without interruption.

Until Agnes called over the intercom, “Mr. Grayson? Do you have time to see a Mr. Welkin?”

Drew said, “Sure. I’ve got five minutes.” He didn’t know who Welkin was, but really wanted a break from the endless paperwork he was elbow-deep in.

The door opened, and Agnes let in a medium-sized, bookish-looking guy with wire-rimmed glasses carrying a spiral notebook and a pen. His first thought was reporter. Drew went on guard. If this man was a reporter, he needed to take care with his words. Or at least he always had before.

Mr. Welkin extended his hand. “Mr. Montgomery. Great to meet you.”

Drew shook his hand and said, “Mr. Welkin, what can I do for you?” He didn’t mean to sound stern, but probably came across that way. He hadn’t ever cared for any reporters in his past. They’d always twisted his words regardless of how careful he was when he spoke.

“Please, call me Ben.”

“Ben. What can I do for you? I’m up to my elbows in work today. I’m afraid I don’t have much time.”

He pulled a business card from his pocket and handed it to Drew. “I represent an event planning service called Peak Events. You may have heard of us?”

Not a reporter, good.

Drew relaxed a notch. “I don’t think so.” He gestured to the chair in front of his desk for the man to be seated.

“Oh. Well. Regardless. Our firm would like for you to participate in a County Western Day event that we’re planning next month. We are thinking of possibly having a rodeo along with a county fair.”

The words
Western Day
made Drew’s heart stutter in his chest. The first visual that crossed his mind had to do with the
rodeo show he’d been involved with. Followed directly by where that show had ultimately led him. To a threesome with Sabrina and Parker. His distress must have shown on his face because Ben started talking fast.

“We’d really love for you to participate. It’s for a very worthy local children’s charity. The winners usually donate their prize money to the children’s fund, but it’s not a rule or anything.”

Drew held a hand up. “Wait a second. I’m actually retired from all that. My rodeo days are long past.”
Unless you count the recent private one I did to get a date.
“Where did you get my name for this venture?” Drew expected to hear him say that he’d seen him long ago or that he’d found his name in a former roster of rodeo and western stars in the local circuit.

Ben didn’t even hesitate with his answer. “I got your name from Sabrina Lancaster.”

Eyes widened in sudden shock, Drew had to force his mouth to keep from falling open.
What? Sabrina? Really?

Ben’s humble, hopeful expression turned suddenly to one of a zealous hard-sell negotiator. He clicked a pen, brought the spiral notebook up to chest level, and flipped it open. He asked, “So the orphan kids can count on you this year, right? I thought we’d let you do a demonstration of calf roping, or better yet, we might offer a competition if we can get enough contenders. I’m sure you’ll win the day.” Ben had turned ingratiatingly annoying. Drew disliked his new tone immensely.

“I’m sorry. I can’t commit to anything right now, Ben.” Drew couldn’t believe how calm his voice sounded when it came out of his mouth. “I’ll have to get back to you. Leave me the information you have on the event and what you’re asking of me. I’ll look it over and let you know.”

“Well, I don’t really have anything printed out at this time. We’re looking at a couple months before the events takes place.”

“You want me to volunteer for something without knowing exactly what I’ll be doing? I’m sorry, but I just don’t do this sort of activity anymore. Like I said, I am retired. In fact, I have an agent who takes care of these issues. I’d need to contact him before agreeing to anything at all anyway. Even using my name.”

He’d learned long ago not to volunteer for anything. Ever. Especially not a blind invitation to some obscure western or rodeo show that might have him doing any number of things he hadn’t planned on.

Drew had made a few mistakes early in his career of volunteering without knowing exactly what was expected. At least he had before he employed an agent. Even after acquiring an agent, he’d still been roped into doing a few shows he hadn’t wanted to, but the pay had always been good.

Ben frowned. “But we need you. I don’t know who else can do what you’re capable of.”

“I’m retired and have been for a number of years. I don’t think my name would draw the crowd you’re looking for, or the donations.”

He shook his head. “I disagree, Drew. Especially if we invite your old rival, Parker Grayson, to the event.”

. Ben’s next conquest was Parker? This was a bad idea on too many levels.

“I’m all for supporting children’s charities, but my rodeo days are behind me. Why don’t I write you a check instead?”

“No. That’s okay. I’m looking for cowboys to be in a rodeo. Once I have a more definite lineup, I’ll contact you again.”

Drew wanted to say, “Don’t fucking bother,” but he stood up and forced a polite smile. He held Ben’s card up and said, “All right. Fine.” But it wasn’t fine. He didn’t plan to allow Ben in here again. Agnes lived to be intimidating to people he didn’t want to see. If Ben had the audacity to call on him again without an appointment, he’d let Agnes stave him off, hold firm on staying out of the saddle, and simply send money. His aching joints did a silent
thank you
for his decision.

Ben’s face tightened as if in devastated disappointment. “Well. Thanks for your time. I certainly hope I can change your mind later on.”

Not fucking likely

“Have a good day.”

He took his sweet-assed time getting up and leaving. He probably thought that the longer he stayed in the office the better chance he had of a change of heart. However, he was mistaken. Drew wanted to kick him in the butt and hurry him along.

Drew walked him out and didn’t say a word even though Ben became sickeningly even more ingratiating until his back teeth ached with each word he spoke.

Once Ben was finally out of sight, Drew turned to Agnes. “I hate to do this to you, but he’s not welcome anymore.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Montgomery. I shouldn’t have let him in.”

“Not your fault. It was mine for not asking who it was.”

Agnes had a sudden gleam in her eye. “I promise I won’t let that man bother you ever again.”

He grinned at her and went back into his office. The only thing on his mind was Sabrina. Surely she hadn’t sent Ben to guilt him into another rodeo gig. Drew
it when people put a choke hold on him in the name of charity. He wasn’t stingy in that regard. He was more than happy to donate to good charities with a check instead of banging up his body in a rodeo.

The more troubling aspect of Ben’s visit had to do with Sabrina’s name being used. He didn’t actually trust Ben’s account, but he would have to talk to her about it next time they met. He didn’t look forward to it.

Sabrina’s last invitation to a rodeo and competition had been very different. No guilt. Just an opportunity if he was interested. No pressure at all.

Hell, he’d been the one to initiate the date if he agreed to the rodeo competition at the DRMC. It had been a trade-off. She’d offered him prize money regardless of where he placed, and didn’t expect him to do several shows. Just one for a date.

Not an opportunity to bust his joints and donate the cash prize. Not that orphans didn’t deserve all the money in the world, and if expected, he certainly wouldn’t have kept prize money better spent in the hands of needy children. But Ben’s approach had been a bit dirty pool. Especially since he essentially didn’t agree to take a check immediately for that same charity.

Drew glanced at Ben’s card and then retrieved Sabrina’s business card from his wallet. He released a sigh. They were identical in design and logo with the exception of their names and contact numbers.

He didn’t want to broach this with her, but didn’t see how it wouldn’t come up. He’d have to tell her about this visit. He just hoped she hadn’t sent Ben his way.

The annoying man had just ruined his already bad day. Worse than that, he’d left Drew in an awkward and difficult position the next time he got together with the woman he was falling in love with. Before they discussed a further future, he needed to assure himself she hadn’t told Ben to seek him out.

But the DRMC event had been private, and not through her business. She’d explained that when she gave him her business card. So how else would Ben have known about him, if Sabrina hadn’t told him to come?

Chapter Nine


Sabrina hadn’t seen or heard from Parker or Drew all weekend after Friday night’s incredible second date, but she didn’t care. The Stadium event planned for
Saturday evening would keep her buoyed all week.

Unfortunately, it was only Monday and she was at work. It would be another long week before she got to play. At least she had something wonderful to look forward to.

Currently, she was on her way to her boss, Kurt’s, office for a scheduled meeting. The first piece of business she planned to open with made her feel like a tattletale. However, she intended to ensure that Ben understood he’d been out of line for showing up unannounced at her doorstep last Friday night wanting her to drop everything and work.

Since Ben had seen Parker at her home, Sabrina expected him to want to use Parker for the upcoming County Western Day event. She figured he’d want to add a rodeo competition of some sort. She planned to stand firm against it. They had plenty of other, less costly events scheduled, including some riding and roping displays of skill by some of the boys and girls in the orphanage they were trying to get money for.

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