Two Masters for Alex (19 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Two Masters for Alex
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When he’d stopped her, mere seconds from a desperately needed release, she thought she would lose her mind. The details of how she went from the bike to being in his arms were vague, but she definitely remembered how it felt when he pressed his huge cock into her wetness.

She was dazed from the waves of excitement and sensation pulsing through her as he filled her completely. After only a few thrusts, she came in sweet spasms against his cock. He continued to move in her, sending spirals of orgasmic tremors through her body. She clung to him as he swiveled and thrust inside her, nearly screaming his name.

When he collapsed on top of her, she somehow found the strength to open her eyes. It was then she saw Liam looming tall and dark in the door, his face stricken and pale with shock.

All the pleasure of just a moment before seemed to dissipate like smoke as she stared at him, unable at first to utter a word. At that moment, Alex would have given
anything to take back her greedy actions—to have remained dutifully on the bike, “sublimating her sexual tensions” as Daniel had said she ought. She hated to think she was the cause of Liam’s pain, even if the pain were misplaced. She knew from his expression he thought he had stumbled in on lovers. In fact, she had tricked Daniel into fucking her but that was all there was to it. She’d used her sexuality, as she so often had in the past, to get what she wanted. Alex sighed aloud as she thought about this. Why continue in this futile quest for a true submissive experience? She was no more submissive than Liam himself!

When Liam had secured her wrists, clipped her nipples and blindfolded her, she’d been grateful. Yes, grateful! He led her to the cage and she climbed in before he had to say a word. It was a relief to be bound and caged—she no longer had to be responsible for her actions. He’d said her punishment was “not to watch”—but in fact it was a reprieve.

For what Alex had realized as she stared up at Liam’s handsome, heartbroken face, and as she shifted beneath the gorgeous, sensual man lying atop her, his cock still nestled inside her, was that she was falling in love with them both. She tried to tell herself she wasn’t falling in love with the individual men per se but more with their lifestyle—with the utter devotion they felt toward one another.

When they finally came to let her out of the cage, she had actually fallen asleep. She was so stiff from curling her body up with her wrists chained behind her, she literally couldn’t move when Liam first opened the door. He had to pull her through it by the shoulders. She squinted into the light as he removed the sleep mask. Once he released the clips holding her cuffs together, he lifted her onto his lap, cradling her like a baby.

Daniel was waiting in their bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed wearing white shorts and a tentative smile. “You okay?” he asked her. She nodded, though in fact she wasn’t sure. Liam settled himself on the bed with her still in his arms.

Daniel leaned over her and touched one of the alligator clips that held her nipple in its firm grip. “I’m going to take these off now. It’s going to hurt a bit when the blood flow returns.”

A bit! Alex had been unable to control her scream as he released the springs and removed the clips from her tortured nipples. To her surprise Liam, who still held her in his arms, reached around and cupped each breast. The firm press of his palms against her tender nipples soothed the ache. She leaned back into him, silently grateful for his gentle touch.

Daniel next focused on the latex shorts she still wore. He peeled them from her body, which was soaked in sweat where the latex had covered her skin. Liam set her down between them on a soft towel Daniel laid out of the purpose. “You can shower and rest soon,” Liam said. “We need to talk first.”

Alex had thought then Liam was going to inform her in his kind, deep voice that things really just weren’t working out between them for obvious reasons. She prepared herself for a lecture on sluttish masochism versus true submission with herself firmly
relegated to the former category. She half expected Daniel to throw in something about her manipulative feminine ways as an excuse for his own behavior.

Instead, Liam said, “Daniel and I have been talking. We think you have potential as a submissive but you’re definitely not there yet. You still need a lot of training and a very firm hand. Daniel’s willing to keep working with you if you’re willing to really try and obey him and stop trying to manipulate either of us with your, er, charms.”

“You mean,” Alex turned incredulous eyes toward him, “you’re not sending me away? Even though I made Daniel fuck me?”

The men stared at her a moment before they both burst out laughing. Alex felt her face heat, aware how childish she must sound. She hadn’t
Daniel do anything. She hadn’t
him to plunge his hard, thick cock into her. She pressed her thighs together at the memory. The guys were still laughing and she began to laugh too, from relief as much as anything.

She hadn’t been lying when she said, “Of course I want to stay, more than anything in the world!”

“Good,” Liam answered. “This is still so new for all of us. Let’s give ourselves until Saturday.”

They sent her away to shower and groom and whatever else she wanted to do. “We’re going to rest in here for a few hours. Consider it free time. No more chores today. We’ll be out in time for dinner. Perhaps we’ll go out to eat tonight. See how you handle submission in public.” Liam flashed an evil grin and Daniel smiled broadly. Then they sent her away.

It felt very lonely to be dismissed like that, but at least they’d only sent her from their bedroom for a few hours. Not from their home forever! She showered and made sure her sex was smooth and hairless before stepping from the bath.

Now she sat in the lovely alcove, nestled beneath the bay window with her laptop. She really couldn’t concentrate sufficiently to write. She was at once exhausted and exhilarated from the strange events of the afternoon. She continued to grapple with questions too serious for her sleepy mind to handle. Was she submissive or merely masochistic? Did they want her to stay because they saw her as a challenge? Or were they merely being polite by letting her finish out the week? Could they ever come to love her? Was she in fact falling in love with two men at once? Or was it just lust? Could she lead a life with two men, with two Masters?

She thought about calling Cheryl just to have someone to talk it through with. She shook her head at this idea. While Cheryl was very open and understanding about what she termed Alex’s “eccentric sex life”, she knew Cheryl would have no idea about how to counsel her on the issues she now faced. Cheryl would just tell her she was certifiably insane and had better get the hell out of there.

Alex knew one thing at least—she didn’t want to leave. She wanted to finish out the week, to test herself, to prove herself, to learn as much as she could about true submission from these two amazing men before they sent her away for good.

* * * * *

“Control is very important in a D/s relationship,” Liam said as he poured red wine into Alex’s glass. “Both control by the Master and the ability of the sub to control his or herself.” They were sitting in the corner of a small, upscale restaurant. The maitre d’ had greeted Liam and Daniel by name with a warm smile. If he was surprised to see a woman with the two men, he gave no indication, instead nodding toward Alex with a slight bow as he welcomed her in a rich French accent.

Alex, dressed in a silk sky blue blouse with matching skirt and nothing underneath, felt herself flushing as his eyes slid over her breasts, the nipples of which were standing at attention against the silk in the cool air of the dining room. The maitre d’ pulled out her chair with a flourish, pushing it in as she sat. A young man appeared with large menus bound in red leather. “I am Roland,” he said, with a lilting French accent. He was maybe twenty-two or -three, and though rather short, was very handsome in his black pants and cutaway jacket with tails, his linen shirt a snowy white against dark tan skin. Alex found herself wondering if he was gay.

Liam ordered wine, which was brought quickly, opened and poured for his approval. Once he gave his nod, the waiter filled their glasses and melted away.

The menus were handwritten with no prices alongside the selections. Alex was relieved when Liam said he would order for the table. Most of the items were in French and she had no idea what they were. Alex sipped her wine, which was dry and very strong as Liam continued. “Over the next few days Daniel and I will help you learn better control over your body and your reactions to sexual stimuli. The goal is not to desensitize you, far from it. It’s to teach you to tremble with desire at the slightest signal from your Master but to control that desire to suit his whim. The end result is highly erotic for both parties, far more intense than simply giving in to your lust as you so obviously are used to doing.”

Daniel nodded in agreement. At a look from Liam, he reached into his jacket and pulled something from it. This he placed on the table. Alex gasped and threw her napkin over it when she saw what it was. Made of soft purple rubber, it was a sex toy in the shape of a butterfly, a lifelike small penis rising from its thorax. The men laughed as she blushed. “Don’t worry, no one will disturb us in our private corner until the food arrives. This restaurant is known for the complete discretion of the waiters, no matter what they might observe going on right under their noses.” Alex wasn’t sure this piece of information comforted or worried her.

Daniel said, “From your reaction, I take it you know what to do with that toy. It’s controlled by a remote device I have in my pocket. I want you to go to the bathroom and put it on. Then you may return to the table. Your job during dinner is to behave as naturally as you can, no matter what I do with the remote. Oh, and you are
to come. No matter what, you may not come unless or until one of us says so. Got it?”

Alex swallowed. Both men stared at her, clearly expecting a response. Slowly she nodded and whispered, “I’ll do my best, Sir.”

“Hopefully that will be good enough,” Liam responded. “If it isn’t, you’ll be soundly punished. Now go on. The appetizers will be here in a moment. You won’t want to miss the escargot. It’s pure heaven.”

The two men watched as Alex walked away from the table. She was wearing high-heeled sandals that accented the long, lean curve of her calves. Her ass swayed nicely beneath the rich blue of her skirt. “You think she’ll be able to pass the test?” Liam asked. He had purchased the item, called Venus’ Passion, at a sex boutique in the city. He’d consulted with the saleswoman, who knew him from past purchases for Daniel. She’d raised her eyebrows with surprise when he asked her to recommend a remote-controlled sex toy for use on a woman.

“No offense,” she said with a leering grin, “but since when did you care about sex toys for
? Are you keeping something from me?” She pressed close to him, resting her heavy breasts against his arm. He could smell her sweat beneath a flowery perfume.

“Do you always grill your customers like this?” he responded, sidestepping both the question and the woman.

“Only when they’re drop-dead gorgeous guys I never thought I’d have a shot in hell with before!” Liam weighed his answer as he looked her over. The woman was easily over two hundred pounds, her bright red frizzy hair forming a halo around a face powered white to accent brightly painted lips and heavily made-up eyes.

“It’s for a friend,” he said.

“Figures.” She slumped in defeat before flashing him a toothy grin. “All the hot guys are gay. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Daniel brought him back to the present with his answer. “I think she’ll give it her best shot. Would you like the honors with the remote or shall I handle it?”

“You, by all means. I enjoy watching you put the girl through her paces. I didn’t realize what a turn-on it would be. You’re a very sexy Dom, you know that?”

Daniel smiled, looking both flustered and pleased. “Thank you. I’ll always be submissive to you, Sir.”

“Of course you will.”

They watched as Alex returned to the table. It seemed every eye in the room was on the beautiful young woman moving toward them, her hair shimmering in the soft candlelight, her round, firm breasts swaying beneath the sheer silk of her blouse. Her blouse was open at the throat, two of the buttons undone. As she sat down, Daniel leaned over her and unbuttoned three more so the tops of her breasts were visible. Alex glanced nervously around her.

“Keep your eyes on us or on the table,” Liam said. “No matter what happens, don’t concern yourself with the rest of the room. Remember, we’ll keep you safe. That’s our job.”

She nodded and reached for her wine, taking a long drink from it. When she set it down half empty, Liam refilled it for her. Courage in a bottle, Daniel thought, but why not? The waiter arrived, setting down the small plate of escargot in fragrant garlic butter. Instead of the usual snail shells, they were nestled in lightly sautéed mushroom caps. Beside the plate, the waiter set a basket of fresh, hot bread. Daniel controlled his smile as he watched Roland steal a glance at Alex’s barely covered breasts.

“This is snails, right?” Alex said, wrinkling her small nose. “I don’t think I could eat a snail.”

Daniel laughed. “Until I met Liam, I didn’t think I could either. Try it. Don’t think about what it is. Just taste it. Pop a whole mushroom in your mouth.” The remote was still on but at the lowest speed. To demonstrate, Daniel stabbed a mushroom with his fork and slipped the morsel into his mouth. Hesitantly Alex copied him, squeezing her eyes shut as if she were about to take a pill instead of tasting the perfectly prepared escargot.

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