Two Masters for Alex (21 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Two Masters for Alex
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“It’s all I have with me,” she whispered.

“Too bad then,” Daniel said. He slipped the point of the knife into her cleavage. Alex felt faint. With a jerk, he ripped forward, slicing the satin and lace so the bra hung in two pieces by its straps. Alex could feel her heart smashing against her ribs. Her eyes fluttered shut and she could barely catch her breath. Daniel quickly cut the straps and pulled the now-destroyed bra from her body, tossing the pieces to the ground.

“Open your eyes,” he ordered again. Alex forced herself to obey. She squealed and jerked as the blade trailed down her belly. Instantly Daniel pulled the knife away. “Stay still! If you get cut, you’ll have no one but yourself to blame.”

She watched in helpless fascination as the knife made its way down to her panties. Daniel slipped his hand into the waistband and pulled at it. The fabric seemed to melt against the sharp blade. In a moment she stood completely naked except for the rope that bound her.

“The welts from her last whipping barely show,” Liam said from behind her.

“We’ll warm her up with the crop,” Daniel answered. Retrieving the red riding crop from the table, he walked behind her and began to smack her ass and thighs without preamble. Alex’s pounding heart began to slow. She saw with relief he’d left the knife on the table. She settled back into the rhythm of the cropping, enjoying the stinging warmth that began building in her flesh. Though she preferred a heavy flogger, a nice cropping could heat her blood as well.

All at once, the steady slap of the crop was replaced with the cutting slice of the whip. Alex screamed and jerked hard against her restraints. “Ow!” she yelled. Daniel laughed softly behind her. The whip struck again, the tips curling around her narrow hips to catch her belly. She jerked and grunted, tears springing to her eyes. The next fiery strokes landed across her back. She screamed again. There was nothing sensual about this whipping. It was a punishment, pure and simple.

Suddenly Liam was in front of her, his body pressed against hers as Daniel continued to wield the whip behind her. With each blow, she jerked hard against Liam. She was dimly aware of his erection pressing against her belly but too preoccupied with her pain to put much focus on it.

Soon her back and ass were striped with fiery lines of stinging pain. She realized she was whimpering, the sound punctuated by screams each time a new set of welts was raised.

“No, no, no, no,” she began to chant. “No, no, no! I can’t do it. Stop. Stop, I can’t take it anymore. Please.”

Daniel did stop, but only for a moment. Liam was pressed against her in front. Daniel sandwiched her tortured body from behind as he whispered in her ear, “You can take it, sweetheart. I know you can. This is a punishment, but it doesn’t have to be. Let
go. Flow with it. You’re almost there. It’s up to you, Alex. Let go and fly or stay rooted here, wallowing in your resistance.”

As he spoke, he gently stroked her sides with his fingers. She felt herself easing just a little. She knew what he was talking about, at least in theory. She knew some people were able to achieve a kind of transcendent sensual state when being whipped, but she’d never met anyone firsthand who’d experienced it. She secretly doubted she had whatever it took to get there. She’d come to believe over the past few days she lacked whatever submissive gene was required to achieve the kind of grace Daniel loved to talk about.

Daniel stepped back and in another moment the biting kiss of the whip’s three tails ignited her flesh. Because her skin was already so tender, the whip hurt that much more. Despite her intention to be brave, Alex again found herself whimpering. She was on the verge of crying out, of begging for him to stop, when a most curious thing began to happen.

The whip continued to whistle and strike but somehow its sting had lost its fire. She still felt each stroke, but instead of making her groan, it only seemed to light embers of desire deep inside her. She stopped whimpering and felt her head grow heavy. At first she tried to hold it up, but soon gave in to the sensations that seemed to be falling over her like a cloak.

She felt her heart slow and her breathing, shallow and gasping a moment before, became deep and regular. She could no longer feel the cut of the rope against her wrists and ankles nor the sharp sting of the relentless whip. Her lips parted of their own accord and she felt a deep, abiding peace surging through her body like some kind of magic elixir.

“Yes,” Liam said. “Yes. Daniel, she’s there. You took her there.”

“It’s amazing,” Daniel breathed. “I feel as if I’m connected to her, flying with her.” He lowered his arm and Alex was vaguely aware he’d stopped the whipping. She could hear everything they were saying though she couldn’t move or speak nor did she want to. Her flesh felt warm, her mind adrift in some deep, primeval place at once safe and deeply sensual.

She felt fingers on her pussy, gently probing her spread sex. “Wet,” she heard Liam pronounce, but felt no embarrassment or shame.

“Fly,” Daniel whispered near her ear. “Stay there, beautiful girl.” Alex tried to nod, to say, yes, she would stay here forever if they let her. Instead, she simply swayed a little, her face toward the first few stars beginning to poke into the night sky. She was, she realized, exactly where she needed to be.

Chapter Twelve

Alex curled on her side, trying to get comfortable. Her hands had again been cuffed behind her back, which she thought was very unfair. Didn’t they trust her yet? She had to grin to herself as this question slid petulantly through her mind. She supposed she really hadn’t given them much reason to trust her to keep her hands where they belonged. Only that afternoon she’d tried to make herself come on the bicycle seat and then practically raped Daniel to get what she needed.

She shifted on the soft sheets, trying to touch her tender ass with her fingers. After the amazing whipping outside in the garden, they’d removed the ropes and Liam had scooped her up in his arms. He brought her to their bedroom, laying her gently on the bed facedown.

Though the all-encompassing grip of the amazing trance state she’d somehow been able to achieve was loosening, its sensuous embrace still lingered. She lay limp as someone massaged a soothing lotion into her welted flesh. She felt as if she’d run a marathon and won. Her body ached with a kind of healthy exhaustion. She wanted to sleep. But first she wanted Liam and Daniel to make love to her. She had been sure tonight was the night at last. What had happened that afternoon with Daniel didn’t count. She’d thrown herself at him and it had only lasted a few minutes. Tonight the three of them would make love until the sun came up. Her pussy was wet and aching to be filled.

Instead, Liam pronounced, “I think you’ve had enough for one night. It’s not every day a sub learns how to fly. You sleep and we’ll figure things out in the morning.” Figure things out? Alex wasn’t sure she liked the sound of this. She knew she didn’t like Liam deciding for her if she’d had enough or not! It took every ounce of willpower to stay quiet. Didn’t he understand how a woman’s body worked? All she needed was a few minutes to recover and she’d be ready to take them on—one at a time or both together! Just a few more minutes…just a few…

She’d woken in the arms of Daniel, who was carrying her from their room to hers. “Wait!” she said, struggling in his strong arms. “Don’t send me away! I want to stay with you! Please!”

Daniel shook his head. “Liam’s right. You’re exhausted. I’m putting you to bed.” He crossed the threshold of her room and set her on her feet. “Do your washing up. I’ll be back in a few minutes to cuff your wrists.”

Now here she lay, bound and frustrated as usual. And what were the two of them up to? she wondered with chagrin.

* * * * *

“Who do you belong to?”

“You, Sir.”

Liam smiled, feeling power surge through his blood. He was straddling Daniel’s powerful chest, his erect cock bobbing near Daniel’s mouth. “You won’t forget that, will you? If we keep this slave girl as a pet, you’ll still be mine.”

“Forever, Sir.” Daniel closed his eyes and parted his lips, a clear invitation. Liam shifted so the head of his cock slipped between Daniel’s lips. Daniel sighed happily, his tongue tickling the underside of Liam’s cock.

As Liam allowed Daniel to worship his cock, he grasped Daniel’s wrists, pinning them to the bed above his head. Knowing that Daniel was actually stronger than he was but permitted himself to be pinned and used in this way was especially satisfying. He knew Daniel loved nothing better than to submit to whatever devious tortures Liam could come up with. He’d never, in all the time they’d been together, said no to Liam, unlike the sweet little slut asleep in the other room, who seemed to resist them at every turn. He would think about her later—right now whatever Daniel was doing with his tongue and throat muscles was driving Liam nearly mad with pleasure.

He let go of Daniel’s wrists so he could reach back and grasp his cock. Only that afternoon Daniel had stolen an orgasm, fucking Alex in a frenzy of uncontrolled lust. Was Daniel falling in love with the girl? As he stroked Daniel’s cock, he thought about it. He loved Daniel with all his heart, yet despite how undisciplined she was, he felt a rising affection for Alex. Daniel had spent a great deal more time with her over the past few days. Had Liam only walked in on two errant slaves stealing sex as Daniel had assured him or was there something more serious at play?

He pulled his cock from Daniel’s mouth. Daniel opened his eyes with surprise. He craned his head forward like a hungry baby bird eager for its worm. “Daniel. Are you in love with her?”

Daniel looked blank a moment. “With Alex?”

“Who else?”

Daniel furrowed his brow. “No. I like her. I like her a lot. But love? No.”

Liam cocked his head, weighing Daniel’s answer. He knew this wasn’t the time to discuss this. His cock, pulsing with need, reminded him of this. “I’m going to fuck you, Daniel. Get your ass ready. I want you flat on your back.”

Daniel scrambled to obey, grabbing the tube of lubricant they kept beside the bed and smearing some over his nether hole. Liam knelt between his legs, lifting Daniel’s sexy calves up over his own shoulders. “Hold yourself open for me.” It always gave him a jolt of dominant excitement when he made Daniel spread his ass cheeks, the ultimate subservient gesture so Liam could penetrate him more easily.

He pressed the head against the puckered entrance and eased inside. Daniel closed his eyes briefly, wincing very slightly as he adjusted to Liam’s girth. It felt so good, so hot and tight. He began to move in and out, his cock sheathed in delicious sensation.
Despite himself, he wondered how Alex’s soft pussy would compare. It had been a while since he’d lain with a woman.

Daniel, he couldn’t help recalling, had fucked her only that afternoon! He tried to resist the feelings of jealousy as the image of the two of them naked and entangled on the floor rose like a specter in his mind. He thrust deep into Daniel’s ass, aware he was going too fast, not caring. He leaned down, supporting himself by gripping Daniel’s shoulders as he fucked him. Finally his brain clicked off as he gave in at last to the hot, slick clamp of Daniel’s ass.

His orgasm mounted quickly as images of Daniel whipping the naked Alex, tethered between the trees, slipped into his brain. Daniel grunted as Liam slammed hard into him, releasing hot semen deep inside his lover. He collapsed against him, his heart thudding. Daniel lay beneath him, his cock a steel rod against Liam’s belly. He hadn’t decided yet if he would let him come. After all, he’d only just come that afternoon.

Liam hadn’t been lying when he’d told Daniel he was a very sexy Dom. Daniel had a natural talent, not only his skill with a whip, but his ability to get inside the head of a sub. Though that might seem obvious on its face, Liam knew most subs could not “switch” as Daniel did. They might Dom someone out of obedience to their Master, but he’d seen the gleam of power in Daniel’s eyes as he handled Alex. Daniel was a natural Dom.

“But not to me,” he growled, grabbing Daniel’s balls in his hand. “I own you, Daniel. You’re mine.”

“Yes,” Daniel breathed, closing his eyes as his cock bobbed desperately. “Yes, Sir. I am yours.”

* * * * *

Sunlight glinted through the window, lighting the room. Alex shifted on the bed to see the clock. Eight-fifteen! She hadn’t set her clock the night before and Daniel hadn’t come to wake her for inspection!

With a sigh of relief she suddenly remembered Liam was going in late that morning. She supposed they must be sleeping in. What if she got up and made them breakfast? Daniel could probably use the break. The only small problem was her wrists, still cuffed behind her back! She pulled at the stiff leather. The cuffs were definitely too snug to pull out of, but if she could get hold of the clips, she might be able to get them open.

It briefly occurred to her they might not be pleased if she removed her cuffs without permission. She shook away the thought however, excited about serving breakfast to her two men. It took several minutes but she finally managed to grasp the clip of one of the cuffs and release the spring. She hurried to her door, opening it to listen for any movement outside. All was silent.

Just to be sure, she tiptoed down the hall to their room. The door was ajar. Peeking in, she saw they were still asleep, Daniel’s head on Liam’s chest, Liam’s arm loosely over Daniel’s back. A sharp stab of longing pierced her. As she hurried back down to her room, she shook her head. What was the matter with her? She was too young for love. She didn’t need to be saddled with commitment. As she showered and groomed, the image of the two men nestled together returned to her. It was easy to imagine herself in between them, blissfully asleep in their strong arms.

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