Two Masters for Alex (23 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Two Masters for Alex
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Liam reached down to cup her mons. Daniel couldn’t help the jolt of desire as he watched his Master run his fingers along her shaven labia. He had a sudden urge to kneel in front of her and taste the nectar he knew was beading at her sex. Of course he did no such thing, instead waiting patiently for Liam to finish inspection of the girl. She stood still as a statue while he fondled her. Daniel observed the high color in her cheeks and the engorged, distended nipples at her breasts, things she couldn’t control.

She was the model of submissive, sensual obedience, clearly on fire but holding herself in check. Daniel could see the bulge in Liam’s trousers. His own desire for the
girl warred inside him with jealousy at Liam’s arousal and admiration for her submissive display.

As he stood watching them he finally asked himself the question he’d been avoiding, a question increasingly persistent as the week went on. Was there room in his heart for two?

Chapter Thirteen

Thursday and Friday passed quickly—too quickly for Alex. Her mornings were spent on chores, which came easier as she grew more familiar with Daniel’s routine and way of doing things. When they weren’t cleaning, gardening or cooking, Daniel worked with her on developing her submissive skills.

She continued to practice taking a man’s cock down her throat the way Liam liked it, without trying to seduce him in the process. She worked on achieving and maintaining various sexual and punishment positions, learning, among others, the commands—Attention. Kneel up. Kneel back. Kneel down. Offer your breasts. Offer your ass. Offer your pussy.

At first her face burned as she was compelled to kneel and spread her ass cheeks, waiting until Daniel was ready to insert the dreaded anal plugs she knew were preparation for the real thing. By Friday evening, though she still didn’t like the plugs, she’d learned to relax sufficiently to handle even the larger ones without much discomfort.

She was less successful with coming on command, or rather, with not coming too soon. She never knew when Daniel would stop her in whatever she was doing and order her to strip, lie down and play with herself while he watched. She was never permitted to come during the day though he often brought her to the very edge of a trembling release. If she dared tumble over, she was punished with the cane or a turn in the cage.

Thursday evening she again nurtured the fantasy of being taken into their bed for a night of extended lovemaking. Instead, Liam came home late and very tired. He didn’t feel like using either of them. At first Alex was surprised by this. Somehow she’d just assumed these two sexy men made wild love every night of the week, no matter what. As she thought about it, she realized that wasn’t very realistic. Even a highly sexed Dom like Liam needed some downtime, she supposed with a sigh.

Instead they watched a movie he’d rented, the three of them curling up in the den on a large overstuffed couch. Daniel, who sat in the middle, held the large bowl of popcorn with lots of melted better drizzled over it. When the movie ended, Liam and Daniel wished her an early good night.

She’d planned to do some writing, but when she got to her room, fatigue was suddenly so heavy upon her she could hardly put one foot in front of the other. She lay down for a moment, only to wake up several hours later. Someone had turned off her light and pulled the quilt over her. She wanted to go to their room and slip into their bed but she didn’t dare. Instead, she hugged a pillow, pressing it tight against herself, pretending she was in their arms as she drifted back to sleep.

* * * * *

Friday evening Liam came home to find his two subs kneeling naked by the door. Though they’d greeted him each evening in just this way, he caught his breath anew at their twin beauty. Each blond head was bowed, the curve of their bare backs catching the rays of the setting sun so their skin fairly shimmered with gold.

Liam tapped each on the shoulder and watched as both stood gracefully as if they’d rehearsed the movement. Liam realized upon reflection they probably had. He smiled and held out his arms. Daniel at once stepped into them. Alex stood back, uncertain. “Come,” he said softly, and she obeyed, curling into his side as he wrapped his arms around them both.

Daniel served thick T-bone steaks, Caesar salad and baked potato. Liam watched with affectionate amusement as Alex heaped sour cream onto her potato. He would miss her terribly when she left.

If she left.

For some reason the topic of her staying on or leaving them hadn’t been brought up since the night she’d entered that erotic trance at Daniel’s skillful hand. It was as if none of the three wanted to broach the subject, unsure how they or the others felt. Liam knew as Dom it was up to him to force the discussion. There was time still. They could talk tomorrow. He knew Daniel would go along with whatever he wanted, but he wanted only what Daniel did. The trick would be to make sure Daniel gave his honest input without regard for what he thought Liam desired. Thus, he’d tried to behave neutrally, not wanting to influence Daniel.

As for Alex, Liam couldn’t tell if she wanted to go or stay. For the last two days she’d behaved impeccably as a submissive. She was quiet and demure, working hard for Daniel during the day, both at her chores and her training. She’d stopped playing the coquette, instead seeming intent to learn what she could. She responded to any sexual attention with passion and lust, trembling with desire at their touch as was proper for a sex slave. Yet she never said a word about what might happen once the week ended. Perhaps she too was afraid of the outcome, uncertain of her own desires in the matter.

After dinner, Liam changed and met his slaves in the playroom. Daniel was eager to demonstrate Alex’s newfound skills for Liam. “She’s come a long way in such a short time,” he said, the pride clear in his voice. He led Alex into the middle of the room. She was naked, save for leather wrists and ankle cuffs and a collar of leather with silver rings hanging at intervals around it at her throat.

Liam sat in the chair, prepared for a sexy show. Daniel was dressed in bikini underwear, his cock bulging sexily against the sheer fabric. His tan skin glowed over his strong physique. The girl looked delicate and petite beside him. Daniel brought a small stepladder and a length of sturdy chain. He climbed the ladder and hung the chain from a thick hook embedded in the ceiling. Alex watched with wide eyes.

“Lift your arms high overhead,” he said. Alex obeyed. He clipped her cuffs together and then to the length of chain, pulling it taut until she was forced to stand on tiptoe. He wrapped a thick red satin sash around her head, blindfolding her. “What shall I use tonight, Sir?” he asked Liam.

“The cane,” Liam said without hesitation. Alex drew in a sharp breath but otherwise remained still. Daniel retrieved the cane, slicing it cruelly through the air as he returned to her. He touched her back lightly with his hand and Alex jumped.

“Shh,” he soothed. “You can do this, beautiful girl. You’ve shown me in the past few days what you’re capable of. I want you to fly tonight. For me. For us. Show our Master how disciplined you’ve become. Make me proud.” He continued to stroke her back as he spoke. Liam could see the girl relaxing at his touch and his soft words. Daniel really was a natural Dom, he thought not for the first time.

He realized he no longer felt threatened by this revelation. Over the course of the week, Daniel had continually demonstrated that he loved Liam with all his heart and wanted to continue to submit to him and him alone, despite his ability and desire to Dom Alex. Perhaps, he thought suddenly, Alex was not a threat, but the key to keeping what they had between them fresh and alive.

Daniel whispered something in Alex’s ear. She took a deep breath and he struck her ass with the thin rod. Alex gasped. He struck her again. Liam could see the red lines rising in the mirror behind Alex. She swayed in her bonds with each stroke of the cane but didn’t cry out.

Ten times he marked the girl before returning to the whip wall. Alex’s breath was shallow and ragged. Yet when Daniel touched her she stilled, slowing her breathing as she tried to focus, not on the pain, but on serving her Master. Daniel, it seemed, had taught her well.

This time it was the flogger that kissed her with its leather tresses. Alex moaned softly and swayed back to meet the whip with her body. Daniel began lightly at first, careful of her tender, abraded flesh. Soon however he used more force, covering her back, ass and thighs with a rain of leather.

Again Alex’s breath quickened. When Daniel struck her breasts, she began to dance on her toes, twisting to avoid the lash. He focused again on her ass, the steady stroke of the flogger rhythmic in his hand. Liam knew the pain was mounting, rising to the point where she would either lose her grace and cry out for Daniel to stop or transcend above it to the exalted place he could only observe with envy.

Though he’d seen it happen a hundred times before with Daniel, it never ceased to enthrall him when a submissive entered that state of grace where pleasure and pain ceased to exist as separate experiences. He watched as Alex’s head fell back, her lips parting, her breath deepening and slowing. Daniel whispered, “Yes,” the sibilant word drawn out as he continued to stroke her skin with the flogger. Daniel’s cock was rigid in his underwear, the fat head poking out from the waistband as he danced around Alex, weaving his magic.

Just when Liam would have stopped, Daniel dropped the flogger and brought his arms lightly around the girl. He had understood, as not all Doms would, it was his responsibility to know when to stop because once in that state, the sub literally loses the ability to protest. She no longer experiences pain as such, and while under the influence of the heady trance might allow herself to be harmed. It was up to the Master to gauge when to stop the scene.

As Daniel held the girl, Liam stood and moved toward them. When he released her cuffs from the chain she sagged against Daniel, who scooped her into his arms. He carried the still-blindfolded woman down the hall and into their bedroom.

He placed her on her back on the center of the large bed. Liam lay on one side and Daniel lay on the other. Leaning over her they kissed, passion spilling between them as their bodies pressed against hers. Alex stayed still beneath them. After several moments they separated. Daniel lifted Alex’s head and untied the satin scarf. She stared up at them both, her eyes blazing like leaping fire, sparking green and gold.

Liam pulled his shirt and jeans off quickly, sliding out of his underwear. Daniel pulled his underwear off as well, tossing it over the side of the bed. Alex stared from one to the other, mesmerized by their hard, sexy bodies and shafts of steel. Tonight, she well knew, might be her last night with the two men. She wanted desperately to please them and knew with a glow of pride that she had.

When they’d chosen the cane, she’d experienced a moment’s panic. Yet with the help of Daniel’s soothing touch and easing words, she’d managed to take her caning with barely a gasp. Just when the pain was about to send her into an ungraceful squeal, he’d replaced the cut of the rattan with the sensual thuddy flogger. She’d known then she would fly, perched on the edge of grace. A few strokes with the flogger had sent her soaring into that rarified place to which she’d longed to return since she’d gone there two nights before.

Even now, she was still under the influence of the trance, though she was no longer held captive by it. Her pussy literally ached to be filled. She sighed with uncontrolled pleasure as Liam took her into his arms and began to kiss her. She felt Daniel moving beneath her, his hands on her thighs, pressing them apart. Suddenly his warm velvet tongue was against her sex, sending waves of pleasure eddying through her body. She moaned against Liam’s mouth.

Within moments Daniel’s skillful tongue brought her to the edge of climax. She was desperate for one of them to fuck her. She realized it honestly didn’t matter which—she adored them both. “Please,” she gasped. “I going to come…I need to come, please…”

“You may,” Liam said against her mouth before plunging his tongue between her lips. Daniel held her, wrapping his arms around her thighs so she couldn’t wriggle away as he licked and kissed her to a blinding orgasm. When he let her go, she lay limp as a rag doll, her head lolling to the side.

Liam pulled her up onto himself. “Sit up,” he ordered. “Straddle my cock.” Though at that moment she would have preferred some recovery time, Alex struggled to obey, desperate to be the perfect slave for her two Masters on her last night. She forgot about recovery as his thick, hard manhood slid into her slick tunnel.

“Oh,” she moaned, holding on to the word as he lifted her slightly by the hips and lowered her again. It felt wonderful, better than wonderful! Beyond the mere physical perfection of the man, Alex could hardly believe he finally wanted her. She trembled and shuddered with each perfect thrust, again finding herself very close to orgasm.

Liam pulled her forward so she was lying on his chest, his cock still buried inside her. She felt Daniel behind her, his hands on her hips. He leaned forward and whispered, “It’s time to put all that practice into use, sexy girl. I’m going to take your ass now.”

Alex, startled by this statement, sat up suddenly, pulling free of Liam’s embrace, though his cock still remained firmly lodged. “I can’t—” she began, but cut herself off. She was determined to refuse them nothing. But double penetration? She had never had anal sex! It would hurt! Surely, if they planned to initiate her virgin ass, wouldn’t it be better to take things one step at a time?

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