Two Masters for Alex (14 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Two Masters for Alex
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The hem of her dress was lifted and Alex felt the cool air of the room against her now exposed ass. Her heart began to patter as she felt fingers stroking over her ass cheeks and sliding gently into the cleft between them. “Is the slave ready for the plug?” Liam said above her.

“She’s a virgin,” Daniel said.

“You’re kidding.” Liam echoed Daniel’s earlier words. Alex stiffened with annoyance. She had obeyed them, hadn’t she? She was lying dutifully, waiting for someone to shove that hard rubber phallus into her poor bottom, was she not? Would she also be subjected to another round of amazement and dismay by her bisexual hosts?

“We’ll have to remedy that right away then,” Liam continued. “Good thing we have several sizes. She’ll need to be opened properly if she’s to take either of us in the ass.” Alex closed her eyes, willing herself to calm down. She had wanted them to make love to her, yes! But not like this! She felt her body tensing as Liam said, “Go ahead, Daniel. Insert the plug. I’m sure Alex is eager to redeem herself.”

Daniel knelt behind her. Placing a hand on either thigh, he pushed her legs apart. He slid a pillow beneath her hips, forcing her ass higher. She had never felt so exposed in her life. She gripped the legs of the stool, praying she could handle this.

She felt Daniel stroke her back as he leaned over her. “Relax. I won’t hurt you. I know what I’m doing. The key is to relax, Alex. Submit. Let go. I know you can do it.” His voice was soothing, his hand leaving a trail of desire along her flesh. Despite what was about to happen, the idea of being tied down thrilled her as it always did. She would trust Daniel. What choice did she have?

She flinched slightly as she felt cold lubricant smeared over her puckered hole. A second later she felt the hard tip of the plug. Involuntarily she clenched her muscles. “Relax,” Daniel whispered, and she let out a deep breath, forcing herself to let go. He pressed gently but steadily. It really didn’t hurt at all, she was very surprised to realize. The thought came a moment too soon as a sudden pain shot through her rectum. “Ouch!”

“That’s it.” Daniel patted her bottom and pulled down her dress. “You took it all. Congratulations. You are no longer a virgin.” As Daniel pulled her to her feet, Alex felt a strange combination of chagrin, arousal and submissive pride. She’d done it! With only one yelp at the very end. Her bottom felt full but it didn’t hurt at all. In fact, it felt sort of good. Not that she’d admit that to them! Let them think it was a “true submissive” act.

“Your turn, Daniel,” Liam said with a slow smile. His eyes were bright, his erection clearly outlined in his pants. Would they ever permit her to watch them have anal sex, she wondered? Last night they’d left her caged while they’d gone to their bedroom to make love. Perhaps tonight, if she behaved and obeyed, she would be invited to join them!

Daniel pulled down his shorts without the slightest hesitation, kicking them neatly aside. He knelt without any show of self-consciousness, lowering his forehead to the carpet as he reached back to spread his own ass cheeks for his Master. Alex stood wide-eyed as she watched Liam select a much-larger plug, this one of shiny silver rubber, for Daniel. Alex swallowed hard as Liam squeezed a dollop of lubricant over its tip and knelt beside his lover to press the invading object home.

Daniel stayed perfectly still as Liam slowly slid the phallus into his body. He issued a small grunt when the thick base slipped past the ring of muscle at his entrance. Only the flat circle of soft rubber that held it in showed like a silver dollar between his firmly muscled cheeks. At a tap on his shoulder from Liam, Daniel stood, his smooth body glowing golden tan in the soft light of the room. His long, thick cock jutted out from his body, the large shaven balls heavy beneath it.

Liam turned to Alex, the pride evident in his voice. “Isn’t he magnificent?” Alex had to agree he was. It was all she could do to keep from throwing herself on him, tackling him to the ground and straddling that gorgeous erection. Liam was watching her, a half smile on his face. Alex felt herself flushing, aware her lust was naked on her face.

“Take off your dress,” he ordered. “Let me see your ass. Are the marks still there?” Alex pulled her dress over her head, turning around self-consciously, wondering if the little black circle of rubber between her cheeks showed as Daniel’s did.

Liam walked behind her, his fingers sending electric trails of desire over her flesh. “Smooth as cream. We’ll have to rectify that, hmm? Maybe tonight we’ll try the cane. Daniel ordered a wicked rattan cane he’s been eager to try out.” Alex let out a long, slow breath. Liam seemed to have an uncanny knack of homing in on precisely what scared her the most. He was watching her face. “I know you said you don’t like the cane. Daniel will teach you to love it as he has come to.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Sometimes,” he said softly, “those things we most fear are what we most crave, if we can find the courage to experience them.”

As Liam had been talking, Daniel had moved to the toy chest, from which he removed a thin rod with a curved grip that looked like the handle of an umbrella only thinner. He swished it experimentally, slicing the air, making Alex jump. Despite her fear, her pussy was throbbing. All day she’d been kept on the edge of sexual arousal. She thought if either man even so much as looked at her pussy, she’d come, but they weren’t interested in her pussy at the moment, she thought with an inward sigh.

Instead, Liam said, “Leave the cane for a moment, Daniel.” To Alex he said, “Let’s see what kind of technique you have when sucking a man’s cock. Daniel says you have some potential but there’s work to be done. Get on your knees. Keep your hands behind
your back.” He tapped Alex’s head as she’d seen him tap Daniel’s and she sank at once to the floor, hoping her movements were as graceful as Daniel’s, knowing they weren’t.

If she couldn’t have Daniel’s glorious cock in her pussy, she’d settle for the next best thing. Daniel stood in front of her, placing his hands lightly on his hips for balance. She knelt up and opened her mouth, his already familiar warm, musky scent assailing her nostrils and arousing her further.

If they’d been vanilla lovers, she would have dropped one hand to her pussy, fondling herself to take the edge off as she suckled and worshiped her lover’s cock. But of course he was not her lover—he was her Master for a week. Both of them were her Masters and she the slave girl, there only to do their bidding and submit to their devilish erotic whims. She grinned at herself, aware she was imagining herself as one of the heroines in her erotic romance novels. In the novel, both men would fall hopelessly head over feet in love with her and they would all three live happily ever after…

The reality was considerably less rosy, she knew. Two bisexual lovers firmly ensconced in their relationship would be very unlikely to find a place either in their hearts or their lives for a not-very-submissive masochistic female. Not that she wanted a place in their lives or hearts! She was here to learn! And in that regard, it truly was an amazing opportunity. She had been wise to choose men who wouldn’t be reduced to putty in her feminine fingers. They could really teach her about submissive grace without gumming up the works with talk of love.

Daniel nudged her lips with the spongy head of his cock. Eagerly she parted them, aware of Liam’s critical eye upon her. With as much skill as she could muster, Alex set about a slow, erotic tease, massaging and licking the length of Daniel’s shaft with her lips and tongue. Daniel pressed deeper into her mouth and she felt the familiar gag reflex begin to rear its ugly head. Desperately she fought herself for control, willing her muscles to relax, to accept, to take what was given her.

Open yourself to me
Surrender yourself
. She heard Daniel’s words from earlier that day drift into her mind while his cock invaded her mouth and throat, filling them with his masculine hardness and heat. She clasped her hands behind her back, holding them tightly to keep from reaching around to cup and caress his cock and balls. She knew this wasn’t about pleasing Daniel, about making him come, but rather, it was a test of her endurance. She drew in as much air as she could through her nostrils before Daniel pressed himself fully into her throat, effectively preventing her from breathing.

Her nose touched his flat stomach and she couldn’t have gagged if she’d wanted to—his cock was lodged too far back in her throat to permit the spasm. She desperately needed to take in more oxygen. Her lungs felt tight and her head was aching yet Daniel didn’t draw back. He of all people must know she needed to take a breath! She started to pull back but felt his hand firm against the back of her head, keeping her in place.

“Not bad,” she heard Liam say, though his voice was difficult to hear over the roaring of her own blood in her ears. She had to breathe! Were they trying to kill her? “Let her go,” he added, and at once Daniel dropped his hand and stepped back. Alex gasped for breath, her eyes tearing, her chest heaving.

“I noticed some resistance toward the end. You’re right, she needs more practice. You can keep working with her.” Liam stood in front of Daniel. Alex on her knees only a foot from the two men, watched in aroused fascination as he gripped Daniel’s cock with one hand while pulling him close for a deep kiss with the other.

like that
, she silently begged, not sure which man her thought was directed toward. While Daniel was completely naked, Liam again wore soft black lounging pants with a drawstring waist. He was shirtless. His broad, lean torso pressed against Daniel’s as they kissed. Alex touched her lips as she watched them, squeezing her thighs together to keep from touching her overheated, swollen sex.

They broke away at last and both men turned to look at her. “Stand up,” Liam ordered. “You’ll take your caning at the exercise bar.”

As Liam watched Daniel lead Alex to the mirrored wall, he couldn’t help but stroke the rising erection in his pants. Though he’d invited Alex to join them primarily for Daniel’s sake, he had to admit he hadn’t been this turned-on for a long time. Since Saturday when they’d first met her, the sex between Daniel and him had had an added level of excitement and expectation. Though they hadn’t taken her into their bed—and Liam still hadn’t decided if they would or not—just her presence had fueled a new kind of passion between them.

Last night had been highly erotic. Just watching Daniel whip her, his erection bobbing crazily as he moved around the table while the girl sighed and screamed, had nearly made him come. It had been a long time since he’d fondled a woman’s sex, but hers had been tight, hot and wet. Her primal female scent had remained on his fingers until his shower the next morning and he’d regretted even then having to wash it away.

While being Daniel’s dominant lover never ceased to thrill him, having another submissive kneel before him made him feel like a king. It added a new layer of eroticism to command his lover to train the new slave—to whip her, to teach her, to punish her. Now he watched as Daniel instructed Alex to face the mirror and bend over, gripping the exercise bar with both hands. She stood with her legs straight, her body bent so her back was parallel with the floor.

Daniel lightly kicked her ankle with his bare foot, indicating she should spread her legs farther. Liam could see her pussy peeking from between her legs, its petals dark pink and engorged. The circle of black rubber that held the anal plug deep within her was visible between her ass cheeks. At that moment she was altogether the image of a perfect female submissive, waiting patiently for her just desserts. For a moment Liam fantasized that he stood behind her, taking her roughly as he gripped her hips to better thrust inside her. Mentally he shook his head. There would be time for that later, if it happened at all.

Standing slightly to one side, he could see her breasts reflected in the mirror, their tips round and hard like gumdrops. Her hair hung over her face but he could see her eyes were closed, screwed tight with nerves.

He was about to suggest to Daniel he help her relax but realized Daniel didn’t need to be told. He seemed already to have that innate sense a good Dom possessed—the ability to connect readily to the desires and fears of one’s sub. Daniel could feel Alex’s tension, probably better than Liam since he had spent much more time with her over the course of the last two days than Liam had.

He watched as Daniel moved close behind her, his erection touching her ass as he leaned forward and whispered something soothing in her ear. Liam could see her body ease, her shoulders dropping a little, her eyes no longer scrunched but simply shut. When Daniel gently cupped her hanging breasts with his hands, Liam couldn’t help the sudden flash of jealousy that slipped past his defenses. Were they lovers? Had Daniel been making love to Alex during the day while he was gone?

He shook away the thought. Daniel wouldn’t do that to him. Daniel was utterly devoted to him—of that he was sure. Or had been sure…
Stop it
. Liam cleared his throat and Daniel let go of the girl’s breasts and stood. He walked toward the whip wall, retrieving the cane. Daniel had done his research when he’d bought the cane online, aware it would be used on his own ass. Unlike the shorter straight cane they already had, this one was about thirty-six inches long and three-eighths of an inch thick—guaranteed to deliver quite a sting. Daniel had practiced on a pillow, mindful that a thinner cane was more likely to break the skin while a thicker one could cause bruising. The cane he had purchased was saturated with linseed oil and varnished, which made it somewhat denser and more flexible than their untreated cane. Liam hadn’t had a chance to use it yet on Daniel. He was curious to see the welts it raised on Alex’s fair, creamy skin. A woman’s skin was more delicate than a man’s. He started to say something about this to Daniel but stopped himself. Daniel would know what to do.

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