Two Masters for Alex (16 page)

Read Two Masters for Alex Online

Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Two Masters for Alex
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I have to breathe
! Pulled from her daydream by necessity, Alex realized Liam’s cock was still lodged in her throat. Her heart was pounding, not from sexual desire but from lack of oxygen. Surely he’d let her go in a second! How long until a person passed out? She felt dizzy, her mind stilling as her brain seemed to shut itself down…

All at once he released her and she fell back. The world clicked back on as she gasped for precious air. She shook her hair from her face, unable to use her hands, which were still tethered behind her. Neither man seemed to notice her. Daniel had positioned himself on the bed on all fours. Liam knelt behind him, squeezing lubricant from a tube that he smeared over his cock still shiny from Alex’s tongue. For a moment she wondered about condoms, but of course they wouldn’t need them, being in a
committed relationship for so long. Would they use condoms when they fucked her? If they fucked her? Alex hated condoms with a passion but knew how important it was to practice safe sex. Liam and Daniel had asked about that very topic and she’d produced a slip of paper from the health clinic, showing she was disease-free. They in turn had provided similar proof of their good health.

She knelt back on her heels, watching the two men on the bed. Her pussy pulsed with need. Dare she join them? As if on cue, they both looked down at her. “Don’t move,” Liam ordered. “Don’t speak. Perhaps one day you’ll find yourself in this position. If you do, I’ll expect the same submissive grace you’ll see now from my lover. Watch and learn.”

Liam turned back toward his task, guiding the head of his cock to the cleft at Daniel’s ass. Daniel continued to look at Alex, his blue-gray eyes locking on hers as Liam entered his ass. He winced very slightly as the thick head pushed past the tight entrance but still kept his eyes on Alex. She could almost feel the sudden flash of pain, recalling the anal plug’s thick base pressed into her own bottom earlier that evening.

Liam looked like some kind of primal god, strong and powerful as he held his lover’s hips and guided his huge erection into his ass. Daniel didn’t move as Liam entered him, his eyes blazing with lust, his lips parted as he began to pant. Still he stared at Alex, who was mesmerized by the scene before her.

Liam began to thrust inside him and Daniel’s head fell forward, his eyes fluttering shut. “Yeah,” Liam murmured in a deep, throaty voice. “Take it for me, Daniel. Take it all the way.” He began to move faster, holding Daniel’s hips to keep him steady. He dipped his head forward and whispered, “I love you.”

Alex suddenly felt as if she were intruding on such a private moment. Yet Liam had expressly told her not to move. The decision had been taken from her. She had been commanded to watch—to watch and learn. She relaxed and sighed, her pussy still burning with unrequited need. Still, she felt lucky. How many women got the chance to watch two sexy guys going at it? Knowing them the little she did made the experience that much more intense. Daniel was submitting to his Master, a consensual, romantic submission that provided great pleasure for them both. He hadn’t been allowed to orgasm all day either, she recalled, though she’d done everything she could to make him come while undergoing her training and that evening in front of Liam. He must be dying to come as much as she was!

At least he was being touched, claimed in that most basic of ways. His lover was whispering sweet, hot things to him as he fucked him while she was left on the floor, her wrists bound behind her, forgotten, ignored…

She forgot to feel sorry for herself as Liam reached around to grab Daniel’s shaft. Daniel moaned his appreciation and began to push back against Liam, meeting each thrust with one of his own. Both men were covered in a light sheen of sweat, their sensual scent ripe in the air. Alex fidgeted and shifted, pulling at the leather cuffs that bound her wrists. Jesus, she was going to come just from watching them! She was breathing hard, her mouth hanging open as she stared at the men.

“Come for me,” Liam said urgently. As Alex watched in awe, Daniel was able to almost instantly obey the command. Within seconds thick ribbons of ejaculate sprayed the sheets. Liam, his hand still tight around Daniel’s cock, cried out as he shuddered and bucked against him, lost in an orgasmic thrall. When his body stilled, they rolled together on their sides in a dance Alex knew they’d practiced a hundred times before.

With loving care, Daniel wiped Liam’s spent cock with a soft towel from a pile they kept near the bed. They kissed for a few moments and murmured together. Alex, her knees aching on the hard floor, almost screamed, “What about me!” Surely in a moment or two they would notice her! She would be patient. She would prove what a good, obedient submissive she could be!

Her patience was rewarded, or so she thought, as the men separated and Liam stood. He moved behind her and released the clips that held her cuffs together. She could barely contain her excitement, certain her time had come at last!

“Daniel and I are going to take a quick shower. Put fresh sheets on our bed and then you can go to yours. Daniel will be along shortly to cuff your wrists since you have yet to prove you are to be trusted about keeping your hands away from

His words hit her like a bucket of cold water. She stared at him without moving. His brows furrowed as he looked down at her and she scrambled up, aware her face was red, aware her anger probably showed as well.

Trying not to flounce with rage, she left the bedroom, heading toward the hall linen closet where she knew piles of luxurious high-count cotton sheets waited. She returned with an armful of bedding, trying to block out the sound of the shower and the images that assailed her mind’s eye of the two of them lovingly soaping each other’s bodies while she performed maid service to clean up their mess!

She made the bed as quickly as she could, trying to fold the corners of the top sheet as Daniel had shown her, certain she wouldn’t do it right. She pulled the quilts up over the sheets, smoothing them down and plumping the pillows. Still the blasted shower water could be heard. Daniel was going to cuff her wrists in a minute! Well, maybe she’d just touch herself right now! They wouldn’t hear her, busy in their damn shower. At least it would take the edge off the ache in her clit. She’d earned at least that, hadn’t she? What kind of unnatural torture was it to expect her to watch them making love without being allowed so much as a kiss?

She dropped her hand to her pussy, certain she could bring herself off in less than a minute. Yet oddly, she stopped herself. She found she didn’t want to. Not like this. Daniel’s words drifted to her…
What are you doing here
Why did you place that ad claiming to seek an honest submissive experience
Clearly that

s not what you

re after

Would she prove him right yet again? No! She could control herself—she
control herself. She would wait until her Masters decided she had earned what she so desperately craved.

* * * * *

Daniel stood just inside Alex’s bedroom door, watching her sleep. Her hair had fallen over her face as usual and the top sheet was scrunched to her waist. The quilt had fallen to the floor. She was lying on her side, her arms still cuffed behind her back. He doubted she could be very comfortable. He knew from experience it was difficult to sleep well when bound like that, but eventually one adjusted.

The turn of the evening had surprised him. He hadn’t expected Liam to invite Alex into their bed, it being only their second night with her. At the time he’d felt some hesitation, not sure he was ready to bring her in so close, so soon. Yet what had ended up happening had been perfect since in retrospect he should have known it would be. Liam never steered him wrong. They were connected on a visceral level. Even though Liam always encouraged him to talk things through, he sometimes wondered if they even needed words.

He hadn’t expected the strong reaction he’d experienced from having Alex watch their lovemaking. Naturally a rather private man, when he’d heard Liam instruct her to kneel and “watch and learn”, he’d felt a moment’s embarrassment. Being penetrated by his Master was his favorite activity, but having someone else, especially a woman, watch, was another thing altogether.

Yet when he’d turned to look at her, he’d found he couldn’t look away. He was mesmerized by the expression of naked yearning that suffused her features. Those green-gold eyes were imploring—he knew she was longing to be on the bed with them, nearly desperate for their sensual touch. He felt at once sorry for her and superior. He was the chosen one, Liam’s beloved. She was merely a sex toy procured for their amusement.

Of course he knew even as this thought flitted through his mind that it was unworthy. She was a real person—a woman with her own desires and needs. Still, she couldn’t really expect to waltz into their lives and assume a central role. It was fun and different having her there, but who knew if after this week they would want to continue? It would be Liam’s decision, Daniel told himself. Yet he knew Liam wouldn’t take a decision like that lightly. He would involve Daniel on every level.

He kept his eyes locked on Alex’s as Liam pressed his way into his ass. As always, the first moment when the head of his thick cock slipped past the entrance hurt, though just for a second. Daniel knew his pain had been betrayed on his face as Alex had winced in sympathy. He kept his eyes on hers as long as he could, as if by keeping that contact he could let her share just a little bit of the heaven he experienced when Liam made love to him.

He’d forgotten her finally when Liam began to stroke his cock. Pleasure obscured all other emotions and concerns as Liam used him in just the way he craved, rough and hard while stroking his cock to a frenzy. It had taken all his willpower not to shoot his seed before Liam was ready.

When he came to himself after the blinding orgasm, he found the strength to turn toward Alex, still kneeling naked and alone on the floor by the bed. Liam had been correct to send her to her room without sexual release. She had yet to earn that gift.

He glanced at the clock on her wall, which read six-fifteen. He’d let her sleep in a little since Liam and he had slept in as well. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” he said, walking into the room. He leaned down and released the clip that held Alex’s cuffs together. She probably could have managed to get the cuffs off herself if she’d wanted to. He was glad to see she hadn’t. He found himself wanting her to succeed. In just the two days she’d been with them she’d made remarkable progress in terms of submission. He’d been forced to revise his initial assessment of her as nothing more than a horny masochist who got off on watching guys make out.

Alex stirred and stretched her arms over her head in a languorous gesture. She opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing her wrists. As she came fully awake, she smiled toward Daniel. “Hey. Thanks. They drove me nuts all night. I don’t think I slept at all.”

“You were sleeping like a log just now,” he rejoined with a grin. “But you better get up. Liam will be in to see you in twenty minutes for inspection. You don’t want to let him down.” He was pleased to see her jump from the bed and scurry to the bathroom. Already showered and groomed himself, he went downstairs to make breakfast.

* * * * *

They were folding laundry together when Alex asked, “How did you do that last night?”

“Do what?”

“Come right when Liam told you to? I don’t think I could do that. My orgasms control me, not the other way around.”

“It’s not really a matter of coming when he tells me,” Daniel explained. “It’s more like controlling it until he gives me permission. Last night I nearly came too soon.” Shyly he added, “I didn’t realize what a turn-on it would be to have you watching us.”

Alex smiled and ducked her head. “For me too.” She gave a rueful smile. “I’m trying to get used to this perpetual state of sexual frustration. It’s not easy, let me tell you.”

Daniel, who was used to such minor deprivation, as he considered it, just laughed. “You better get used to it if you stick around here. Liam understands the submissive mentality. He knows a whipping or being put in the cage isn’t really punishment. He’s aware of the underlying sensual thrill we subs get from that sort of thing. He knows the only real punishment is withholding what we crave. For you that’s clearly the orgasm. You’re not difficult to read, Alex, no offense.”

Alex flushed and looked away. Daniel took pity on her. “Listen, one thing you can try is to sublimate all that sexual tension. I haven’t worked out all week. I bet you could use some exercise too, right? After chores let’s work out. A few miles on the stationary bicycle might at least distract you for a while.”

Alex nodded and after they’d cleaned the house to Daniel’s satisfaction they went up to the playroom. Both were wearing shorts and tank tops. Daniel watched with
amusement as Alex’s nipples stiffened as she hungrily eyed the whips and floggers on the wall. Daniel directed her toward the exercise corner.

“Go ahead,” he said, “ride the bike a while. I’m going to lift some weights. I’ll put on some music for us.” He selected a rock tape, something with a lively beat to keep them going. He began his workout routine as Alex dutifully climbed on the bike. Though the central air was pumping, he soon worked up a sweat. Glancing at Alex, he saw she was sweating too, her face shiny with exertion. He watched her as he raised and lowered weights of increasing heaviness. He loved the slow burn that developed in his muscles as he warmed up and began to tax his endurance.

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