Twice Loved (16 page)

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Authors: Mari Brown

BOOK: Twice Loved
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“Fucker never stops talking about you at work now it’s going to get worse.” Jake gives Tate a hard time.

“Oh you mean like you always running off at the mouth about Haley here?” Jake shrugs his shoulders.

It’s amusing watching the two guys give each other shit. It’s easy to see they have a brotherhood. One that has withstood time and so much more. Not unlike the relationship Haley and I have.

The rest of our day is spent poolside hanging and talking. We share laughs and food. The teen girls eventually come back to join us and I notice Olivia eyeing me several times. It’s not like Tate and I are hiding the fact we are together. We sit close to one another. We steal little touches and at one point he even holds my hand for a little bit.

Noah and CJ come back a couple hours after leaving and have brought the girls back they had gone to meet. Noah looks over at us and his eyes grow big.

“Please tell me you finally agreed to date Tate again?” he asks looking back and forth between Tate and me.

“Yes son.”

“Thank heaven maybe he will leave me alone.”

Turning toward Tate I eye him carefully. “What does he mean?”

“Oh you know I may have asked about you… a lot.”

I give him a warm grin, it matches the sensation running through me. I feel warm and cozy right now. It makes me feel good that Tate has been asking about me. Even if he was using my son to do it.

“That’s kind of sweet.”



I lean over toward him. My lips lightly brush his. Tingles erupt as every fiber of my lips are stimulated by his. I want to keep kissing him but I pull back knowing now is not the time or place for it. Tate and I smile at one another. Lost in our own thoughts, our own world. It’s like the two of us are the only ones here.

“Ummm do you two need to go inside for a little bit? You know and get a room?”

Turning toward Haley I give her a look of annoyance. Tate speaks before I do.

“Haley that sounds like a brilliant idea.”

“Um no.”

“But Princess…” Tate fakes whines at me. It’s cute but not happening.

“Not going to work man-child.” He turns from fake whining to fake pouting which just cracks me up. I’m laughing at his pouting lips so hard right now, I can’t see straight.

“Well wait to deflate a guy’s ego.”

I reach out and pat his knee. “Somehow I think you’ll survive.”

As the evening progresses we clean up the mess out by the pool and begin moving everything indoors. Haley helps with cleanup of dishes while Jake and Tate take care of bringing things indoors. Once we have it all cleaned up Haley and Jake say their goodbyes. The extra teenagers have left. Olivia and Noah have both gone upstairs to shower and get ready for dinner. Tate and I are left standing in the kitchen.

“Princess can I stay the night with you?”

“You want to sleepover… here?” I gulp as I speak the words. This was not something I had even thought about yet. How do I feel about it? What would my kids think?

“Yea, I’ve always wanted to be able to stay with you at your place.”

“Oh well um sure I guess we can try it see how it goes.”

Tate leans over kisses a cheek. “I’m going to run home shower and pack a bag then I’ll be back we’ll have dinner with your kids and do whatever y’all normally do on a Sunday night before school.”

“Okay.” What the hell am I doing?

I listen as the front door closes behind Tate then I rush upstairs. I find Olivia sitting on her bed.

“So Tate’s staying the night with us is that cool?”

“Mom really? You’re a grown adult you don’t need permission.”

“I know but I want you comfortable.” I say while pushing a book around that’s on top of her desk.

She shrugs her shoulders slightly with a tiny grin on her face. “I don’t care as long as it makes you happy.”

“Okay well let me go talk to Noah then.”

I leave her room and head for my son’s his door is closed so I knock softly.

“Come in.” I open the door and peek my head in. Per usual Noah’s room looks like a tornado hit it. I shake my head slightly at the mess.

“Tate’s coming back for dinner and to stay the night just wanted to make sure it was cool with you.”

“Yea I like Tate.”

“Okay well, I’m going downstairs to get dinner started.”

Flying back down the stairs I rush into the kitchen and begin pulling out the things I will need to make meatloaf, mashed potatoes and sautéed green beans. Meatloaf is one of Tate’s favorites and I had always wanted to make it for him but never had the chance until now. It’s not long before I have the meat mixture ready and pressed into the loaf pan. I begin cleaning and peeling potatoes as I wait for the oven to finish preheating. Once the potatoes are ready I cheat a little and pop them in the microwave.

The wonderful aroma of dinner cooking is wafting through the house by the time my doorbell rings. I wipe my hands on a dish towel as I make my way to the front door. Tate is standing on the other side with a small duffle bag. This is really happening. I’m having another man stay overnight with me and my kids. This is a new experience for me totally.

“Hey come on in.”

Tate kisses my cheek as he walks by me. “Where do you want me to put this?”

“Why don’t you set it by the stairs and we can take it up to my room later.” Tate follows my directions.

“Something smells good.”

“Oh yea… I umm… making meatloaf and mashed potatoes.”

“You remember.”

I sigh, looking at this man. How can he not understand that I’m in love with him? Why has he never been able to see that? “I remember. I remember a lot when it comes to you.”

“Oh yea?”

I smile. I love the playfulness that we have. Tate and I are always carefree. Steve and I had an easy loving relationship, but it wasn’t wild and carefree like with Tate. Tate makes me forget to think. I want to just live in the moment whenever he’s around.

“I need to check on dinner then we can go upstairs. I need to shower.”

“Is that an invitation to join you?” Tate asks while stepping closer to me.

“Didn’t you already shower?”

“I can take another one…” His eyebrows waggle at me as he talks. I laugh at him.

“I think Noah can keep you company while I shower.”

I run by Noah’s room and ask him to entertain Tate while I shower. I lead Tate to my bedroom.

I try to picture my king size bed with the hunter green and black trimmed bedding from Tate’s point of view. Does he feel weird staying in the bedroom I use to share with Steve? I bought a new bed after Steve passed so at least it wasn’t the same bed.

“Relax. If you aren’t ready to do anything here tonight we won’t.” How can he read my mind so easisly? He knows me too well he always has. It’s one of the things I love-hate about him.

“Thank you Tate.” I show him where he can place his bag and then Noah sticks his head in.

“Man want to go play some GTA with me?”

Tate looks at me with a big grin. “Enjoy your shower I’m going to get my game on.”

I laugh at his child likeness. I gather things I need and walk into the master bath. I shower and dress pretty quickly. Then I head back downstairs. I am surprised Olivia is in the living room with her brother and Tate. She has a text book open in her lap, head bent over it. I wonder if Noah too has homework he should be doing.

I bypass the living room and head straight to the kitchen to check on dinner. The meat is almost ready and I start the green beans and throw the potatoes in my mixer to start mashing them. I’m more worried about this dinner than I should be. For some reason making a good impression on Tate tonight is important to me.

I smile as I think about my kids in the other room comfortable with another man. A man that they know their mother loves. A man that their mother met and fell in love with during the time their father was still alive. I have great kids. They have been way more understanding than I could ever ask for.

Chapter Eighteen

I am a worrier that likes to overthink everything. I’ve been like this as long as I can remember. I know that every aspect of my relationship with Tate since the day I met him has been over thought until even I’m sick of thinking about it. I can’t stop myself from it no matter how hard I try.

Dinner was a hit. Tate and the kids enjoyed it immensely. I love that dinner is not a silent affair but a lot of talking and laughter was around the table from everyone. The kids worked together to clean up after dinner and then both went up to their rooms to finish homework.

I grab my teaching bag that has sat by the front door since I came home Friday. I walk into the living room were Tate is already on the couch TV remote in hand. I’m not surprised to see a car show on the TV. I sit down beside him. I begin pulling out my planner and the papers I need to look over.

One of the assignments the kids had last week was to write one or two sentences about their families. I am hoping it will be useable for the parent night bulletin board. I smile as I read through the papers. Then I read Brandy’s my smile falters a bit. She is wise beyond her years.

I have a mom and a dad but I never get to see my dad and I miss him

I shuffle to the next paper. I think Tate seeing this now would not be a good idea. My heart breaks for the father and daughter who both miss the other. I decide I need to call Rachel. She should be aware I’m dating Tate. She may want to move Brandy out of my room. I hope she doesn’t but she as her mom deserves to know. One day soon I hope she will allow Tate more time with Brandy.

I finish going through the papers and paperclip them together before placing them back in my bag. I open up my planner to this week and begin reviewing my notes for what we will be doing. This week the kids will start ‘real’ school work. They will be given their first group of spelling words and have their first ever spelling test. The things that make me love my job expanding the minds of each little one in my class. It’s going to be a busy week. I also will be busy with the mundane part of my job lots of papers to grade.

An hour later I’m prepared for the week I place everything back in my bag. I put my bag by the front door.

“Tate you ready to head upstairs?”

“Yea Princess.”

He clicks the off button on the remote setting it on the table. He stands up and I watch as he pulls his pant legs down a little. His ass fits those jeans right nice. I have nothing but dirty thoughts on my mind. I’m so lost in my dirty thoughts I don’t even realize Tate has moved near me. I’m jerked around my back against his chest. Gawd I love when he does that to me. It makes me wet and my breathing becomes heavy. His mouth is right next to my ear.

“I want to do more than go to sleep…” He nips my ear.

I grind myself into him. It’s a natural instinct. “What do you have in mind?”

“I was thinking I need to spank that hot ass of yours.”


My hand comes up to my heart. My knees are weak. It’s amazing how turned on I am in this moment. He has done nothing but twist me around and speak a few words. I don’t think there will be any problem with him talking me into more with him tonight.

I’ll always love Steve and I loved my marriage but I’m still alive and I’m ready to live. Damn what others think. My kids are the only ones who really matter to me.

Tate and I enter my bedroom together. My heart is pounding in my chest anticipation coursing through me. I scan my bedroom nervously, not sure what to expect from Tate.

“Bend over the bed.”

I don’t hesitate as I bend over the foot of my bed.


Oh yes that is what I need. The pain of having my ass smacked makes me grow wet. I want more.

“My sweet Princess.” My heart melts at his words. The man is a charmer. “I’m going to own your body tonight.”


He keeps doing that he can own anything he wants. The burn the smack leaves behind fades into pleasure. A pleasure that makes me want to beg Tate to take me.


I follow instructions. Tate moves behind me. Our bodies are molded together. His head tucks into the crook of my neck. His lips lightly brush my skin. Chills erupt. His mouth opens his warm tongue caresses my skin. He clamps down biting me hard enough that I feel it but not hard enough to leave a mark. It still amazes me he knows exactly how to do that.

I press my body closer to his. My hips rotate slightly as I grind on him. His erection, presses into me through his pants. I want his cock in me so badly. Who needs foreplay right now? I am ready to get down to business. Tate has other ideas though. His hands slide down my arms moving back up under my shirt. The shirt is pulled over my head. His hands come up gently massaging my breasts then he squeezes hard. His thumb and fingers move to pinch my nipples through my bra. My body grinds harder into him as I arch from the pleasure pain rushing through me.

I bite my bottom lip as I try to keep from screaming out. This is going to be the tricky part of being with Tate here in my house. Trying to keep my cries down so the kids don’t hear them. I don’t want them to think Tate is hurting me in a bad way. It may hurt but it hurts soooo good. The old song from my childhood comes to mind at that thought. Damn Tate better distract me from singing this in my head.

He releases my nipples his hands glides across my tummy down the waistline of my yoga pants. He tugs them down in one fluid movement. His hand cups my sex then dips between my legs rubbing my pussy through the thin material. I buck against his hand wanting more.

“Easy Princess… I want to enjoy this with you.”

I groan partly in frustration and partly because I’m so damned turned on I don’t know what to do with myself. “Pleeeese Tate!”

“Please what Princess?”

Hell I don’t know how to answer that. I’m not sure what I want right now… everything.

“Please keep touching me!”

That should cover everything.

“Oh I plan to touch you.”

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