Twice Loved (17 page)

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Authors: Mari Brown

BOOK: Twice Loved
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My head falls back onto his shoulder. I relax into him as his hands continue roaming my body. Shocks channel though my body. My body quakes under his hands. This is like coming home. Being with Tate. Not just in physical form but being in a relationship with him. This is where I’m meant to be.

My quiet moans fill the room. His hand unsnaps my bra deftly. He pulls it off, and it goes flying. His hands move back to my breast. Gently kneading them. He pulls me around so that I am facing him. His hand slides between our bodies gently rubbing my clit again. I want to help myself out of the panties I’m wearing bare skin on bare skin is all I want.

“You’re so beautiful.”

There he goes again with that word. What is up with him using that word, he’s never used that word before. Now it’s been said twice in one day. I don’t know what to do with this sweet Tate. I’m use to the aggressive dominant jerkface Tate.

Our lips meet in a soft sensual dance. Tongues move slowly against one another. Tasting and teasing each other. I press myself against him wanting to be as close to him as I can get. It’s like I want to crawl into him and truly be one with him. His fingers slide under my waistband and my panties slide down to the ground. Finally I’m free of all my clothes. He’s still dressed though. Why is he still dressed?

He spins me around pushing gently at the back of my knees causing me to buckle and land across the bed. I lay there panting. Waiting. What is he doing? Besides driving me crazy. There is rustling behind me but I don’t dare move right now. Then the distinct sound of a zipper echoes the room. Oh thank fuck he’s taking his clothes off. I force myself not to wiggle. I must hold still.

Tate moves behind me again his hand rubs my ass cheeks.

“I love this round ass of yours.” He continues rubbing my cheeks. I want to move with his hand but I restrain myself. His hand continues its smooth caress. It stops leaving me wanting more.


The sound echoes through the room. Son of a bitch. I flinch a little with that hit. It was deliciously good though.

“That should leave my hand print for a while.”

What the hell?

“Baby I hope you’re ready?”

He pushes my legs out to each side. Rubs a hand over my still burning ass cheek. His cock begins stroking down my crack, pushing into me a little at a time. I spread my legs a little more to open for him. He plunges deep into my pussy. He pauses. It’s as if he’s adjusting to the feel of me.

“Tate please…”

“What do you want Princess?”

“Fuck me please…”

I beg him to take me like only he can. He moves slowly at first. I meet his thrusts. Then his pace picks up. He is firm as he buries himself in me. The pace is frantic, rough. My pussy is taking a pounding. There is not one part of me that can make a logical thought right now. I just know I want him to keep doing what he is doing. He pulls out abruptly. Yanks me around and shoves his cock into my open mouth.

I begin bobbing my head up and down as I suck and lick his engorged cock. He is rock hard. I don’t think he could get any harder. I run my tongue along his shaft swirling it around his head as I continue my sucking motions. Tate moans.

“Fuck that feels so good Princess.”

I smile around the mouthful of cock. I can’t help it. I love knowing that I’m making him feel this good. He yanks his cock out of my mouth. I’m on my hands and knees in front of him my eyes cut up to look at him.

“On your back now!”

I can’t turn myself over quick enough. His hands grab my ankles as he jerks me toward him hard. He drives back into me hard and deep. He keeps going harder and deeper. My legs tighten around him. I want to pull him in closer to me. I’m not sure it’s possible but if it is I’m going to do it. We continue and then he bottoms out in me. It sends a shockwave of pain through me. It's then he pulls out grabs my hair swings me around sticks his cock back in my mouth and unloads in me. I swallow him up like he’s the nourishment I need to survive. I take every drop then lick him as clean as I can.

As I stretch out on the bed. My stomach cramps up. I grab myself

“Are you okay?”

“Yea… just a little sore.”

“I’m not sure what just happened, but I bottomed out in you like I never have before.”

I rub circular motions on my stomach to try to abate the pain shooting through it.

“I noticed.” I comment drily. It’s not like I wasn’t enjoying it at the time but I swear it’s as if my insides are knotted up on themselves. “I felt whatever it was that happened.”

“Me too.”

Tate climbs off the bed and walks into my bathroom he fumbles around and then water is turned on. He surprises me when he comes back out with a washrag in his hand and begins gently cleaning me up. He takes the rag back in the bathroom and comes back in and cuddles up next to me. He pulls my back into his front tightly. One hand comes around my stomach and gently begins rubbing.

I settle in to my man. Peace and contentment felt deep in my heart. I love him more than I should. That’s my last thought before I drift off to sleep.

Chapter Nineteen

Waking up with Tate this morning is different from anything I have ever experienced before. I am at peace, comfortable, and safe. Yet I am completely alive. I’m free and ready to face whatever happens.

I move as quietly as I can into the bathroom. Then I head downstairs where the coffee has started brewing, and I set about making breakfast for everyone. Despite the changes in life, breakfast in the morning with my family is not something I will give up. I decide to scramble eggs, fry bacon and bake some biscuits.

I’m bustling around the kitchen until I sense I’m not alone anymore. I turn my head and see Tate standing in the doorway. A sleepy grin on his face. He looks hella good standing in my kitchen in a T-shirt and pajama pants. I didn’t even know he owned any of those.

“Good morning.”

“Morning Princess.”

I smile as he calls me his little pet name. Something about that word coming out of his mouth makes me happy. My heart rate increases. There is a slight pressure in my chest as if it’s puffing up. Warmth envelops my body.

“Coffee should be ready.”

I grab a couple mugs out of the cabinet and set them by the pot allowing Tate to make himself at home. He pours a cup and walks out the back door with it and a smoke. I get the biscuits in the oven and the bacon cooking over low grease and make my way out to join Tate on the patio.

“Didn’t like waking up without you beside me.”

Snorting a little as I laugh at him I say, “I had to get breakfast started.”

“Still don’t like it.”

“Next time want me to wake you up?” I give him a coy smile.


He has this cute little pout on his face as he answers me. All I focus on is the cute pout and the fact I just said next time. Talk about jumping back in feet first and at warp speed. I place a cigarette in my mouth and Tate is ready with outstretched arm lighter waiting. I love how he does little things like this for me.

We enjoy coffee and cigarettes in the early morning. Birds chirp around us. The sun rays shine through the cracks in the fence allowing prisms of light to sparkle from my pool. It’s a peaceful morning. It’s a great start to the day.

I tamp out my smoke and gather my now empty coffee cup and head back into the kitchen to finish breakfast. Olivia is already downstairs sitting at the kitchen counter. Coffee cup in front of her along and her nose in a book. She briefly looks up as I walk in followed by Tate.

She smiles. “Morning.”

“Morning baby.”

“Morning Olivia.” Tate pours himself another cup of coffee before kissing me on the cheek and moving around the counter to sit by Olivia.

My heart swells as I watch Tate interact with Olivia and that she is trying so hard for me. My daughter making the effort for me means more than she will ever understand. It has to be hard seeing Tate and I together so soon after Steve’s passing. Especially as in the beginning the kids thought I was cheating on their dad. It wasn’t until Steve talked to them they understood their dad knew from the beginning. That didn’t make it easier, but it gave them some understanding.

Steve was a great man, a loving husband and father and selfless in the way he loved me until the end. I will always treasure those memories of him.

I begin scrambling eggs as Noah shuffles sleepily into the kitchen.

“Morning sunshine.”

“yea… mornin’." I chuckle at my boy who is so not a morning person. A quiet conversation starts between Noah and Tate. I wonder what they are talking about because I can’t hear them. I want to be nosey after all I’m a woman.

I pull plates down and set them on the counter and grab a handful of forks from the drawer and place them beside the plates.

“Breakfast is ready.”

My kids come grab their food and make their way to the table in the corner nook. Tate is next to fill his plate. He waits for me to finish fixing mine then walks with me over to the nook. He pulls my chair out for me before sitting himself. The man is just too good to be true. He’s a gentleman outside the bedroom and a complete animal in bed.

As I eat my eggs in silence my mind begins churning. I really hope I have not made a mistake letting him back in. I have to stop this. I have to trust him give him the chance he’s asked for. I will trust him until he gives me a reason not to.

As we finish up breakfast I’m shocked when Tate sends the kids and me upstairs saying he will take care of the dishes.

“Y’all have to be at work and school before I do.” I’m not complaining but it’s odd to me that he would volunteer. This is not something I would have expected from him.

As I finish drying off from my shower twenty minutes later I sense Tate in the room with me. He sits on the edge of my bed just watching me. It makes me a bit self-conscious.

“Are you really mine again?” His question surprises me.

“Yes Tate I am.”

“Thank fuck!”

I chuckle. The grin stays on my face. “Why?”

“I thought I was dreaming. I don’t want to wake up and realize I’m alone again.”

“I doubt you were alone.” I think about all the women who probably kept him company over the last nine months.

“Princess I’ve been alone since you left me. Maybe not physically but…” His voice trails off. I study his face intently. I see nothing but sincerity reflected in his eyes. I step closer to him.

The towel wrapped around me is the only thing I’m wearing. “I’m yours Tate.”

“I love you Lori.”

“I love you too.” I lean down my lips brush his. I have to make this quick or we will end up going at each other like two dogs in heat. I step back again. Turning to my closet I begin pulling out an outfit for the day.

“Guess I’ll hop in the shower… a cold one.”

I laugh at him pouting again. “Poor baby you’ll survive.”

“I don’t know… I like morning sex.”

“I remember.” I reply as I fasten my bra.

I finish dressing while he showers. When he steps out I catch a glimpse of him. Even though his cock is flaccid I‘m still mesmerized. I find it hard to turn away from the stud in front of me. I smile as I think yep that’s all mine. Tate catches me looking at him and gives me a knowing grin. I shake my head as I turn away.

He packs up the small duffle bag he brought with him. We head back downstairs. The kids are dressed and in the living room gathering up their backpacks. I stand in the entryway and watch them. It seems like just yesterday I was the one having to help them get their backpacks together and now here they are both driving and doing it on their own.

“What’s today’s schedule?” It’s another daily routine we have.

Olivia speaks first, “School, cheer and home by five.”

“I have school, football and then work and home by six.”

I turn to Tate. “He’s working tonight already?”

“Yea told him at breakfast this morning he could come in and help me with a special project we have going that we have no time limit on.”

“Oh okay.”

I admit I’m curious as to what the special project is but I know how Tate is sometimes if he’s restoring a car he keeps it all hush hush until its ready for public viewing.

“I should be home by four.” I tell the kids.

“No you won’t.”

I turn to face Tate “I won’t?”

“No I need you to stop by the shop so you may not be home until Noah gets home.”

“Oh? Well okay then.”

Crazy man
. I walk into the kitchen and pull out some pork chops setting them on a plate in the fridge. They should be thawed by the time I get home. With that taken care of I gather my bag and Tate walks with me out the door. He slings his bag in the seat of his truck before walking over to my car and opening the door for me.

“Do me a favor if you get a chance?”

“What’s that Tate?”

“Hug my girl for me.” tears well up in his eyes and mine for that matter.

My heart breaks to know how much he misses Brandy. He has to take responsibility for his choices that made it where he couldn’t see Brandy. It’s time to prove he is a better man, a better father than he was the last few years. As a mother I understand Rachel not wanting LuAnn around her daughter. I wouldn’t want crazy chick around my kids and they are half grown.

“I’ll do it.”

He leans down and kisses me. A kiss while chaste still sends my girly parts humming. He shuts the door and I start up my car a smile on my face as I head off to work. I can’t help feeling some trepidation at what I know is the right thing to do. I have to call Rachel this morning and tell her about Tate and I. Deciding not to waste time I grab my cell phone and have the voice activation pull up Rachel’s number. It rings a couple times before she answers.

“We need to talk.” I glance into the rear view mirror as I switch lanes. I’m nervous about this conversation.

“Is this about Brandy?” A mother’s first question is always about their child. Rachel’s a good mother I don’t fault her there.

“No. Brandy is great I love having her in my class.” sincerity rings out in my words.

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