Twice Loved (20 page)

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Authors: Mari Brown

BOOK: Twice Loved
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He stills as he finishes his release in me. This is the first time Tate as actually finished inside me. I’m not on the pill. He’s not wearing a condom. Hopefully my eggs are old and dried up. I don’t over freak out about it but I’d be lying if I say it doesn’t cross my mind. I don’t move. I love the way Tate feels inside of me. Plus I know when he pulls out it’s going to be messy.

Tate apparently likes the way it feels to be inside me too because he lays there his labored breathing in my ear and holds me tight to him. I love being in his arms. He begins easing out of me. He jumps out of bed and heads to the bathroom. He comes back with a towel and wet washcloth. Once again Tate amazes me with his gentle cleaning of me before cleaning up the bed.

“Guess I have to get ready for work now.”

“Poor baby… You have an asshole for a boss.” I laugh a little as I say that knowing Tate owns the garage.

“Yea but Saturdays are one of our best money making days it’s why I stay open.”

He moves around the room gathering up clean clothes before heading back in the bathroom. The shower turns on and the water beats down against the tiles. I picture Tate’s glorious naked body with water dripping down the contours of his muscles. My girly bits start tingling again. Who knew I would be ready to go again so soon. If only my man didn’t have work.

I grab the T-shirt and panties I discarded last night on the floor and pull them on. I make my way downstairs. Thankful the coffee maker has done its job, I pull out the coffee mugs and set them beside the pot. I go ahead and pour myself a cup to take outside with me for my morning cigarette. The lawn is damp from dew and the sun makes the little droplets shine on the blades of grass. The wind is blowing slightly causing ripples in the pool water. I watch two birds playing with each other in a tree. It’s peaceful and beautiful this morning.

The back door opens and Tate comes out to join me.

“Hey babe. Pack an overnight bag. We’re going out of town for the night.”

“Um we are? What about my kids?”

“Taken care of, Haley and Jake said they’d check in on them while we’re gone.”

“Wait, is this what you and Jake were all top secret about last night?”

He smiles at me his eyes twinkle. “Yes Princess. I was asking him to help me out with this.”

“Oh well… then what time do I need to be ready by?”

Tate’s gravely laugh echoes across my backyard. “I’m leaving the shop at three so I should be here by four.”

“You’re taking off early too?”

Wow this is a big deal. Tate not only planned a getaway for us. He arranged for our best friends to check in on my kids even though they were old enough to be left alone for a night. And he was leaving work two hours early for it.

Tate takes in a drag of his cigarette. Smoke slowly fills the air as he exhales. I can’t stop myself from staring at him right now. I keep thinking who is this man? He’s still the Tate I met over a year ago but he’s different too. There is a subtle change in him. Is it because he’s falling in love with me? Is it because he’s found peace in his own life? What is making him become this man? I store these questions away for future reference. It may even be something we can talk about when we go away this weekend.

I grab my cup off the table kiss Tate on the temple before walking back inside. I go to the stove and whip up some scrambled eggs and sausage for Tate. I like making him breakfast before he leaves for work. Even if I could have stayed in bed I want to spend this time with him. I’m setting his plate on the kitchen counter as he comes in and sits on the bar stool.

“Thank you Princess.”


I turn back around as Tate eats. I clean up the few dishes I dirtied making the food. Once I have them in the dish rack. I sit down beside Tate.

“I’m excited about whatever or wherever you’re taking me tonight.”

“That’s good babe…” He says with a mouthful of food. I want to scold him for talking with his mouthful but he’s just too darn cute for me to do it.

Tate and I make small talk while he finishes his breakfast. Tate finishes up by rinsing his plate off before sticking it in the sink. I appreciate those small things. He walks back over to me pulls me by the back of my hair. My body arches backward. My neck is straining but not enough to cause pain. His lips plant on mine hard. He releases me leaving me panting.

“Hot mess!”

“Huh?” I’m spaced out right now.

“You’re a hot mess.”


Then he saunters out the front door. I hear his truck fire up and him pull off. I’m still sitting on the stool trying to recover. I give myself a few minutes before walking upstairs to my room. I decide to jump in the shower and get dressed. Once I have on a tank top and some shorts. I make my way back downstairs. I grab my teaching bag and go to the dining room and begin pulling out the stacks of papers to grade. My school laptop, and the various other things I will need.

I have just finished getting all my stuff set up when Olivia comes into the room.

“Good morning Mom.”

“Morning.” I reply with a smile at my little girl. “What are you up to today?”

“Jodie and I are going to go to the mall for a little bit and then hang out by the pool.”

I tap my fingers across the keyboard as I log into the grading system on my laptop. I briefly glance to my daughter.

“That sounds fun. So Tate informed me he’s taking me out of town this afternoon.”


“Yea I’m not sure where.” I push my laptop back now that I’m logged in and grab a stack of papers and find the corresponding answer key. “Haley and Jake said they’d be on call if you or Noah need anything while I’m gone.”

“Sounds like you’re going to have some fun.”

My cheeks heat a little my daughter’s teasing is slightly embarrassing. It makes me wonder if she has an idea what Tate and I really get up to sometimes. She would be horrified is she knew that her mom was a freak in the sheets.

“I’m sure we will.” I pick up a pen and begin grading the first paper.

I manage to work my way through all the papers in two hours. Not bad considering it’s a week’s worth of class work, homework and tests. I pull the laptop toward me so that I can begin entering grades for each student. This is the time consuming part of grading. I organize the stacks by subject and the day they were assigned. And I begin inputting grades. That takes me another hour. My morning is nearly gone and I haven’t left this table. Before I separate the papers by student and staple them together I decide it’s time to take a break.

I pour me a glass of sweet tea grab my smokes and cell and head out to the back patio. The girls are laying in loungers by the pool a radio playing nearby. They are quietly talking and I can’t keep the smile from my face. I light my cigarette and inhale. The smoke fills my lungs. I often think this is a really bad habit I should kick but I never do.

Noah sticks his head out the back door.

“Mom I’m going over to CJs.”

“Okay, hey did your sister tell you I’ll be going out of town?”

“Yep. I’ll behave I promise.”

I laugh at my son as he closes the back door. He’s a character. His sense of humor has been a major source of joy for our family especially during Steve’s long illness and then his passing. Each day he managed to make us smile or laugh even when it was like the world was ending.

I look down at my phone. I have received a text from Tate. I wonder when it came in and how I missed the tone alerting me.

Tate: I can’t wait until we get away tonight!

Awww that’s so sweet.

Lori: me either even though I have no idea where you’re taking me.

Tate: It’s a surprise.

I put out my smoke and grab my stuff and head back to the dining room so I can finish up with my work before I go upstairs and start packing for my overnight trip. It takes me roughly another hour to get the papers separated by student and I organize each stack I can’t help myself but to put them in order. I staple the packet once it’s done and make a pile. Each student will take this home with them Monday afternoon.

Around one in the afternoon I head upstairs to pack a bag. I realize not knowing where I’m going is making it hard for me to know what to pack.

I pick up my phone and type out a text to Haley.

Lori: Any idea what I should pack

Haley: no clue I’ve not been let in on destination

Well fuck she’s no help. Fuck texting Tate. I tap the screen a couple times and put it to my ear. There are two rings before Tate’s voice comes over the line.

“What’s up Princess?”

“You have to give me an idea of what to pack.”


I toss my overnight bag on the bed. He’s such a smartass. I open the bag up wide. Look around my room and then plop on the bed. “Yes dear I know I need clothes but what kind?”

“Just pack some shorts and a T-shirt. Maybe a sundress. does that help?”

“Thank you handsome.”

I press end call and toss my phone on the bed. Now I have an idea of what to pack so I get down to business. Within an hour I’m packed. Now to dress for the mystery ride.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Tate arrives shortly before four in the afternoon. He’s dressed in tight jeans and a beautiful indigo polo style shirt. My man looks damn good. He smiles at me. “Hey Princess.”


I’m acting like a school girl going on her first date. I’m shy and nervous. It’s the first time we have gone out of town together. It’s new and exciting. I love this Tate the one who makes me feel like the only woman on earth. If you had asked me a little over a month ago if Tate could be this man I would have told you no. I’m learning to trust him more and more each day. It doesn’t mean I don’t still worry that something could change because I am.

I still have a deep fear that I will not be enough for Tate. That he will go back to his many woman. He spent most of his life sampling a variety of woman and never less than two at a time. Would he really be happy long term with just me? How long would it last? Could I trust him enough to let him move in? After this weekend I planned to start talking to my kids about it. Get an idea of how they would handle Tate living with us?

“Where’s your stuff?”

“Upstairs on the bed.”

He climbs the stairs. His ass moving in a delightful way. I have a goofy grin on my face from the thoughts running through my mind.

“Really mom?” Noah asks from behind me. It startles me. When did he get back?

“How long have you been here?”

“Long enough to see you staring at Tate like he’s a piece of meat.”

“I was not!” Turning to face my son I cross my arms over my chest and my lower lip sticks out a bit.

Noah begins laughing while his head shakes. “Mom you so were.”

“Whatever!” My hands come back down to my sides as Tate bounds down the steps with my bag.

“Hey man!” My son greets Tate with a slight smirk playing on his face.


I love how men do that little head nod thing when greeting each other. Are they born knowing the greeting? Is it taught?

“Okay I’m going to put everything in your car. It’ll travel better than my truck.”

“That’s fine.”

“Say goodbye to your kids.”

My isn’t he the bossy one this afternoon? I snort. But I turn to face Noah who is still standing just in the kitchen door.

“Behave. Don’t give your sister a hard time. And don’t forget Haley and Jake will be checking in.”

He stands up straight.

“I know mom.” He steps toward me his arms reach out for me and engulf me in a hug “Have fun don’t worry about us we’ll be fine.”

I squeeze my son tight before tip toeing to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Love you Noah.”

“Love you to Mom.”

I move through the kitchen to the back door. I step outside and the sun blinds me momentarily. I walk toward Olivia and Jodie.

“Olivia I’m getting ready to head out.”

She moves off her chair and stands beside me “Have fun mom. Love you.”

“Why does everyone keep telling me to have fun like I don’t know how to or something?”

Olivia and Jodie both snicker.

“It’s not that mom. You’ll worry about Noah and me but we’ll be fine. Haley already sent me a text and she and Jake are coming to do a cook out with us for dinner so see…”

Olivia trails off. I didn’t even know Haley and Jake were planning to grill out with the kids tonight.

“Okay… okay I love you. See you Jodie.”

“Bye Mrs. M.”

I shake my head at the girls. Oh to be young and carefree like that again. Some days I think it would be a wonderful thing and others not so much.

I walk back through the house Tate is talking quietly to Noah but looks up as I enter the room.

“Ready Princess?”

“Yes let’s go.”

Tate walks me out to my car. He opens the door for me and I climb in. Once I am in he shuts the door gently behind me. I watch as he walks around the front of the car. My seat belt clicks in place as he climbs in the driver’s side.

“So still not giving me a clue where we are going?”

“Not yet.”

I stick my bottom lip out in an exaggerated fashion. Tate reaches over and pats my knee as he chuckles at my behavior.

“And you call me man-child…” his hand shifts the car into gear his head turns to the side a little as he deftly backs out of my driveway.

“You are a man child and I’m a brat it works for us.”

He smiles as he maneuvers the car into drive and we take off down the street.

“Yea it most definitely works for us.”

We lapse into a smooth silence. Tate makes a few turns, and we are headed down the highway. Away from our little hometown.

I kick off my flip flops. Crank up the radio and my feet start tapping along to the beat on the dashboard.

“I hate when you put your feet up there.”

“I know.”

“Then why do you do it?”

I keep tapping my feet against the plastic. Turning with a smile in place. “Because it’s my car and I can.”

Tate just rolled his eyes at me. I can’t believe he did that. I begin laughing.

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