Touch Me There (45 page)

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Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright

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—the large, triangular bone at the base of the spine
safer sex
—vaginal, anal, or oral sex involving practices that reduce the risk of pregnancy, HIV, and STDs
—the pouch of skin containing numerous sebaceous glands and cov- ered in hair that houses the testicles
—the sperm-containing fluid that is ejaculated from the penis
sex toy
—an object used to enhance sexual activity
sexual intercourse
—sexual activity in which the penis is inserted into the va- gina; for some, it is defined as a sexual activity in which the penis is inserted into the anus or in which fingers or a sex toy are inserted into the vagina or anus
sexually transmitted disease (STD)
—any disease that can be transmitted via
sexual contact
sexually transmitted infection (STI)

sexually transmitted disease
—in the male, the part of the penis that runs between the glans and root; in the female, the part of the clitoris that disappears into the body beneath the clitoral hood
—a sexual position that allows for partners to orally stimulate each
other’s genitals at the same time

French for “sixty-nine”;
—the mature male reproductive cell, which is capable of fertilizing an egg
spontaneous orgasm
—an orgasm without any genital contact; a.k.a. “extra- genital orgasm”
—the fiery central energy meridian, or pathway, that runs up and down the spine
—rituals and practices that were outlined in Hindu and Buddhist scrip- tures, many of which have been recommended for better sex and relation- ships, e.g., meditation
—the male gonads; a pair of oval-shaped glands housed in the scrotum
that manufacture sperm and sex hormones, primarily testosterone; a.k.a. “testicles”
—a testis
Transverse Bones
—two acupoints located on the upper border of the pubic bone, each half a finger-width from the midline on either side
urethral opening
—the opening through which urine exits the body (and semen in the male); in the female, it is a small, acorn-shaped protrusion lo- cated between the clitoris and vaginal opening; in the male, it is a tiny open- ing located at the tip of the penis
urethral sponge
—in the female, spongy erectile tissue that contains the para-
urethral glands and ducts; a.k.a. “G-spot”
  1. spot

    urethral opening
    uterine orgasm

    vaginal orgasm
    —(a.k.a. “womb”) a hollow, muscular organ located in the woman’s ab- domen that houses a fetus during pregnancy
    —in the female, a highly muscular, three- to four-inch-long, tube-shaped organ that is penetrated during sexual intercourse and through which a baby passes during birth
    vaginal opening
    —the entrance leading from the outside into the female’s vagina, through which a baby passes during birth and through which men- strual blood passes during a woman’s period
    vaginal orgasm
    — climax emanating from anywhere in the vaginal canal, often
    the G-spot
    —a battery-operated or plug-in electrical device that vibrates to stimu- late body parts, particularly the genitals
    —a collective term for the female external genitals, including the mons pubis, clitoris, labia minora, labia majora, urethral opening, and vaginal opening
    vulval/vulvic orgasm
    —a climax attained from the stimulation of a woman’s
  2. zone
    —the erogenous area on the lower abdomen stretching from each hip- bone to the groin
wet dream

nocturnal orgasm

—a Hindu theistic philosophy and system of exercises teaching the sup- pression and/or control of all bodily or mental activity for liberation and improved well-being
Resources and Recommended Reading‌


Acupressure for Lovers,
by Dr. Michael Reed Gach (New York: Bantam Books, 1997).
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Acupuncture and Acupressure,
by David W. Sollars (New York: Penguin Books, 2000).


Anal Sex
Anal Sex for Couples: A Guaranteed Guide for Painless Pleasure,
by Bill Strong and Lori E. Gammon (Zion, IL: Triad Press, Inc., 2006).
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men,
by Bill Brent (San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 2002).
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women,
2nd ed., by Tristan Taormino (San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 2006).


Female Ejaculation
The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution,
by Elisabeth A. Lloyd (Harvard University Press, 2005).
Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot,
by Deborah Sundahl (Alameda, CA: Hunter House, 2003).


The Good Vibrations Guide: The G-Spot,
by Cathy Winks (San Francisco, CA: Down There Press, 1998).
The G-Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality,
by Beverly Whipple, John D. Perry, and Alice Khan Ladas (New York: Owl Books, 2004).
Operation G-spot,
by Jodi Lynn Copeland (New York: Aphrodisia, 2006).
Orgasms: How to Have Them, Give Them, and Keep Them Coming,
2nd ed., by Lou Paget (New York: Broadway, 2004).
Unleashing Her G-spot Orgasm: A Step-by-Step Guide to Giving a Woman Ultimate Sexual Ecstasy,
by Donald L. Hicks (Berkeley, CA: Amorata Press, 2006).


Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health,
by Walter O. Bockting and Eli Coleman (Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 2003).
Sex for One,
by Betty Dodson (New York: Harmony Books, 1996).
Jackin World website, www (focuses on male masturbation)
Viva La Vulva: Women’s Sex Organs Revealed,
by Betty Dodson (video of group seminar teaching women to reclaim their bodies and pleasure themselves; available through www, or call 866-877-9676).



Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips,
by Barbara and Kevin Kunz (New York: DK Publishing, 2003).
Sexual Reflexology,
by Mantak Chia and William U. Wei (Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 2003).


Sex Education and Information
The Naked Truth about Sex: A Guide to Intelligent Sexual Choices for Teenagers & Twen- tysomethings,
by Roger W. Libby (Topanga, CA: Freedom Press, 2006).
Go Ask Alice!, www (Columbia University’s Health Education Program; Q&A site)
San Francisco Sex Information,, or call (415) 989-7374 or (877) 472-SFSI (7374). Answers frequently asked questions, posts a weekly col- umn, and provides referrals.
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, www.siecus
.org, (212) 819-0109. Nonprofit organization providing sex education pro- grams and materials.
Sexuality Source, Inc., www (or www.yvonnekfulbright
.com). Offers sex education and consulting services, including a free news- letter. Is affiliated with
Society for Human Sexuality, www.sexuality.or
g. Features information and arti- cles on a variety of sex topics, as well as book, video, and product reviews.
Spanish-language sexuality website,


Sex Toys/Sexual Enhancements
Em & Lo’s Sex Toys: An A-Z Guide to Bedside Accessories,
by Em & Lo & Arthur Mount (San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 2006).
The Many Joys of Sex Toys: The Ultimate How to Handbook for Couples and Singles
by Anne Semans (New York: Broadway, 2004).
(Internet sources for sexual enhancers, books, videos, and safer sex supplies.) Sexuality Source Enhancements Store,
Resources and Recommended Reading
Adam and Eve, www Condomania, www Eve’s Garden,
Good Vibrations (catalogs), www Toys in Babeland,


Sexual Health
The Hot Guide to Safer Sex,
by Yvonne K. Fulbright (Alameda, CA: Hunter House, 2003).
The Lesbian Health Book: Caring for Ourselves,
by Jocelyn White and Marissa C. Martinez (Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, 1997).
Love in the Time of HIV: The Gay Man’s Guide to Sex, Dating & Relationships,
by Michael Mancilla and Lisa Troshinsky (New York: The Guilford Press, 2003).
Safe Sex 101: An Overview for Teens,
by Margaret O. Hyde and Elizabeth H. Forsyth (Breckenridge, CO: Twenty-First Century Books, 2006).
Sexual Health for Men,
by Richard F. Spark (Jackson, TN: Perseus Books, 2000).
A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Health,
by Mary Jane Minkin & Carol V. Wright (Yale Univ. Press, 2004).
Sexual Health Network, www (provides sexuality informa- tion, education, and other resources)
The Women’s Sexual Health Foundation, www.twshf.or
g World Association for Sexual Health,


Sexual Pleasuring
The Big O,
2nd ed., by Lou Paget (London: Piatkus Books, 2002).
The Clitoral Truth: The Secret World at Your Fingertips,
by Rebecca Chalker (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2000).
The Complete Manual of Sexual Positions,
by Jessica Stewart (Chatsworth, CA: Sex- ual Enrichment Series, 1983).
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Sensual Massage,
by Patti Britton (Royersford, PA: Alpha, 2003).
Fearless Sex,
by Joy Davidson (Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2004).
The Great Lover Playbook: 365 Sexual Tips & Techniques to Keep the Fires Burning All Year Long,
by Lou Paget (New York: Gotham, 2005).
How to Be a Great Lover: Girlfriend-to-Girlfriend Totally Explicit Techniques that Will Blow His Mind,
by Lou Paget (New York: Broadway, 1999).
How to Be a Great Lover,
by Lou Paget (London: Piatkus Books, 2000).
How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure,
by Lou Paget (London: Piatkus Books, 2002).
Sexual Pleasure,
2nd ed., by Barbara Keesling (Alameda, CA: Hunter House, 2005).
Taboo: Forbidden Fantasies for Couples,
by Violet Blue (San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 2004).
365 Days of Sensational Sex,
by Lou Paget (London: Hodder Mobius, 2004). Human Sexuality, Inc.,


Tantric Sex
The Art of Sexual Ecstasy,
by Margo Anand (New York: Putnam Books, 1989).
The Art of Tantric Sex,
by Nitya Lacroix (New York: DK Publishing, 1997).
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex,
2nd ed., by Judy Kuriansky (New York: Alpha Books, 2004).

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