To Love Twice (22 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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“Don’t you want to go home, Mommy?  What about Ah
G?  And Uncle Tim?  And Gram?  And Ms. Erin?”  Mary asked

“Oh darling, it’s not that I want to stay, it’s just that
I’ll miss Edward.”  Kate kissed the top of Mary’s head.  “Won’t you?”

Mary nodded.  “Will Edward come visit us again?”

“I’m sure he will.  I think Edward will miss us just as
much as we’ll miss him!”

“You’re mother speaks the truth, Mary,” Edward said as he
entered the room.  “I’ve enjoyed having you both here so much.”

Both Kate and Mary jumped when they heard Edward’s
voice.  Kate turned and smiled at him as Mary ran over to give Edward a
hug.  Edward lifted her into his arms and held her close whispering his
plans for a visit very soon.

Kate gave up on packing and walked over to them.  She
needed to feel Edward’s arms around her too.  She sighed as she felt
Edward’s lips on her head.  It was going to be hard to leave him.


Six weeks was a long time to go without seeing the one you
love.  Never mind that his time had been filled, Edward missed Kate and
Mary.  His latest film project had been postponed since the lead actress
had literally broken a leg on the set.  James had succeeded in clearing
Edward’s schedule for the six months Edward had requested.  So he’d taken
his mother on a cruise of the Caribbean sooner than they had planned. 
Edward hadn’t seen the point in waiting until the dead of winter when they both
had the time and energy to go sooner.  He had wanted to rent a yacht and
hire a captain, but his Mum had insisted on a good old-fashioned cruise. 
They’d been at sea for fourteen days and initially he’d been worried about
constant interruptions from fans asking for pictures and autographs.  But
he’d been pleasantly surprised when after the second day, he’d been largely
left alone.  He was further surprised when he had found himself enjoying
the food, activities and the relaxation.  So surprised, in fact, that he
found himself wanting to take Kate and Mary on a cruise in the near
future.  He’d gotten into a lengthy discussion with the activities
director about the pros and cons of a cruise with children, the best
kid-friendly cruises and the best times to go with children.  She had
pointed him toward the Disney cruise line, indicating he’d never regret

The weather had been amazing.  Sun everyday and an
occasional short rainstorm in the afternoon.  Edward had spent quite a bit
of time sitting on the deck pretending to read.  Mostly he’d been staring
out at the sea trying to figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his
life.  And how he could convince Kate that she belonged in his life. 

It was on one of these days, his Mum had foregone her usual
activity of playing cards with some of the other widows on board the
ship.  She sat beside him on the deck.

“Penny for your thoughts, dear?”

“Hi Mum,” Edward smiled at her.  “No cards today?”

“No, I thought I’d spend some time with my son today.”

“Brilliant!  What should we do?” 

“I thought we could start by discussing whatever has you
staring out at sea day after day.”

Edward chuckled.  “Well, I’m just trying to figure out
what I want to be when I grow up.  And how Kate and Mary fit in.”

“Hm, I thought you were already grown up?” Charlotte
said.  “And I’d say Kate and Mary fit in rather perfectly.  So, what
really has you staring out to sea so solemnly?”

“I just don’t know if my career is conducive to a strong
relationship.  And if it’s not, am I willing to do something different so
that my relationship with Kate doesn’t suffer.  She’s a private person,
which I respect, and I don’t want to intrude on her life and steal Mary’s
childhood.  I’m quite a lot to take on, Mum.”

Charlotte laughed.  “That you are, my boy, that you
are.”  She patted his arm.  “Have you asked Kate how she feels about
your career and your baggage?”

He nodded.  “As long as Mary is safe and kept out of
the spotlight as much as possible, she’s fine with it.  She says it’s who
I am and she’s not out to change me.  My problem is that I’m not in
control of the media and I’d die if something were to happen to Mary.”

“What would you do instead of acting?”

“I don’t know.  I’ve thought about directing, or
theater work or writing a book,” Edward said shaking his head.  “I’ve no
idea, really.  Acting is all I know.  It’s all I’m good at!”

“You could always retire,” Charlotte said softly.

“Retire?  Me?  I’m a little young to be thinking
that, don’t you think?”  Edward asked incredulously.

“Well, for normal people, yes.  But you’ve more money
than the queen and you’ve invested it well.  You really have no reason to
work except to escape the boredom of everyday life.  Though with a family,
I doubt you’d get bored.”

“True.  But what’s my next step?  Normally people
try out living together for awhile.  Kate and Mary live on the other side
of the ocean.  That’s not really conducive to trying it out.”  He was
frustrated by all the questions with no answers and his tone indicated that.

“That’s a hard question, but one you should probably discuss
with Kate.  She’d be the one with the best answer to this, as she knows
what they need.”  Charlotte sat up, looked him in the eyes as she reached
for his hand.  “Or, you could ask her to marry you.”

“Marry me?” Edward shook his head.  “Oh, I don’t think
we’re ready for that.  Kate wouldn’t rush into something that permanent so
quickly.  She has Mary to think about.”

“Quickly?  You’ve known each other for six
months.  How is that quickly?”

“Mum!  Not everyone is like you and Dad.  Or
Meaghan and Rufus.  Or even Aunt Imogen and Uncle Walter.  Most
people, rational, sane people, wait a year or two or five before getting

“They’re stupid.  You know what you know and an extra
year or two or five isn’t going to change anything,” Charlotte said
exasperated.  “Do you love her?”

Edward rolled his eyes.  “Yes.”

“Does she love you?”


“Then the solution is simple.” Charlotte narrowed her eyes
and stared hard at him.  “At least it should be.”

Edward nodded and smiled at his mother.  “Thanks, Mum.”


Now he was on a plane, bound to see the two loves of his
life, and still unsure of what he should do.  His path wasn’t clear in his
mind and that scared him as he wasn’t one to be indecisive and unsure of
himself.  What was clear was his determination to make Kate and Mary his
priority.  He’d find a niche for himself somewhere when the dust settled.

This morning before leaving for the airport, he’d gone to
his favorite jeweler’s and had his mother’s engagement ring reset to make it
unique for Kate.  The original diamond was square cut, and he’d had the
jeweler put in an oval sapphire on either side of the diamond.  The ring
itself was platinum, and Edward had the jeweler buff it up to a beautiful
shine.  He was happy with the end result and hoped Kate would like it.

He wasn’t sure if Kate was ready for him to propose, but he
wanted to be prepared in case the opportunity presented itself.  He’d also
gotten Mary a heart shaped locket and had put a picture of the three of them
inside it.  It was a picture that his Mum had taken while they’d been at
his house.  He wasn’t just asking Kate to marry him, he was also promising
to be a father to Mary and he wanted her to feel just as special and loved by
him as Kate did. 

A few hours later, Jason dropped Edward in front of Kate’s
apartment building and then continued on to the hotel where he’d stay unless
Edward needed him.  After saying goodbye to Jason, Edward picked up his
luggage and headed into the lobby of Kate’s building.

“Edward Kent?”

Edward turned his head and pinned the man with a glacial
stare.  “Yes?”

“Sir, I’m Brent from
The Moon

The Moon
,” Edward interrupted.  “What are you
doing here?”

“Sir?” The reporter asked.

“Why. Are. You. In. America?” Edward ground out slowly
between clenched teeth.  “You’re a British rag, this is not Britain.”

“Sir, with all due respect.  You’re a super star. 
One that’s dropped off the radar.  I’m here to find out why.”

Edward stepped up into the reporter’s face.  “How long
have you been here?”

“Er, two and a half weeks,” the reporter said
hesitantly.  He took a small step backwards.

“Have you been camped in this lobby the whole time?” Edward
asked menacingly.

“Sir, what is your relationship with Kate Walker?” 
Brent asked avoiding the question.

“I asked you a question, Brent,” Edward said softly as he
took another step closer to Brent.

Brent took a step backwards.  “Yes, sir.  I have
been camped here in the lobby.”

Nodding slowly, Edward stepped into the reporter’s space
again.  “My relationship with Kate Walker is none of your business,” he
said in a dangerously soft whisper.  “You want to talk about my latest
movie, or my charitable organizations, ask away.  But my personal life, as
far as you’re concerned, is closed.”

Edward turned on his heel and walked to the bank of
elevators, missing the calculated gleam that entered the reporter’s eyes as
Edward walked away. 

Fuming, he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket as soon
as the doors to the elevator closed.


“Why is there a reporter from
The Moon
camped in
Kate’s lobby, James?”  Edward interrupted.  “He’s been here for two
and half weeks!”

“Yes sir, I know.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Sir, with all due respect.  You were on vacation with
your mother…”

“James, I didn’t take you for an idiot.”


“When I told you that I didn’t wish to be disturbed, that
wasn’t to mean you didn’t inform me of important issues.  A reporter,
camped in Kate’s lobby for two and a half weeks, is an important issue,” Edward
explained in a slow voice as if he was speaking to a child.

“Yes, sir.  I apologize.”

Edward sighed.  “What’s the story, James?”

James cleared his throat.  “Ah, they’re saying you had
some sort of breakdown.  I’ve been working with your publicist, Gretchen,
to get to the bottom of it.  All the rags are going crazy right now for

“Why would they think I’ve had a breakdown?”

“I think it has something to do with me rearranging your
schedule for six months.  The director of
Pride and Prejudice
not happy with the delay.”

“You did tell him that I would gladly give up my spot in the

“I did, and he took me up on it at first.  But when he
broke the news to Olivia Kimball, she quit.  She wanted you to be her
leading man and no one else would do.  Rather than have to replace the
both of you, he agreed to the delay,” James explained.

“And I suppose someone in his camp called the rags and

“That’s what we suspect, Edward.  We’re still trying to
pin down the tattler.”

Edward thought about the best course of action.  He
wanted to put the rumors to rest, but he also didn’t want to drag Kate and Mary
any further through the mud.  “Ok, here’s what I want you to do. 
Forget about finding the tattler.  Call
The Times
and give them an
exclusive.  Tell them I’ll call tomorrow around two o’clock.  I’ll
explain about my need for a break.  Hopefully, that will take care of the
problem and see the reporter from
The Moon
removed from Kate’s lobby.”

“Yes sir.”

“And James.  I want you to work on a press black-out
for the rest of my vacation.  Understood?”

“I’ll get right on it, Edward.”

Edward hung up and let out a deep breath.  His next
call was to Jason.  After explaining about the reporter, Jason promised to
take care of it.  He prayed the idiot reporter downstairs hadn’t ruined
his fragile relationship with Kate.  Two and half weeks?  He couldn’t
believe someone hadn’t called him about it.

Taking another cleansing breath, Edward knocked on Kate’s


Chapter Twenty-Five

At the knock on the door, Kate glanced up warily. 
She’d sent Mary to Georgie’s for the weekend, hoping that with Edward scheduled
to arrive back in London from his cruise, the media would go away. 

She’d been upset at the intrusion to her life, not expecting
it here in America, where Edward wasn’t as popular.  But, if an A-List
actor goes ‘missing’, she supposed it was going to make news everywhere.

The reporter had been camped down in the lobby for the
better part of two weeks.  He stopped Kate each time she went through the
lobby, asking for information that she didn’t have.  It wasn’t her place
to give away Edward’s secrets, not that she would anyway.  Everyone was
entitled to some privacy in their life, including those that choose to be a
public figure.  Her opinion was that the media didn’t need to know
that went on in a person’s life. 

The past few days, Kate had taken the elevator down to the
parking garage and out the back way.  She’d avoided the lobby
altogether.  The guy gave her the creeps and she didn’t want him following
her to the apartment.

She walked slowly over to the door, making as little noise
as she could.  Peering through the peephole, she gave a startled gasp when
she realized who it was she was seeing.  She threw open the door and flung
herself into Edward’s arms.  “You’re here!”  She sighed into his

“Hey!”  Edward stumbled a little, dropped his bag and
held her close.  “You okay?”

“Yes, now that you’re here.  I’ve missed you!”

Suddenly remembering where she was and who was downstairs,
she quickly stepped away from him.  Glancing down the hallway, she pulled
on his arm.  “Let’s get inside, quick.”

Shutting the door behind Edward, Kate let out a sigh of

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