To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (13 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“Look, I didn’t tell Tabby. But there was this guy back in Baton Rouge. He was a real creep. In fact, he was my boss at this club I was working at.”


“You know how to attract them.”


“Do you think they have daddy complexes?”


“Will you two shut up?”


“Nope, it’s their protective instincts. It comes out when they see tiny Rayven.”


“It was nothing of the sort with Anton. He was trying to set me up with a couple of guys.”


I still have cold shivers whenever I think of the argument Anton and I were having just before Tabby’s arrival. How I was contemplating on putting in my notice after finding a new job.


“Shit. Are you going to tell Tabby?”


I thought about it and decided against it. Tabby would not have thought twice about going after the guy. There already has been enough bloodshed as far as I am concerned.


“No and don’t either of you.”


“You mean you want me to keep a secret from Inferno.”


“Really Baby Blu drop the innocent look. I’m sure you have one or two he doesn’t know about.”




Ellie gave Baby Blu a peculiar look. “Are you having a bachelorette party?”


“Yep. I thought we could go to Gonzolas. See a couple of male exotic dancers.”


“Inferno still not letting you have any at Tie Me Down?”


“Nah, Rayven plant a seed in Tabby’s mind.”


“Hey why don’t we hire a room at Tie Me Down and bring our own dancers in?”


“That sounds great Ellie. What do you say Baby Blu? Hold your party there and bar the men.”


“Ha, love it. And why not. Every night Inferno calls in to Tie me Down and watches a couple of shows before coming home.”


“Okay, leave it with me. I’m working tonight and I’ll go through Tabby’s contact list and see who I can find.”


We spent the rest of the afternoon planning both the party and the wedding, with Ellie agreeing to do the flowers.






“I still don’t think this is right Tabby.”


“It’ll do for now.”


Crabby had followed me to Tie Me Down, after Tabby had rung and now here I was, in the back office. A crib for Kavan had been placed against the far wall and when the door is shut; all sounds from the show room were blocked.


“Are you not going to watch the show?”


“Nope. We have stuff to do. While Kavan is here, you get to do the paperwork and work on the girls rotas with Silver.”


“Oh, okay.”


It may not show, but inside I am both pleased and excited. Most times Tabby has me either covering the cloakroom or working the bar. Occasionally, when he is short on waitressing staff, he would have me cover the VIP area and this is only when he is there.


Over the next couple of hours, Tabby went through suppliers, invoices, and inventory, and time soon passed. Due to his chair being so close, the scent of his aftershave would drift over and occasionally I would discreetly smell him. Especially when he leant in close to me. Not only was he teasing me with his scent, but also his hand is resting on my thigh. The constant contact was making me dizzy and breathless. Whenever his thumb stroked my thigh, I had to squeeze my legs together to stop myself from cumming over the brief touch.






“You’re adorable when you concentrate like that. Let’s take a break.”


Shit, I think my heart just revved up a notch. As I turn toward the man beside me, I drop my pencil on to the office desk. His hair in need of a trim, as the light bounced off his auburn locks. His pupils dilated with passion as his gaze lingered on my face. While his tongue ran over his lips. The hand on my thigh stopped stroking me, as Tabby lifted me out of the chair to straddle him onto his lap.


“What kind of break did you have in mind Tabby?”


When Tabby brushed the hair away from my face, hot arousal shot through my body as my breast became heavy with desire.


“Nothing too heavy.”


On that note, Tabby’s head swoops down, taking my lips in a hot kiss as he thrust his tongue into my mouth. His hands guided my lower body closer to his. As I felt his cock through the cloth of his pants, I pushed my pussy against him.


Cool air is soon brushing against my torso, as Tabby removes my top and latches on to a nipple. His tongue flickering over the hard end, causing it to become erect in his mouth as he suckles and plays with the nipple.






“The other one.”


“With pleasure baby.”


While Tabby continued to play with my nipples, dividing his attention between them, I grind my hips in to him.


“Oh fuck Tabby,”


“Yeah I know it’s good.”


“I need to cum.”


The loud pop and gentle flick of Tabby’s fingers over my nipples as he pulls my top back into place, brings me back to the present.




“We don’t have time. I need to go on to the floor and check everything is okay. I promise you, Little Bird. Later we pick up where we left off.”


My heart gave a tug as I watch Tabby and his ass leaving and reluctantly, having lost Tabby’s touch I returned to the paperwork. Without Tabby’s presence, I am finding it hard to concentrate and begin to doodle on some scrap paper when a knock on the door and Cassie walks in, has me looking at her guiltily.


“Everything okay Rayven?”


“Hi Cass, yeah. To be truthful, I wish people would stop asking me that.”


“Okay, let’s drop the subject and start on Baby Blu’s party. That's why I'm here anyway. Have you mentioned using one of the rooms to Tabby?”


“Not yet. I’m waiting until he’s in a more relaxed mood. However, I do have access to his contacts,”


Triumphantly I wave the index box up in the air, which Cassie grabs off me and soon we are ringing round and it was not long before we have everything organized.


“Now to work on Tabby.”


“Here that should help.”


Cassie has placed her bag on the floor and after reaching in; she passes me a paper bag. Gingerly, I opened it, and then gasped at what was inside.


“That should do the trick.”


“You’re looking good Cassie.”


And she was. The pinched look from her mouth is gone and there is a twinkle in her eyes, which had not been there for a long time.


“I feel good too Rayven. Linc and I still have a few problems, but we’re working on them.”


At that moment, Kavan whimpered and guilt overcame me as I watch Cassie look in his direction before she heads over to lift him out of his crib.


“My, he’s grown.”


“Yeah, and each day he turns more into his father.”


“Oh yes, I do believe you’re going to be a flirt like your papa.”


A rap on the door and Silver walks in. Although she is still scantily dressed, she is wearing more clothing than usual.


“I’ll catch you later Rayven.” After passing Kavan over to me, Cassie left Silver and me alone.


“Hope it wasn’t anything I said.”


“Not at all. Cassie knows we have business to go through.”


When I first came to Tie Me Down, Silver and I had had our fair share of run-ins, and we may not be the best of friends. However, we had come to a mutual understanding, and tolerated each other.


“Okay, let us go through the Rota and other business.

Chapter 19


From the kitchen, the sound of Rayven’s whistling drifts into the garden. Her family has just left and Ivy has taken Kavan for the rest of the day. The emptiness of the house almost tempts me to take Rayven to bed. However, we have other pressing matters to take care of. A final check of the FatBoy shows I have everything I require for our trip. Now all I have to do is face the shrew in the kitchen.


“Hey fancy a spin.”


Rayven was just stretching up into a cupboard, her pert bum lifted high thanks to the stretch of her body as she finished putting the pots away. The shorts she is wearing barely covering her ass cheeks. The neon pink tank top rose up her back flashing the lower curve just above her hips.


“Where to?”


Not wanting to give too much away at this time, I gave a roll of my shoulders. “Down to the lake. Maybe we can do a little skinny dipping.”


Instead of answering, Rayven gave the kitchen a quick scan then looked out of the window. Her gaze going to the sky.


“Sure, why not. Give me five while I get changed.”


“There’s no need. Come on lets go and make the most of the light.”


Ten minutes later, we are cruising down the highway, heading out of Comfort Springs. Rayven is no novice when it came to riding pillion on the bike and her body follows mine with each curve we take. Her sleek lines pressing into mine are not helping the erection I am sporting from having Rayven so close to me. The way the imp pulls at my T-shirt to slide her hands underneath, warns me that Rayven is well aware of the effect she is having on me.


A few miles out of town has me pulling the bike into a grove. As I park the FatBoy in the bayou, a quick check of the area confirms that it is secluded enough for what I have in mind.


“Nice spot. How come you’ve never brought me here before?”


This is my private place. Away from everyone and everything. Linc has his fishing; fuck knows what Inferno does when he needs to relax. Dec has his sex club. While fudge has, his carpentry and I have this place.


“It’s where I come to think Rayven. To find peace when I need it.”


“Do you come here often?”


A weary smile flits over my face. My, “You chatting me up?” Is followed with a punch to my chest from Little Bird. “No.”


“Didn’t believe you were. And yeah, I make my way to this spot a couple of times a week.”


“It's beautiful”


Rayven looks over the lake, closing her eyes as she soaks in the sun, while I make my way over to a fallen branch.


“What are you doing?”


Guess the sound of empty cans finally drew Rayven’s attention to me.


“You need to learn to shoot.”


“No, I don’t.”


“Next time it might not be just broken glass Rayven and you need to know how to protect yourself.”


“Tabby, I’m never on my own,. If its not you under my heels, its either Crabby or Sundance. Do you know I now know what food they like and don’t like. Sundance hates fish, while Crabby loves sweet potato.”


“If I didn’t know before I do now.” With a stroll towards the pannier, I withdrew the gun that I had obtained for Rayven.


“Humor me Little Bird.”


“Humph, I thought we might get to make out like teenagers, Tabby. Not shoot guns.”

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