To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (15 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“Kavan was born and he was gorgeous and I fell in love with him. One day Rayven. One day Linc and I will have that.”


Some of the joy of having my own dance studio had evaporated at Cassie’s answer and all I can do is return her smile and hope that she is right.


“Okay, what have you told Tabby about the party?”


“Ha, Cassie, I’m in charge of ordering and what he doesn’t know will not hurt him.”





The week had flown by quickly as I prepared the club for Baby Blu’s bachelorette party. All that is left for me to do, is to get myself ready for tonight.


“Rayven, your guests are downstairs.”


“Thanks Silver. Is Tabby or any of the others about?”


“No. Where do you want them putting.”


“Show them up here.”


A final glance round the room leaves me satisfied with my work. At the sound of approaching footsteps, I show my guests into the room they were to use before going to get myself ready.


Before returning upstairs, with neither Tabby nor any other Devil Comfort member in sight, I did a quick detour to the main floor, ensuring everything is in order. Satisfied that my orders are being carried out, I return to the party upstairs. Tonight I have hired two male bartenders who are scantily clad in black Lycra shorts with a collar and tie. Pete and Nat had arrived earlier in the day. With their help, we managed to have the room set up. This was also an ideal cover to have them in the club if anyone asked any questions. 




“Ha. The boys back at the club are going to be disappointed. What did you do Rayven invite all the skanks?”


“I know it's your party Baby Blu. However, if I can show Tabby what a good investment it would be to have male strippers at the club. We’ll not have to spend our nights looking at naked women.”


“I’m with Rayven on this Baby Blu”


“Me too. I’ll definitely make a visit. It's no fun being on your own.”


“What about Adam?”


Ellie rolled her shoulders as she slurped on her Southern Raspberry Tart. Her eyes not leaving the skimpily
clad stripper who is dancing on our table. Dollar bills stuck in his pants.


“I don’t think that’s going anywhere. He’s not over Abby.”


“What about Fudge?” This time Ellie’s gaze wanders to the stage, where Harry our host for the night is warming up.


“I want more than a fuck buddy and I’m not going to get that with Nick.”


The dancer whose name I could not think of right now was thrusting his pelvis in my direction and this time I slip my own twenty dollar bill in the piece of material which is the only thing, keeping him decent.


“Okay ladies lets settle down. This is a special night and I need a special lady up here on the stage. Do we have any volunteers?” 


The sound of applause and whoops of cheers fill the room as Cassie drags a blushing Baby Blu on to the stage.


“Okay ladies let the games commence. First, we need a blindfold. Who has a blind fold?”


As Harry chats away to the audience, one of the strippers makes his entrance. My mouth literally fell open. He is a major hunk. His black hair shaved at the side, while slightly spiked on top. I could only imagine the perfect blue eyes he would have and dream what he looked like under the suit he was wearing.


“He’s gay.”


“Ivy don’t stereotype or ruin my fantasy.”


“How many bootleggers have you had Rayven.”


“Not enough.”


“Time for the first game. Our bride to be has to answer a list of questions. For each question she gets right, Sam will remove a piece of clothing. For each incorrect answer, he’ll put a piece of clothing back on.”


Four questions later and Sam is down to his thong. Next, a blindfold is placed over Baby Blu’s face and another stripper joins them on the stage.


“This time Baby Blu you need to guess the object, with each correct answer… You know where this is going.”


Eagerly she nods her head and six objects later, the new stripper is down to his thongs. Unable to help myself, I climb onto the table and begin to wolf whistle. The sound fills the room, which only encouraged the compare to play the game some more.


“This time Baby Blu, with every question you answer correctly one of your “maids” will remove a piece of your clothing.”


Shit one question wrong and she will be in her underwear. With the room in silence and the odd eye going to the main door, where a bouncer stands on the outside to prevent any uninvited guests from coming in. Everyone waits to see how Baby Blu plays this. Ten questions later and Baby Blu is still dressed.


After Baby Blu has completed her go. Cassie and Ellie have a turn and play the same game, which also ends the same way. Now it is my turn. Lucky for me, the same two hunks who had stripped for Baby Blu returned for me and I quickly have them re-stripped to their underwear. This time when Harry asks me my questions, I deliberately got the first three questions wrong and the next one right. 


Slowly I remove the short skirt I am wearing, bearing the short shorts underneath. As I twirl the skirt above my head, the door burst open and Inferno and Tabby come barging into the room. Tabby’s gaze unerringly finds me straight away. Undeterred at his expression, I wave the skirt I am holding, throwing it in Tabby’s direction. The clit in my pussy begins to beat for the first time this evening as I watched Tabby leisurely stride in my direction.


Without stopping, Tabby hoists me in a firefighter’s lift, dropping me over his shoulder as he spanks my ass. Once we are outside the room, Tabby, strides towards the stairs, where at the bottom stood Fudge, Crabby, and Sundance. All of whom have pathetic wide grins spread across their faces.
































Chapter 21



“Put me down!”


After Slamming the door shut, with my heel, I lock it and reach for the chair behind the desk. In one swift movement, I have Rayven over my knee and her sweet derriere is up facing me. Those shorts she is wearing, hugging the curves of her ass, has my dick hard and ready.


“What was that upstairs Rayven?”


“Let me up and I’ll tell you.”


“Oh no Little Bird. You’re having a well-earned spanking.”




“Don’t you Tabby me. Shit Rayven, I can still see you semi naked in between those two naked men.”


“They still had their pants on.”


Slap “Tabby!”


Another slap follows the first one. Shit walking into the party and seeing Rayven undressing between two men had not done me any good and I had not been surprised either. When I deliver another slap and Rayven pushes her pussy against my thigh the blood in my dick began to beat and all I wanted to do, was fuck the girl.


“Shall I tell you what I saw Rayven. How hot you looked standing between those strippers.”


Another slap is delivered and this time Rayven does not shield away from my hand. No her sweet little ass has lifted up. Instead of delivering the fifth smack, I soothed her cloth-covered ass, letting my fingers slide between her clamped thighs.


“Are you hot for me Rayven?”






“No, I’m not. Now let me up.”


“Lie as much as you want Little Bird.”


It was surprisingly easy to remove the shorts that Rayven is wearing, what came as a shock, were the thongs she is wearing underneath.


“Did you know about tonight’s game Little Bird?”


Stubbornly Rayven refuses to answer as her hands grip on to the calves of my legs.






“Again, spank me again.”


Gently I pull the thong between Rayven’s pussy lips, her moans soft at first.


“I thought you weren’t hot.”


“Damn it Tabby. Let me cum.”


“Who got you hot Little Bird?”


“You Tabby.”


“What about those boys upstairs?”


“Tabby only you can make me horny. Now make me cum.”


Slap and soothe. The rosy blushes on Rayven’s ass cheeks were going to be my undoing. In need of a breather, I push Rayven off my knee until she is kneeling in front of me.


“Undo the zipper.”


Rayven’s slight hesitation indicates to me that she is not too sure what to do. “Undo the zipper.”


Her sweet tongue pokes between her lips as she pulls the zipper down. When my fly is open, I lift my hips and shimmy the jeans from my ass and with Rayven’s help, we soon dispose of them.  


“Now grasp my dick between your hands and pump it.”


In anticipation of what is to come, I ease back against the chair and throw my head back as Rayven complies with my request. Enthusiastically, Rayven squeezes my shaft tight before she slowly pushes her hand down, banging against my balls. Then she pulls her hand up the shaft, tightening her hold as she gives a twist near the top.


“Fuck Little Bird that’s good. Keep going.”


A couple more pumps has my pre cum leaking out of the slit to dribble down the sides


“Use your mouth Little Bird. Fuck, yeah, that’s it. Suck on it.”


Rayven’s mouth is hot and wet on my dick. With the help of her hand, she begins to take more of me into her mouth. As she takes me in, I lift my hips, pushing my dick against the back of her throat.


“More Rayven, open up and take me in.”


The first touch of the head of my dick hitting the back of Rayven’s throat has her gagging. A gagging, which she soon has under control


“Fuck Little Bird. That’s it. Damn your mouth is hot.”


A couple more thrusts and I am ready to cum.


“You ready to swallow Little Bird.”


Damn she looks hot, with my dick in her mouth, saliva dribbling out of the sides. Her eyes wide as she gazes at my disappearing length. A slight nod and another suction, has me again at the back of her throat, as I release my semen.


“Fuck Rayven you’re going to kill me. Come here.”


Easily I lift Rayven up onto my lap as we lock lips. As the kiss deepens, I push the silver vest she is wearing off her shoulders until it is lying round her hips. With a flick of the catch, her bra falls to the floor, exposing her big bouncing breasts for me to play with. Impatiently I cup a breast in each hand and begin to knead them, pushing the flesh against her chest. Rayven’s small moans fill my mouth as she presses her pussy against my dick. A dick, which is already beginning to stir slightly.

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