To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (9 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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Little Bird is about to orgasm round my dick and was not aware of it. Now that she has become accustomed to my dick, I begin to thrust harder. Each thrust going in deeper, until I cannot take anymore. On my ultimate thrust, I came in Rayven’s sweet pussy, discharging my unprotected semen into her womb.




A loud banging on the bedroom door brings me back to my surroundings.


When I open my eyes, it is to discover that I have cum in the shower and semen is seeping down the shower wall. “Fuck.”


“Hold on. I’ll be there in a moment.”


Blindly I grab a towel off the rack, and only just manage to wrap it round my waist, as I open the door and discover a disgruntled Crabby.


“This better be good.”


“She’s gone.”


“Who’s gone?”


“Rayven. Sundance and Ivy returned to her house and discover Rayven and her family had left.”


“How the fuck did that happen?”





















Chapter 12



“Come on Emily. We have to go”


“I don’t understand why we have to come with you and leave our friends behind. Hell Rayven, it's not fair.”


“Get in the car Emily and secure Kavan. We haven’t got long. Momma are you okay there?”


Another look at my watch, tells me we are cutting it fine, and if I want to avoid being discovered, we need to leave Comfort Springs damn quick. When Kent had mentioned he was moving into the clubhouse and Georgie now taking an interest in Devil’s Comfort, along with Emily’s growing crush on Crabby. I knew now was the time to move my family away from temptation.


“I’m fine Rayven.”


The sad note in Momma’s voice has me looking at her as I climb into the SUV. One more glance down the road tells me, that neither Ivy nor Sundance was on their way back from dropping Kent off. It seems as though my hopes that they would remain with him until he settled in was paying off. One final look round, and I head for the closest exit. Not breathing clearly until we were on the highway. Ahead of us, we have a four-hour drive.


“Why can’t we tell our friends where we are going?”


“Georgie, it’s not for long. Once we’re settled, you can tell your friends. Just not yet.”


The silence in the back of the SUV has me looking in the rearview mirror. Luke is gazing out of the window, watching the scenery as we pass it. Georgie is sulking, his knee bouncing as he chewed on his lip. Not once did his eyes meet mine. Emily was a different story, our eyes clashing and locking. Her anger was just concealed beneath her resentment. Blue eyes blazing with all the emotions of a teenager. Luckily, Kavan was sleeping through the whole drama.


“Rayven are you sure you want to do this?”


“Look at us Momma. What do we have? Papa left us, leaving us with nothing. Kent’s part of Devil’s Comfort and if we stay in Comfort Springs. It’ll not be long before we lose Georgie and Emily to them”


“They're not that bad. You’re okay and Tabby is nice.”


Tabby and nice. Just do not go together.


“No Momma, I ‘m not okay. I’m twenty-one and have a baby. Is that what you want for the others?”


“Tabby would have stood by you.”


“For how long Momma. How long do think he would want us staying in his home?”


Momma turned her head to look out of the window, but not before, I see the guilty look. She knew I was right. It would not have been long before Tabby grew tired of us. I was just surprised that he was still here after four months.


The journey was long and fraught. Broken only when Momma needed to walk Rosie and Kavan demanded that I fed him. By the time we get back on the road, there still is not any sign of Devil’s Comfort, and I breathe a little easier. Four hours later, I park outside the house that I have managed to rent for us. Using money, which Tabby gave me, for the deposit. It was not as big as Tabby’s house. There was no front lawn, and I knew from my previous visit that the yard was not much wider than the path out front.


Slowly everyone dismounted from the SUV.


“Shit Rayven, this place is smaller than our old house.”


Luke was right, it was tiny, and it was going to be a tight squeeze for a while. The only redeeming fact, it had going for it. Is that it was in a neighborhood that Tabby wouldn’t dream of searching. It was also the only place I could find in my budget. Forcing a smile on my face, I take Kavan from Emily’s arms and led everyone into our new home. Faces, which had been hesitant at first, were now full of disgust. The sofa bed in the living area, being the only clue they need to know, that this was also Momma’s bedroom. Luke and Georgie dropped the suitcases they had been carrying, as they went off to explore the house further. Only to return with appalled looks on their faces. 


“Rayven, there’s only two bedrooms upstairs and the one bathroom. What’s Momma going to use?”


Guiltily I turned towards the wooden chair in the far corner.


“Shit. You're joking, right? Who’s going to clean it?”


“We’ll cope. Take the suitcases upstairs. Momma can you watch Kavan, while Emily and I empty the SUV.”




The hour is late and each time I hear a bike pass by, or slow down. I would hold my breath and wait for the knock to come. The further the evening wore on. The more my anticipation grew. The only good news I appear to deliver, is the delay in enrolling my siblings in school.


“Do you think we should ring Kent?” Luke’s question catches me off guard.




“Because he’s bound to know by now, that we’ve left Comfort Springs. And he’s going to worry and wonder why we’ve abandoned him.”


“We haven’t abandoned him. He chose Devil’s Comfort.”


“Look. Just because you’re pissed at Tabby, doesn’t mean we all have to suffer.”


“Georgie I’m not pissed at Tabby. Hell, you’ve all known I’ve wanted out of Comfort Springs. An opportunity arose where I didn’t have to leave my family behind.”


“What opportunity? This dinky hole you expect us to call home?”


“Luke, call Kent. Let him know we’re okay. BUT, don’t tell him where we are. Georgie, I’ve been handed the opportunity to teach dance at one of the local schools. Momma, I’m going upstairs to settle Kavan for the night. I’ll see you in the morning.”


When I reach the room, which Emily and I are sharing. I discover her lying on the bed, as she casually bounces a ball against the ceiling, listening to music that was too loud for a room this size. As I reach to turn the old CD player off, I feel Emily’s eyes following me, watching every move I make.


“Why? Rayven”


“Emily I’m tired and quite frankly. I am fed up, with being asked the same questions. Comfort Springs is no longer our home, and it’ll not be long before you’ve made new friends and forgotten about your old ones back at Comfort Springs.”


“That’s easy for you. You don’t have any friends.”


Emily was wrong on that score. Over the last couple of years, Baby Blu and Cassie have been good to me. To them, I am their equal and not some white trash whore. Who happens to work at Tie Me Down. I was going to miss them and Ivy. Ivy, who has made my life easier since we moved into Tabby’s. The way she has taken on Kent and his care, making Momma more independent. Who was now more confident, and had resumed her sewing business.


“Kavan’s asleep and unless you want to nurse him. Shut up and go to sleep.”


“No, I’ll not shut up Rayven. You’re selfish and you don’t care about us. Taking us away from everything and everyone who we love.”


There it was. It was not because I had taken her away from her friends. But from Crabby.


“Crabby’s not for you Emily. You’ll find a nice young man one day.”


“I don’t want a nice young man. I want Crabby and I’m going to have him Rayven. When I’m old enough. I’m going back to Comfort Springs and you’ll not stop me.”


Crawling under the covers, I turned my back on the teenager and hoped that by the time she was ready to return to Comfort Springs. She will have met someone. The image of Tabby is clear in my mind. As I shut my eyes. I shuffle to the edge of the bed and reach out to Tabby’s replica. Even in his sleep, Kavan looks like Tabby.


I do not have any designs to deny Tabby access to his son. It is just that at the moment I have to get away and when I am ready. Then, I will contact him.





“Have you rung Tabby yet?”


“I’ll ring him when I’m ready. Did you speak to Kent, Luke?”


“Yeah, he was mad and wants you to call him.”


“I’ll do it later. Momma are you going to be able to cope with Kavan while I’m out?”


“Stop fretting, Emily’s here to help out. Good luck.”


“Thanks, I’ll see you later.”


I may not be due to start my new job for a couple of hours. However, I need to escape from the house. By the time I left the boulevard. I had been driving aimlessly and now found myself on an empty stretch of road. Preoccupied with my thoughts, I pull the SUV over into the layby, and withdraw my cell from out of the glove compartment where I had thrown it yesterday. Only to find several missed calls from several different people.



While contemplating what to do next. I give the phone several guilty twirls. Tabby’s name glares accusingly at me. With a defeated breath, I find who I am looking for, and the phone has not finished its first ring, before being answered.


“Rayven where the fuck are you?”


“Hi Cassie. Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.”


“I’m sorry Rayven. We’re worried about you that’s all. Tabby came back from the run and he’s tearing Comfort Springs apart looking for you.”


“Yeah, I’m sorry too. Look, Cassie, I just wanted you to know we’re fine and I’ll be in touch again in a few days.”


“Don’t you hang….” I did not get to hear the rest, as I did exactly what she did not want me to do.


One call down. In the distance, a silhouette moves in the shadows and I watch as a dog bounds across the road. Its tail wagging madly as it made its way to freedom. The road calls me, and I am tempted to drive on. Never to turn back. If Kavan had been with me, perhaps I may have. Instead, I switch the ignition on with the purpose of going back to the city, and my job. When the phone begins to ring.


For a moment, I hesitate, before taking the call.


“Hello, Tabby.”


“Rayven where the fuck are you.”


“It doesn’t matter where I am Tabby. All you need to know it that Kavan and I are fine.”


“Are you?”


With a final “Yes.” I switch the phone off and returned it back to the glove compartment. I need time to get over Tabby, and when I am strong enough, then and only then. Will I contact him, to arrange for him to see his son.


Watching Tabby with other women over the years had hurt and I simply was not strong enough to stand aside, and watch as he returned to his former ways. Once the novelty of Kavan and I wore off.

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