To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (5 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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The screeching of a car breaking, broke the silence of the hot afternoon, and for a moment, I am tempted to sneak through the back gate. An idea that is thwarted when Baby Blu and Cassie stroll into the garden. Both of whom appear to be cool and fresh in their cut off shorts and vests.






“Tabby thought you might want company.”


“That was thoughtful of him.”


As the words pop out of my mouth. I hope I managed to mask the irony
behind them. The women may be wearing sunglasses; however, their frowns indicate that they must have heard the underlying sarcasm. Surprise brings them to a standstill, before they come further into the garden, sitting themselves onto the recliner, which I have just vacated.


“Yeah, it was. It also gave us a chance to get away from the club.” Now it is my turn to raise an eyebrow. Most Sunday’s the old ladies gather at Devil’s Comfort before they headed out on the roads, spending the day with their biker. This was another reminder that Tabby and I were not a couple. In the years that I have known him, apart from collecting me and dropping me of home. He has never taken me on a ride.


“No ride today?”


“Nope. They said they had club business to take care of.”


Cassie’s eyes were on my stomach as she spoke, and as usual, an uncomfortable sensation rolled in my stomach. At seven months, I was still uneasy about the pregnancy whenever Cassie was in the vicinity. The knowledge of knowing that she and Linc were trying for a baby has me self-consciously stroking my stomach. My gaze locks briefly with Cassie’s, before shifting quickly to Baby Blu, who was also studying me.


“Club business. What kind of business?”


“I don’t know. But whatever it is, it can’t be good.”


A cold chill spreads through me. If they were discussing business, and were forgoing their Sunday ride, it could only mean one thing. Black County Stewards.


“You know after Kent’s incident, I thought he would break away from the club. Instead, his bond appears to be stronger.”


Baby Blu’s gaze does not waver, the concern in them frustrating me. I neither need nor wanted pity.


“Once you have a taste of Devil’s Comfort, it’s hard to leave them.”


“Sure, look at you Rayven. You’re living here with Tabby. And since the incident with the bike, what effort have you made to leave?”


Cassie’s remark hurts. I owe Tabby a debt, and I believe in paying it. Once I have the debt clear, I will be out of Comfort Springs. If these women ever realize this. What would they do, or say? Not wanting to bring any undue attention to the subject, I just roll my shoulders.


“I damaged his bike Cass. What was I supposed to do? Runaway? You know what would have happened. He would have taken it out on my family.”


“I believe you’re wrong.”


“No Cassie, I’m not. He’d have gone to my family, and they would have told him where I was.”


When Cassie would have responded, the kitchen door opened and Momma and Rosie joined us in the garden.


“Hi ladies, room for one more?”


“There’s always room for you, Laura.”


Thankful for Momma’s interruption, I make my apologies and waddle into the kitchen to brew coffee for everyone.


“I hope there’s enough for me?”


After filling the percolator with hot water, I turn towards the kitchen door and find Crabby standing there with Luke and Emily.


“For you Crabby, there’s always enough. One sugar isn’t it?”


The pot was only half-full, when Emily eagerly poured him a mug. Her eyes devoured him as he approached her. As I study Crabby, for signs that he may be aware of my sisters’ feeling towards him, satisfaction rolls through me, when it appears he is oblivious.


“Do you think Momma will let me color my hair?”


Tearing my gaze away from Crabby to look at Emily. I wonder what has brought this about. Only to catch her watching Baby Blu through the window.


“You don’t want to be doing anything to your hair.”


There is something in Crabby’s voice, which catches my attention. Concerned, I turn to look at the rough biker. A strand of Emily’s dark hair is in his hand. Worried at what I am seeing. I make a mental note to speak to Tabby.


“Coloring your hair is high maintenance Emily. Perhaps when you’re older, okay.”


The slamming of the front door indicates that Georgie was now home, and in he walked with Tommy.


“Anything to eat Rayven?”             


In no mood to cook. “Why don’t you order pizza or something?” All the kids are in agreement with this.


“Emily, go ask the ladies if they want anything. And make sure you order extra for Tabby.”


After all, he may not know it, but this treat is on him.


“Baby Blu and Cassie are here, so you may as well order for Linc and Inferno. Because, I wager they’ll be joining us soon.”


The call of my room is tempting me. What ever happened to my quiet Sunday afternoon? No sooner has this thought finished, when I hear the sound of a bike pulling into the driveway, and in stroll Ivy, Dec and what appears, to be a sober Kent. Something I have not seen in a while. If they were here, it will not be long before the others arrived. With a quick calculation in my head, I give a smirk; Tabby’s bill was going to be hefty. 


“Georgie, you better order enough to feed about fifteen. “


The baby is leaning against my bladder, and with the opportunity to escape. I went to the toilet for some privacy. Ten minutes later, I still had not left the sanctuary of the bathroom. Who hides in their own home? A quick swill of cool water on my face and wrists, and I am ready to face the mob downstairs.


By the time I reached the garden, it is to find Tabby and the others have arrived. Crabby had been right. Placing a bright smile on my face, I went and joined the impromptu party. In the hedge at the rear of the garden, is a bench. Hastily I make my way to it. I had not been sitting there long, when Kent’s voice broke into my silent revere.


“Everything okay sis?”


“Yeah.” It was good to see Kent sober. A rarity for him since leaving the hospital.


“I can get rid of everyone, if you want.”


“No, everything’s fine. It’s just the baby kicking. I suppose he can hear his papa’s voice and requires some attention.”


“So you’re having a boy, Erm?”


I give a shrug of my shoulders. “It could be a girl, we don’t know. But I think it’s a boy.”






“How’s the physio coming along?”


“Doc says it’ll not be long now. And Ivy has me working twice as hard.” 


“Are you going to let this revenge thing go?”


Kent does not answer; instead, he stares at the crowd. He may be watching them, but his mind is elsewhere. To gain his attention, I link our fingers, and squeeze his hand.




“No Rayven. If I focus on Black County, I’ll get out of this chair quicker. And they have to pay for what they did.”


Hopelessness fills me as I watch Kent wheel away. A hand brushing an escaped tear has me lifting my head up, to discover Tabby standing next to me.


“Budge over.”


Without giving me time to move. Tabby squeezes his large body next to mine. His thigh brushing against me. When I shuffle further down the bench, his arm casually loops round my waist, pulling me closer to him.


“What time are you going to the club?”


“Late. Silver can manage without us, till then.”


“Is Junior causing you problems?”


Confused at Tabby’s question, because he was looking at Kent, I frowned up at him.

“The baby. She’s kicking like mad.”


Tired, I lay my head on his shoulder. I remind myself that I must not become too reliant on him for support. “Yeah, he’s a little active today.” Even with Tabby’s hand resting on my stomach, the baby refuses to settle down as it would normally.


“What’s going on at the club Tabby?” 


Tabby’s hand stills in its quest towards my breasts, as he locks his gaze on to me.


“Nothing much. We’re going on a ride in a few days, and we need to make sure everything is in place.”


“Nothing. Then how come you didn’t go out on the bikes today?”


“Like I said Rayven, we’re busy preparing for our next run.




With a hard tug, I pull out of Tabby’s hold. As I stand, I brush the hem of my dress down.




“Yeah, bull.”


Quickly I search for, and find Kent amongst the masses on the lawn.


“Kent’s sober and Fudge isn’t here. Neither are the others.”


By now Tabby is also standing, looming over me.


“Fudge is at Ellie’s, as she’s having problems with Toby. Twiggy and Trax are at the club parting with the girls. I don’t know where Sundance is. I’m not his keeper and neither are you.”


Before walking away Tabby parted with.


“And as for Kent. We spoke to him at the club and gave him an ultimatum.”


“Don’t you walk away from me.”


I do not care that the crowd has stopped what they are doing, and all eyes are now on us.


“What ultimatum did you give him?”


“That’s between Kent and the Club. And don’t stamp your foot. If you do, you’ll find yourself over my knee.”


“Don’t you threaten me, you big bully. I’m going to talk to Kent.”


When I turned to leave Tabby did not stop me. However, his parting shot did not settle me.


“By the way, my family’s coming for dinner Friday evening.”


“Well, I hope you fix them something decent. Because my family and I are not cooking for them.”




Momma’s gentle voice has me stopping next to her chair as I try to blink the tears away.


“Yes Momma?”


“It's your hormones darling; they're all over the place. Now go and tell Tabby we will be more than happy to cook for his family.”


“No we will not Momma. He invited them. He can cook for them.”


























Chapter 8



“Hi Tabby. Do you want a lap dance?”


Amber might be asking. However, she already has her leg cocked over my lap, giving me a brief glimpse of the G-string she is wearing. Two months ago, I would not have turned down her offer. However, since I managed to get Rayven to move into my home. I have not touched the girls. Like most men, I am hot bloodied and I love seeing the girls perform and strip on stage.

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