To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (10 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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Chapter 13



“What do you mean you still haven’t found them? It’s been six weeks.”


“She’s not using any of her credit cards and the kids are still enrolled at Comfort Springs.”


“How can so many people disappear?”


“Tabby she hasn’t exactly disappeared. You’ve spoken to her, and her brothers ring Kent every now and then.”


In six weeks, I have had six calls from Rayven, We do not speak for long, but it appears to be enough for her. When Crabby interrupted my shower, telling me that Rayven and her family had disappeared. At first, I thought it was a joke. But no, when I arrived back at the house in the early hours. The house had been strangely quiet. Still refusing to believe that Rayven was gone, I ventured up to our room. Although Kavan’s cot was still there, the beds were empty.


Frustrated at my findings, I smashed the bedroom up, throwing Kavan’s cot through the window. It had been pointless ringing Rayven’s phone, yet I repeatedly rang, leaving several messages. The next room to suffer had been the living area. The rage boiling through me, had driven me to ride the bike through Comfort Springs.


It was while I was searching my memory for a clue as to where Rayven may be. That I came to realize, I knew very little about the woman who was the mother of my son. Towards dawn, I returned to the clubhouse, to find Kent was still up. Frustrated because there was nothing he could do.


Uninterested in getting back on his feet. Six weeks ago, Kent had been reliant on alcohol to get him through the day. The only good thing to come out of Rayven’s disappearance. Is that Kent is walking practically unaided.


“When was the last time you spoke to one of your brothers?”


“Last night.”


“They’re still not telling you where they are?”


“Their loyal to Rayven, Tabby. Over the years, she has done a lot for them.


“Crabby any luck with tracing their old man.” New Orleans was a big place, Big enough for anyone to hide in. It may be a long shot, yet it was worth giving it a whirl.




The vibration of my cell interrupts my conversation and when I see whom the message is from, I quickly make my excuses to leave.


“I’ve got to go. Crabby, keep trying to locate their old man. Kent, try to think where he could have gone. Any relations you can think of.”


Three hours later, I pull the bike up outside The Bird Song. A sleazy bar in Baton Rouge. A quick greeting and exchanging of funds, soon finds me in the bar, and it did not take long for me to spot my prey.


Slowly I make my way to the bar, watching as the girl serves the jerk his drink, before she turns her attention to another customer. Hell, the jerk, and several other punters, had their eyes on the girl’s tits, which were clearly on show, underneath the vest she was wearing. Over the ruckus, I shouted my order of JD. When the girl finally graced me with a look, I flashed my teeth at her and watched with satisfaction, as her blue eyes grew large and round.


“Tabby. What are you doing here?”


Sardonically, I raise my glass towards her.


“Having a drink. Care to join me?”




“Wrong Rayven, You’ll join me now. Tell your boss you’re taking a break.”


A shake of her head, is the only response I receive as she turns to another customer. As I am not in the mood for her display of independence, I reach out and grab her arm.


“Rayven. Break now.”


This time, Rayven gives me a nod as she finishes serving the punter. Before leaving the bar to join me.


“How did you find me Tabby?”


“It doesn’t matter. Now go over and tell your boss you’re leaving.”


“Not happening, I’ve a couple of hours left and I aim to finish them. Now tell me what you want?”


“What I want is for you and my son to return home.”


“Everything okay, Rayven.”


“Sure Anton. Just a customer who’s after five minutes of my time.”


The speculative look that appears in Rayven’s boss’s eyes causes my hackles to rise and I do nothing to prevent the low growl emitting from my throat. I know who this jerk is and the quicker Rayven was out of this place. The safer it was for all of them.


“Come on Rayven lets go.”


I lose all politeness, as I now mean business. And Rayven finally gets the message as she turns to her boss, telling him she is leaving.


“You’ll make it up to me Rayven.”


The thinly veiled threat did not go unnoticed, by either of us, and I was soon standing over the man, glowering down at him.


“Rayven go to the bike and wait for me.”






“Tabby he’s not worth it. Let's go somewhere and talk. Then you can get back to Comfort Springs.”


Reluctantly, I break eye contact with the ass and turn my gaze back to Rayven. Who is silently pleading for me to behave myself. A slight nod in her direction is all she needs for her manner to relax, as she turns towards the door. The ass is not quick enough to move out of my way as I bump into him, causing him to sway as I brush pass him. Tomorrow I will be returning to teach this punk a lesson he will not be forgetting.


“Where are we going?”


“To the house.”


“You don’t know where it is.”


“I do. Now climb on to the bike.”


Quickly I unhook the helmet before passing it over to Rayven. Patiently I wait as she fastens it, before she mounts the bike behind me. For the first time in six weeks, I have Rayven’s body pressed against mine. Unfortunately, the contact is not flesh against flesh. Triumphantly a smile spreads across my face, and I am thankful, Rayven is unable to see it. Later tonight, I was going to have that body lying naked against me. No more pussy footing around with Rayven.


The area, which Rayven lives in. Is a dive. A shudder of revulsion went through me, as I think of Rayven and my son living here. In one of the doorways, there is a group of teenagers, who look as though they are drinking and smoking. A quick scrutiny of the group confirms that none of Rayven’s siblings is amongst them. Further down the street there are a couple of junkies shooting up and in another doorway a hooker is with a client.


“Get inside Rayven.”


A none too gentle push of my hand in the crevice her back, has Rayven stumbling as she makes her way up to the door. Before entering the house, I check the bike, ensuring it is secure. The inside of the property was no better. The smell of damp assaults my nose as I walk into the cramped living area. This room must also double as a bedroom for Laura, if seeing her under the blankets is anything to go by.


“Hello Laura, How are you doing?”


Laura’s greeting is caught on a gasp, as she breaks out into a cough. “Not too good I’ve a slight chest infection.” 


“Not to worry Laura I’ll have you back in Comfort Springs tomorrow.”


“No you will not.”


Rayven’s denial does not come as a shock to me. Tonight was going to be a long night. The little runaway and I were going to come to an understanding. Simply Ignoring Rayven’s outburst, I continued to study Laura. She was looking too pale and now that I had a clearer vision of Rayven, I noted that she too was pale and under her eyes, there were dark blue circles.


“Rayven go and make Tabby a coffee, I ‘m sure he could do with one.”


For a moment, it appeared as thou Rayven was going to refuse. When, with a toss of her hair, and a glowering glare in my direction, she went to the kitchen, leaving Laura and me alone.


“You’re not looking to good Laura. Are you sure it’s just a chest infection you have?”


“Never mind me Tabby. Talk some sense into that girl before she kills herself.”


“I’ll do that and much more if I have too. Now where’s my son?”


“He’s upstairs asleep.”


The sound of Rayven’s voice has me turning towards the door, where she was just coming in with two mugs. Behind Rayven stood Luke and Georgie, both of them eager to come into the room and join us.


“Tabby I knew you’d find us.”


Georgie’s faith in my ability brought a smile to my face. For weeks, he and Luke have been talking to Kent, and not once did they mention where they were. Kent and I had believed that they had gone to New Orleans. How wrong could we have been?


“Are you taking Rayven and Kavan back to Comfort Springs? Can we come?”


“Humph” Rayven’s snort brought to roost why I was here.


“We’ll talk in the morning boys. Laura, excuse us. We have stuff to discuss.”


“Don’t mind me. I’ll see you all in the morning.”


“Rayven show me to my son.”


Rayven quickly gave a glance round the room, and with no help coming from her family. I watch the defected look on her face. This round was mine. Now for the next one. While following Rayven upstairs, to where I presume her room is. My nose crinkles at the bleak walls. In several places, the wallpaper is peeling back, revealing cracks on the wall. The bedroom Rayven shows me into was slightly fresher. The twin beds, covered with identical bedding. One of the beds was occupied by Emily, while in between the beds there is a travel crib and inside, slept my son.


“Tabby. Are you taking us home?” Emily’s squeal and hug tore at my heart. After returning her hug, I gently push her away.


“Go downstairs Emily. We’ll talk in the morning.” I repeat my words from earlier.


Before leaving the room, Emily threw a pleading look towards Rayven. “Listen to him Rayven.”


The only acknowledgment Rayven gave. Was a shrug of her shoulders, as she checks on our son. Who had given a slight whimper at Emily’s squeal. To reach my son and Rayven, it is easier for me to climb over the bed, vacated by Emily, then walk round. When I finally reach Rayven, I sit down and brush the blanket away from Kavan’s face.


“He’s growing Rayven.”


“Shush don’t wake him. Say your piece. Then go Tabby.”


“Why did you run?”











Chapter 14



From the minute that I passed Tabby, his drink at The Bird Song, my stomach has been in knots and here he was, seated on my bed, wanting answers. Six weeks of not telling Tabby where I was and it appears to be all for nothing.


“How did you find us?”


“It doesn’t matter how, just that I have. Now talk.”


“Lower your voice and let Kavan sleep.”


“Rayven you are trying my patience.”


Tabby’s woodsy scent was tantalizing my nostrils, making it hard for me to think. Now that he is here, all I wanted to do is to hold on to him. At this thought, my hands become clammy and needing to get way from the male sat next to me, I go over to the window and look down into the dark alley. Amongst the bins, there was a pair of tomcats, courting the local female feline. For a moment, I watch them. The irony of the situation hits me.


Unable to avoid Tabby for much longer. I gather my nerves together and turn to the biker sat on the bed, only to find his eyes on me. His gaze steady, as he waits.

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