Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky (6 page)

Read Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky Online

Authors: Jennifer Loren

Tags: #suspense, #mafia, #Romance

BOOK: Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky
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Exie Carol 


A former dancer at Pagelle Place, she is now a co-owner of the new Pagelle club with her best friend Kayla Jayzon. She is feisty, sexy, smart and full of swagger. She has a young son, Jerran, who ages from 5 to 14 within the story’s time frame. Exie is currently dating Bo Sierra.




Gillian Jayzon 


Gillian suffered severe mental abuse growing up and, even though she was highly intelligent, never learned to develop empathy for anyone and was incapable of normal social behavior until she met Dante Jayzon. His ability and power awoke a passion in her and gave her a life she had never known before. Dante never truly loved Gillian, but he felt good about making a woman who had never know happiness feel loved. He grew to love her as a friend and felt the need to stay with her to protect her from destroying herself after he left. Dante’s death caused Gillian to sink into a deep depression and a long denial of any life after his death. The only cure was a touch from her grandson, but the awakening was too much and she refused to recognize the present, and continued to live as if not one day had ever passed since Dante’s death. 


Jael Jayzon 


Nick and Kayla’s youngest child and only daughter and seemingly the most powerful of the three. Her abilities resemble Nicky’s ability to heal and bring back life, but she can also imbue others with her own emotions.  


Jonathan Coulton 


Kayla’s father and president of the United States. Their relationship has been a secret to the outside world, but he remains loyal to his daughter and her family. Since his wife’s death, he does all he can to spend time with them. He plans to retire and be near them, and to hell with anyone who wants to say anything about his newly-revealed daughter. 




The temptress punisher. She can fight and win against most with little trouble. Her primary role is to lure in and then inflict torture on deserving men before their descent into hell. She is a Jayzon family’s ally and distant relative of Kayla’s.



Lena Chambers 


Once thought to be Dante’s only daughter, Lena is actually Galena’s and Marius’s only child together. She is intelligent and strong-willed, and possesses a power similar to her mother and uncle, but not near the level of her cousins, Nick and Ryan. Lena fell for and married Brady Simone and had a son named Galen, named after her natural born mother. She works as the lead coroner and medical examiner for the police department.



Lionel Benning 


Lionel was hired to be Kayla’s escort and driver after Nick’s death and after she returned to take over Nick’s corporation. He rarely says much, preferring to keep to himself and not divulge any information about himself if he doesn’t have to. Kayla had a hard time getting him to warm up to her, but eventually they came to an understanding and formed equal respect for each other. 


Nicky Aiden Jayzon 


Oldest son to Nick and Kayla Jayzon. A child that is a powerful combination of his parents own abilities. The combination allows Nicky to decide death or life for those he meets.






Rabbie was brought in to be Dante’s teacher. His high intelligence and advanced education were ideal for the young Dante, who had already shown a high intelligence himself. Rabbie once worked as a professor at one of the top universities in England, but was lured to the Savage estate just for Dante. The two became close until Dante left to escape his father’s control. Savage’s anger towards his son was taken out on Rabbie. He lost his tongue and was forced to forever serve Savage without question.





Reginald Blackstone 


Reginald was stolen from Connor, Nick’s older brother and biggest tormentor growing up. Reginald is completely loyal to Nick and, just like Dwayne, is controlled to stay that way. His smooth conversation skills and high education makes him valuable. Nick provides Reginald many more opportunities than his brother ever did, and pays Reginald well to be more than just an errand boy and bodyguard.




Roland Roosevelt 


Roland, Ro-Ro, or simply ‘Ro’ as Nick calls him, is a friend from Kayla’s past. He and his mother took Kayla in when she was living on the street soon after she ran away from home. Roland used a water gun to steal from people, and then resold the goods for money before Nick hired him to be his assistant. Ro is an animated person who never needs much of an excuse to break into song or dance.




Ryan Milio Jayzon 


The handsome young half-brother of Nick Jayzon with similar abilities to his older brother, who just recently learned how powerful he can be. He has lost his mother and his fiancé, and seeks to heal his broken heart in another city. He loves his family, but seeks to build his own life without his brother’s help.




Terrence Donovan 


Terrence was a valuable asset to his old boss, Malcolm Coles, due to his intelligence, negotiation skills and deadly accuracy with a gun. With Terrence’s help, Coles was able to seemingly bring in money from out of nowhere. Nick hired on Terrence when he took down Coles and has trusted him to handle the most complicated of business issues. Terrence is smooth, and matches his boss’s expensive style thread for thread.



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