Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Loren

Tags: #suspense, #mafia, #Romance

BOOK: Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky
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(8th) Rein Lorid 


Rein resembles Savage greatly in features, but they are very different in their tactics. Rein wants to pretend he is in charge, but no one respects him like they do Savage. His skills and approach to matters lack planning and battle knowledge. He is highly jealous of his brother, Dennis Savage, and believes he should be given control of the ninth since his brother’s death - not Nick. The denial of his rights to the realm has only increased his jealously and anger and determination to win back what he feels is rightfully his. Safara is his wife, and she is the only reason Rein is being patient and waiting for the right opportunity. She has the intelligence he needs to defeat Nick. She is evil and will do whatever necessary to win.




(9th) Dennis Savage 


Asmodeus, the Lord of the Ninth, is the ultimate evil and desires only to have full control of all the realms of hell. His plan to use his grandson’s power to start a war to takeover was supposed to be only the beginning. He killed his own children if they did not meet his standards, and then stole what little power they had before their last breath to make himself stronger. His greed overwhelmed and blinded him to anything outside of what he wants. He had the power to kill within an instant, and carries a cane that holds his poisonous dragon and the secret to his death.




Characters – Background








Banister Auckland 


He fed Nick information about expected shipments coming in through customs. 


Barron Rivers 


A guard where Kayla was jailed for a time. 


Brandi Staal 


Franky’s high school best friend and Eli’s once girlfriend. 


Brandon Knox 


An employee and assistant to Welch that Kayla used to get information and access keys. 


Clair Simcok 


Ex-police detective and Brady's ex finance. The woman Nick humiliated by leaking sex tapes of her and him. 


Clara Rotland 


 Jayzon nanny. 


George Williams 


A police detective that worked for Welch. 


Jackson Baylor 


Kayla’s attorney 


Jerran Carol 


Exie’s son 


Justin Cabrera 


A trainer for Nick and Kayla 




Kruger, or Krug as he was called, would pay Nick for stolen cars when he was younger. 


Mickey Adams 


Pagelle’s DJ 


Mike Wiljer 


Nick’s undercover name when he worked for Estrella to get information. 


Portland Cassum 


Kayla’s informant that worked for Estrella and the man Nick befriended not knowing he was already loyalty to his wife. 


Characters – Dead








Adair Savage 


Saldean’s only known surviving son who was killed by Nick after Adair came after him and Ryan.




Andrew Curtis Rankin 


Rankin is a businessman and a religious man, or so he says. There are many well paid girls who would say otherwise. Rankin was on a mission to clean things up within the city, and his first matter of business was to begin in the district that housed Pagelle. He also happened to be working with Senator Welch in trying to eliminate Kayla Jayzon. Unfortunately for Rankin, he was used to setup Kayla. Rankin was murdered and Dwayne, Exie and Kayla were all accused of it until it was the allegations were shown to be false. 


Belinda Savage 


Savage's wife and Saldean's and Galena's mother. Dante's stepmother. She hated Dante because of his mother and because her husband favored him over her. She was jealous of any woman he showed attention to, but even more so when he talked of making another woman the mother of any of his children like he did of Haile. Haile was spotted when she was announced as Amery’s fiancé at the meeting of the Lords. Savage protested their engagement and tried to win her over for himself. Her denial of him gave Belinda the opportunity to kill the beauty and be rewarded for it by her husband. Belinda later was found guilty of her criminal act and was captured by Amery and executed for her crime. She never knew her husband reported her crime and forced her death to rid himself of her for good. 


Billy Briggs 


 Criminal leader taken down by Nick. 


Billy Earl Maynard 


Kayla's ex stepfather who tortured her and her sister. Nick and Kayla's father murdered him in the street with the most debilitating poison available. He was later tortured even more when Nick was given the opportunity to sentence him to his eternal hell. 


Braylin Patrick 


Kayla’s only sister. She took care of Kayla like she was her daughter and did all she could to encourage Kayla. Braylin fell for Nick hard, and became obsessed with him and trying to get him to love her. She fell into the hands of Connor Daniels, Nick’s brother, who used his power to destroy her and make her a sex slave for his own money making ventures and in hopes of hurting Nick. Braylin was later killed by Luke when she denied his help to rescue her from Connor.




Bruce Daniels 


Connor’s stepfather was a leader of his own criminal business ventures, but he was no match for Dante Jayzon. 


Carlos Figueroa 


 Criminal leader taken down by Nick. 


Connor Daniels 


Nick’s older brother who lived the high life. He tortured Nick every chance he got but soon began to realize he didn’t have the strength or the power to handle Nick. He tried to kill Nick many times before Nick finally killed him, but was never successful. His fear of Nick made him desperate and insane. He attacked Kayla and tried to use her to lure Nick into a trap, but it didn’t work and he ultimately lost his life in prison after being beaten by many men, torn into pieces and left to bleed to death.




Dawson Reynolds 


He was an eager mid-twenties employee of Nick’s that betrayed him to help Estrella. He was killed by Nick when he attacked Kayla at the docks.




Franchesca Conti 


Franky was Nick’s first love. A shy and awkward girl that felt out of place most everywhere she went. Her overly protective father kept her close to him in their home or his hardware store. The moment she met Nick and looked into his eyes she was obsessed and in love. He showed her how sexy and desirable she could be and desired nothing more than to be with her forever, until he learned that she was not in love with him she was overtaken by his power and the draw it has over women. Nick’s broken heart was only made worse when Connor supposedly killed Franky while trying to kill Nick. Franky’s death was suspicious from the start, and rightfully so. She was taken away by the FBI until Connor’s death. When she was approached by Savage to return and retrieve her beloved Nick with his help she said, “No.” The spell, curse, or whatever you dare call it was broken when Franky met her true love and married him. They already had two children and were quite happy when Savage took her and killed her so Ria, a shape-shifter, could take her place. Kayla forced Ria to return Franky’s body to her family and explain that she was murdered and that she had not run away from them.




Guerrero Ellis 


Eddie’s boss before Nick. 


Harvey Rice 


Nick’s, Elijah’s and Luke’s old boss. A disgusting pig of a man that distrusted Nick because of his intelligence an eagerness to succeed. Nick killed him when he came to kill Kayla.




Henry Estrella 


Estrella's son who handled the warehouses and docks. 


Hugh Bonnie 


Dwayne’s boss before Nick. 


Jesse McCreary 


A spoiled rich girl who was too lazy to work at becoming anything more than what she was born with. When her father threatened to disown, her she did everything she could to marry power and wealth. Her initial goal was Joseph Estrella until she met Nick Jayzon. After Nick’s denial of her, she tried to betray him and was killed for it, much to her other lover, Luke’s, dismay. Her dead body was later found in an old dilapidated building with other drug addicts and homeless people.




Joseph Estrella 


The leader of his own organized crime family, Estrella was an ally for Nick Jayzon and then betrayed him to win favor with Senator Welch. He feared Nick, but when he was thought dead Estrella wanted all of Nick’s territory. Unfortunately he moved too soon and was killed mercilessly by Nick and Elijah.



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